Senate Bill sb1102

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1102

    By Senator Sanderson


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to retirement; amending s.

  3         121.4501, F.S., relating to the Public Employee

  4         Optional Retirement Program; redefining the

  5         term "eligible employee"; providing for the

  6         extension of time to transfer assets from the

  7         defined benefit plan in the event of market

  8         disruption; providing for acceptance of

  9         rollovers; revising the earnings rate for funds

10         in the suspense account to be invested by the

11         board; providing for spousal notification of

12         designation of beneficiary; providing for

13         spousal rollovers to an eligible retirement

14         plan; providing authorization for statements

15         under oath; amending s. 121.571, F.S.;

16         providing a penalty for late contributions to

17         participant accounts; providing an effective

18         date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Paragraph (d) of subsection (2), paragraph

23  (c) of subsection (3), subsection (6), paragraphs (c) and (e)

24  of subsection (7), and paragraph (a) of subsection (8) of

25  section 121.4501, Florida Statutes, are amended, and paragraph

26  (c) is added to subsection (5) of that section, to read:

27         121.4501  Public Employee Optional Retirement

28  Program.--

29         (d)  "Eligible employee" means an officer or employee,

30  as defined in s. 121.021(11), who:



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  1         1.  Is a member of, or is eligible for membership in,

  2  the Florida Retirement System;

  3         2.  Participates in, or is eligible to participate in,

  4  the Senior Management Service Optional Annuity Program as

  5  established under s. 121.055(6); or

  6         3.  Is eligible to participate in, but does not

  7  participate in, the State University System Optional

  8  Retirement Program established under s. 121.35 or the State

  9  Community College System Optional Retirement Program

10  established under s. 121.051(2)(c).


12  The term does not include any renewed member of the Florida

13  Retirement System, any member participating in the Deferred

14  Retirement Option Program established under s. 121.091(13), or

15  any employee participating in an optional retirement program

16  established under s. 121.051(2)(c) or s. 121.35.


18         (c)1.  Notwithstanding paragraph (b), each eligible

19  employee who elects to participate in the Public Employee

20  Optional Retirement Program and establishes one or more

21  individual participant accounts under the optional program may

22  elect to transfer to the optional program a sum representing

23  the present value of the employee's accumulated benefit

24  obligation under the defined benefit retirement program of the

25  Florida Retirement System. Upon such transfer, all service

26  credit previously earned under the defined benefit program of

27  the Florida Retirement System shall be nullified for purposes

28  of entitlement to a future benefit under the defined benefit

29  program of the Florida Retirement System. A participant is

30  precluded from transferring the accumulated benefit obligation



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  1  balance from the defined benefit program upon the expiration

  2  of the period afforded to enroll in the optional program.

  3         2.  For purposes of this subsection, the present value

  4  of the member's accumulated benefit obligation is based upon

  5  the member's estimated creditable service and estimated

  6  average final compensation as of midnight of the day prior to

  7  the opening of the election window for the employee. The

  8  actuarial present value of the employee's accumulated benefit

  9  obligation shall be based on the following:

10         a.  The discount rate and other relevant actuarial

11  assumptions used to value the Florida Retirement System Trust

12  Fund at the time the amount to be transferred is determined,

13  consistent with the factors provided in sub-subparagraphs b.

14  and c.

15         b.  A benefit commencement age, based on the member's

16  estimated creditable service as of midnight on May 31, 2002.

17  The benefit commencement age shall be the younger of the

18  following, but shall not be younger than the member's age as

19  of midnight on May 31, 2002:

20         (I)  Age 62; or

21         (II)  The age the member would attain if the member

22  completed 30 years of service with an employer, assuming the

23  member worked continuously from May 31, 2002, and disregarding

24  any vesting requirement that would otherwise apply under the

25  defined benefit program of the Florida Retirement System.

