House Bill hb0917er

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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed


  2         An act relating to Palm Beach County; amending

  3         chapter 90-445, Laws of Florida, as amended;

  4         providing for the uniform implementation,

  5         interpretation, and enforcement of building

  6         code requirements pursuant to the Florida

  7         Building Code; providing and amending

  8         definitions; providing for enforcement;

  9         providing for repeal of conflicting laws;

10         providing for interpretation of codes and

11         revision; deleting provisions relating to

12         appointments; providing for authority for

13         building code amendments; providing for

14         amending provisions for product and system

15         evaluation, including application fees and

16         revocation and renewal of product and system

17         compliance; providing severability; providing

18         an effective date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Notwithstanding section 136 of chapter

23  2000-141, Laws of Florida, chapter 90-445, Laws of Florida, is

24  reenacted and amended to read:

25         Section 1.  Purpose.--As provided in section 553.80(1),

26  Florida Statutes, each local government and each legally

27  constituted enforcement district with statutory authority

28  shall regulate building construction and, where authorized in

29  the state agency's enabling legislation, each state agency

30  shall enforce the Florida Building Code, as revised or amended

31  by the state or applicable local government, required on all


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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1  public or private buildings, structures, and facilities unless

  2  such responsibility has been delegated to another unit of

  3  government pursuant to section 553.79(9), Florida Statutes.

  4  The purpose of this act is to provide for a system to advise

  5  the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners and local

  6  governments regarding the uniform implementation,

  7  interpretation, and enforcement of the Florida Building Code.

  8  Authority.--The board of county commissioners shall have the

  9  power to adopt, for all municipalities and unincorporated

10  areas of Palm Beach County, more recent editions and revisions

11  of the Standard Building, Gas, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes,

12  as promulgated by the Southern Building Code Congress

13  International, in addition to the National Electrical Code, as

14  promulgated by the National Fire Protection Association.

15  These codes shall be adopted by ordinance, based on the advice

16  of the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm Beach County.

17         Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act:

18         (1)  "Amendment" means modified requirements to the

19  Florida Building Code model building codes which are adopted

20  by ordinance by any unit of local government pursuant to

21  section 553.73, Florida Statutes.

22         (2)  "Board" means the Building Code Advisory Board of

23  Palm Beach County, unless otherwise specified.

24         (3)  "Building official" means an individual charged

25  with the administration and enforcement of the Florida

26  Building Code several codes adopted pursuant to section 1, who

27  is a full-time employee of a municipality or the county, in

28  the respective election district in which the jurisdiction is

29  situated.

30         (4)  "Design professional" means an architect or

31  engineer so registered in the State of Florida.


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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1         (5)  "Florida Building Code" means the code adopted by

  2  the Florida Building Commission pursuant to section

  3  553.73(1)(a), Florida Statutes "Model codes" means the

  4  Standard Building, Gas, Mechanical, and Plumbing Codes

  5  published by the Southern Building Code Congress International

  6  and the National Electrical Code published by the National

  7  Fire Protection Association.

  8         (6)  "Revisions" means any modifications to the Florida

  9  Building Code model codes as published by the Florida Building

10  Commission applicable code-promulgating organization.

11         (7)  "Service system" means an electrical, gas,

12  mechanical, plumbing, or other system which provides service

13  to a building, structure, or facility and is regulated by the

14  model codes and any amendments or revisions thereto.

15         (7)(8)  "Unit of local government" means any one of the

16  municipal governing bodies in Palm Beach County or the Board

17  of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County.

18         Section 3.  Enforcement.--Enforcement of the Florida

19  Building Code model codes adopted pursuant to section 1, and

20  any amendments or revisions thereto, shall be the

21  responsibility of each unit of local government.  A unit of

22  local government may provide these services through an

23  interlocal agreement with the county or local government, as

24  provided by section 553.79(9), Florida Statutes law.

