House Bill hb0111B

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001               HB 111-B

        By Representatives Goodlette, Harrell, Green, Cusack,
    Gelber, Ball, Machek and Bullard

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to domestic security; amending

  3         s. 252.311, F.S.; including legislative

  4         findings with respect to acts of terrorism and

  5         counterterrorism efforts under the State

  6         Emergency Management Act; amending s. 252.35,

  7         F.S.; providing that the responsibilities and

  8         duties of the Division of Emergency Management

  9         relating to counterterrorism efforts and

10         responses to acts of terrorism shall be

11         performed under the direction or with the

12         approval of and in coordination with the

13         Department of Law Enforcement and the Chief of

14         Florida Domestic Security Initiatives; amending

15         s. 943.03, F.S.; specifying the duties of the

16         Department of Law Enforcement with regard to

17         counterterrorism efforts, responses to acts of

18         terrorism, and other domestic security matters

19         related to terrorism; creating s. 943.0311,

20         F.S.; providing for a Chief of Florida Domestic

21         Security Initiatives within the department;

22         providing duties; providing for building and

23         facility security assessments; providing for

24         coordination of security proposals; providing

25         for annual recommendations; creating s.

26         943.0312, F.S.; providing for a Regional

27         Domestic Security Task Force in each of the

28         department's operational regions; providing for

29         membership; providing goals and objectives;

30         providing for identification of equipment and

31         training needs and for funding recommendations;


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  1         providing duties with respect to hate-driven

  2         acts resulting from acts of terrorism;

  3         providing for administrative support; creating

  4         s. 943.0321, F.S.; creating a Counterterrorism

  5         Intelligence Center within the department and

  6         providing its duties; creating the Florida

  7         Domestic Security Counterterrorism Database

  8         within the department and providing for its

  9         contents and use; providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Section 252.311, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         252.311  Legislative intent.--

16         (1)  The Legislature finds and declares that the state

17  is vulnerable to a wide range of emergencies, including

18  natural, technological, and manmade disasters, including, but

19  not limited to, acts of terrorism within or affecting this

20  state, all of which threaten the life, health, and safety of

21  its people; damage and destroy property; disrupt services and

22  everyday business and recreational activities; and impede

23  economic growth and development.  The Legislature further

24  finds that this vulnerability is exacerbated by the tremendous

25  growth in the state's population, especially the growth in the

26  number of persons residing in coastal areas, in the elderly

27  population, in the number of seasonal vacationers, and in the

28  number of persons with special needs.  This growth has greatly

29  complicated the state's ability to coordinate its emergency

30  management resources and activities.



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  1         (2)  It is the intent of the Legislature to reduce the

  2  vulnerability of the people and property of this state; to

  3  prepare for efficient evacuation and shelter of threatened or

  4  affected persons; to provide for the rapid and orderly

  5  provision of relief to persons and for the restoration of

  6  services and property; and to provide for the coordination of

  7  activities relating to emergency preparedness, response,

  8  recovery, and mitigation among and between agencies and

  9  officials of this state, with similar agencies and officials

10  of other states, with local and federal governments, with

11  interstate organizations, and with the private sector.

12         (3)  The Legislature finds that with regard to

13  counterterrorism efforts and responses to acts of terrorism

14  within or affecting this state, specialized efforts of

15  emergency management that are unique to such situations are

16  required and that these efforts intrinsically involve very

17  close coordination of federal, state, and local law

18  enforcement agencies with the efforts of all others involved

19  in emergency response.  In order to best provide such

20  specialized efforts with regard to counterterrorism efforts

21  and responses, the Legislature has determined that such

22  efforts should be coordinated by and through the Department of

23  Law Enforcement, working closely with the Division of

24  Emergency Management and others involved in the preparation

25  against and response to acts of terrorism within or affecting

26  this state.

27         (4)(3)  It is further the intent of the Legislature to

28  promote the state's emergency preparedness, response,

29  recovery, and mitigation capabilities through enhanced

30  coordination, long-term planning, and adequate funding.  State

31  policy for responding to disasters is to support local


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  1  emergency response efforts.  In the case of a major or

  2  catastrophic disaster, however, the needs of residents and

  3  communities will likely be greater than local resources.  In

  4  these situations, the state must be capable of providing

  5  effective, coordinated, and timely support to communities and

  6  the public.  Therefore, the Legislature hereby determines and

  7  declares that the provisions of this act fulfill an important

  8  state interest.

