990021                                                            No.   1

                               CHAMBER ACTION
           SENATE                     .                    HOUSE
                                                   ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW


Representative(s): Ball, Fasano, Meadows, Seiler, Romeo, Joyner, Rich, 
Fields, Bendross-Mindingall, Cusack, Byrd, Kilmer, Evers, Bean, Bense, Rubio,
Diaz-Balart, Cantens, Bilirakis, Paul, Kyle, Harrell, Bowen, Ausley, Wiles,
Bucher, Lerner, Kosmas, Stansel, and Frankel
offered the following amendment:

In Section: 04 On Page: 042 Specific Appropriation:  258
Restores current year reduction to Correctional Probation Officers, provides
for ongoing reduction of 300 FTE and $14.5 million starting in FY 02-03;
restores current year reduction associated with eliminating residential
commitment services to misdemeanant youth in the Department of Juvenile
Justice; restores reduction to Secrets of Success; partially restores
across-the-board reductions to the trial courts to allow for continuation of
Guardian Ad Litem services at FY 2000-01 levels; reduces Department of
Juvenile Justice administration by an additional 9 FTE and $460,086; reduces
supervisory and clerical support staff for juvenile probation by an
additional 61 FTE and $1,364,754; reduces contracted services in the
Department of Juvenile Justice related to fixed capital outlay expenditures
by $14,000,000; reduces expenses in the three Capital Collateral Regional
Offices by $120,000 related to a consulting/lobbying contract.  This
amendment does not balance and requires an extraordinary vote.
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Community Corrections
        Probation Supervision

        In Section 04  On Page 042
258     Salaries And Benefits

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          Positions:                           -698           -330
          From General Revenue Fund              -15,077,170     -8,152,036

Immediately following Specific Appropriation  258, DELETE:

Of  the  reduced  appropriations  in Specific Appropriations 258 through
260,  -668  FTE  and  -$16,096,475  reflects a reduction associated with
increasing  supervision  caseloads.  It is the intent of the Legislature
that  increased  caseloads  apply to offenders under regular supervision
rather  than  offenders  under  special  supervision  for  which maximum
caseloads are established in law.

258A    Salaries And Benefits
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Salaries And 

          Positions:                              0            300
          From General Revenue Fund                               5,645,489

259     Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund               -3,421,093     -1,584,405

259A    Expenses
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund                               1,497,300

260     Special Categories
        Salary Incentive Payments

          From General Revenue Fund                 -191,864        -86,166

260A    Special Categories
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Salary Incentive 

          From General Revenue Fund                                  86,166

        Capital Collateral Regional Counsels
        Program: Northern Regional Counsel
        Capital Justice Representation - Northern 
        Regional Counsel

        In Section 04  On Page 055
374A    Expenses

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          From General Revenue Fund                                 -40,000

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 374A, INSERT:

The reduced appropriations in Specific Appropriations 374A, 376A, and
378A reflect a reduction of $120,000 in General Revenue associated with
the elimination of consulting and lobbying contracts.

        Program: Middle Regional Counsel
        Capital Justice Representation - Middle 
        Regional Counsel

376A    Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund                                 -40,000

        Program: Southern Regional Counsel
        Capital Justice Representation - Southern 
        Regional Counsel

        In Section 04  On Page 056
378A    Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund                                 -40,000

        Program: Juvenile Detention Program
        Home Detention

        In Section 04  On Page 057
389     Special Categories
        Legislative Initiatives To Reduce And 
        Prevent Juvenile Crime

          From General Revenue Fund                 -250,000              0

Immediately following Specific Appropriation  389, DELETE:

The  reduced  appropriation  in  Specific Appropriation 389 reflects the
elimination of funding for Secrets of Success.

        Program: Probation And Community 
        Corrections Program
        Juvenile Probation

392     Salaries And Benefits

          Positions:                           -344           -405
          From General Revenue Fund               -6,537,878     -7,684,557

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Immediately following Specific Appropriation  392, DELETE:

The  reduced  appropriations  in  Specific  Appropriations  392  and 393
include the following:

 -228  FTE  and  -$5,702,783  from  General  Revenue  is associated with
increasing current supervision and intake caseloads; and

-85.5  FTE  and  -$1,876,360  from  General  Revenue  is associated with
elimination  of non-critical supervisory and support staff and shall not
affect direct supervision or intake processing of youth.

and insert in lieu thereof:

The  reduced  appropriations  in  Specific  Appropriations  392  and 393
include the following:

 -228  FTE  and  -$5,702,783  from  General  Revenue  is associated with
increasing current supervision and intake caseloads; and

-145.5  FTE  and  -$3,241,114  from  General  Revenue  is associated
with elimination  of non-critical supervisory and support staff and
shall not affect direct supervision or intake processing of youth.

