House Bill hb9099

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HR 9099

        By Representative Baxley

  1                         House Resolution

  2         A resolution recognizing the Kiwanis for their

  3         teacher appreciation efforts.


  5         WHEREAS, the Florida District of Kiwanis, consisting of

  6  approximately 350 clubs and approximately 13,500 members,

  7  including 26 divisions and including organizations in its

  8  family such as Circle K (college youth), Key Club (high school

  9  youth), Builders Club (middle school), and K-Kids (elementary

10  school), has long been a champion of education, and

11         WHEREAS, the international service club founded in 1915

12  has steadfastly lived up to its motto of "We build," and its

13  current theme directs its members to participate in "Young

14  Children: Priority One," and

15         WHEREAS, the Florida District of Kiwanis International

16  has spearheaded a campaign to honor Florida's elementary and

17  secondary school teachers by presenting "an apple to teacher"

18  stamped with the Kiwanis emblem and proclaiming that "Kiwanis

19  loves and appreciates our teachers," NOW, THEREFORE,


21  Be It Resolved by the House of Representatives of the State of

22  Florida:


24         That the Florida House of Representatives does hereby

25  recognize the work of the Florida District of Kiwanis in

26  honoring the efforts of teachers.

27         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution

28  be presented to Kiwanis Governor Don Fineout as a tangible

29  token of the sentiments expressed herein.




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.