25         Section 4.  Code enforcement personnel

26  qualifications.--For the purposes of permit review and

27  inspection, qualified plans examiners and inspectors, whose

28  competency shall be determined by each unit of local

29  government, shall be employed and charged with the

30  responsibility of enforcing this act.



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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1         Section 5.  Violations.--No building, structure, or

  2  service system shall be erected or installed within Palm Beach

  3  County in violation of the requirements of the model codes

  4  adopted pursuant to section 1 or any amendments or revisions

  5  thereto, except that state buildings are exempt from

  6  compliance with such model codes.

  7         Section 4.6.  Repeal of laws in conflict.--Any laws,

  8  ordinances, or resolutions now in existence in the

  9  unincorporated areas of Palm Beach County or in any

10  municipality in Palm Beach County in conflict with this act

11  are hereby repealed.

12         Section 7.  Enactment of lower standards.--No unit of

13  local government shall enact any law lowering the standards of

14  the model codes adopted pursuant to section 1.  However, each

15  unit of local government may adopt ordinances providing

16  amendments to modify or improve the model codes, provided such

17  amendments are in compliance with s. 553.73, Florida Statutes.

18         Section 8.  Code available.--Each unit of local

19  government shall have available for public inspection in its

20  principal office three copies of the model codes, together

21  with any amendments or revisions thereto.  Amendments must be

22  printed or otherwise suitably duplicated, and copies shall be

23  available for sale at reasonable cost to the public.

24         Section 5.9.  Interpretations.--In the event of a

25  dispute in the interpretation of the provisions of the Florida

26  Building Code model codes, or any amendments or revisions

27  thereto, a building official, plans examiner, inspector,

28  builder, contractor, owner, architect, or engineer may ask for

29  an opinion from the board's Code Interpretation Committee. The

30  Code Interpretation Committee shall be comprised of each of

31  the building official members of the board. The request for


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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1  interpretation must come by agreement of Both parties to the

  2  dispute must agree to seeking the advisory interpretation from

  3  the board.  Said procedure opinion may be conducted by

  4  telephone or other electronic means.  A simple majority of the

  5  committee shall sustain an interpretation.  Each building

  6  official member of the committee shall maintain a written

  7  record of the date and parties to the dispute.  The

  8  interpretation shall not be binding upon the parties to the

  9  dispute.

10         Section 6.10.  Appointments.--

11         (1)  The Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach

12  County shall appoint the Building Code Advisory Board of Palm

13  Beach County and supply it with a meeting place, office

14  supplies including stationery, legal counsel, technical staff,

15  mechanical recording of its meetings, written transcripts of

16  the minutes of its meetings, secretarial service, and storage

17  space for its records.  The board shall have 16 members,

18  composed of 7 building officials, 1 from each commission

19  election district, appointed from nominees submitted by the

20  Building Official's Association of Palm Beach County; 7

21  members appointed from nominees submitted by the Construction

22  Industry Management Council of Palm Beach County; 1 member who

23  shall be a registered architect appointed from nominees

24  submitted by the Palm Beach Chapter of the American Institute

25  of Architects; and 1 member who shall be a professional

26  engineer appointed from nominees submitted by the Palm Beach

27  Chapter of the Florida Engineering Society.  By January 1,

28  1991, the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County

29  shall appoint the four new members, two for 1-year terms and

30  two for 3-year terms. Thereafter, All appointments shall be

31  for a term of 3 years, and each member shall serve until his


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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1  or her successor is appointed.  If a vacancy should occur

  2  before a term has expired, the Board of County Commissioners

  3  shall appoint a new member within 60 days to complete the

  4  unexpired term.

  5         (2)  Members shall be required to attend all regular

  6  and special meetings of the board. The chair chairman of the

  7  board shall notify the Board of County Commissioners when a

  8  member accumulates three consecutive absences from the regular

  9  meetings or when a member fails to attend 50 percent of all

10  meetings of the board during any 12-month period.  On such

11  notification, the member shall be removed by the Board of

12  County Commissioners, and the Board of County Commissioners

13  shall appoint a new member within 60 days to complete the

14  unexpired term. The board shall hold meetings open to the

15  public at least once in every calendar quarter, adopt rules

16  and procedures procedure, and elect a chair chairman and vice

17  chair chairman.  A quorum of the board shall be 10 members,

18  with a concurring vote of 9 members required to approve any

19  action.