26         c.  For members of the Special Risk Class and for

27  members of the Special Risk Administrative Support Class

28  entitled to retain special risk normal retirement date, the

29  benefit commencement age shall be the younger of the

30  following, but shall not be younger than the member's age as

31  of midnight on May 31, 2002:


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  1         (I)  Age 55; or

  2         (II)  The age the member would attain if the member

  3  completed 25 years of service with an employer, assuming the

  4  member worked continuously from May 31, 2002, and disregarding

  5  any vesting requirement that would otherwise apply under the

  6  defined benefit program of the Florida Retirement System.

  7         d.  The calculation shall disregard vesting

  8  requirements and early retirement reduction factors that would

  9  otherwise apply under the defined benefit retirement program.

10         3.  For each participant who elects to transfer moneys

11  from the defined benefit program to his or her account in the

12  optional program, the division shall recompute the amount

13  transferred under subparagraph 2. not later than 60 days after

14  the actual transfer of funds based upon the participant's

15  actual creditable service and actual final average

16  compensation as of the initial date of participation in the

17  optional program. If the recomputed amount differs from the

18  amount transferred under subparagraph 2. by $10 or more, the

19  division shall:

20         a.  Transfer, or cause to be transferred, from the

21  Florida Retirement System Trust Fund to the participant's

22  account in the optional program the excess, if any, of the

23  recomputed amount over the previously transferred amount

24  together with interest from the initial date of transfer to

25  the date of transfer under this subparagraph, based upon 8

26  percent effective annual interest, compounded annually.

27         b.  Transfer, or cause to be transferred, from the

28  participant's account to the Florida Retirement System Trust

29  Fund the excess, if any, of the previously transferred amount

30  over the recomputed amount, together with interest from the

31  initial date of transfer to the date of transfer under this


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  1  subparagraph, based upon 6 percent effective annual interest,

  2  compounded annually, pro rata based on the participant's

  3  allocation plan.

  4         4.  As directed by the participant, the board shall

  5  transfer or cause to be transferred the appropriate amounts to

  6  the designated accounts. The board shall establish transfer

  7  procedures by rule, but the actual transfer shall not be later

  8  than 30 days after the effective date of the member's

  9  participation in the optional program unless the major

10  financial markets for securities available for a transfer are

11  seriously disrupted by an unforeseen event that also causes

12  the suspension of trading on any national securities exchange

13  in the country where the securities were issued. In that

14  event, the 30-day period of time may be extended by a

15  resolution of the trustees. Transfers are not commissionable

16  or subject to other fees and may be in the form of securities

17  or cash as determined by the state board. Such securities

18  shall be valued as of the date of receipt in the participant's

19  account.

20         5.  If the board or the division receives notification

21  from the United States Internal Revenue Service that this

22  paragraph or any portion of this paragraph will cause the

23  retirement system, or a portion thereof, to be disqualified

24  for tax purposes under the Internal Revenue Code, then the

25  portion that will cause the disqualification does not apply.

26  Upon such notice, the state board and the division shall

27  notify the presiding officers of the Legislature.

28         (5)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

29         (c)  The Public Employee Optional Retirement Program

30  may accept for deposit into participant accounts contributions

31  in the form of rollovers or direct trustee-to-trustee


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  1  transfers by or on behalf of participants, reasonably

  2  determined by the board or other program administrator to be

  3  eligible for rollover or transfer to the optional retirement

  4  program pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, if the

  5  contributions are made in accordance with rules adopted by the

  6  board. The contributions must be accounted for in accordance

  7  with any applicable requirements of the Internal Revenue Code

  8  and rules of the board.

  9         (6)  VESTING REQUIREMENTS.--

10         (a)1.  With respect to employer contributions paid on

11  behalf of the participant to the Public Employee Optional

12  Retirement Program, plus interest and earnings thereon and

13  less investment fees and administrative charges, a participant

14  shall be vested after completing 1 work year, as defined in s.

15  121.021(54), with an employer, including any service while the

16  participant was a member of the defined benefit retirement

17  program or an optional retirement program authorized under s.

18  121.051(2)(c) or s. 121.055(6).