  9         Section 2.  Section 252.35, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         252.35  Emergency management powers; Division of

12  Emergency Management.--

13         (1)  Other than as provided in this section with regard

14  to terrorism-related responsibilities, the division is

15  responsible for maintaining a comprehensive statewide program

16  of emergency management.  The division is responsible for

17  coordination with efforts of the Federal Government with other

18  departments and agencies of state government, with county and

19  municipal governments and school boards, and with private

20  agencies that have a role in emergency management. Any

21  division responsibilities, duties, or efforts described or

22  detailed in ss. 252.31-252.62 that are applicable to or

23  otherwise related to counterterrorism efforts and responses to

24  acts of terrorism within or affecting this state shall be

25  performed under the direction or with the approval of, and in

26  coordination with, the Department of Law Enforcement and the

27  Chief of Florida Domestic Security Initiatives within the

28  department.

29         (2)  The division is responsible for carrying out the

30  provisions of ss. 252.31-252.90 as provided in this section.



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  1  In performing its duties under ss. 252.31-252.90, the division

  2  shall:

  3         (a)  Prepare a state comprehensive emergency management

  4  plan, which shall be integrated into and coordinated with the

  5  emergency management plans and programs of the Federal

  6  Government. The division must adopt the plan as a rule in

  7  accordance with chapter 120. The plan shall be implemented by

  8  a continuous, integrated comprehensive emergency management

  9  program. The plan must contain provisions to ensure that the

10  state is prepared for emergencies and minor, major, and

11  catastrophic disasters, and the division shall work closely

12  with local governments and agencies and organizations with

13  emergency management responsibilities in preparing and

14  maintaining the plan. The state comprehensive emergency

15  management plan shall be operations oriented and:

16         1.  Include an evacuation component that includes

17  specific regional and interregional planning provisions and

18  promotes intergovernmental coordination of evacuation

19  activities.  This component must, at a minimum: contain

20  guidelines for lifting tolls on state highways; ensure

21  coordination pertaining to evacuees crossing county lines; set

22  forth procedures for directing people caught on evacuation

23  routes to safe shelter; establish strategies for ensuring

24  sufficient, reasonably priced fueling locations along

25  evacuation routes; and establish policies and strategies for

26  emergency medical evacuations.

27         2.  Include a shelter component that includes specific

28  regional and interregional planning provisions and promotes

29  coordination of shelter activities between the public,

30  private, and nonprofit sectors.  This component must, at a

31  minimum:  contain strategies to ensure the availability of


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  1  adequate public shelter space in each region of the state;

  2  establish strategies for refuge-of-last-resort programs;

  3  provide strategies to assist local emergency management

  4  efforts to ensure that adequate staffing plans exist for all

  5  shelters, including medical and security personnel; provide

  6  for a postdisaster communications system for public shelters;

  7  establish model shelter guidelines for operations,

  8  registration, inventory, power generation capability,

  9  information management, and staffing; and set forth policy

10  guidance for sheltering people with special needs.

11         3.  Include a postdisaster response and recovery

12  component that includes specific regional and interregional

13  planning provisions and promotes intergovernmental

14  coordination of postdisaster response and recovery activities.

15  This component must provide for postdisaster response and

16  recovery strategies according to whether a disaster is minor,

17  major, or catastrophic. The postdisaster response and recovery

18  component must, at a minimum:  establish the structure of the

19  state's postdisaster response and recovery organization;

20  establish procedures for activating the state's plan; set

21  forth policies used to guide postdisaster response and

22  recovery activities; describe the chain of command during the

23  postdisaster response and recovery period; describe initial

24  and continuous postdisaster response and recovery actions;

25  identify the roles and responsibilities of each involved

26  agency and organization; provide for a comprehensive

27  communications plan; establish procedures for monitoring

28  mutual aid agreements; provide for rapid impact assessment

29  teams; ensure the availability of an effective statewide urban

30  search and rescue program coordinated with the fire services;

31  ensure the existence of a comprehensive statewide medical care


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  1  and relief plan administered by the Department of Health; and

  2  establish systems for coordinating volunteers and accepting

  3  and distributing donated funds and goods.

  4         4.  Include additional provisions addressing aspects of

  5  preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation as determined

  6  necessary by the division.

