Senate Bill sb1052

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1052

    By Senator Posey


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to tax on sales, use, and other

  3         transactions; amending s. 212.08, F.S.;

  4         providing an exemption for tangible personal

  5         property sold to a contractor employed directly

  6         by or as an agent of the United States

  7         Government or state or local government when

  8         such property will become part of a public

  9         facility owned by the governmental entity, if

10         specified conditions are met; providing duties

11         of such governmental entities, contractors, and

12         sellers with respect to documentation and

13         recordkeeping; providing for application of

14         penalties; providing an effective date.


16  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


18         Section 1.  Subsection (6) of section 212.08, Florida

19  Statutes, is amended, and subsection (18) is added to that

20  section, to read:

21         212.08  Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution,

22  and storage tax; specified exemptions.--The sale at retail,

23  the rental, the use, the consumption, the distribution, and

24  the storage to be used or consumed in this state of the

25  following are hereby specifically exempt from the tax imposed

26  by this chapter.


28  also exempt from the tax imposed by this chapter sales made to

29  the United States Government, a state, or any county,

30  municipality, or political subdivision of a state when payment

31  is made directly to the dealer by the governmental entity.


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1052

  1  This exemption shall not inure to any transaction otherwise

  2  taxable under this chapter when payment is made by a

  3  government employee by any means, including, but not limited

  4  to, cash, check, or credit card when that employee is

  5  subsequently reimbursed by the governmental entity. Unless the

  6  conditions specified in subsection (18) are met, this

  7  exemption does not include sales of tangible personal property

  8  made to contractors employed either directly or as agents of

  9  any such government or political subdivision thereof when such

10  tangible personal property goes into or becomes a part of

11  public works owned by such government or political

12  subdivision. A determination whether a particular transaction

13  is properly characterized as an exempt sale to a government

14  entity or a taxable sale to a contractor shall be based on the

15  substance of the transaction rather than the form in which the

16  transaction is cast. The department shall adopt rules that

17  give special consideration to factors that govern the status

18  of the tangible personal property before its affixation to

19  real property. In developing these rules, assumption of the

20  risk of damage or loss is of paramount consideration in the

21  determination. This exemption does not include sales, rental,

22  use, consumption, or storage for use in any political

23  subdivision or municipality in this state of machines and

24  equipment and parts and accessories therefor used in the

25  generation, transmission, or distribution of electrical energy

26  by systems owned and operated by a political subdivision in

27  this state for transmission or distribution expansion.

28  Likewise exempt are charges for services rendered by radio and

29  television stations, including line charges, talent fees, or

30  license fees and charges for films, videotapes, and

31  transcriptions used in producing radio or television


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  1  broadcasts. The exemption provided in this subsection does not

  2  include sales, rental, use, consumption, or storage for use in

  3  any political subdivision or municipality in this state of

  4  machines and equipment and parts and accessories therefor used

  5  in providing two-way telecommunications services to the public

  6  for hire by the use of a telecommunications facility, as

  7  defined in s. 364.02(13), and for which a certificate is

  8  required under chapter 364, which facility is owned and

  9  operated by any county, municipality, or other political

10  subdivision of the state.  Any immunity of any political

11  subdivision of the state or other entity of local government

12  from taxation of the property used to provide

13  telecommunication services that is taxed as a result of this

14  section is hereby waived.  However, the exemption provided in

15  this subsection includes transactions taxable under this

16  chapter which are for use by the operator of a public-use

17  airport, as defined in s. 332.004, in providing such

18  telecommunications services for the airport or its tenants,

19  concessionaires, or licensees, or which are for use by a

20  public hospital for the provision of such telecommunications

21  services.



24         (a)  Sales of tangible personal property made to

25  contractors employed either directly by or as agents of the

26  United States Government, a state, a county, a municipality,

27  or a political subdivision of a state are exempt if all of the

28  following conditions are met:

29         1.  At the time of such sale, the governmental entity

30  or political subdivision holds a current consumer's

31  certificate of exemption from the department.


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  1         2.  The tangible personal property purchased by the

  2  contractor will go into or become part of a public facility

  3  owned by the governmental entity or political subdivision.

  4  Tangible personal property purchased and used by a contractor

  5  in the course of performing a contract that does not become

  6  part of the public facility is not exempt under this

  7  subsection.

  8         3.  The governmental entity or political subdivision

  9  bears the economic burden of the cost of the tangible personal

10  property, either through direct reimbursement of the cost to

11  the contractor under the contract or inclusion of the cost in

12  the contractor's price for performance of the contract.

13         4.  The governmental entity or political subdivision,

14  general contractor, or a subcontractor presents to the seller

15  prior to or at the time of a purchase:

16         a.  A copy of a current, valid Florida consumer's

17  certificate of exemption held by the governmental entity or

18  political subdivision.