20         Section 7.  Authority.--The purpose of the advisory

21  board is authorized to:

22         (1)  Advise units of local governments regarding:

23         (a)  Future editions of the model codes and subsequent

24  recommendation to the board of county commissioners concerning

25  countywide adoption.

26         (b)  Recommendations on the adoption of administrative

27  or technical amendments to the Florida Building Code model

28  codes based on local conditions.

29         (2)(c)  Advise local governments how construction code

30  enforcement can be improved and standardized.



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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1         (3)(d)  Advise local governments how to prevent the

  2  recurrence of disputes.

  3         (4)(e)  Advise local governments on evaluation of new

  4  and innovative materials, products, systems, or methods of

  5  construction for compliance with the Florida Building Code

  6  model codes adopted pursuant to section 1, and any amendments

  7  or revisions thereto.

  8         (5)  Act as the countywide compliance review board,

  9  pursuant to section 553.73(4)(b)7., Florida Statutes,

10  notwithstanding the requirements contained therein to

11  establish such review board by interlocal agreement.

12         Section 8.11.  Product and system evaluation.--

13         (1)  The board shall have the authority to evaluate

14  ADMINISTRATION.--Palm Beach County and each unit of local

15  government within Palm Beach County shall have the option to

16  direct inquiries concerning new or existing products or

17  systems in accordance with section 553.842, Florida Statutes,

18  and the Florida Building Commission's rules adopted thereunder

19  to the board.  The board shall act as a clearing house for new

20  or different products or systems, by evaluating them based on

21  the current model codes and any amendments or revisions, being

22  recommended for adoption by the board.  The board is

23  authorized to may issue evaluation and compliance reports for

24  products and systems found to be in compliance, as provided by

25  policies established by the board. Recommendations and

26  compliance reports of the board concerning new and existing

27  products or systems shall be advisory in nature for the

28  municipalities within Palm Beach County and shall not form the

29  basis of a local or statewide approval pursuant to section

30  553.842, Florida Statutes.



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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1         (2)  STANDARDS.--The evaluation of new and innovative

  2  materials, products, systems, or methods of construction shall

  3  be based on the Florida Building Code model codes adopted

  4  pursuant to section 1, and any amendments or revisions

  5  thereto.  The types of construction, materials, systems, or

  6  methods of design referred to in the Florida Building Code

  7  model codes, and any amendments or revisions thereto, shall be

  8  considered standards of performance, quality, and strength.

  9  New or different types of construction, materials, or methods

10  of design shall be at least equal to these standards for the

11  corresponding use intended. For the purposes of determining

12  compliance, the product's quality, strength, effectiveness,

13  fire resistance, durability, safety, and control of

14  installation shall be guides for consideration.

15         (3)  The board is authorized to establish policies and

16  procedures necessary to conduct evaluation efforts, such as,

17  but not limited to, applications, fees, renewals, and

18  revocations. APPLICATION PROCEDURE.--

19         (a)  Applications for evaluation and compliance

20  determination shall be made in accordance with the policy and

21  procedures established by the board.  If the application is

22  for a type of structure or system, the application shall be

23  accompanied by plans prepared by a design professional,

24  together with supporting engineering calculations supporting

25  the design.  Applications for components, materials, or

26  devices shall be accompanied by drawings, tests, and

27  calculations, prepared by an engineer registered in the State

28  of Florida, or other proof supporting the design.

29         (b)  The board may employ the use of consultants to

30  examine applications.  A The consultant shall be a design

31  professional with specific qualifications in the particular


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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1  that area of product or system analysis for which he or she is

  2  employed.