19         2.  If the participant terminates employment prior to

20  satisfying the vesting requirements, the nonvested

21  accumulation shall be transferred from the participant's

22  accounts to the state board for deposit and investment by the

23  board in the suspense account of the Public Employee Optional

24  Retirement Program Trust Fund of the board. If the terminated

25  participant is reemployed as an eligible employee within 5

26  years, the state board shall transfer to the participant's

27  account any amount of the moneys previously transferred from

28  the participant's accounts to the suspense account of the

29  Public Employee Optional Retirement Program Trust Fund, plus

30  the actual earnings on such amount while in the suspense

31  account interest calculated at 3.0 percent per annum,


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  1  calculated from the date of transfer to the date of

  2  reemployment.

  3         (b)1.  A participant shall be vested in the amount

  4  transferred from the defined benefit program, plus interest

  5  and earnings thereon and less administrative charges and

  6  investment fees, upon meeting the service requirements for the

  7  participant's membership class as set forth in s. 121.021(29).

  8  The third-party administrator shall account for such amounts

  9  for each participant. The division shall notify the

10  participant and the third-party administrator when the

11  participant has satisfied the vesting period for Florida

12  Retirement System purposes.

13         2.  If the participant terminates employment prior to

14  satisfying the vesting requirements, the nonvested

15  accumulation shall be transferred from the participant's

16  accounts to the state board for deposit and investment by the

17  board in the suspense account of the Public Employee Optional

18  Retirement Program Trust Fund of the board. If the terminated

19  participant is reemployed as an eligible employee within 5

20  years, the state board shall transfer to the participant's

21  account any amount of the moneys previously transferred from

22  the participant's accounts to the suspense account of the

23  Public Employee Optional Retirement Program Trust Fund, plus

24  the actual earnings on such amount while in the suspense

25  account interest calculated at 6.0 percent per annum,

26  calculated from the date of transfer to the date of

27  reemployment.

28         (c)  Any nonvested accumulations transferred from a

29  participant's account to the suspense account shall be

30  forfeited by the participant if the participant is not



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  1  reemployed as an eligible employee within 5 years after

  2  termination.

  3         (7)  BENEFITS.--Under the Public Employee Optional

  4  Retirement Program:

  5         (c)  Benefits shall be payable in accordance with the

  6  following terms and conditions:

  7         1.  To the extent vested, benefits shall be payable

  8  only to a participant, or to his or her beneficiaries as

  9  designated by the participant. If a participant designates a

10  beneficiary that is not the participant's spouse, the

11  participant's spouse must be notified. This requirement does

12  not apply to the designation of a contingent beneficiary

13  designated to receive benefits under this section if the

14  participant's spouse predeceases the contingent beneficiary.

15         2.  Benefits shall be paid by the third-party

16  administrator or designated approved providers in accordance

17  with the law, the contracts, and any applicable board rule or

18  policy.

19         3.  To begin receiving the benefits, the participant

20  must be terminated from all employment with all Florida

21  Retirement System employers, as provided in s. 121.021(39), or

22  the participant must be deceased. If a participant elects to

23  receive his or her benefits upon termination of employment,

24  the participant must submit a written application to the

25  third-party administrator indicating his or her preferred

26  distribution date and selecting an authorized method of

27  distribution as provided in paragraph (d). The participant may

28  defer receipt of benefits until he or she chooses to make such

29  application, subject to federal requirements.

30         4.  In the event of a participant's death, moneys

31  accumulated by, or on behalf of, the participant, less


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  1  withholding taxes remitted to the Internal Revenue Service,

  2  shall be distributed to the participant's designated

  3  beneficiary or beneficiaries, or to the participant's estate,

  4  as if the participant retired on the date of death, as

  5  provided in paragraph (e). No other death benefits shall be

  6  available for survivors of participants under the Public

  7  Employee Optional Retirement Program, except for such

  8  benefits, or coverage for such benefits, as are separately

  9  afforded by the employer, at the employer's discretion.