19         b.  A signed and dated statement of an officer or

20  authorized employee of the governmental entity or political

21  subdivision which identifies a specific public works project

22  and names the contractor or contractors engaged to perform

23  work on the identified project who have been authorized to

24  make exempt purchases of materials for the project.

25         c.  A signed and dated statement of the purchasing

26  contractor certifying that all purchases made by that

27  contractor and identified at the time of purchase to the

28  public works project specified in the statement of the

29  governmental entity or political subdivision will be for

30  incorporation into that public works project.



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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1052

  1  A seller may rely on a single copy of the governmental

  2  entity's or political subdivision's consumer's certificate of

  3  exemption and a single signed and dated statement from the

  4  governmental entity or political subdivision to make sales to

  5  any contractor named on that statement so long as the other

  6  certification and recordkeeping requirements of this

  7  subsection are also satisfied. A seller may rely on a single

  8  signed statement of a purchasing contractor to make sales to

  9  that contractor for the public works project specified in that

10  statement so long as the other certification and recordkeeping

11  requirements of this subsection are also satisfied.

12         5.  The records of the seller contain documentation for

13  each exempt purchase as follows:

14         a.  A purchase order from the contractor specifically

15  identifying, by description and quantity, the tangible

16  personal property being purchased for incorporation by the

17  contractor into a specifically named public works project; or

18         b.  Electronic or other records of the seller that

19  establish that the purchased tangible personal property,

20  identified by description and quantity, was charged by a

21  contractor who has provided a statement as described in

22  subparagraph 4. to an account to which only purchases for the

23  public works project specified in that statement are charged.

24         6.  The statements of the governmental entity or

25  political subdivision and of the purchasing contractor

26  described in this paragraph are dated and contain the

27  following printed or typed declaration at the end of the

28  statement and immediately above the signature of the public

29  officer, employee, or contractor: "Under penalties of perjury

30  as provided in s. 92.525, Florida Statutes, I declare that I



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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1052

  1  have read the foregoing statement and that the facts stated in

  2  it are true."

  3         7.  The seller verifies that a purchasing contractor is

  4  named in the statement from the governmental entity or

  5  political subdivision and that the project identified in the

  6  statement of the contractor is the same project as that

  7  identified in the statement of the governmental entity or

  8  political subdivision before the exemption is granted as to

  9  any purchase.

10         (b)1.  The seller must maintain in its records the

11  certificate, statements, and other records described in

12  paragraph (a) to document the exempt status of any sale for

13  the period of time during which the department may conduct an

14  audit of the seller's books and records. A dealer may, through

15  the informal protest provided for in s. 213.21 and the rules

16  of the department, provide the department with evidence of the

17  exempt status of a sale. A consumer's certificate of exemption

18  executed by a governmental entity or political subdivision

19  which was registered with the department at the time of sale,

20  a statement of the governmental entity or political

21  subdivision as described in sub-subparagraph (a)4.b. which had

22  been issued and signed prior to or on the date of the sale for

23  which exemption was claimed, and a purchasing contractor's

24  statement as described in sub-subparagraph (a)4.c. from a

25  contractor that could have issued such statement at the time

26  of the sale shall be accepted by the department when submitted

27  during the protest period, but may not be accepted in any

28  proceeding under chapter 120 or any circuit court action

29  instituted under chapter 72. No exemption shall be recognized

30  for any purchase by a contractor prior to the date on which a

31  governmental entity or political subdivision has issued a


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1052

  1  signed and dated statement authorizing that contractor to make

  2  exempt purchases for a specified public works project.

  3         2.  A contractor that claims exemption under this

  4  subsection must maintain records to establish that the

  5  materials purchased were actually incorporated into the public

  6  works project described in the contractor's statement. The

  7  contractor must accrue and remit use tax on any items

  8  purchased exempt under this subsection that are not

  9  incorporated into the public works project, unless such items

10  are transferred to the governmental entity or political

11  subdivision or returned to the seller for a credit to the

12  contractor's account. The contractor must maintain records to

13  document any such transfers or returns.

14         3.  Any person who fraudulently, for the purpose of

15  evading tax, issues a written statement for use in claiming an

16  exemption under this subsection for materials that do not

17  satisfy the requirements for such exemption shall, in addition

18  to being liable for the payment of the tax due on such

19  materials, be subject to the penalties provided in s. 212.085.

20         Section 2.  This act shall take effect January 1, 2003.


22            *****************************************

23                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Provides a sales tax exemption for tangible personal
25    property sold to a contractor employed directly by or as
      an agent of the United States Government or state or
26    local government when such property will become part of a
      public facility owned by the governmental entity, if
27    specified conditions are met. Such conditions include
      duties of such governmental entities, contractors, and
28    sellers with respect to documentation and recordkeeping.
      Provides for application of penalties.




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