Senate Bill sb0986c1
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 986
By the Committee on Education and Senator Sullivan
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to the state university system;
3 amending s. 240.2011, F.S.; adding to the State
4 University System the New College in Sarasota;
5 creating a fiscally autonomous campus of the
6 University of South Florida in Sarasota;
7 requiring a Campus Board of the University of
8 South Florida Sarasota/Manatee; authorizing
9 separate accreditation; providing powers and
10 duties of the Campus Board and the Campus
11 Executive Officer; providing a procedure for
12 preparing a budget request; providing for
13 central-support-services contracts and a letter
14 of agreement; providing an effective date.
16 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
18 Section 1. Subsection (5) of section 240.2011, Florida
19 Statutes, is amended, and subsection (12) is added to that
20 section, to read:
21 240.2011 State University System defined.--The State
22 University System shall consist of the following:
23 (5) The University of South Florida, with a main
24 campus located in Hillsborough County and a fiscally
25 autonomous campus in Sarasota, named the University of South
26 Florida Sarasota/Manatee.
27 (12) The New College, located in Sarasota County.
28 Section 2. The University of South Florida
29 Sarasota/Manatee.--
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 986
1 (1) The Sarasota/Manatee campus of the University of
2 South Florida is established and shall be known as the
3 "University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee."
4 (a) The Legislature intends that the University of
5 South Florida Sarasota/Manatee be operated and maintained as a
6 separate organizational and budget entity of the University of
7 South Florida, and that all legislative appropriations for the
8 University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee be set forth as
9 separate line items in the annual General Appropriations Act.
10 (b) The University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee
11 shall have a Campus Board and a Campus Executive Officer.
12 (c) As soon as possible, but no later than July 1,
13 2002, the President of the University of South Florida shall
14 begin the process of application to the Commission on Colleges
15 of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools for
16 separate accreditation of the University of South Florida
17 Sarasota/Manatee. If the application is not approved or is
18 provisionally approved, the University of South Florida shall
19 correct any identified deficiencies and shall continue to work
20 for accreditation.
21 (2) The Board of Trustees of the University of South
22 Florida shall appoint to the Campus Board, from
23 recommendations of the President of the University of South
24 Florida, three residents of Sarasota County and two residents
25 of Manatee County. If one or more residents of Sarasota County
26 or Manatee County is appointed to the Board of Trustees of the
27 University of South Florida, the board shall appoint one of
28 those members to serve jointly as a member of the Campus
29 Board. The Board of Trustees may reappoint a member to the
30 Campus Board for one additional term. The Campus Board has the
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 986
1 powers and duties provided by law, which include the authority
2 to:
3 (a) Review and approve an annual legislative budget
4 request to be submitted to the Commissioner of Education. The
5 Campus Executive Officer shall prepare the legislative budget
6 request in accordance with guidelines established by the
7 Florida Board of Education. This request must include items
8 for campus operations and fixed capital outlay.
9 (b) Approve and submit an annual operating plan and
10 budget for review and consultation by the Board of Trustees of
11 the University of South Florida. The campus operating budget
12 must reflect the actual funding available to that campus from
13 separate line-item appropriations contained in each annual
14 General Appropriations Act, which line-item appropriations
15 must initially reflect the funds reported to the Florida
16 Legislature for the University of South Florida
17 Sarasota/Manatee Campus for fiscal year 2000-2001 and any
18 additional funds provided in the fiscal year 2001-2002
19 legislative appropriation.
20 (c) Enter into central support services contracts with
21 the Board of Trustees of the University of South Florida for
22 any services that the campus at Sarasota/Manatee cannot
23 provide more economically, including payroll processing,
24 accounting, technology, construction administration, and other
25 desired services. However, all legal services for the campus
26 must be provided by a central services contract with the
27 university. The Board of Trustees of the University of South
28 Florida and the Campus Board shall determine in a letter of
29 agreement any allocation or sharing of student fee revenue
30 between the University of South Florida's main campus and the
31 Sarasota/Manatee campus.
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 986
2 The Board of Trustees of the University of South Florida may
3 lawfully delegate other powers and duties to the Campus Board
4 for the efficient operation and improvement of the campus and
5 for the purpose of vesting in the campus the attributes
6 necessary to meet the requirements for separate accreditation
7 by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools.
8 (3) Annually the College Board for New College and the
9 Campus Board of the University of South Florida
10 Sarasota/Manatee shall adopt a management agreement that
11 covers the shared facilities and services that serve both
12 programs. Each budget must fund 50 percent of the 2001-2002
13 baseline funding for such facilities and services. If the
14 boards fail to reach agreement, the President of the
15 University of South Florida shall make final decisions
16 concerning the facilities and services in question.
17 (4) The University of South Florida Sarasota/Manatee
18 shall be administered by a Campus Executive Officer who shall
19 be appointed by, report directly to, and serve at the pleasure
20 of the President of the University of South Florida. The
21 President shall consult with the Campus Board before hiring or
22 terminating the Campus Executive Officer. The Campus Executive
23 Officer has authority and responsibility as provided in law,
24 including the authority to:
25 (a) Administer campus operations within the annual
26 operating budget as approved by the Campus Board.
27 (b) Recommend to the Campus Board an annual
28 legislative budget request that includes funding for campus
29 operations and fixed capital outlay.
30 (c) Recommend to the Campus Board an annual campus
31 operating budget.
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 986
1 (d) Recommend to the Campus Board appropriate services
2 and terms and conditions to be included in annual central
3 support services contracts.
4 (e) Carry out any additional responsibilities assigned
5 or delegated by the President of the University of South
6 Florida for the efficient operation and improvement of the
7 campus, especially any authority necessary for the purpose of
8 vesting in the campus attributes necessary to meet the
9 requirements for separate accreditation.
10 (5) Students enrolled at the University of South
11 Florida, including those enrolled at a branch campus, have the
12 same rights and obligations as provided by law, policy, or
13 rule adopted by the University of South Florida, the Florida
14 Department of Education, or other lawful entity. The
15 University of South Florida shall provide a comprehensive and
16 coordinated system of student registration so that a student
17 enrolled at any campus of the University of South Florida has
18 the ability to register for courses at any other campus of the
19 University of South Florida.
20 (6) Promote technology transfer between the research
21 operations of the University of South Florida and local
22 economic development agencies.
23 Section 3. This act shall take effect July 1, 2001.
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Florida Senate - 2001 CS for SB 986
2 SB 986
4 This Committee Substitute creates New College as the eleventh
member of the State University System. It converts the branch
5 campus of the University of South Florida in Sarasota into a
fiscally autonomous campus with a separate campus board and
6 executive officer. It requires the University of South Florida
to seek separate accreditation for the University of South
7 Florida Sarasota/Manatee campus. The Board of Trustees of the
University of South Florida will appoint the members of the
8 Campus Board from recommendations of the President of the
University of South Florida, who will appoint the Campus
9 Executive Officer.
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