  7         5.  Address the need for coordinated and expeditious

  8  deployment of state resources, including the Florida National

  9  Guard.  In the case of an imminent major disaster, procedures

10  should address predeployment of the Florida National Guard,

11  and, in the case of an imminent catastrophic disaster,

12  procedures should address predeployment of the Florida

13  National Guard and the United States Armed Forces.

14         6.  Establish a system of communications and warning to

15  ensure that the state's population and emergency management

16  agencies are warned of developing emergency situations and can

17  communicate emergency response decisions.

18         7.  Establish guidelines and schedules for annual

19  exercises that evaluate the ability of the state and its

20  political subdivisions to respond to minor, major, and

21  catastrophic disasters and support local emergency management

22  agencies.  Such exercises shall be coordinated with local

23  governments and, to the extent possible, the Federal

24  Government.

25         8.  Assign lead and support responsibilities to state

26  agencies and personnel for emergency support functions and

27  other support activities.


29  The complete state comprehensive emergency management plan

30  shall be submitted to the President of the Senate, the Speaker



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  1  of the House of Representatives, and the Governor on February

  2  1 of every even-numbered year.

  3         (b)  Adopt standards and requirements for county

  4  emergency management plans. The standards and requirements

  5  must ensure that county plans are coordinated and consistent

  6  with the state comprehensive emergency management plan. If a

  7  municipality elects to establish an emergency management

  8  program, it must adopt a city emergency management plan that

  9  complies with all standards and requirements applicable to

10  county emergency management plans.

11         (c)  Assist political subdivisions in preparing and

12  maintaining emergency management plans.

13         (d)  Review periodically political subdivision

14  emergency management plans for consistency with the state

15  comprehensive emergency management plan and standards and

16  requirements adopted under this section.

17         (e)  Cooperate with the President, the heads of the

18  Armed Forces, the various federal emergency management

19  agencies, and the officers and agencies of other states in

20  matters pertaining to emergency management in the state and

21  the nation and incidents thereof and, in connection therewith,

22  take any measures that it deems proper to carry into effect

23  any request of the President and the appropriate federal

24  officers and agencies for any emergency management action,

25  including the direction or control of:

26         1.  Emergency management drills, tests, or exercises of

27  whatever nature.

28         2.  Warnings and signals for tests and drills, attacks,

29  or other imminent emergencies or threats thereof and the

30  mechanical devices to be used in connection with such warnings

31  and signals.


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  1         (f)  Make recommendations to the Legislature, building

  2  code organizations, and political subdivisions for zoning,

  3  building, and other land use controls; safety measures for

  4  securing mobile homes or other nonpermanent or semipermanent

  5  structures; and other preparedness, prevention, and mitigation

  6  measures designed to eliminate emergencies or reduce their

  7  impact.

  8         (g)  In accordance with the state comprehensive

  9  emergency management plan and program for emergency

10  management, ascertain the requirements of the state and its

11  political subdivisions for equipment and supplies of all kinds

12  in the event of an emergency; plan for and either procure

13  supplies, medicines, materials, and equipment or enter into

14  memoranda of agreement or open purchase orders that will

15  ensure their availability; and use and employ from time to

16  time any of the property, services, and resources within the

17  state in accordance with ss. 252.31-252.90.

18         (h)  Anticipate trends and promote innovations that

19  will enhance the emergency management system.

20         (i)  Institute statewide public awareness programs.

21  This shall include an intensive public educational campaign on

22  emergency preparedness issues.

23         (j)  Prepare and distribute to appropriate state and

24  local officials catalogs of federal, state, and private

25  assistance programs.

26         (k)  Coordinate federal, state, and local emergency

27  management activities and take all other steps, including the

28  partial or full mobilization of emergency management forces

29  and organizations in advance of an actual emergency, to ensure

30  the availability of adequately trained and equipped forces of



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  1  emergency management personnel before, during, and after

  2  emergencies and disasters.

  3         (l)  Establish a schedule of fees that may be charged

  4  by local emergency management agencies for review of emergency

  5  management plans on behalf of external agencies and

  6  institutions. In establishing such schedule, the division

  7  shall consider facility size, review complexity, and other

  8  factors.

