House Bill hb1047er

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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed


  2         An act relating to the Municipal Service

  3         District of Ponte Vedra Beach, St. Johns

  4         County; amending chapter 82-375, Laws of

  5         Florida, as amended; providing for District

  6         Trustees to notify the Board Chair and Governor

  7         in the case of resignation; providing for a

  8         notice of a vacancy in the Board of Trustees;

  9         providing for appointment of a District Trustee

10         in case of vacancy; providing for creation of

11         subdistricts; providing for taxation of

12         subdistricts; providing that expenditures over

13         a certain amount on capital projects must be

14         approved by electors of the district; providing

15         a limit on amount that may be spent on an

16         unbudgeted capital project; providing a

17         definition; providing for public hearings for

18         proposed amendments to the act every 10 years;

19         providing for a referendum; providing an

20         effective date.


22  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


24         Section 1.  Section 2 of chapter 82-375, Laws of

25  Florida, as amended by chapter 90-463, Laws of Florida, is

26  amended to read:

27         Section 2.  The following is the charter of the

28  Municipal Service District of Ponte Vedra Beach:

29         (1)  The purpose of the district is to provide services

30  to the public of the district independent of, as well as



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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  supplemental to, those services provided by St. Johns County

  2  and in cooperation with the function of the county.

  3         (2)(a)  The governing body of the district shall

  4  consist of a board of seven District Trustees.  The original

  5  Board of District Trustees shall consist of seven persons

  6  residing within the district who are qualified electors of the

  7  State of Florida.

  8         (b)  At the 1990 general election, seven District

  9  Trustees shall be elected by the qualified voters of the

10  district, with three for 2-year terms and four for 4-year

11  terms, and they shall be elected to serve until their

12  successors are elected and qualified. The seats shall be

13  numbered consecutively one through seven.  In the 1990 general

14  election, the odd numbered seats shall be elected for terms of

15  4 years, the even numbered seats for terms of 2 years.  The

16  term of office of the District Trustees elected at each

17  succeeding election shall be 4 years.  To be eligible for

18  election, a person must reside in the district and be

19  qualified to vote in the district. A trustee may not serve

20  more than two consecutive 4-year terms.

21         (c)  District Trustee candidates seeking election may

22  qualify anytime after noon on the 50th day prior to the first

23  primary, but not later than noon on the 46th day prior to the

24  date of the first primary by filing, without political party

25  affiliation, with the St. Johns County Supervisor of

26  Elections, a petition upon a form approved by the supervisor

27  of elections in accordance with rules adopted by the Division

28  of Elections and signed by not less than 25 eligible voters

29  within the district.  Candidates shall specify the seat which

30  they seek by number.  The district shall pay all costs of the

31  district elections.


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1         (d)  In all elections for District Trustees, which

  2  shall be held in conjunction with the first primary and

  3  general election, qualified voters shall be persons who reside

  4  within the district who are qualified to vote in any general

  5  or special election.

  6         (e)  Each District Trustee elected pursuant to this

  7  section shall take office at the same time as members of the

  8  Board of County Commissioners. Each District Trustee, before

  9  entering upon his duties, shall take and subscribe to the oath

10  or affirmation required by the State Constitution.

11         (f)  Any District Trustee may be removed from office by

12  the Governor for misfeasance, malfeasance, or willful neglect

13  of duty.  In the event of a vacancy in office due to any

14  cause, the Governor shall appoint a qualified successor

15  District Trustee to hold office until the next ensuing general

16  election. A District Trustee who voluntarily resigns his

17  position shall notify the Board Chair and the Governor of said

18  resignation. Upon receipt of notice of a vacancy in any

19  District Trustee position, the remaining District Trustees

20  shall cause a notice of such vacancy to be published in a

21  newspaper of general circulation in the County and a newspaper

22  circulated within the Ponte Vedra Community, not later than 14

23  days following receipt of notification of a vacancy for any

24  reason. The Governor shall not appoint a successor District

25  Trustee until publication of the notice of said vacancy by the

26  District.

27         (3)(a)  The District Trustees from their number shall

28  annually elect a Chairman, Vice Chairman, and Treasurer, and

29  shall appoint a Secretary who shall serve at the pleasure of

30  the District Trustees.  The Secretary, who shall not be a

31  District Trustee, shall receive such compensation as may be


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  fixed by the Board of District Trustees, and shall be the

