Senate Bill sb1224

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1224

    By the Committee on Transportation


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of

  3         Transportation; amending s. 20.23, F.S.;

  4         redesignating the turnpike district as the

  5         turnpike enterprise; amending s. 206.46, F.S.;

  6         increasing the amount that may be transferred

  7         from the State Transportation Trust Fund to the

  8         Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge

  9         Construction Trust Fund for purposes of paying

10         the debt service on outstanding bonds; amending

11         s. 215.615, F.S.; authorizing revenue bonds to

12         finance or refinance right-of-way acquisition

13         and fixed capital expenditures for busway

14         transportation systems; authorizing the

15         department to enter into agreements with local

16         governments for busway projects; limiting the

17         percentage of available funds which may be used

18         for a single project; amending s. 337.025,

19         F.S.; eliminating the cap on innovative highway

20         projects for the turnpike enterprise; amending

21         s. 337.107, F.S.; authorizing the department to

22         enter into design-build contracts that include

23         right-of-way acquisition services; amending s.

24         337.11, F.S.; providing an exemption for

25         turnpike enterprise projects; raising the

26         limitation on certain contracts into which the

27         department may enter without first obtaining

28         bids; expanding the projects that may be

29         combined into a design-build contract;

30         providing restrictions; amending s. 338.165,

31         F.S.; conforming provisions; amending s.


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  1         338.22, F.S.; redesignating the Florida

  2         Turnpike Law as the Florida Turnpike Enterprise

  3         Law; amending s. 338.221, F.S.; redefining the

  4         term "economically feasible" as used with

  5         respect to turnpike projects; creating s.

  6         338.2215, F.S.; providing legislative findings,

  7         policy, purpose, and intent for the turnpike

  8         enterprise; creating s. 338.2216, F.S.;

  9         prescribing the power and authority of the

10         turnpike enterprise; amending s. 338.223, F.S.;

11         increasing the maximum loan amount for the

12         turnpike enterprise; amending s. 338.227, F.S.;

13         conforming provisions; amending s. 338.2275,

14         F.S.; authorizing the turnpike enterprise to

15         advertise for bids for contracts before

16         obtaining environmental permits; amending s.

17         338.234, F.S.; authorizing the turnpike

18         enterprise to expand business opportunities;

19         amending s. 338.235, F.S.; authorizing the

20         consideration of goods instead of fees;

21         amending s. 338.239, F.S.; providing that

22         approved expenditures to the Florida Highway

23         Patrol be paid by the turnpike enterprise;

24         amending s. 338.241, F.S.; lowering the

25         required cash reserve for the turnpike

26         enterprise; amending ss. 338.251, 339.135,

27         F.S., relating to the Toll Facilities Revolving

28         Trust Fund and the department's work program;

29         conforming provisions to changes made by the

30         act; amending s. 339.08, F.S.; clarifying

31         provisions governing the use of funds in the


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  1         State Transportation Trust Fund; amending s.

  2         339.12, F.S.; increasing the limitation on the

  3         amount that local governments may advance to

  4         the department for state road projects;

  5         providing for prompt payment to local

  6         governments that perform projects for the

  7         department; amending s. 341.031, F.S.; defining

  8         the term "busway" for purposes of the Florida

  9         Public Transit Act; amending s. 206.606, F.S.;

10         conforming a cross-reference to changes made by

11         the act; amending s. 553.80, F.S; authorizing

12         the turnpike enterprise to enforce construction

13         regulations; providing effective dates.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

18  20.23, Florida Statutes, is amended, paragraph (f) is added to

19  that subsection, and subsection (6) of that section is amended

20  to read:

21         20.23  Department of Transportation.--There is created

22  a Department of Transportation which shall be a decentralized

23  agency.

24         (4)(a)  The operations of the department shall be

25  organized into seven eight districts, including a turnpike

26  district, each headed by a district secretary, and a turnpike

27  enterprise, headed by an executive director. The district

28  secretaries shall report to the Assistant Secretary for

29  District Operations. The headquarters of the districts shall

30  be located in Polk, Columbia, Washington, Broward, Volusia,

31  Dade, and Hillsborough, and Leon Counties. The headquarters of


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  1  the turnpike enterprise shall be located in Orange County. The

  2  turnpike district must be relocated to Orange County in the

  3  year 2000. In order to provide for efficient operations and to

  4  expedite the decisionmaking process, the department shall

  5  provide for maximum decentralization to the districts.

  6  However, before making a decision to centralize or

  7  decentralize department operations or relocate the turnpike

  8  district, the department must first determine if the decision

  9  would be cost-effective and in the public's best interest. The

10  department shall periodically evaluate such decisions to

11  ensure that they are appropriate.

12         (f)1.  The responsibility for the turnpike system shall

13  be delegated by the secretary to the executive director of the

14  turnpike enterprise, who shall serve at the pleasure of the

15  secretary. The executive director shall report directly to the

16  secretary, and the turnpike enterprise shall operate pursuant

17  to ss. 338.22-338.241.

18         2.  To facilitate the most efficient and effective

19  management of the turnpike enterprise, including the use of

20  best business practices employed by the private sector, the

21  turnpike enterprise is exempt from the department's policies,

22  procedures, and standards, subject to the secretary's

23  authority to apply any such policies, procedures, and

24  standards to the turnpike enterprise when he or she considers

25  it appropriate.

26         3.  To enhance the ability of the turnpike enterprise

27  to use best business practices employed by the private sector,

28  the secretary shall adopt rules that exempt the turnpike

29  enterprise from the department's rules and authorize the

30  turnpike enterprise to employ procurement methods available to

31  the private sector.


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  1         (6)  To facilitate the efficient and effective

  2  management of the department in a businesslike manner, the

  3  department shall develop a system for the submission of

  4  monthly management reports to the Florida Transportation

  5  Commission and secretary from the district secretaries and the

  6  executive director of the turnpike enterprise. The commission

  7  and the secretary shall determine which reports are required

  8  to fulfill their respective responsibilities under this

  9  section. A copy of each such report shall be submitted monthly

10  to the appropriations and transportation committees of the

11  Senate and the House of Representatives. Recommendations made

12  by the Auditor General in his or her audits of the department

13  that relate to management practices, systems, or reports shall

14  be implemented in a timely manner.  However, if the department

15  determines that one or more of the recommendations should be

16  altered or should not be implemented, it shall provide a

17  written explanation of such determination to the Legislative

18  Auditing Committee within 6 months after the date the

19  recommendations were published.