  9         (m)  Implement training programs to improve the ability

10  of state and local emergency management personnel to prepare

11  and implement emergency management plans and programs.  This

12  shall include a continuous training program for agencies and

13  individuals that will be called on to perform key roles in

14  state and local postdisaster response and recovery efforts and

15  for local government personnel on federal and state

16  postdisaster response and recovery strategies and procedures.

17         (n)  Review periodically emergency operating procedures

18  of state agencies and recommend revisions as needed to ensure

19  consistency with the state comprehensive emergency management

20  plan and program.

21         (o)  Make such surveys of industries, resources, and

22  facilities within the state, both public and private, as are

23  necessary to carry out the purposes of ss. 252.31-252.90.

24         (p)  Prepare, in advance whenever possible, such

25  executive orders, proclamations, and rules for issuance by the

26  Governor as are necessary or appropriate for coping with

27  emergencies and disasters.

28         (q)  Cooperate with the Federal Government and any

29  public or private agency or entity in achieving any purpose of

30  ss. 252.31-252.90 and in implementing programs for mitigation,

31  preparation, response, and recovery.


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  1         (r)  Assist political subdivisions with the creation

  2  and training of urban search and rescue teams and promote the

  3  development and maintenance of a state urban search and rescue

  4  program.

  5         (s)  Delegate, as necessary and appropriate, authority

  6  vested in it under ss. 252.31-252.90 and provide for the

  7  subdelegation of such authority.

  8         (t)  Report biennially to the President of the Senate,

  9  the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and the Governor,

10  no later than February 1 of every odd-numbered year, the

11  status of the emergency management capabilities of the state

12  and its political subdivisions.

13         (u)  In accordance with chapter 120, create, implement,

14  administer, adopt, amend, and rescind rules, programs, and

15  plans needed to carry out the provisions of ss. 252.31-252.90

16  with due consideration for, and in cooperating with, the plans

17  and programs of the Federal Government. In addition, the

18  division may adopt rules in accordance with chapter 120 to

19  administer and distribute federal financial predisaster and

20  postdisaster assistance for prevention, mitigation,

21  preparedness, response, and recovery.

22         (v)  Do other things necessary, incidental, or

23  appropriate for the implementation of ss. 252.31-252.90.

24         (3)  With regard to any efforts described in this

25  section that relate to counterterrorism efforts and responses

26  to acts of terrorism within or affecting this state, all

27  reports, plans, and responsibilities developed by the division

28  as provided in this section shall be in coordination with and

29  with the approval of the Department of Law Enforcement and the

30  Chief of Florida Domestic Security Initiatives within the

31  department.


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  1         Section 3.  Subsection (14) is added to section 943.03,

  2  Florida Statutes, to read:

  3         943.03  Department of Law Enforcement.--

  4         (14)  With regard to counterterrorism efforts,

  5  responses to acts of terrorism within or affecting this state,

  6  and other matters related to the domestic security of Florida

  7  as it relates to terrorism, the department shall coordinate

  8  and direct law enforcement, emergency, and other responses,

  9  working closely with the Division of Emergency Management,

10  other law enforcement agencies, fire and rescue agencies,

11  first responder agencies, and others involved in the

12  preparation against and response to acts of terrorism within

13  or affecting this state.  The executive director of the

14  department, or another member of the department as may be

15  appointed by the director, shall serve as the Chief of Florida

16  Domestic Security Initiatives for the purpose of directing and

17  coordinating such efforts.  The department and the Chief of

18  Florida Domestic Security Initiatives shall utilize the

19  Regional Domestic Security Task Forces established under s.

20  943.0312 to assist in such efforts.

21         Section 4.  Section 943.0311, Florida Statutes, is

22  created to read:

23         943.0311  Chief of Florida Domestic Security

24  Initiatives; domestic security responsibilities.--

25         (1)  The executive director of the department, or

26  another member of the department as may be appointed by the

27  executive director, shall serve as the Chief of Florida

28  Domestic Security Initiatives.

29         (2)  The chief shall coordinate the efforts of the

30  department in the ongoing assessment of this state's



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  1  vulnerability to, and ability to detect and respond to, acts

  2  of terrorism within or affecting this state.