10         (e)  Survivor benefits shall be payable as:

11         1.  A lump-sum distribution payable to the

12  beneficiaries, or to the deceased participant's estate;

13         2.  An eligible rollover distribution on behalf of the

14  surviving spouse of a deceased participant, whereby all

15  accrued benefits, plus interest and investment earnings, are

16  paid from the deceased participant's account directly to the

17  custodian of an eligible retirement plan individual retirement

18  account or an individual retirement annuity, as described in

19  s. 402(c)(8)(B) s. 402(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, on

20  behalf of the surviving spouse; or

21         3.  A partial lump-sum payment whereby a portion of the

22  accrued benefit is paid to the deceased participant's

23  surviving spouse or other designated beneficiaries, less

24  withholding taxes remitted to the Internal Revenue Service,

25  and the remaining amount is transferred directly to the

26  custodian of an eligible retirement plan individual retirement

27  account or an individual retirement annuity, as described in

28  s. 402(c)(8)(B) s. 402(c)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code, on

29  behalf of the surviving spouse. The proportions must be

30  specified by the participant or the surviving beneficiary.



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  1  This paragraph does not abrogate other applicable provisions

  2  of state or federal law providing for payment of death

  3  benefits.


  5         (a)  The Public Employee Optional Retirement Program

  6  shall be administered by the state board and affected

  7  employers. The board may require oaths, by affidavit or

  8  otherwise, and acknowledgments from persons in connection with

  9  the administration of its duties and responsibilities under

10  this chapter. The board shall adopt rules establishing the

11  role and responsibilities of affected state, local government,

12  and education-related employers, the state board, the

13  department, and third-party contractors in administering the

14  Public Employee Optional Retirement Program. The department

15  shall adopt rules necessary to implement the optional program

16  in coordination with the defined benefit retirement program

17  and the disability benefits available under the optional

18  program.

19         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

20  121.571, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         121.571  Contributions.--Contributions to the Public

22  Employee Optional Retirement Program shall be made as follows:


24  and participant contributions to participant accounts shall be

25  accounted for separately. Interest and investment earnings on

26  employer contributions shall accrue on a tax-deferred basis

27  until proceeds are distributed. Pursuant thereto:

28         (a)  All contributions made on behalf of a participant

29  pursuant to this subsection shall be transferred by the

30  employer to the third-party administrator for deposit in the

31  participant's account. All contributions made on behalf of a


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  1  participant must be made timely. Employer contributions

  2  received after the 5th working day of each month will be

  3  considered late. The employer shall be assessed a penalty of 1

  4  percent of the contributions due for each calendar month or

  5  part thereof that the contributions are late. If contributions

  6  made by an employer are late and if that lateness results in

  7  market losses to participants, the employer shall make each

  8  participant whole for market losses resulting from the late

  9  contributions. The third-party administrator hired by the

10  board pursuant to s. 121.4501(8) will calculate the market

11  losses for each affected participant. The employer will also

12  pay the cost of the third-party-administrator calculation and

13  reconciliation adjustments resulting from the late

14  contributions. The employer's total penalty will be equal to

15  the sum of these three penalties. The third-party

16  administrator will notify the employer of the total amount

17  due. The employer will remit to the third-party administrator

18  the amount due within 10 working days after the date of the

19  penalty notice sent by the third-party administrator. The

20  board may adopt rules necessary to administer the provisions

21  regarding late contributions, the process for making

22  participants whole for resultant market losses, and the

23  penalties charged to the employers.

24         Section 3.  This act shall take effect June 1, 2002.









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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1102

  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Redefines the term "eligible employee" for purposes of
      the Public Employee Optional Retirement Program. Provides
  4    for an extension of time to transfer assets from the
      defined benefit plan if there is a disruption in the
  5    financial markets. Authorizes the acceptance of rollovers
      into participant accounts. Revises the earnings rate for
  6    funds in a suspense account. Provides for spousal
      notification of designation of beneficiary. Authorizes
  7    spousal rollovers to an eligible retirement plan.
      Authorizes statements under oath. Provides a penalty for
  8    late contributions by employers to participant accounts.

























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