20         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 206.46, Florida

21  Statutes, is amended to read:

22         206.46  State Transportation Trust Fund.--

23         (2)  Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, from

24  the revenues deposited into the State Transportation Trust

25  Fund a maximum of 7 percent in each fiscal year shall be

26  transferred into the Right-of-Way Acquisition and Bridge

27  Construction Trust Fund created in s. 215.605, as needed to

28  meet the requirements of the documents authorizing the bonds

29  issued or proposed to be issued under ss. 215.605 and 337.276

30  or at a minimum amount sufficient to pay for the debt service

31  coverage requirements of outstanding bonds.  Notwithstanding


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  1  the 7 percent annual transfer authorized in this subsection,

  2  the annual amount transferred under this subsection shall not

  3  exceed an amount necessary to provide the required debt

  4  service coverage levels for a maximum debt service not to

  5  exceed $200 $135 million. Such transfer shall be payable

  6  primarily from the motor and diesel fuel taxes transferred to

  7  the State Transportation Trust Fund from the Fuel Tax

  8  Collection Trust Fund.

  9         Section 3.  Section 215.615, Florida Statutes, is

10  amended to read:

11         215.615  Fixed-guideway and busway transportation

12  systems funding.--

13         (1)  The issuance of revenue bonds by the Division of

14  Bond Finance, on behalf of the Department of Transportation,

15  pursuant to s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution, is

16  authorized, pursuant to the State Bond Act, to finance or

17  refinance advanced right-of-way acquisition and fixed capital

18  expenditures for busway and fixed-guideway transportation

19  systems, as defined in s. 341.031, including facilities

20  appurtenant thereto, costs of issuance, and other amounts

21  relating to such financing or refinancing. Such revenue bonds

22  shall be matched on a 50-50 basis with funds from sources

23  other than revenues of the Department of Transportation, in a

24  manner acceptable to the Department of Transportation. The

25  Division of Bond Finance is authorized to consider innovative

26  financing technologies which may include, but are not limited

27  to, innovative bidding and structures of potential financings

28  findings that may result in negotiated transactions.

29         (a)  The department and any participating commuter rail

30  authority or regional transportation authority established

31  under chapter 343, local governments, or local governments


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  1  collectively by interlocal agreement having jurisdiction of an

  2  existing or planned busway, high-speed rail, or other a

  3  fixed-guideway transportation system may enter into an

  4  interlocal agreement to promote the efficient and

  5  cost-effective financing or refinancing of the busway or

  6  fixed-guideway transportation system projects or to purchase

  7  advanced right-of-way by revenue bonds issued pursuant to this

  8  subsection. The terms of such interlocal agreements shall

  9  include provisions for the Department of Transportation to

10  request the issuance of the bonds on behalf of the parties;

11  shall provide that each party to the agreement is

12  contractually liable for an equal share of funding an amount

13  equal to the debt service requirements of such bonds; and

14  shall include any other terms, provisions, or covenants

15  necessary to the making of and full performance under such

16  interlocal agreement. Repayments made to the department under

17  any interlocal agreement are not pledged to the repayment of

18  bonds issued hereunder, and failure of the local governmental

19  authority to make such payment shall not affect the obligation

20  of the department to pay debt service on the bonds.

21         (b)  Revenue bonds issued pursuant to this subsection

22  shall not constitute a general obligation of, or a pledge of

23  the full faith and credit of, the State of Florida. Bonds

24  issued pursuant to this section shall be payable from funds

25  available pursuant to s. 206.46(3), subject to annual

26  appropriation. The amount of revenues available for debt

27  service shall never exceed a maximum of 2 percent of all state

28  revenues deposited into the State Transportation Trust Fund.

29         (c)  The projects to be financed or refinanced with the

30  proceeds of the revenue bonds issued hereunder are designated

31  as state fixed capital outlay projects or advanced


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  1  right-of-way acquisition for purposes of s. 11(d), Art. VII of

  2  the State Constitution, and the specific projects to be

  3  financed or refinanced shall be determined by the Department

  4  of Transportation in accordance with state law and

  5  appropriations from the State Transportation Trust Fund.  Each

  6  project to be financed with the proceeds of the bonds issued

  7  pursuant to this subsection must first be approved by the

  8  Legislature by an act of general law or by an act relating to

  9  appropriations.

10         (d)  Any complaint for validation of bonds issued

11  pursuant to this section shall be filed in the circuit court

12  of the county where the seat of state government is situated,

13  the notice required to be published by s. 75.06 shall be

14  published only in the county where the complaint is filed, and

15  the complaint and order of the circuit court shall be served

16  only on the state attorney of the circuit in which the action

17  is pending.

18         (e)  The state does hereby covenant with holders of

19  such revenue bonds or other instruments of indebtedness issued

20  hereunder, that it will not repeal or impair or amend these

21  provisions in any manner that will materially and adversely

22  affect the rights of such holders as long as bonds authorized

23  by this subsection are outstanding.

24         (f)  This subsection supersedes any inconsistent

25  provisions in existing law.


27  Notwithstanding this subsection, the lien of revenue bonds

28  issued pursuant to this subsection on moneys deposited into

29  the State Transportation Trust Fund shall be subordinate to

30  the lien on such moneys of bonds issued under ss. 215.605,

31  320.20, and 215.616, and any pledge of such moneys to pay


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  1  operating and maintenance expenses under s. 206.46(5) and

  2  chapter 348, as may be amended.

  3         (2)  To be eligible for participation, the busway or

  4  fixed-guideway transportation system projects or advanced

  5  right-of-way acquisition must comply with the major capital

  6  investment policy guidelines and criteria established by the

  7  Department of Transportation under chapter 341; must be found

  8  to be consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with

  9  approved local government comprehensive plans of the local

10  governments in which such projects are located; and must be

11  included in the work program of the Department of

12  Transportation pursuant to the provisions under s. 339.135.

13  The department shall certify that the expected useful life of

14  the transportation improvements will equal or exceed the

15  maturity date of the debt to be issued.