  3         (3)  The chief shall coordinate the efforts of the

  4  department, and may utilize public or private resources, to

  5  conduct specific security assessments of buildings and

  6  facilities within this state and to prepare recommendations

  7  based upon such assessments for the enhancement of domestic

  8  security.  The department is authorized to determine, define,

  9  and present to the Executive Office of the Governor, the

10  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

11  Representatives recommended minimum security standards or

12  security enhancement needs for any building or facility within

13  this state.  All such recommendations shall be prioritized to

14  first identify and address the most crucial domestic security

15  building and facility needs. Such recommendations shall

16  include recommendations to maximize federal funding in support

17  of the state's domestic security efforts.

18         (4)  The chief shall coordinate the department's

19  collection of specific implementation proposals from public

20  agencies, the private sector, volunteer organizations, and

21  others involved in ongoing domestic security assessments and

22  preparations.  All public agencies shall cooperate with the

23  department and provide requested information and resources to

24  assist the department in meeting its domestic security

25  responsibilities.  All nonpublic entities are urged to

26  cooperate with and assist the department in meeting its

27  domestic security responsibilities.

28         (5)  By November 1 of each year, the executive director

29  shall compile, coordinate, and prioritize recommendations and

30  proposals related to domestic security and shall present them

31  to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President of the


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  1  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. All

  2  recommendations seeking funding shall be prioritized, with

  3  critical domestic security needs requiring immediate or

  4  top-priority funding being clearly identified. Such

  5  recommendations shall include recommendations to maximize

  6  federal funding in support of the state's domestic security

  7  efforts.

  8         (6)  The chief shall utilize the Regional Domestic

  9  Security Task Forces established under s. 943.0312 to support

10  the role of the department as set forth in this section.

11         Section 5.  Section 943.0312, Florida Statutes, is

12  created to read:

13         943.0312  Regional Domestic Security Task Forces.--

14         (1)  The Legislature finds that there is a need to

15  develop and implement a statewide strategy to address

16  preparation and response efforts by state and local law

17  enforcement agencies, emergency management agencies, fire and

18  rescue agencies, first responder agencies, and others in

19  dealing with potential or actual terrorist acts within or

20  affecting this state.

21         (2)(a)  To assist the department and the Chief of

22  Florida Domestic Security Initiatives in performing their

23  roles and duties in this regard, the department shall

24  establish a Regional Domestic Security Task Force in each of

25  its operational regions. The task forces shall serve in an

26  advisory capacity to the department and the Chief of Florida

27  Domestic Security Initiatives.

28         (b)  Subject to annual appropriation, the department

29  shall provide dedicated employees to support the function of

30  each task force.



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  1         (c)  Each task force shall be co-chaired by the

  2  regional director of the operational region in which the task

  3  force is located and by a local sheriff or chief of police

  4  from within the operational region.

  5         (d)  Each task force may also include an available

  6  representative from the Division of Emergency Management, an

  7  available representative from the Department of Health, and

  8  representatives of state and local law enforcement, fire and

  9  rescue or first responder personnel, and other persons as may

10  be deemed appropriate and necessary by the task force

11  co-chairs.

12         (3)  The goals of each task force shall include

13  coordinating domestic security counterterrorism efforts among

14  local, state, and federal resources to ensure that such

15  efforts are not fragmented or unnecessarily duplicated;

16  coordinating appropriate domestic security counterterrorism

17  training for local and state personnel; coordinating the

18  collection and dissemination of investigative and intelligence

19  information, including promoting the appropriate use of the

20  department's Domestic Security Counterterrorism Database; and

21  facilitating responses to terrorist incidents within or

22  affecting each region. With the approval of the Chief of

23  Florida Domestic Security Initiatives, the task forces may

24  incorporate other objectives reasonably related to the goals

25  of enhancing Florida's domestic security and ability to

26  detect, prevent, and respond to acts of terrorism within or

27  affecting this state. Each task force shall take into account

28  the variety of conditions and resources present within its

29  region.

30         (4)  The Chief of Florida Domestic Security

31  Initiatives, in conjunction with the Division of Emergency


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  1  Management, the Regional Domestic Security Task Forces, and

  2  the various state entities responsible for establishing

  3  training standards applicable to Florida law enforcement

  4  officers, fire and emergency personnel, and first responder

  5  service personnel, shall identify appropriate equipment and

  6  training needs, curricula, and materials related to the

  7  effective response to suspected or actual acts of terrorism or

  8  incidents involving real or hoax weapons of mass destruction

  9  as defined by s. 790.166.  Recommendations for funding for

10  purchase of equipment, delivery of training, implementation or

11  revision of basic or continued training required for state

12  licensure or certification, or other related responses shall

13  be made by the Chief of Florida Domestic Security Initiatives

14  to the Executive Office of the Governor, the President of the

15  Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives as may

16  be necessary to assure that the domestic security needs of

17  this state with regard to the equipping, outfitting, and

18  training of response personnel are identified and addressed.

