House Bill hb1161c1
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 CS/HB 1161
By the Committee on General Education and Representatives
Fiorentino and Rich
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to Florida Academic Improvement
3 Trust Fund matching grants; creating s.
4 236.1226, F.S.; creating the Florida Academic
5 Improvement Trust Fund matching grant program;
6 requiring the Commissioner of Education to
7 specify certain procedures; specifying uses of
8 funds; providing for disbursement of funds;
9 providing for administration of funds;
10 providing an effective date.
12 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
14 Section 1. Section 236.1226, Florida Statutes, is
15 created to read:
16 236.1226 Florida Academic Improvement Trust Fund
17 matching grants.--
18 (1) MATCHING GRANTS.--The Florida Academic Improvement
19 Trust Fund shall be utilized to provide matching grants to the
20 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind Endowment Fund and
21 to any public school district education foundation that meets
22 the requirements of this section and is recognized by the
23 local school district as its designated K-12 education
24 foundation.
25 (a) The Commissioner of Education shall specify
26 procedures for the administration, submission, documentation,
27 evaluation, and approval of requests for matching funds and
28 for maintaining accountability for endowments and the proceeds
29 of endowments.
30 (b) Donations, state matching funds, or proceeds from
31 endowments established pursuant to this section shall be used
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 CS/HB 1161
1 at the discretion of the public school district education
2 foundation or the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
3 for academic achievement within the school district or school,
4 and shall not be expended for the construction of facilities
5 or for the support of interscholastic athletics. No public
6 school district education foundation or the Florida School for
7 the Deaf and the Blind shall accept or purchase facilities for
8 which the state will be asked for operating funds unless the
9 Legislature has granted prior approval for such acquisition.
10 (2) ALLOCATION OF THE TRUST FUND.--Funds appropriated
11 to the Florida Academic Improvement Trust Fund shall be
12 allocated by the Department of Education in the following
13 manner:
14 (a) For every year in which there is a legislative
15 appropriation to the trust fund, an equal amount of the annual
16 appropriation, to be determined by dividing the total
17 legislative appropriation by the number of local education
18 foundations as well as the Florida School for the Deaf and the
19 Blind, must be reserved for each public school district
20 education foundation and the Florida School for the Deaf and
21 the Blind Endowment Fund to provide each foundation and the
22 Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind with an opportunity
23 to receive and match appropriated funds. Trust funds that
24 remain unmatched by contribution on April 1 of any year shall
25 be made available for matching by any public school district
26 education foundation and by the Florida School for the Deaf
27 and the Blind which shall have an opportunity to apply for
28 excess trust funds prior to the award of such funds.
29 (b) Matching grants shall be proportionately allocated
30 from the trust fund on the basis of matching each $4 of state
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 CS/HB 1161
1 funds with $6 of private funds. To be eligible for matching, a
2 minimum of $4,500 must be raised from private sources.
3 (c) Funds sufficient to provide the match shall be
4 transferred from the state trust fund to the public school
5 education foundation or to the Florida School for the Deaf and
6 the Blind Endowment Fund upon notification that a
7 proportionate amount has been received and deposited by the
8 foundation or school into its own trust fund.
9 (d) If the total of the amounts to be distributed in
10 any quarter pursuant to this subsection exceeds the amount of
11 funds remaining from specific appropriations made for the
12 implementation of this section, all grants shall be
13 proportionately reduced so that the total of matching grants
14 distributed does not exceed available appropriations.
16 (a) Each public school district education foundation
17 and the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
18 participating in the Florida Academic Improvement Trust Fund
19 shall separately account for all funds received pursuant to
20 this section, and may establish its own academic improvement
21 trust fund as a depository for the private contributions,
22 state matching funds, and earnings on investments of such
23 funds. State matching funds shall be transferred to the public
24 school district education foundation or to the Florida School
25 for the Deaf and the Blind Endowment Fund upon notification
26 that the foundation or school has received and deposited
27 private contributions that meet the criteria for matching as
28 provided in this section. The public school district education
29 foundations and the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind
30 are responsible for the maintenance, investment, and
31 administration of their academic improvement trust funds.
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 CS/HB 1161
1 (b) The public school district education foundations
2 and the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind shall be
3 responsible for soliciting and receiving contributions to be
4 deposited and matched with grants for establishing endowments
5 for academic achievement within the school district or school.
6 (c) Each public school district education foundation
7 and the Florida School for the Deaf and the Blind shall be
8 responsible for proper expenditure of the funds received
9 pursuant to this section.
10 Section 2. This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.
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