16         Section 4.  Section 337.025, Florida Statutes, is

17  amended to read:

18         337.025  Innovative highway projects; department to

19  establish program.--The department is authorized to establish

20  a program for highway projects demonstrating innovative

21  techniques of highway construction, maintenance, and finance

22  which have the intended effect of controlling time and cost

23  increases on construction projects.  Such techniques may

24  include, but are not limited to, state-of-the-art technology

25  for pavement, safety, and other aspects of highway

26  construction and maintenance; innovative bidding and financing

27  techniques; accelerated construction procedures; and those

28  techniques that have the potential to reduce project life

29  cycle costs.  To the maximum extent practical, the department

30  must use the existing process to award and administer

31  construction and maintenance contracts.  When specific


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  1  innovative techniques are to be used, the department is not

  2  required to adhere to those provisions of law that would

  3  prevent, preclude, or in any way prohibit the department from

  4  using the innovative technique.  However, prior to using an

  5  innovative technique that is inconsistent with another

  6  provision of law, the department must document in writing the

  7  need for the exception and identify what benefits the

  8  traveling public and the affected community are anticipated to

  9  receive. The department may enter into no more than $120

10  million in contracts annually for the purposes authorized by

11  this section. However, the annual limitation on contracts

12  which is provided in this section does not apply to turnpike

13  enterprise projects, nor may turnpike enterprise projects be

14  counted toward the department's annual limitation.

15         Section 5.  Effective July 1, 2003, section 337.107,

16  Florida Statutes, as amended by section 3 of chapter 2001-350,

17  Laws of Florida, is amended to read:

18         337.107  Contracts for right-of-way services.--The

19  department may enter into contracts pursuant to s. 287.055 for

20  right-of-way services on transportation corridors and

21  transportation facilities or the department may include

22  right-of-way services, as defined in this section, as part of

23  the design-build contracts awarded pursuant to s. 337.11.

24  Right-of-way services include negotiation and acquisition

25  services, appraisal services, demolition and removal of

26  improvements, and asbestos-abatement services.

27         Section 6.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section

28  337.11, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

29         337.11  Contracting authority of department; bids;

30  emergency repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders;



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  1  combined design and construction contracts; progress payments;

  2  records; requirements of vehicle registration.--

  3         (3)

  4         (c)  No advertisement for bids shall be published and

  5  no bid solicitation notice shall be provided until title to

  6  all necessary rights-of-way and easements for the construction

  7  of the project covered by such advertisement or notice has

  8  vested in the state or a local governmental entity, and all

  9  railroad crossing and utility agreements have been executed.

10  The turnpike enterprise is exempt from this paragraph with

11  respect to a turnpike enterprise project. Title to all

12  necessary rights-of-way shall be deemed to have been vested in

13  the State of Florida when such title has been dedicated to the

14  public or acquired by prescription.

15         Section 7.  Effective July 1, 2003, paragraph (a) of

16  subsection (7) of section 337.11, Florida Statutes, as amended

17  by section 4 of chapter 2001-350, Laws of Florida, is amended

18  to read:

19         337.11  Contracting authority of department; bids;

20  emergency repairs, supplemental agreements, and change orders;

21  combined design and construction contracts; progress payments;

22  records; requirements of vehicle registration.--

23         (7)(a)  If the head of the department determines that

24  it is in the best interests of the public, the department may

25  combine the right-of-way services and design and construction

26  phases of any a building, a major bridge, or a rail corridor

27  project into a single contract, except for resurfacing or

28  minor bridge projects that may be combined under s. 337.025.

29  Such contract is referred to as a design-build contract.

30  Design-build contracts may be advertised and awarded

31  notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph (3)(c). However,


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  1  construction activities may not begin on any portion of such

  2  projects until title to the necessary rights-of-way and

  3  easements for the construction of that portion of the project

  4  has vested in the state or a local governmental entity and all

  5  railroad crossing and utility agreements have been executed.

  6  Title to rights-of-way vests in the state when the title has

  7  been dedicated to the public or acquired by prescription.

  8         Section 8.  Section 338.165, Florida Statutes, is

  9  amended to read:

10         338.165  Continuation of tolls.--

11         (1)  The department, any transportation or expressway

12  authority or, in the absence of an authority, a county or

13  counties may continue to collect the toll on a

14  revenue-producing project after the discharge of any bond

15  indebtedness related to such project and may increase such

16  toll. All tolls so collected shall first be used to pay the

17  annual cost of the operation, maintenance, and improvement of

18  the toll project.

19         (2)  If the revenue-producing project is on the State

20  Highway System, any remaining toll revenue shall be used for

21  the construction, maintenance, or improvement of any road on

22  the State Highway System within the county or counties in

23  which the revenue-producing project is located, except as

24  provided in s. 348.0004.

25         (3)  Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,

26  pursuant to s. 11, Art. VII of the State Constitution, and

27  subject to the requirements of subsection (2), the Department

28  of Transportation may request the Division of Bond Finance to

29  issue bonds secured by toll revenues collected on the

30  Alligator Alley to fund transportation projects contained in



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  1  the 1993-1994 Adopted Work Program or in any subsequent

  2  adopted work program of the department.

  3         (4)  If the revenue-producing project is on the county

  4  road system, any remaining toll revenue shall be used for the

  5  construction, maintenance, or improvement of any other state

  6  or county road within the county or counties in which the

  7  revenue-producing project is located, except as provided in s.

  8  348.0004.

  9         (5)  Selection of projects on the State Highway System

10  for construction, maintenance, or improvement with toll

11  revenues shall be, with the concurrence of the department,

12  consistent with the Florida Transportation Plan.

13         (6)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (1),

14  and not including high occupancy toll lanes or express lanes,

15  no tolls may be charged for use of an interstate highway where

16  tolls were not charged as of July 1, 1997.

17         (7)  This section does not apply to the turnpike system

18  as defined under the Florida Turnpike Enterprise Law.

19         Section 9.  Section 338.22, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         338.22  Florida Turnpike Law; short title.--Sections

22  338.22-338.241 may be cited as the "Florida Turnpike

23  Enterprise Law."

24         Section 10.  Section 338.221, Florida Statutes, is

25  amended to read:

26         338.221  Definitions of terms used in ss.