19  In making such recommendations, the Chief of Florida Domestic

20  Security Initiatives and the Division of Emergency Management

21  shall identify all funding sources that may be available to

22  fund such needs.

23         (5)  Each task force, working in conjunction with the

24  department, the Office of the Attorney General, and other

25  public or private entities, shall work to assure that

26  hate-driven acts against ethnic groups that may have been

27  targeted as a result of acts of terrorism within or affecting

28  this state are appropriately investigated and responded to.

29         (6)  Members of each task force shall receive no pay

30  other than their salaries normally received from their



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  1  employers but are entitled to reimbursement for per diem and

  2  travel expenses in accordance with s. 112.061.

  3         (7)  Subject to annual appropriation, the department

  4  shall provide staff and administrative support for the

  5  Regional Domestic Security Task Forces.

  6         Section 6.  Section 943.0321, Florida Statutes, is

  7  created to read:

  8         943.0321  Florida Domestic Security Counterterrorism

  9  Database and Counterterrorism Intelligence Center.--

10         (1)  There is created within the Department of Law

11  Enforcement a Florida Domestic Security Counterterrorism

12  Database and Counterterrorism Intelligence Center.

13         (2)  The Counterterrorism Intelligence Center shall

14  gather, document, and analyze intelligence and criminal

15  investigative information related to terrorism and extremist

16  groups operating within or otherwise affecting this state.

17  The intelligence and investigative information shall be made

18  available to law enforcement agencies and prosecutors in this

19  state in a manner defined by the department and as allowed by

20  state or federal law or regulation. The center shall provide

21  support and assistance to law enforcement agencies in Florida

22  engaged in the investigation of terrorism or extremist group

23  activity within or affecting this state. All information

24  developed or provided by the center shall be considered

25  "active criminal intelligence information" or "active criminal

26  investigative information" as defined by s. 119.011.

27         (3)  The Florida Domestic Security Counterterrorism

28  Database shall be maintained by the department and shall

29  include information and data submitted by federal, state, or

30  local law enforcement agencies, or available in other law

31  enforcement databases. The database shall be capable of


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  1  performing data review and processing to reveal patterns,

  2  trends, and correlations that are indicative of potential or

  3  actual terrorism activity within or affecting this state. The

  4  department shall establish the methods and parameters by which

  5  information and data will be transferred to the department for

  6  inclusion in the database. Information developed in or through

  7  the use of the database shall be made available to law

  8  enforcement agencies and prosecutors in this state in a manner

  9  defined by the department and as allowed by state or federal

10  law or regulation.  All information contained in the database

11  shall be considered "active criminal intelligence information"

12  or "active criminal investigative information" as defined by

13  s. 119.011.

14         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

15  law.


















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001               HB 111-B


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Includes legislative findings with respect to acts of
  4    terrorism and counterterrorism efforts under the State
      Emergency Management Act. Provides that the
  5    responsibilities and duties of the Division of Emergency
      Management relating to counterterrorism efforts and
  6    responses to acts of terrorism shall be performed under
      the direction or with the approval of and in coordination
  7    with the Department of Law Enforcement and the Chief of
      Florida Domestic Security Initiatives. Specifies the
  8    duties of the Department of Law Enforcement with regard
      to counterterrorism efforts, responses to acts of
  9    terrorism, and other domestic security matters related to
      terrorism. Provides for a Chief of Florida Domestic
10    Security Initiatives within the department. Provides for
      building and facility security assessments and for
11    coordination of security proposals. Provides for annual
      recommendations. Provides for a Regional Domestic
12    Security Task Force in each of the department's
      operational regions. Provides goals and objectives.
13    Provides for identification of equipment and training
      needs and for funding recommendations. Provides duties
14    with respect to hate-driven acts resulting from acts of
      terrorism. Creates a Counterterrorism Intelligence Center
15    within the department and provides its duties. Creates
      the Florida Domestic Security Counterterrorism Database
16    within the department and provides for its contents and
















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.