House Bill hb0039B

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 39-B

        By Representatives Melvin, Byrd, Bense, Bowen, Maygarden
    and Wallace

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to district school board member

  3         compensation; amending s. 230.202, F.S.;

  4         providing that each school board member shall

  5         receive a salary of $100 per month; amending

  6         ss. 230.201 and 145.19, F.S., relating to

  7         district school board member travel expenses

  8         and annual percentage increases, respectively,

  9         to conform; providing an effective date.


11         WHEREAS, the State of Florida has just become the first

12  state in the nation to establish a seamless K-20 system of

13  education governance, and

14         WHEREAS, Florida's new seamless system of education

15  governance is founded on principles of student centeredness,

16  devolution of authority, and the alignment of responsibility

17  with accountability, and

18         WHEREAS, Florida's new seamless system of education

19  governance is operated by the newly established Florida Board

20  of Education at the state level, newly established boards of

21  trustees for each university in the State University System,

22  community college district boards of trustees, and district

23  school boards, and

24         WHEREAS, the members of the Florida Board of Education,

25  the university boards of trustees, and the community college

26  district boards of trustees serve without compensation in the

27  interest of providing valuable public service voluntarily to

28  the public purpose of education, and

29         WHEREAS, district school board members are the only

30  board members within the new seamless K-20 system of education

31  governance who are not currently serving without compensation


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 39-B


  1  to provide their valuable public service voluntarily to the

  2  public purpose of education, and

  3         WHEREAS, most district school board members are

  4  compensated in an amount similar to or in excess of beginning

  5  pay for teachers, and

  6         WHEREAS, many school districts are facing difficulty in

  7  recruiting and retaining good teachers for their classrooms,

  8  and

  9         WHEREAS, the salaries currently being paid to district

10  school board members could be better used to recruit and

11  retain good teachers for classrooms, and

12         WHEREAS, if district school board members were to

13  provide their valuable public service voluntarily to the

14  public purpose of education as the other board members do,

15  their status of honor and dignity as pillars of the community

16  held prior to the establishment of pay compensation schedules

17  would be enhanced, and

18         WHEREAS, in the interest of fairness within the new

19  seamless K-20 system of education governance, in the interest

20  of enhancing recruitment and retention of good teachers for

21  Florida's classrooms, and in the interest of providing

22  valuable voluntary public service to the public purpose of

23  education, NOW, THEREFORE,


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  Section 230.202, Florida Statutes, is

28  amended to read:

29         230.202  District school board members; compensation.--

30         (1)  Each member of the district school board shall

31  receive as salary $100 per month, unless the school board, by


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 39-B


  1  super majority vote after certifying that the school district

  2  has no need for additional classroom teachers or additional

  3  classroom operating expenses, determines that the school board

  4  members shall receive compensation in accordance with s.

  5  230.202 (2001). the amount indicated, based on the population

  6  of the member's county. In addition, compensation shall be

  7  made for population increments over the minimum for each

  8  population group, which shall be determined by multiplying the

  9  population in excess of the minimum for the group times the

10  group rate. Laws which increase the base salary herein

11  provided shall contain provisions on no other subject.


13  Pop. Group     County Pop. Range     Base Salary    Group Rate

14               Minimum       Maximum

15  I                -0-         9,999       $ 5,000     $0.083300

16  II            10,000        49,999         5,833      0.020830

17  III           50,000        99,999         6,666      0.016680

18  IV           100,000       199,999         7,500      0.008330

19  V            200,000       399,999         8,333      0.004165

20  VI           400,000       999,999         9,166      0.001390

21  VII        1,000,000                      10,000      0.000000


23         (2)  Notwithstanding provisions of chapter 145 or this

24  chapter to the contrary, the annual salaries of district

25  school board members for 1993 and each year thereafter shall

26  be established at the same amounts as those members were paid

27  for fiscal year 1991-1992, adjusted by each annual increase

28  provided for in chapter 145.  Any salary previously paid to

29  district school board members which was consistent with

30  chapter 145 and this section is hereby ratified and validated.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 39-B


  1         Section 2.  Section 230.201, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         230.201  District school board members; travel

  4  expenses.--

  5         (1)  In addition to the salary provided in s. 230.202,

  6  each member of a school board shall be allowed, from the

  7  district school fund, reimbursement of travel expenses as

  8  authorized in s. 112.061, except as provided in subsection

  9  (2).  Any travel outside the district shall also be governed

10  by the rules and regulations of the Florida Board of Education

11  state board.

12         (2)  Each district school board may is authorized and

13  empowered to reimburse a school board member for travel

14  expenses for travel from the member's residence incurred in

15  the performance of a public purpose authorized by law to be

16  performed by the school board, including, but not limited to,

17  attendance at regular and special board meetings.  Mileage

18  allowance in the amount provided by law for reimbursement of

19  travel expenses, when authorized, shall be computed from the

20  member's place of residence to the place of the meeting or

21  function and return.

22         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 145.19, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         145.19  Annual percentage increases based on increase

25  for state career service employees; limitation.--

26         (2)  Each fiscal year, the salaries of all officials

27  listed in this chapter and s. ss. 230.202 and 230.303 shall be

28  adjusted by the annual factor.  The Department of Management

29  Services shall certify the annual factor and the cumulative

30  annual factors.  The adjusted salary rate shall be the

31  product, rounded to the nearest dollar, of the salary rate


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 39-B


  1  granted by the appropriate section of this chapter multiplied

  2  first by the initial factor, then by the cumulative annual

  3  factor, and finally by the annual factor.  Any special

  4  qualification salary received under this chapter shall be

  5  added to such adjusted salary rate, which special

  6  qualification salary shall be $2,000, but shall not exceed

  7  $2,000.

  8         Section 4.  This act shall take effect December 1,

  9  2001.


11            *****************************************

12                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Provides that each district school board member shall
14    receive a salary of $100 per month, unless the school
      board, by super majority vote after certifying that the
15    school district has no need for additional classroom
      teachers or operating expenses, determines that members
16    shall receive additional compensation.

















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