27  338.22-338.241.--As used in ss. 338.22-338.241, the term

28  following words and terms have the following meanings, unless

29  the context indicates another or different meaning or intent:

30         (1)  "Bonds" or "revenue bonds" means notes, bonds,

31  refunding bonds or other evidences of indebtedness or


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  1  obligations, in either temporary or definitive form, issued by

  2  the Division of Bond Finance on behalf of the department and

  3  authorized under the provisions of ss. 338.22-338.241 and the

  4  State Bond Act.

  5         (2)  "Cost," as applied to a turnpike project, includes

  6  the cost of acquisition of all land, rights-of-way, property,

  7  easements, and interests acquired by the department for

  8  turnpike project construction; the cost of such construction;

  9  the cost of all machinery and equipment, financing charges,

10  fees, and expenses related to the financing; establishment of

11  reserves to secure bonds; interest prior to and during

12  construction and for such period after completion of

13  construction as shall be determined by the department; the

14  cost of traffic estimates and of engineering and legal

15  expenses, plans, specifications, surveys, estimates of cost

16  and revenues; other expenses necessary or incident to

17  determining the feasibility or practicability of acquiring or

18  constructing any such turnpike project; administrative

19  expenses; and such other expenses as may be necessary or

20  incident to the acquisition or construction of a turnpike

21  project, the financing of such acquisition or construction,

22  and the placing of the turnpike project in operation.

23         (3)  "Feeder road" means any road no more than 5 miles

24  in length, connecting to the turnpike system which the

25  department determines is necessary to create or facilitate

26  access to a turnpike project.

27         (4)  "Owner" includes any person or any governmental

28  entity that has title to, or an interest in, any property,

29  right, easement, or interest authorized to be acquired

30  pursuant to ss. 338.22-338.241.



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  1         (5)  "Revenues" means all tolls, charges, rentals,

  2  gifts, grants, moneys, and other funds coming into the

  3  possession, or under the control, of the department by virtue

  4  of the provisions hereof, except the proceeds from the sale of

  5  bonds issued under ss. 338.22-338.241.

  6         (6)  "Turnpike system" means those limited access toll

  7  highways and associated feeder roads and other structures,

  8  appurtenances, or rights previously designated, acquired, or

  9  constructed pursuant to the Florida Turnpike Enterprise Law

10  and such other additional turnpike projects as may be acquired

11  or constructed as approved by the Legislature.

12         (7)  "Turnpike improvement" means any betterment

13  necessary or desirable for the operation of the turnpike

14  system, including, but not limited to, widenings, the addition

15  of interchanges to the existing turnpike system, resurfacings,

16  toll plazas, machinery, and equipment.

17         (8)  "Economically feasible," with respect to a

18  proposed turnpike project, "Economically feasible" means that

19  the revenues of the project in combination with those of the

20  existing turnpike system are sufficient to service the debt of

21  the outstanding turnpike bonds to safeguard investors.:

22         (a)  For a proposed turnpike project, that, as

23  determined by the department before the issuance of revenue

24  bonds for the project, the estimated net revenues of the

25  proposed turnpike project, excluding feeder roads and turnpike

26  improvements, will be sufficient to pay at least 50 percent of

27  the debt service on the bonds by the end of the 5th year of

28  operation and to pay at least 100 percent of the debt service

29  on the bonds by the end of the 15th year of operation. In

30  implementing this paragraph, up to 50 percent of the adopted



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  1  work program costs of the project may be funded from turnpike

  2  revenues.

  3         (b)  For turnpike projects, except for feeder roads and

  4  turnpike improvements, financed from revenues of the turnpike

  5  system, such project, or such group of projects, originally

  6  financed from revenues of the turnpike system, that the

  7  project is expected to generate sufficient revenues to

  8  amortize project costs within 15 years of opening to traffic.


10  This subsection does not prohibit the pledging of revenues

11  from the entire turnpike system to bonds issued to finance or

12  refinance a turnpike project or group of turnpike projects.

13         (9)  "Turnpike project" means any extension to or

14  expansion of the existing turnpike system and new limited

15  access toll highways and associated feeder roads and other

16  structures, interchanges, appurtenances, or rights as may be

17  approved in accordance with the Florida Turnpike Enterprise

18  Law.

19         (10)  "Statement of environmental feasibility" means a

20  statement by the Department of Environmental Protection of the

21  project's significant environmental impacts.

22         Section 11.  Section 338.2215, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         338.2215  Florida Turnpike Enterprise; legislative

25  findings, policy, purpose, and intent.--It is the intent of

26  the Legislature that the turnpike enterprise be provided

27  additional powers and authority in order to maximize the

28  advantages obtainable through fully leveraging the Florida

29  Turnpike System asset.  The additional powers and authority

30  will provide the turnpike enterprise with the autonomy and

31  flexibility necessary to enable it to more easily pursue


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  1  innovations as well as best practices found in the private

  2  sector in management, finance, organization, and operations.

  3  The additional powers and authority are intended to improve

  4  cost-effectiveness and timeliness of project delivery,

  5  increase revenues, expand the turnpike system's capital

  6  program capability, and improve the quality of service to its

  7  patrons, while continuing to protect the turnpike system's

  8  bondholders and further preserve, expand, and improve the

  9  Florida Turnpike System.

10         Section 12.  Section 338.2216, Florida Statutes, is

11  created to read:

12         338.2216  Florida Turnpike Enterprise; powers and

13  authority.--

14         (1)(a)  In addition to the powers granted to the

15  department, the Florida Turnpike Enterprise has full authority

16  to exercise all powers granted to it under this chapter. These

17  powers include, but are not limited to, the authority to plan,

18  construct, maintain, repair, and operate the Florida Turnpike

19  System.

20         (b)  It is the express intent of this part that the

21  Florida Turnpike Enterprise be authorized to plan, develop,

22  own, purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire, demolish,

23  construct, improve, relocate, equip, repair, maintain,

24  operate, and manage the Florida Turnpike System; to expend

25  funds to publicize, advertise, and promote the advantages of

26  using the turnpike system and its facilities; and to

27  cooperate, coordinate, partner, and contract with other

28  entities, public and private, to accomplish these purposes.

