990041                                                            No.  16S

                               CHAMBER ACTION
           SENATE                     .                    HOUSE
                                                   ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW


Representative(s): Murman
offered the following SUBSTITUTE AMENDMENT for 16 (990039):

In Section: 03 On Page: 026 Specific Appropriation:  128
Provides an increase of $57,394,880 from the General Revenue Fund and
$67,005,264 from trust funds to restore Medicaid coverage for Elderly and
Disabled individuals up to 85 percent of the federal poverty level under the
optional MEDS A/D program.
                                                     DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Health Care Services
        Executive Direction And Support Services

        In Section 03  On Page 026
128     Special Categories
        Medicaid Fiscal Contract

          From General Revenue Fund                 -390,254       -192,247
          From Administrative Trust Fund            -870,662       -428,905

127     Special Categories
        Pharmaceutical Assistance Program For 
        Elderly And Disabled

          From Tobacco Settlement Trust Fund      32,183,687     10,057,403
          From Grants And Donations Trust          7,478,491      2,337,028

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Immediately following Specific Appropriation 127, DELETE:

Funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  127  are provided to implement a new
Pharmaceutical   Assistance   Program   for  Elderly  and  Disabled  for
individuals  previously  enrolled  in  the  optional  Medicaid Expansion
Designated  by  SOBRA  -  Aged and Disabled (MEDS-AD) program, effective
January  1, 2002, contingent on the enactment of legislation during 2001
Special Session B authorizing such program.

and insert in lieu thereof:

Funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  127  are provided to implement a new
Pharmaceutical   Assistance   Program   for  Elderly  and  Disabled  for
individuals between 85 percent and 90 percent of the federal poverty
level which were previously  enrolled  in  the  optional  Medicaid
Expansion Designated  by  SOBRA  -  Aged and Disabled (MEDS-AD) program,
effective January  1, 2002, contingent on the enactment of legislation
during 2001 Special Session C authorizing such program.

        Medicaid Services To Individuals

130     Special Categories
        Case Management

          From General Revenue Fund               -1,179,649       -473,292
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -1,529,074       -613,487

131     Special Categories
        Community Mental Health Services

          From General Revenue Fund               -1,820,744       -788,071
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -2,360,069     -1,021,506

132     Special Categories
        Family Planning

          From General Revenue Fund                  -17,021        -12,423
          From Medical Care Trust Fund              -153,190       -111,810

133     Special Categories
        Home Health Services

          From General Revenue Fund                 -949,653       -515,374
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -1,230,905       -667,989

134     Special Categories
        Hospice Services

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          From General Revenue Fund               -4,988,327     -1,614,739
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -6,465,840     -2,092,958

135     Special Categories
        Hospital Inpatient Services

          From General Revenue Fund              -44,506,529    -34,405,351
          From Medical Care Trust Fund           -48,078,152    -34,984,896

137     Special Categories
        Hospital Outpatient Services

          From General Revenue Fund               -6,373,094     -5,293,443

        In Section 03  On Page 027

          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -8,260,490     -6,861,033

138     Special Categories
        Nurse Practitioner Services

          From General Revenue Fund                  -34,026        -25,748
          From Medical Care Trust Fund               -44,106        -33,375

139     Special Categories
        Other Lab And X-Ray Services

          From General Revenue Fund                 -338,375       -244,379
          From Medical Care Trust Fund              -438,480       -316,641

140     Special Categories
        Patient Transportation

          From General Revenue Fund               -2,855,051     -1,185,758
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -3,700,631     -1,536,876

141     Special Categories
        Physician Assistant Services

          From General Revenue Fund                  -14,408        -10,453
          From Medical Care Trust Fund               -18,676        -13,549

142     Special Categories
        Physician Services

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          From General Revenue Fund              -20,852,919    -19,045,261
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -8,994,357     -6,651,250

143     Special Categories
        Prescribed Medicine/Drugs

          From General Revenue Fund              -76,570,259    -47,039,569
          From Grants And Donations Trust        -38,482,901    -18,826,297
          From Medical Care Trust Fund           -98,419,864    -60,141,847

144     Special Categories
        Rural Health Services

          From General Revenue Fund                 -250,455       -163,890
          From Medical Care Trust Fund              -324,633       -212,426

145     Special Categories
        Medipass Services

          From General Revenue Fund               -2,507,969     -2,475,114
          From Medical Care Trust Fund            -3,265,617     -3,223,030

147     Special Categories
        Clinic Services

          From General Revenue Fund                 -200,651       -148,703
          From Medical Care Trust Fund              -260,040       -192,704

        In Section 03  On Page 028

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 147, DELETE:

The  appropriations  in Specific Appropriations 127, 128, 130, 131, 132,
133,  134,  135,  137,  138,  139,  140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145 and 147
reflect the net reductions of $83,471,250 from the General Revenue Fund,
$642,555 from the Administrative Trust Fund, $21,112,933 from the Grants
and  Donations  Trust Fund, and $107,874,571 from the Medical Care Trust
Fund  as  a result of the elimination of the optional Medicaid Expansion
Designated  by  SOBRA  - Aged and Disabled (MEDS-AD) program pursuant to
legislation  enacted during 2001 Special Session B. Those appropriations
also  represent  an  increase of $32,183,687 from the Tobacco Settlement
Trust  Fund for the establishment of a Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
for  Elderly  and Disabled, effective January 1, 2002, contingent on the
enactment  of  legislation  authorizing such program during 2001 Special
Session B.

and insert in lieu thereof:

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The  appropriations  in Specific Appropriations 127, 128, 130, 131, 132,
133,  134,  135,  137,  138,  139,  140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147 
and 150 reflect the net reductions of $26,076,370 from the General
Revenue Fund, $200,798 from the Administrative Trust Fund, $6,597,792
from the Grants and  Donations  Trust Fund, and $33,699,921 from the
Medical Care Trust Fund  as  a result of the revising eligibility in the
optional Medicaid Expansion Designated  by  SOBRA  - Aged and Disabled
(MEDS-AD) program to 85 percent of the federal poverty level pursuant to
legislation enacted during 2001 Special Session C. Those appropriations
also  represent  an  increase of $10,057,403 from the Tobacco Settlement
Trust  Fund for the establishment of a Pharmaceutical Assistance Program
for  Elderly  and Disabled individuals between 85 percent and 90 percent
of the federal poverty level, effective January 1, 2002, contingent on
the enactment  of  legislation  authorizing such program during 2001
Special Session C.

        Medicaid Prepaid Health Plans

150     Special Categories
        Prepaid Health Plans--Elderly And 

          From General Revenue Fund              -10,442,634     -3,263,323
          From Medical Care Trust Fund           -13,535,859     -4,229,956

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.
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