  2  custodian of all books and records of the district.  The first

  3  meeting in January of each year shall be the Board of District

  4  Trustees' organizational meeting.

  5         (b)  The Board of District Trustees shall meet at least

  6  once a month at a time, date, and place established by the

  7  District Trustees.  All meetings shall be held at a public

  8  place within the district, or outside the district within 1

  9  mile of the boundary of the district, and shall be open to the

10  public.  The board shall give reasonable notice of all of its

11  meetings.  The board shall keep a record of its meetings, and

12  the record must be available for public inspection.

13         (c)  Four District Trustees shall constitute a quorum

14  at Board of District Trustees' meetings.  The affirmative vote

15  of a majority of the District Trustees present shall be

16  necessary for any action taken by the District Trustees;

17  however, no vacancy in the membership of the District Trustees

18  shall impair the right of a quorum to exercise all of the

19  rights and perform all of the duties hereunder.

20         (d)  No District Trustee shall receive compensation,

21  but each District Trustee shall be paid his necessary expenses

22  incurred while engaged in the performance of his duties as

23  prescribed by state statutes.

24         (e)  The St. Johns County Tax Collector shall be

25  ex-officio tax collector for the district and the St. Johns

26  County Supervisor of Elections shall be the ex-officio

27  supervisor of elections of the district.

28         (f)  The Board of District Trustees may appoint such

29  other officers of the district as it deems appropriate and

30  necessary.



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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1         (g)  Subdistricts may be created within the district in

  2  order to provide localized public services. Such subdistricts

  3  may be created by formal resolution of the Board of District

  4  Trustees, at its discretion, at a regularly scheduled meeting

  5  upon receipt by the District Trustees of verified petition(s)

  6  signed by at least 2/3 of the registered voters residing in

  7  the proposed subdistrict who are qualified to vote in any

  8  general or special election, identifying the boundaries of

  9  said subdistrict, specifying a project or service requiring

10  establishment of the subdistrict, and including an estimate of

11  the cost thereof prepared by a qualified professional.

12  Creation of said subdistrict is further conditioned upon a

13  determination by the District Trustees that the service or

14  function is within the services and functions authorized

15  herein for the District Trustees, and that the service or

16  function will uniquely benefit the residents of said

17  subdistrict. The Board of District Trustees may, at its

18  discretion, set a separate ad valorem tax rate for the

19  subdistrict, providing that the special levy combined with the

20  general levy for the entire district does not exceed the

21  millage limitation set forth in subsection (4)(j) herein. Upon

22  determination by the Board of District Trustees at a regularly

23  scheduled meeting that certain areas within the district do

24  not receive equal benefit for taxes levied, the board may by

25  formal resolution create a subdistrict within the district for

26  the purpose of levying a uniform tax rate within the

27  subdistrict different from the rate within the district.

28  However, the tax rate in any subdistrict shall never exceed

29  the general rate set for the district.

30         (4)  The district is authorized and empowered:

31         (a)  To sue and be sued;


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1         (b)  To contract;

  2         (c)  To adopt and use a common seal and alter the same

  3  at pleasure;

  4         (d)  To purchase, hold, lease, sell, or otherwise

  5  acquire and convey such real and personal property and

  6  interest therein as may be necessary or proper to carry out

  7  the purpose of this act;

  8         (e)  To make rules and regulations for its own

  9  government and proceedings;

10         (f)  To employ engineers, attorneys, accountants,

11  financial, or other consultants and such other agents and

12  employees as the Board of District Trustees may require or

13  deem necessary to accomplish the purposes of this law, or to

14  contract for any such services;

15         (g)  To supplement within the district the performance

16  of the following specialized services and functions of the

17  Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns County:

18         1.  The provision of personnel, equipment, and

19  facilities for civil defense, emergency ambulance and rescue

20  service, or funds therefor;

21         2.  Parking restrictions and traffic control;

22         3.  Refuse collection and disposal;

23         4.  Beautification;

24         5.  Cable television;

25         6.  Fire protection;

26         7.  Utilities, including, but not limited to, sewage,

27  water, and lighting; and

28         8.  Recreation facilities.