29         (c)  The executive director of the turnpike enterprise

30  shall appoint a staff that is exempt from part II of chapter

31  110.  The fiscal functions of the turnpike enterprise,


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  1  including those arising under chapter 216, chapter 334, or

  2  chapter 339, shall be managed by the turnpike enterprise chief

  3  financial officer, who must possess qualifications similar to

  4  those of the department's comptroller.

  5         (2)  The department may employ procurement methods

  6  available to the Department of Management Services under

  7  chapter 255 or chapter 287 and under any rule adopted under

  8  either of those chapters solely for the benefit of the

  9  turnpike enterprise. In order to enhance the effective and

10  efficient operation of the turnpike enterprise, the department

11  may adopt rules for procurement procedures alternative to

12  procedures set forth in chapters 255, 287, and 337.

13         (3)(a)  The turnpike enterprise shall be a single

14  budget entity and shall develop a budget pursuant to chapter

15  216.  The budget for the turnpike enterprise must be submitted

16  to the Legislature with the department's budget.

17         (b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 216.301 and

18  in accordance with s. 216.351, the Executive Office of the

19  Governor shall, on July 1 of each year, certify forward all

20  unexpended funds appropriated or provided under this section

21  for the turnpike enterprise.  Of the unexpended funds

22  certified forward, any unencumbered amounts shall be carried

23  forward.  The funds carried forward must not exceed 5 percent

24  of the total operating budget of the turnpike enterprise.

25  Funds carried forward under this section may be used for any

26  lawful purpose, including, but not limited to, promotional and

27  market activities, technology, and training.  Any

28  certified-forward funds remaining undisbursed on December 31

29  of each year shall be carried forward.

30         (4)  The powers conferred upon the turnpike enterprise

31  under ss. 338.22-338.241 are in addition and supplemental to


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  1  the existing powers of the department and the turnpike

  2  enterprise, and these powers may not be construed as

  3  abrogating any provision of any other law, general or local;

  4  but ss. 338.22-338.241 supersede such other laws as are

  5  inconsistent with the exercise of the powers provided under

  6  those sections and provide a complete method for the exercise

  7  of the powers granted under those sections.

  8         Section 13.  Subsection (4) of section 338.223, Florida

  9  Statutes, is amended to read:

10         338.223  Proposed turnpike projects.--

11         (4)  The department is authorized, with the approval of

12  the Legislature, to use federal and state transportation funds

13  to lend or pay a portion of the operating, maintenance, and

14  capital costs of turnpike projects. Federal and state

15  transportation funds included in an adopted work program, or

16  the General Appropriations Act, for a turnpike project do not

17  have to be reimbursed to the State Transportation Trust Fund,

18  or used in determining the economic feasibility of the

19  proposed project. For operating and maintenance loans, the

20  maximum net loan amount in any fiscal year shall not exceed

21  1.5 0.5 percent of state transportation tax revenues for that

22  fiscal year.

23         Section 14.  Subsection (2) of section 338.227, Florida

24  Statutes, is amended to read:

25         338.227  Turnpike revenue bonds.--

26         (2)  The proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be

27  used solely for the payment of the cost of the turnpike

28  projects for which such bonds shall have been issued, except

29  as provided in the State Bond Act.  Such proceeds shall be

30  disbursed and used as provided by ss. 338.22-338.241 and in

31  such manner and under such restrictions, if any, as the


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  1  Division of Bond Finance may provide in the resolution

  2  authorizing the issuance of such bonds or in the trust

  3  agreement hereinafter mentioned securing the same.  All

  4  revenues and bond proceeds from the turnpike system received

  5  by the department pursuant to ss. 338.22-338.241, the Florida

  6  Turnpike Enterprise Law, shall be used only for the cost of

  7  turnpike projects and turnpike improvements and for the

  8  administration, operation, maintenance, and financing of the

  9  turnpike system. No revenues or bond proceeds from the

10  turnpike system shall be spent for the operation, maintenance,

11  construction, or financing of any project which is not part of

12  the turnpike system.

13         Section 15.  Subsection (2) of section 338.2275,

14  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

15         338.2275  Approved turnpike projects.--

16         (2)  The department is authorized to use turnpike

17  revenues, the State Transportation Trust Fund moneys allocated

18  for turnpike projects pursuant to s. 338.001, federal funds,

19  and bond proceeds, and shall use the most cost-efficient

20  combination of such funds, in developing a financial plan for

21  funding turnpike projects.  The department must submit a

22  report of the estimated cost for each ongoing turnpike project

23  and for each planned project to the Legislature 14 days before

24  the convening of the regular legislative session. Verification

25  of economic feasibility and statements of environmental

26  feasibility for individual turnpike projects must be based on

27  the entire project as approved.  Statements of environmental

28  feasibility are not required for those projects listed in s.

29  12, chapter 90-136, Laws of Florida, for which the Project

30  Development and Environmental Reports were completed by July

31  1, 1990.  The All required environmental permits must be


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  1  obtained before the department may advertise for bids for

  2  contracts for the construction of any turnpike project before

  3  obtaining the required environmental permits.

  4         Section 16.  Section 338.234, Florida Statutes, is

  5  amended to read:

  6         338.234  Granting concessions or selling along the

  7  turnpike system.--

  8         (1)  The department may enter into contracts or

  9  licenses with any person for the sale of grant concessions or

10  sell services or products or business opportunities on along

11  the turnpike system, or the turnpike enterprise may sell

12  services, products, or business opportunities on the turnpike

13  system which benefit the traveling public or provide

14  additional revenue to the turnpike system. Services, business

15  opportunities, and products authorized to be sold include, but

16  are not limited to, the sale of motor fuel, vehicle towing and

17  maintenance services; the sale of food with attendant

18  nonalcoholic beverages; lodging, meeting rooms, and other

19  business services opportunities; advertising and other

20  promotional opportunities, which advertising and promotions

21  must be consistent with the dignity and integrity of the

22  state; the sale of state lottery tickets sold by authorized

23  retailers; games of amusement that the granting of concessions

24  for amusement devices which operate by the application of

25  skill, not including games of chance as defined in s. 849.16

26  or other illegal gambling games; the sale of Florida citrus,

27  goods promoting the state or handmade goods produced within

28  the state; and the granting of concessions for equipment which

29  provides travel information, or tickets, reservations, or

30  other related services.; and the granting of concessions which

31  provide banking and other business services. The department


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  1  may also provide information centers on the plazas for the

  2  benefit of the public.