393     Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund               -1,879,255     -2,097,330

        Program: Office Of The 
        Secretary/Assistant Secretary For 
        Administrative Services
        Executive Direction And Support Services

        In Section 04  On Page 058
397     Salaries And Benefits

          Positions:                           -108           -117
          From General Revenue Fund               -3,428,751     -3,659,562

Immediately following Specific Appropriation  397, DELETE:

The  reduced  appropriations  in  Specific  Appropriations  397  and 398
reflect  a  reduction  of  non-essential  management  and administrative
positions  at  pay  grade  23 and above. The Department, pursuant to all
applicable   provisions   of  law,  may  transfer  amounts  in  Specific
Appropriation  397  to  other  program  areas and budget entities within
the   Department   as  appropriate  to  streamline  its  management  and
administrative structure and improve management efficiency.

and insert in lieu thereof:

The reduced appropriations in Specific Appropriations 397 and 398

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reflect a General Revenue reduction of $4,077,837 associated with the
elimination of non-essential management and administrative positions as
follows:  9 career service positions at pay grade 23 and above and 108
senior management and select exempt services positions at pay grade 423
and above.  The Department, pursuant to all applicable provisions of law
may transfer funds among program areas and budget entities as
appropriate to streamline its management and administrative structure
and improve management efficiency.

398     Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund               -2,689,000     -2,918,275

        Program: Residential Corrections Program
        Non-Secure Residential Commitment

399     Salaries And Benefits

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 399, DELETE:

The  reduced  appropriations  in Specific Appropriations 399 through 403
include the following:

 -$4,814,587  from  General Revenue is associated with the restructuring
of  services  to misdemeanant youth sentenced to residential commitment.
These  reductions  reflect an offset of $3,195,850 to allow for purchase
of 6 months of intensive day treatment supervision and other appropriate
services  for  misdemeanant  youth,  a  28  day  stay  in  a residential
commitment  facility  for  youth  who  violate  the  terms  of community
supervision, and to continue services for misdemenant youth currently in
residential  commitment  programs.  It  is the intent of the Legislature
that  in  implementing  this  reduction,  the  Department shall transfer
resources  among  program  areas  and  budget  entities  as necessary to
implement the intent of this reduction; and

-$7,895,465  from  General  Revenue is associated with eliminating funds
for non-secure commitment beds that have not been opened.

and insert in lieu thereof:

The  reduced  appropriations  in Specific Appropriations 399 through 403
include the following:

-$7,895,465 from General Revenue associated with
eliminating funds for non-secure commitment beds that have not been
opened; and

-$7,000,000 is associated with the elimination of funds for fixed
capital outlay purposes as identified by the Auditor General report no.

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It is the intent of the Legislature that on-going service levels will
not be affected by implementation of this reduction.

399A    Salaries And Benefits

          From General Revenue Fund                               2,504,422

        In Section 04  On Page 059
400A    Other Personal Services
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Other Personal 

          From General Revenue Fund                                  75,638

401A    Expenses
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Expenses

          From General Revenue Fund                                 337,051

402A    Operating Capital Outlay
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Operating 
        Capital Outlay

          From General Revenue Fund                                   9,335

403     Special Categories
        Grants And Aids - Contracted Services

          From General Revenue Fund              -11,447,226    -18,447,226

403A    Special Categories
        Restore As Non-Recurring-Grants And Aids 
        - Contracted Services

          From General Revenue Fund                               1,888,141

        Secure Residential Commitment

407     Special Categories
        Grants And Aids - Contracted Services

          From General Revenue Fund               -9,113,858    -16,113,858

Immediately following Specific Appropriation  407, DELETE:

Of   the   reduced   appropriations   in   Specific  Appropriation  407,

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-$2,982,050  from  General Revenue is associated with the elimination of
funds  for  high  risk  commitment  beds  that  are  currently not under
contract.  It  is  the  intent  of the Legislature that on-going service
levels will not be affected by implementation of this reduction.

and insert in lieu thereof:

The reduced appropriations in Specific Appropriation 407 include the

-$2,982,050 from General Revenue is associated with the elimination of
funds for high risk commitment beds that are currently not under
contract; and

-$7,000,000 from General Revenue is associated with the elimination of
funds for fixed capital outlay purposes as identified by the Auditor
General in report no. 02-057.

It is the intent of the Legislature that on-going service levels will
not be affected by implementation of these reductions.

        Program: Trial Courts
        Court Operations - Circuit Courts

        In Section 07  On Page 101
799A    Special Categories
        Restore Guardian Ad Litem

          From General Revenue Fund                               2,689,661

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 799A, INSERT:

Funds in Specific Appropriation 799A shall be used to ensure the
continuation of Guardian Ad Litem services at the level appropriated for
FY 2000-01.

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.
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