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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  All rules and regulations of the district dealing with parking

  2  restrictions and traffic control shall be adopted in

  3  conformity with chapter 316, Florida Statutes.

  4         (h)  To acquire, construct, operate, maintain, equip,

  5  improve, extend, enlarge, or improve capital projects within

  6  or without the district for the purposes of enabling the

  7  district to perform the specialized public functions or

  8  services as herein provided. However, expenditures on any

  9  individual capital project, including acquisition of real or

10  personal property, that exceeds a total cost of $150,000 must

11  first be approved by a voting majority of qualified voters in

12  the district. The Board of District Trustees shall determine

13  the method to be used to determine whether voters approve a

14  capital expenditure or expenditures exceeding $150,000 and

15  approval of a majority of those voters participating in or

16  responding to the method used by the District Trustees to

17  decide the issue shall be sufficient to approve expenditure of

18  funds exceeding $150,000 for the project. Whatever method is

19  used to determine voter approval of such expenditure, the

20  District Trustees in presenting the issue to be decided shall

21  generally describe the project to be undertaken by the

22  expenditure and the estimated cost thereof. In addition, the

23  Board of District Trustees shall not expend more than $50,000

24  from contingency reserves for any unbudgeted capital project

25  in any fiscal year;

26         (i)  To issue tax anticipation notes and revenue

27  certificates secured only by the anticipated revenues of the

28  district;

29         (j)  To levy and assess ad valorem taxes to pay the

30  cost of such specialized public functions or services

31  authorized in this act; however, such rate of taxation may not


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  exceed three mills, provided that such rate of taxation may

  2  not exceed one mill unless such rate is approved by a majority

  3  vote of the qualified electors of the district voting at an

  4  election called by the District Trustees;

  5         (k)  To fix and collect rates, fees, and other charges

  6  for the specialized public functions or services authorized by

  7  this act;

  8         (l)  To restrain, enjoin, or otherwise prevent the

  9  violation of this act or of any resolution or rule adopted

10  pursuant to the powers granted by this act;

11         (m)  To join with any other district, municipality,

12  county, or other political subdivision, public agency, or

13  authority in the exercise of common powers;

14         (n)  To contract with municipalities or other private

15  or public corporations or persons to provide or receive such

16  specialized public functions or services, including by way of

17  nonexclusive franchise;

18         (o)  To enter into contracts with the government of the

19  United States or any agency or instrumentality thereof, or

20  with any state, county, municipality, district, authority, or

21  political subdivision, private corporation, partnership,

22  association, or individual to effect the purposes of this act,

23  and to receive and accept from any state or federal agency,

24  grants or loans for or in aid of the specialized public

25  functions or services authorized herein;

26         (p)  To provide a police department, consisting of one

27  or more police officers with full arrest powers, together with

28  necessary administrative personnel, facilities, and equipment,

29  in addition to and independent of any law enforcement services

30  provided by the Sheriff of St. Johns County.  Persons employed

31  by the district as law enforcement officers must meet the


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  qualifications and standards prescribed by general law for

  2  such employment;

  3         (q)  To contract with the Sheriff of St. Johns County

  4  to provide law enforcement services supplemental to those

  5  services provided by the Sheriff of St. Johns County; and

  6         (r)  To issue bond anticipation notes and revenue bonds

  7  in the manner provided by general law for the issuance of

  8  revenue bonds and notes by counties to finance projects of the

  9  district. Revenue bonds and notes shall be, and shall be

10  deemed to be, for all purposes, negotiable instruments,

11  subject only to the provisions of the revenue bonds and notes

12  for registration.

13         (5)  "Contingency reserves," defined as the amount of

14  funds remaining at the end of the fiscal year less the amount

15  required to operate the district at the beginning of the next

16  fiscal year, shall not exceed $200,000 in any fiscal year. Any

17  amount of contingency reserves exceeding $200,000 at the end

18  of any fiscal year must be used to reduce the ad valorem tax

19  levy for the entire district for the following fiscal year.

20         (6)(5)  The creation and existence of the district

21  shall not affect the obligations and responsibilities of St.

