House Bill hb9043

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9043

        By Representative Clarke

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution recognizing April 2-8, 2001, as

  3         "Oceans Week" and April 4, 2001, as "Oceans

  4         Day."


  6         WHEREAS, the Florida House of Representatives

  7  recognizes that coastal and ocean resources are vital to

  8  Florida's quality of life and economic vitality, and

  9         WHEREAS, it is the policy of the State of Florida to

10  conserve and protect its natural resources and scenic beauty,

11  in accordance with Article II, Section 7 of the Florida

12  Constitution, and

13         WHEREAS, Florida is the only state in the contiguous

14  United States that is bordered on three sides by the sea, with

15  over 8,000 miles of continuous tidal shoreline, and

16         WHEREAS, over 75 percent of Florida's citizens live

17  within its coastal counties, and

18         WHEREAS, there is a need to coordinate the protection,

19  enhancement, and management of our state's ocean resources so

20  that future generations will enjoy healthy ocean and coastal

21  resources, and

22         WHEREAS, oceans provide the basis for a significant

23  part of the state's economic, ecological, and social

24  well-being, and

25         WHEREAS, the United States Congress has called for the

26  establishment of a coordinated and comprehensive national

27  ocean policy by passing the Oceans Act of 2000, with

28  appointment of a national commission by April 20, 2001, and a

29  final report due 18 months after the commission is

30  established, or by late 2002, and



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9043


  1         WHEREAS, Oceanology International 2001, a world-class

  2  exhibition and joint ocean forum, is holding its first

  3  biennial Americas Conference in Miami, Florida, on April 3-5,

  4  2001, and

  5         WHEREAS, Mote Marine Laboratory and the Florida

  6  Institute of Oceanography are organizing ocean-related

  7  exhibitions and a reception for legislators and governmental

  8  officials at the State Capitol on April 4, 2001, and

  9         WHEREAS, the Florida Ocean Alliance has been formed as

10  a nonprofit, nonpartisan, public-private partnership of

11  ocean-related interests to promote awareness and understanding

12  of the ocean's importance to the ecology and economy of

13  Florida and its neighbors, NOW, THEREFORE,


15  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

16  Florida:


18         That the Florida House of Representatives recognizes

19  the week of April 2-8, 2001, as Oceans Week, and April 4,

20  2001, as Oceans Day in recognition of the importance of

21  Florida's ocean resources, and to promote public awareness of

22  this importance.











CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.