  3         (2)  The department may provide an opportunity for

  4  governmental agencies to hold public events at turnpike plazas

  5  which educate the traveling public as to safety, travel, and

  6  tourism.

  7         Section 17.  Subsection (3) of section 338.235, Florida

  8  Statutes, is amended to read:

  9         338.235  Contracts with department for provision of

10  services on the turnpike system.--

11         (3)  The department may enter into contracts or

12  agreements, with or without competitive bidding or

13  procurement, to make available, on a fair, reasonable,

14  nonexclusive, and nondiscriminatory basis, turnpike property

15  and other turnpike structures, for the placement of wireless

16  facilities by any wireless provider of mobile services as

17  defined in 47 U.S.C. s. 153(n) or s. 332(d), and any

18  telecommunications company as defined in s. 364.02 when it is

19  determined to be practical and feasible to make such property

20  or structures available. The department may, without adopting

21  a rule, charge a just, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory fee

22  for placement of the facilities, payable annually, based on

23  the fair market value of space used by comparable

24  communications facilities in the state. The department and a

25  wireless provider may negotiate the reduction or elimination

26  of a fee in consideration of goods and services service

27  provided to the department by the wireless provider. All such

28  fees collected by the department shall be deposited directly

29  into the State Agency Law Enforcement Radio System Trust Fund

30  and may be used to construct, maintain, or support the system.



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  1         Section 18.  Subsection (2) of section 338.239, Florida

  2  Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         338.239  Traffic control on the turnpike system.--

  4         (2)  Members of the Florida Highway Patrol are vested

  5  with the power, and charged with the duty, to enforce the

  6  rules of the department. Approved expenditures Expenses

  7  incurred by the Florida Highway Patrol in carrying out its

  8  powers and duties under ss. 338.22-338.241 may be treated as a

  9  part of the cost of the operation of the turnpike system, and

10  the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles shall be

11  reimbursed by the turnpike enterprise Department of

12  Transportation for such expenses incurred on the turnpike

13  system mainline, which is that part of the turnpike system

14  extending from the southern terminus in Florida City to the

15  northern terminus in Wildwood including all contiguous

16  sections. Florida Highway Patrol Troop K shall be

17  headquartered with the turnpike enterprise and shall be the

18  official and preferred law enforcement troop for the turnpike

19  system. The Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles

20  may, upon request of the executive director of the turnpike

21  enterprise and approval of the Legislature, increase the

22  number of authorized positions for Troop K, or the executive

23  director of the turnpike enterprise may contract with the

24  Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles for additional

25  troops to patrol the turnpike system.

26         Section 19.  Section 338.241, Florida Statutes, is

27  amended to read:

28         338.241  Cash reserve requirement.--The budget for the

29  turnpike system shall be so planned as to provide for a cash

30  reserve at the end of each fiscal year of not less than 5 10

31  percent of the unpaid balance of all turnpike system


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  1  contractual obligations, excluding bond obligations, to be

  2  paid from revenues.

  3         Section 20.  Section 338.251, Florida Statutes, is

  4  amended to read:

  5         338.251  Toll Facilities Revolving Trust Fund.--The

  6  Toll Facilities Revolving Trust Fund is hereby created for the

  7  purpose of encouraging the development and enhancing the

  8  financial feasibility of revenue-producing road projects

  9  undertaken by local governmental entities in a county or

10  combination of contiguous counties and the turnpike

11  enterprise.

12         (1)  The department is authorized to advance funds for

13  preliminary engineering, traffic and revenue studies,

14  environmental impact studies, financial advisory services,

15  engineering design, right-of-way map preparation, other

16  appropriate project-related professional services, and

17  advanced right-of-way acquisition to expressway authorities,

18  the turnpike enterprise, counties, or other local governmental

19  entities that desire to undertake revenue-producing road

20  projects.

21         (2)  No funds shall be advanced pursuant to this

22  section unless the following is documented to the department:

23         (a)  The proposed facility is consistent with the

24  adopted transportation plan of the appropriate metropolitan

25  planning organization and the Florida Transportation Plan.

26         (b)  A proposed 2-year budget detailing the use of the

27  cash advance and a project schedule consistent with the

28  budget.

29         (3)  Prior to receiving any moneys for advance

30  right-of-way acquisition, it shall be shown that such

31  right-of-way will substantially appreciate prior to


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  1  construction and that savings will result from its advance

  2  purchase.  Any such request for moneys for advance

  3  right-of-way acquisition shall be accompanied by a preliminary

  4  engineering study, environmental impact study, traffic and

  5  revenue study, and right-of-way maps along with either a

  6  negotiated contract for purchase of the right-of-way, such

  7  contract to include a clause stating that it is subject to

  8  funding by the department or the Legislature, or an appraisal

  9  of the subject property for purpose of condemnation

10  proceedings.

11         (4)  Each advance pursuant to this section shall

12  require repayment out of the initial bond issue revenue or, at

13  the discretion of the governmental entity or the turnpike

14  enterprise of the facility, repayment shall begin no later

15  than 7 years after the date of the advance, provided repayment

16  shall be completed no later than 12 years after the date of

17  the advance. However, such election shall be made at the time

18  of the initial bond issue, and, if repayment is to be made

19  during the time period referred to above, a schedule of such

20  repayment shall be submitted to the department.

21         (5)  No amount in excess of $1.5 million annually shall

22  be advanced to any one governmental entity pursuant to this

23  section without specific appropriation by the Legislature.

24         (6)  Funds may not be advanced for funding final design

25  costs beyond 60 percent completion until an acceptable plan to

26  finance all project costs, including the reimbursement of

27  outstanding trust fund advances, is approved by the

28  department.

29         (7)  The department may advance funds sufficient to

30  defray shortages in toll revenues of facilities receiving

31  funds pursuant to this section for the first 5 years of


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  1  operation, up to a maximum of $5 million per year, to be

  2  reimbursed to this fund within 5 years of the last advance

  3  hereunder. Any advance under this provision shall require

  4  specific appropriation by the Legislature.

