Senate Bill sb1058

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1058

    By Senator Wise

    6-1106-02                                           See HB 681

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to consolidated governments;

  3         amending s. 175.041, F.S.; specifying

  4         application to certain consolidated

  5         governments; amending s. 175.101, F.S.;

  6         including certain consolidated governments

  7         under provisions authorizing imposition of a

  8         state excise tax on property insurance premiums

  9         covering certain property for certain purposes;

10         providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 175.041, Florida

15  Statutes, is amended to read:

16         175.041  Firefighters' Pension Trust Fund created;

17  applicability of provisions.--For any municipality, special

18  fire control district, chapter plan, local law municipality,

19  local law special fire control district, or local law plan

20  under this chapter:

21         (3)  The provisions of this chapter shall apply only to

22  municipalities organized and established pursuant to the laws

23  of the state, to consolidated governments as described in s.

24  175.101, and to special fire control districts, and said

25  provisions shall not apply to the unincorporated areas of any

26  county or counties except with respect to special fire control

27  districts that include unincorporated areas, nor shall the

28  provisions hereof apply to any governmental entity whose

29  firefighters are eligible to participate in the Florida

30  Retirement System.  Special fire control districts that

31  include, or consist exclusively of, unincorporated areas of


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1058
    6-1106-02                                           See HB 681

  1  one or more counties may levy and impose the tax and

  2  participate in the retirement programs enabled by this

  3  chapter.

  4         Section 2.  Section 175.101, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         175.101  State excise tax on property insurance

  7  premiums authorized; procedure.--For any municipality, special

  8  fire control district, chapter plan, local law municipality,

  9  local law special fire control district, or local law plan

10  under this chapter:

11         (1)  Each municipality or special fire control district

12  in this state described and classified in s. 175.041, having a

13  lawfully established firefighters' pension trust fund or

14  municipal fund or special fire control district fund, by

15  whatever name known, providing pension benefits to

16  firefighters as provided under this chapter, may assess and

17  impose on every insurance company, corporation, or other

18  insurer now engaged in or carrying on, or who shall

19  hereinafter engage in or carry on, the business of property

20  insurance as shown by the records of the Department of

21  Insurance an excise tax in addition to any lawful license or

22  excise tax now levied by each of the municipalities or special

23  fire control districts, respectively, amounting to 1.85

24  percent of the gross amount of receipts of premiums from

25  policyholders on all premiums collected on property insurance

26  policies covering property within the corporate limits of such

27  municipalities or within the legally defined boundaries of

28  special fire control districts, respectively.  Whenever the

29  boundaries of a special fire control district that has

30  lawfully established a firefighters' pension trust fund

31  encompass a portion of the corporate territory of a


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1058
    6-1106-02                                           See HB 681

  1  municipality that has also lawfully established a

  2  firefighters' pension trust fund, that portion of the tax

  3  receipts attributable to insurance policies covering property

  4  situated both within the municipality and the special fire

  5  control district shall be given to the fire service provider.

  6  The agent shall identify the fire service provider on the

  7  property owner's application for insurance.  Remaining

  8  revenues collected pursuant to this chapter shall be

  9  distributed to the municipality or special fire control

10  district according to the location of the insured property.

11         (2)  In the case of multiple peril policies with a

12  single premium for both the property and casualty coverages in

13  such policies, 70 percent of such premium shall be used as the

14  basis for the 1.85-percent tax.

15         (3)  This excise tax shall be payable annually on March

16  1 of each year after the passage of an ordinance, in the case

17  of a municipality, or resolution, in the case of a special

18  fire control district, assessing and imposing the tax

19  authorized by this section.  Installments of taxes shall be

20  paid according to the provision of s. 624.5092(2)(a), (b), and

21  (c).


23  This section also applies to any municipality consisting of a

24  single consolidated government which is made up of a former

25  county and one or more municipalities, consolidated pursuant

26  to the authority in s. 3, Art. VIII, or s. 6(e), Art. VIII of

27  the State Constitution, and to property insurance policies

28  covering property within the boundaries of the consolidated

29  government, regardless of whether the properties are located

30  within one or more separately incorporated areas within the

31  consolidated government, provided the properties are being


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1058
    6-1106-02                                           See HB 681

  1  provided fire protection services by the consolidated

  2  government.

  3         Section 3.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  4  law.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Includes consolidated governments, consolidated under s.
  9    3, Art. VIII, or s. 6(e), Art. VIII, of the State
      Constitution, under provisions authorizing a state excise
10    tax on property insurance premiums for policies covering
      property within the boundaries of the consolidated
11    government for firefighters pension fund purposes. See
      bill for details.





















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.