House Bill hb0091C

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 91-C

        By Representatives Wiles, Greenstein, Kosmas, Justice and

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to state administration;

  3         providing a short title; requiring the State

  4         Board of Administration, boards operating under

  5         the authority of the state, and state agencies

  6         to refinance outstanding bonds under certain

  7         circumstances; requiring quarterly reporting of

  8         bond issuance and refunding activities to the

  9         Legislature; authorizing state agency heads for

10         the remainder of the current fiscal year to

11         renegotiate contracts to reduce contract

12         provisions by up to 5 percent under certain

13         circumstances, subject to notice, review, and

14         approval as specified in s. 216.177, F.S.;

15         providing that savings resulting from such bond

16         refinancing and contract renegotiation shall be

17         redirected into certain current year budget

18         categories in proportion to the cuts made to

19         those areas in the 2001 Special Session C

20         Supplemental Appropriations Act; providing for

21         expiration of such provisions; requiring state

22         agencies to propose administrative efficiencies

23         to the Legislature prior to the start of each

24         regular session of the Legislature; providing

25         an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  This act may be cited as the "Citizens'

30  Government Efficiency Act of 2001."



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 91-C


  1         Section 2.  (1)  In order to implement the provisions

  2  of the act making supplemental appropriations and reductions

  3  in appropriations for the 2001-2002 state fiscal year at the

  4  2001 Special Session C and notwithstanding any provision of

  5  law to the contrary, the State Board of Administration, any

  6  other board operating under the authority of the State of

  7  Florida, or any state agency that has the authority to issue

  8  bonds shall refinance any outstanding bonds of this state if

  9  there is opportunity to reduce the interest rate to maximize

10  the cash flow benefit to the state.  Any such bond-issuing

11  authority shall report to the Legislature on a quarterly basis

12  all bond issuance and refunding activities of the preceding

13  quarter.

14         (2)  In order to implement the provisions of the act

15  making supplemental appropriations and reductions in

16  appropriations for the 2001-2002 state fiscal year at the 2001

17  Special Session C and notwithstanding any provision of law to

18  the contrary, all state agency heads are authorized to

19  renegotiate current state contracts with private providers and

20  public-private providers to reduce contract payments by up to

21  5 percent as long as vital education, health care, and public

22  safety services are not reduced.  Final contract modifications

23  pursuant to this subsection shall be subject to the notice,

24  review, and approval process specified in section 216.177,

25  Florida Statutes.

26         (3)  Savings generated from the refinancing of bonds

27  under subsection (1) and the renegotiation of contracts under

28  subsection (2) shall be redirected by the Legislative Budget

29  Commission into the budget categories of education, health

30  care, and public safety in proportion to the cuts made in

31  those areas by the act making supplemental appropriations and


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2001                HB 91-C


  1  reductions in appropriations for the 2001-2002 state fiscal

  2  year at the 2001 Special Session C.

  3         (4)  This section expires July 1, 2002.

  4         Section 3.  No later than 1 week prior to the start of

  5  each regular session of the Legislature, all state agency

  6  heads shall propose statutory or rule changes that would

  7  result in savings to their agency's administrative budget.

  8  Among other methods, state agency heads shall take into

  9  account savings suggestions from outside organizations, such

10  as Florida TaxWatch, the Florida Council of 100, and the Davis

11  Productivity Awards Foundation.  In addition, all state agency

12  heads shall establish a place on their agency's website where

13  citizens can recommend agency cost savings.

14         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

15  law.


17            *****************************************

18                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the "Citizens' Government Efficiency Act of 2001"
20    to:
           1.  Require, for the remainder of the current fiscal
21    year, the State Board of Administration, boards operating
      under the authority of the state, and state agencies to
22    refinance outstanding bonds to reduce the interest rate
      to maximize the cash flow benefit to the state.
23         2.  Require, for the remainder of the current fiscal
      year, quarterly reporting of bond issuance and refunding
24    activities to the Legislature.
           3.  Authorize state agency heads, for the remainder
25    of the current fiscal year, to renegotiate contracts and
      reduce contract provisions by up to 5 percent under
26    certain circumstances, subject to notice, review, and
      approval as specified in s. 216.177, F.S.
27         4.  Require the Legislative Budget Commission to
      redirect savings from such refinancing of bonds and
28    renegotiation of contracts into the current fiscal year
      budget categories of education, health care, and public
29    safety in proportion to the cuts made in such areas by
      the 2001 Special Session C Supplemental Appropriations
30    Act.
           5.  Require state agencies to propose administrative
31    efficiencies to the Legislature prior to the start of
      each regular session of the Legislature.

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.