  5         (8)  No expressway authority, county, or other local

  6  governmental entity or the turnpike enterprise shall be

  7  eligible to receive any advance under this section if the

  8  expressway authority, county, or other local governmental

  9  entity or the turnpike enterprise has failed to repay any

10  previous advances as required by law or by agreement with the

11  department.

12         (9)  Repayment of funds advanced, including advances

13  made prior to January 1, 1994, shall not include interest.

14  However, interest accruing to local governmental entities and

15  the turnpike enterprise from the investment of advances shall

16  be paid to the department.

17         (10)  Any repayment of prior or future advances made

18  from the State Transportation Trust Fund which were used to

19  fund any project phase of a toll facility, shall be deposited

20  in the Toll Facilities Revolving Trust Fund. However, when

21  funds advanced to the Seminole County Expressway Authority

22  pursuant to this section are repaid to the Toll Facilities

23  Revolving Trust Fund by or on behalf of the Seminole County

24  Expressway Authority, those funds shall thereupon and

25  forthwith be appropriated for and advanced to the Seminole

26  County Expressway Authority for funding the design of and the

27  advanced right-of-way acquisition for that segment of the

28  Seminole County Expressway extending from U.S. Highway 17/92

29  to Interstate Highway 4. Notwithstanding subsection (6), when

30  funds previously advanced to the Orlando-Orange County

31  Expressway Authority are repaid to the Toll Facilities


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  1  Revolving Trust Fund by or on behalf of the Orlando-Orange

  2  County Expressway Authority, those funds may thereupon and

  3  forthwith be appropriated for and advanced to the Seminole

  4  County Expressway Authority for funding that segment of the

  5  Seminole County Expressway extending from U.S. Highway 17/92

  6  to Interstate Highway 4. Any funds advanced to the

  7  Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority pursuant to

  8  this section which have been or will be repaid on or after

  9  July 1, 1998, to the Toll Facilities Revolving Trust Fund on

10  behalf of the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority

11  shall thereupon and forthwith be appropriated for and advanced

12  to the Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority for

13  funding the design of and the advanced right-of-way

14  acquisition for the Brandon area feeder roads, capital

15  improvements to increase capacity to the expressway system,

16  and Lee Roy Selmon Crosstown Expressway System Widening as

17  authorized under s. 348.565.

18         (11)  The department shall adopt rules necessary for

19  the implementation of this section, including rules for

20  project selection and funding.

21         Section 21.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (4) of section

22  339.135, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

23         339.135  Work program; legislative budget request;

24  definitions; preparation, adoption, execution, and

25  amendment.--


27         (a)1.  To assure that no district or county is

28  penalized for local efforts to improve the State Highway

29  System, the department shall, for the purpose of developing a

30  tentative work program, allocate funds for new construction to

31  the districts, except for the turnpike enterprise district,


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  1  based on equal parts of population and motor fuel tax

  2  collections. Funds for resurfacing, bridge repair and

  3  rehabilitation, bridge fender system construction or repair,

  4  public transit projects except public transit block grants as

  5  provided in s. 341.052, and other programs with quantitative

  6  needs assessments shall be allocated based on the results of

  7  these assessments. The department may not transfer any funds

  8  allocated to a district under this paragraph to any other

  9  district except as provided in subsection (7). Funds for

10  public transit block grants shall be allocated to the

11  districts pursuant to s. 341.052.

12         2.  Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph 1.,

13  the department shall allocate at least 50 percent of any new

14  discretionary highway capacity funds to the Florida Intrastate

15  Highway System established pursuant to s. 338.001.  Any

16  remaining new discretionary highway capacity funds shall be

17  allocated to the districts for new construction as provided in

18  subparagraph 1. For the purposes of this subparagraph, the

19  term "new discretionary highway capacity funds" means any

20  funds available to the department above the prior year funding

21  level for  capacity improvements, which the department has the

22  discretion to allocate to highway projects.

23         Section 22.  Subsections (1) and (2) of section 339.08,

24  Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

25         339.08  Use of moneys in State Transportation Trust

26  Fund.--

27         (1)  The department shall expend by rule provide for

28  the expenditure of the moneys in the State Transportation

29  Trust Fund accruing to the department, in accordance with its

30  annual budget.



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  1         (2)  The These rules must restrict the use of such

  2  moneys is restricted to the following purposes:

  3         (a)  To pay administrative expenses of the department,

  4  including administrative expenses incurred by the several

  5  state transportation districts, but excluding administrative

  6  expenses of commuter rail authorities that do not operate rail

  7  service.

  8         (b)  To pay the cost of construction of the State

  9  Highway System.

10         (c)  To pay the cost of maintaining the State Highway

11  System.

12         (d)  To pay the cost of public transportation projects

13  in accordance with chapter 341 and ss. 332.003-332.007.

14         (e)  To reimburse counties or municipalities for

15  expenditures made on projects in the State Highway System as

16  authorized by s. 339.12(4) upon legislative approval.

17         (f)  To pay the cost of economic development

18  transportation projects in accordance with s. 288.063.

19         (g)  To lend or pay a portion of the operating,

20  maintenance, and capital costs of a revenue-producing

21  transportation project that is located on the State Highway

22  System or that is demonstrated to relieve traffic congestion

23  on the State Highway System.

24         (h)  To match any federal-aid funds allocated for any

25  other transportation purpose, including funds allocated to

26  projects not located in the State Highway System.

27         (i)  To pay the cost of county road projects selected

28  in accordance with the Small County Road Assistance Program

29  created in s. 339.2816.

30         (j)  To pay the cost of county or municipal road

31  projects selected in accordance with the County Incentive


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  1  Grant Program created in s. 339.2817 and the Small County

  2  Outreach Program created in s. 339.2818.

  3         (k)  To provide loans and credit enhancements for use

  4  in constructing and improving highway transportation

  5  facilities selected in accordance with the state-funded

  6  infrastructure bank created in s. 339.55.

  7         (l)  To fund the Transportation Outreach Program

  8  created in s. 339.137.

  9         (m)  To pay other lawful expenditures of the

10  department.