22  Johns County as to the area encompassed by the district.

23         (7)(6)  The charter of the district may be amended, and

24  the district may be dissolved, only by law.

25         (8)(7)  The debts of the district shall not constitute

26  a debt of St. Johns County or the State of Florida and shall

27  not be construed to constitute a lien on any real or personal

28  property or income of the county or state. The debts of the

29  district are the sole responsibility of the district.

30         (9)(8)  The district may not rescind or modify any

31  contracts, franchises, or ordinances of St. Johns County, and


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  the county shall not have the power to rescind or modify any

  2  validly enacted contracts or franchises or ordinances of the

  3  district. However, no act, franchise, or regulation of the

  4  district shall be deemed to prevent the county from acting,

  5  granting franchises, levying taxes, or regulating similar or

  6  the same subject matter within the district.

  7         (10)(9)  Unless specifically reserved in this act, St.

  8  Johns County shall have no power of review over validly

  9  enacted fees, charges, and rules of the district that are

10  enacted pursuant to this act, but to the extent that such

11  fees, charges, or rules are in conflict with an ordinance,

12  franchise, charge, fee, regulation, or rule of the county

13  which also affects areas which are not within the boundaries

14  of the district, such fees, charges, or rules, are void.

15         (11)(10)  Any person who is authorized by the district

16  to write checks or otherwise receive, expend, or handle

17  district funds shall be bonded at the district's expense by a

18  good and sufficient fidelity bond in at least the amount of

19  $25,000.

20         (12)(11)  The district shall be audited annually at its

21  expense. The district shall comply with financial disclosure

22  and reporting requirements imposed by general law, including

23  chapter 189, Florida Statutes.

24         (13)(12)  For planning and budget purposes, the fiscal

25  year of the district shall commence on October 1 of each year

26  and end on September 30 of the succeeding year.

27         (14)(13)  The budget of the district is not subject to

28  approval by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Johns

29  County.

30         (15)  The District Trustees shall conduct a public

31  hearing to review and consider proposed amendments to this act


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1  every 10 years following adoption of this act as amended,

  2  provided this does not preclude the District Trustees at their

  3  discretion from reviewing this act at other times.

  4         Section 2.  This section shall take effect upon

  5  becoming a law. Section 1 of this act shall take effect on

  6  October 1, 2002, if approved by a majority vote of the

  7  electors voting at an election called by the District Trustees

  8  and held in conjunction with the first primary election in

  9  2002.  A person is eligible to vote at such election if he or

10  she is a qualified elector of the county and resides within

11  the boundaries of the Municipal Service District of Ponte

12  Vedra Beach.  The question presented at such election shall be

13  substantially in the following form:


15         Do you favor amending the Ponte Vedra Municipal Service

16  District charter to provide for:


18         (1)  Reducing the ability of the District Trustees to

19  levy ad valorem taxes to one mill, unless voters approve an

20  expenditure of greater than one mill, up to the maximum of

21  three mills already authorized in the charter;

22         (2)  A $150,000 limit on capital expenditures for a

23  single project by District Trustees unless a voting majority

24  of district voters approve expenditure of a greater amount;

25         (3)  A limit of $200,000 on the amount of contingency

26  reserves that may be budgeted by the District Trustees in any

27  fiscal year and requiring that contingency reserves exceeding

28  $200,000 be used to reduce ad valorem taxes in the following

29  fiscal year;

30         (4)  A prohibition on expenditure of more then $50,000

31  on unbudgeted capital projects from contingency reserves;


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    2002 Legislature                      HB 1047, First Engrossed

  1         (5)  Discretion for the District Trustees to establish

  2  subdistricts having a tax rate greater than the general rate,

  3  upon petition for a single project signed by 2/3 of registered

  4  voters within a proposed subdistrict;

  5         (6)  A notification process for vacancies in District

  6  Trustee positions; and

  7         (7)  Mandatory review by the District Trustees of the

  8  charter once every 10 years.


10         ........ FOR the amendments

11         ........ AGAINST the amendments


13  If section 1 of this act is not approved by a majority vote of

14  the electors voting at the election required by this section,

15  chapter 90-463, Laws of Florida, shall remain in effect.


















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