House Bill hb1113

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1113

        By Representative Kosmas

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to wildflowers; creating the

  3         Wildflower Council within the Florida

  4         Wildflower Foundation, Inc.; providing for

  5         membership and functions of the council;

  6         amending s. 320.08058, F.S.; revising

  7         provisions for distribution and use of

  8         wildflower license plate annual use fees;

  9         amending s. 403.4131, F.S.; deleting provision

10         for the Wildflower Advisory Council within Keep

11         Florida Beautiful, Inc.; transferring certain

12         funds; providing an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Wildflower Council; creation; functions.--

17         (1)  There is created within the Florida Wildflower

18  Foundation, Inc., the Wildflower Council, consisting of a

19  maximum of 11 members, to direct and oversee the expenditure

20  of the Wildflower Account established pursuant to section

21  320.08058(28), Florida Statutes. The Wildflower Council shall

22  include a representative from the University of Florida

23  Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the Department of

24  Transportation, the Department of Environmental Protection,

25  the Florida League of Cities, and the Florida Association of

26  Counties. Other members of the council may include

27  representatives from the Florida Federation of Garden Clubs,

28  Inc., the Think Beauty Foundation, the Florida chapter of the

29  American Society of Landscape Architects, Inc., the Master

30  Gardener's Program, and two members of the Florida Wildflower

31  Foundation, Inc.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1113


  1         (2)  The Wildflower Council shall develop procedures of

  2  operation, research contracts, educational programs, and

  3  wildflower planting grants for Florida native wildflowers,

  4  plants, and grasses. The council shall also make the final

  5  determination as to what constitutes acceptable species of

  6  wildflowers and other plantings supported by these programs.

  7         Section 2.  Subsection (28) of section 320.08058,

  8  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         320.08058  Specialty license plates.--


11         (a)  The department shall develop a Florida Wildflower

12  license plate as provided in this section. The word "Florida"

13  must appear at the top of the plate, and the words "State

14  Wildflower" and "coreopsis" must appear at the bottom of the

15  plate.

16         (b)  The annual use fees shall be distributed to the

17  Wildflower Account established by the Florida Wildflower

18  Foundation, Inc. Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc., created by s.

19  403.4131. The proceeds must be used to establish native

20  Florida wildflower research programs, wildflower educational

21  programs, and wildflower grant programs to municipal, county,

22  and community-based groups in this state. A maximum of 10

23  percent of the proceeds from the sale of such plates may be

24  used for administrative costs.

25         Section 3.  Subsection (10) of section 403.4131,

26  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

27         403.4131  "Keep Florida Beautiful, Incorporated";

28  placement of signs.--

29         (10)(a)  There is created within Keep Florida

30  Beautiful, Inc., the Wildflower Advisory Council, consisting

31  of a maximum of nine members to direct and oversee the


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1113


  1  expenditure of the Wildflower Account. The Wildflower Advisory

  2  Council shall include a representative from the University of

  3  Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, the

  4  Florida Department of Transportation, and the Florida

  5  Department of Environmental Protection, the Florida League of

  6  Cities, and the Florida Association of Counties. Other members

  7  of the committee may include representatives from the Florida

  8  Federation of Garden Clubs, Inc., Think Beauty Foundation, the

  9  Florida Chapter of the American Society of Landscape

10  Architects, Inc., and a representative of the Master

11  Gardener's Program.

12         (b)  The Wildflower Advisory Council shall develop

13  procedures of operation, research contracts, educational

14  programs, and wildflower planting grants for Florida native

15  wildflowers, plants, and grasses. The council shall also make

16  the final determination of what constitutes acceptable species

17  of wildflowers and other plantings supported by these

18  programs.

19         Section 4.  Any unencumbered balance of funds deposited

20  pursuant to section 320.08058(28), Florida Statutes, into the

21  Wildflower Account of the Wildflower Advisory Council, Keep

22  Florida Beautiful, Inc., shall be transferred to the

23  Wildflower Account of the Wildflower Council within the

24  Florida Wildflower Foundation, Inc.

25         Section 5.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

26  law.







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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1113


  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Wildflower Council within the Florida
  4    Wildflower Foundation, Inc. Provides for the Wildflower
      Account to be established by that council and provides
  5    for the distribution of wildflower license plate annual
      use fees to that account to be used for various
  6    wildflower programs.

      Deletes provision for the Wildflower Advisory Council
  8    within Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc., and transfers
      certain funds in the Wildflower Account of the Wildflower
  9    Advisory Council, Keep Florida Beautiful, Inc., to the
      Wildflower Account of the Wildflower Council within the
10    Florida Wildflower Foundation, Inc.























CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.