11         Section 23.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) and

12  subsection (5) of section 339.12, Florida Statutes, are

13  amended to read:

14         339.12  Aid and contributions by governmental entities

15  for department projects; federal aid.--

16         (4)

17         (c)  The department may enter into agreements under

18  this subsection for a project or project phase not included in

19  the adopted work program. As used in this paragraph, the term

20  "project phase" means acquisition of rights-of-way,

21  construction, construction inspection, and related support

22  phases. The project or project phase must be a high priority

23  of the governmental entity. Reimbursement for a project or

24  project phase must be made from funds appropriated by the

25  Legislature pursuant to s. 339.135(5). All other provisions of

26  this subsection apply to agreements entered into under this

27  paragraph. The total amount of project agreements for projects

28  or project phases not included in the adopted work program may

29  not at any time exceed $150 $100 million.

30         (5)  The department and the governing body of a

31  governmental entity may enter into an agreement by which the


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  1  governmental entity agrees to perform a highway project or

  2  project phase in the department's adopted work program which

  3  that is not revenue producing or any public transportation

  4  project in the adopted work program. By specific provision in

  5  the written agreement between the department and the governing

  6  body of the governmental entity, the department may agree to

  7  compensate reimburse the governmental entity the actual cost

  8  of for the project or project phase contained in the adopted

  9  work program. Compensation Reimbursement to the governmental

10  entity for such project or project phases must be made from

11  funds appropriated by the Legislature, and compensation

12  reimbursement for the cost of the project or project phase is

13  to begin in the year the project or project phase is scheduled

14  in the work program as of the date of the agreement.

15         Section 24.  Present subsections (3) through (10) of

16  section 341.031, Florida Statutes, are redesignated as

17  subsections (4) through (11), respectively, and a new

18  subsection (3) is added to that section, to read:

19         341.031  Definitions relating to Florida Public Transit

20  Act.--As used in ss. 341.011-341.061, the term:

21         (3)  "Busway" means a roadway reserved for the

22  exclusive use of buses, either through grade separation or

23  controlled access.

24         Section 25.  Subsection (2) of section 206.606, Florida

25  Statutes, is amended to read:

26         206.606  Distribution of certain proceeds.--

27         (2)  Not less than 10 percent of the moneys deposited

28  in the State Transportation Trust Fund pursuant to this

29  section shall be allocated by the Department of Transportation

30  for public transit and rail capital projects, including

31  service development projects, as defined in s. 341.031(8) and


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  1  (9) s. 341.031(7) and (8), unless otherwise provided in the

  2  General Appropriations Act.

  3         Section 26.  Subsection (1) of section 553.80, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         553.80  Enforcement.--

  6         (1)  Except as provided in paragraphs (a)-(f) (a)-(e),

  7  each local government and each legally constituted enforcement

  8  district with statutory authority shall regulate building

  9  construction and, where authorized in the state agency's

10  enabling legislation, each state agency shall enforce the

11  Florida Building Code required by this part on all public or

12  private buildings, structures, and facilities, unless such

13  responsibility has been delegated to another unit of

14  government pursuant to s. 553.79(9).

15         (a)  Construction regulations relating to correctional

16  facilities under the jurisdiction of the Department of

17  Corrections and the Department of Juvenile Justice are to be

18  enforced exclusively by those departments.

19         (b)  Construction regulations relating to elevator

20  equipment under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Elevators of

21  the Department of Business and Professional Regulation shall

22  be enforced exclusively by that department.

23         (c)  In addition to the requirements of s. 553.79 and

24  this section, facilities subject to the provisions of chapter

25  395 and part II of chapter 400 shall have facility plans

26  reviewed and construction surveyed by the state agency

27  authorized to do so under the requirements of chapter 395 and

28  part II of chapter 400 and the certification requirements of

29  the Federal Government.

30         (d)  Building plans approved pursuant to s. 553.77(6)

31  and state-approved manufactured buildings, including buildings


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  1  manufactured and assembled offsite and not intended for

  2  habitation, such as lawn storage buildings and storage sheds,

  3  are exempt from local code enforcing agency plan reviews

  4  except for provisions of the code relating to erection,

  5  assembly, or construction at the site. Erection, assembly, and

  6  construction at the site are subject to local permitting and

  7  inspections.

  8         (e)  Construction regulations governing public schools,

  9  state universities, and community colleges shall be enforced

10  as provided in subsection (6).

11         (f)  Construction regulations relating to

12  transportation facilities under the jurisdiction of the

13  turnpike enterprise of the Department of Transportation shall

14  be enforced exclusively by the turnpike enterprise.


16  The governing bodies of local governments may provide a

17  schedule of fees, as authorized by s. 125.56(2) or s. 166.222

18  and this section, for the enforcement of the provisions of

19  this part.  Such fees shall be used solely for carrying out

20  the local government's responsibilities in enforcing the

21  Florida Building Code. The authority of state enforcing

22  agencies to set fees for enforcement shall be derived from

23  authority existing on July 1, 1998. However, nothing contained

24  in this subsection shall operate to limit such agencies from

25  adjusting their fee schedule in conformance with existing

26  authority.

27         Section 27.  Except as otherwise provided in this act,

28  this act shall take effect upon becoming a law.





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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1224

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  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Revises various laws governing operations of the
      Department of Transportation. Redesignates the turnpike
  4    district as the turnpike enterprise. Authorizes the
      department to issue bonds for the construction of busway
  5    transportation systems. Eliminates the cap on innovative
      highway projects for the turnpike enterprise. Authorizes
  6    the department to enter into design-build contracts that
      include right-of-way acquisition services. Expands the
  7    projects that can be combined into a design-build
      contract and provides restrictions. Redesignates the
  8    Florida Turnpike Law as the Florida Turnpike Enterprise
      Law. Redefines the term "economically feasible" as used
  9    with respect to turnpike projects. Provides legislative
      findings, policy, purpose, and intent for the turnpike
10    enterprise. Prescribes the power and authority of the
      turnpike enterprise. Increases the maximum loan amount
11    for the turnpike enterprise. Authorizes the turnpike
      enterprise to advertise for bids for contracts before
12    obtaining environmental permits. Authorizes the turnpike
      enterprise to expand business opportunities. Authorizes
13    the consideration of goods instead of fees. Provides that
      approved expenditures to the Florida Highway Patrol be
14    paid by the turnpike enterprise. Lowers the required cash
      reserve for the turnpike enterprise. Provides for
15    self-regulation. Increases the amount that local
      governments may advance to the department for state road
16    projects. (See bill for details.)

















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.