  3         (c)  The board may establish policies and procedures

  4  for the processing and review of requests for evaluation and

  5  compliance, including programs designed to monitor

  6  manufacturing, fabrication, or performance.  The board or its

  7  designee may require calculations, tests, or opinions from

  8  design professionals, nationally recognized testing

  9  laboratories, or approved quality and assurance programs.

10         (d)  The data shall be analyzed and evaluated for

11  meeting the applicable performance standards.  After receiving

12  an evaluation report, the board shall issue a written

13  recommendation on the appropriateness of the product or system

14  for use in Palm Beach County.  All decisions or reports shall

15  be forwarded to:

16         1.  The product control file.

17         2.  The applicant.

18         3.  The local building departments.


20  The written recommendations of the board shall be advisory

21  only.  It is the responsibility of each applicant, contractor,

22  or owner to submit individual permit applications for

23  construction or installation to the appropriate unit of local

24  government for specific approval or rejection.

25         (4)  FEES.--A $500 minimum initial application fee

26  shall be paid by the applicant at the time of filing.  In

27  addition, the applicant shall be responsible for any cost the

28  board may incur. Resubmissions after unfavorable

29  recommendations shall not require an additional initial filing

30  fee unless final action had been taken by the board.  However,



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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1  the applicant shall be required to pay any additional cost

  2  incurred by the board prior to final action.

  3         (5)  DISPOSITION OF FEES AND EXPENSES.--All moneys

  4  collected by the board shall be received, deposited, expended,

  5  and accounted for pursuant to law. The expenses of the

  6  advisory board, consulting fees, testing fees, and all other

  7  necessary and appropriate fees shall be paid by the board from

  8  the moneys collected.

  9         (6)  DISAPPROVAL.--Applications recommended for

10  disapproval, during any phase of the review process, shall be

11  returned to the applicant in writing, stating the reasons for

12  the recommendation of disapproval.

13         (7)  REVOCATION.--

14         (a)  At any time during the valid term of a compliance

15  report, the recommendation may be revoked and become null and

16  void for any of the following reasons:

17         1.  Nonconformance with the model codes adopted

18  pursuant to section 1, and any amendments or revisions

19  thereto, or any subsequent updates to such standards which

20  occur after the date of acceptance.

21         2.  Deviation from the design on which the

22  recommendation of acceptance was based, due to change,

23  omission, or substitution.

24         3.  Use of the product, components, system, or method

25  not within the scope of the recommendation of acceptance.

26         4.  Unsatisfactory performance when subjected to actual

27  conditions.

28         5.  Appearance of intolerable effects such as, but not

29  limited to, toxicity when associated with other materials.

30         (b)  Notification of revocation shall be provided to

31  all persons having received the recommendation of acceptance.


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    2001 Legislature                      HB 917, Second Engrossed

  1  Revocations based on subparagraph (a)1. or subparagraph (a)2.

  2  may be considered for reinstatement if the original applicant

  3  submits:

  4         1.  Revised drawings, calculations, test reports, or

  5  other information to the satisfaction of the board.

  6         2.  Payment of a $50 review fee.

  7         3.  Payment of additional costs incurred by the board.


  9  Submittals for revisions shall bear the revised date and shall

10  be processed as a new application.  Revised reports

11  recommended for approval shall be identified to indicate the

12  revised date; however, the submittal shall maintain the same

13  expiration date.

14         (8)  RENEWAL.--One year from the date of acceptance and

15  every year thereafter, or upon the adoption of new codes,

16  amendments, revisions, or standards, the board shall ask the

17  original applicant whether he desires the evaluation and

18  compliance report to be renewed.  Failure of the applicant to

19  respond within 30 days shall cause the report or approval to

20  be automatically canceled.  An applicant desiring the report

21  or approval to be renewed shall submit a $200 fee.  The

22  applicant shall also be responsible for any additional cost

23  incurred by the board prior to final action.

24         Section 2.  If any provision of this act or the

25  application thereof to any person or circumstance is held

26  invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or

27  applications of the act which can be given effect without the

28  invalid provision or application, and to this end the

29  provisions of this act are declared severable.

30         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

31  law.


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