House Bill hb1275

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1275

        By Representative Rubio

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Bright Futures

  3         Scholarship Program; amending s. 240.4015,

  4         F.S., relating to the testing program; revising

  5         provisions relating to the use of specified

  6         examinations for purposes of awarding college

  7         credit; expanding the testing program to

  8         include Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars;

  9         clarifying provisions relating to the award of

10         credit; deleting obsolete provisions; revising

11         provisions relating to payment for

12         examinations; requiring the Department of

13         Education to provide a financial incentive to

14         students for passing examinations; requiring

15         the department to contract for centralized

16         administrative services; amending s. 240.40203,

17         F.S.; revising provisions relating to the

18         maximum number of credit hours for which a

19         student may receive a Florida Bright Futures

20         Scholarship; amending ss. 240.40205, 240.40206,

21         and 240.40207, F.S.; requiring Florida Academic

22         Scholar, Florida Merit Scholar, and Florida

23         Gold Seal Vocational Scholar award recipients

24         to have taken examinations or the equivalent

25         required by the Florida Bright Futures

26         Scholarship Testing Program; conforming

27         provisions; providing an effective date.


29  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:




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  1         Section 1.  Section 240.4015, Florida Statutes, is

  2  amended to read:

  3         240.4015  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Testing

  4  Program.--

  5         (1)  By January 1, 2002, The Articulation Coordinating

  6  Committee shall identify the minimum scores, maximum credit,

  7  and course or courses for which credit is to be awarded for

  8  each College Level Examination Program (CLEP) general

  9  examination, CLEP subject examination, College Board Advanced

10  Placement Program examination, and International Baccalaureate

11  examination, or other examination approved by a state

12  university or community college. In addition, the Articulation

13  Coordinating Committee shall identify such courses in the

14  general education core curriculum of each state university and

15  community college.

16         (2)  Each community college and state university must

17  award credit for specific courses for which competency has

18  been demonstrated by successful passage of one of these

19  examinations unless the award of credit duplicates credit

20  already awarded. Community colleges and universities may not

21  exempt students from courses without the award of credit if

22  competencies have been so demonstrated. If a student

23  successfully completes five examinations as approved by the

24  Articulation Coordinating Committee, the student shall receive

25  credits equivalent to successfully completing the equivalent

26  courses of study for those five subjects in a state university

27  or community college.

28         (3)  Beginning with initial award recipients for the

29  2002-2003 academic year and continuing thereafter, in order to

30  receive a Florida Bright Futures Scholarship, a student

31  students eligible for a Florida Academic Scholars award or a


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  1  Florida Merit Scholars award who are admitted to and enroll in

  2  a community college or state university shall, prior to

  3  registering for courses that may be earned through an approved

  4  a CLEP examination and no later than registration for the

  5  their second term, complete at least five examinations from

  6  those specified in subsection (1) in any of the following

  7  areas: English; humanities; mathematics; natural sciences; and

  8  social sciences. Successful completion of dual enrollment

  9  courses, Advanced Placement examinations, and International

10  Baccalaureate examinations in these areas may be used to taken

11  prior to high school graduation satisfy this requirement. The

12  Articulation Coordinating Committee shall identify the

13  examinations that satisfy each component of this requirement.

14         (4)  Initial award recipients for the 2001-2002

15  academic year who are eligible for a Florida Academic Scholars

16  award or a Florida Merit Scholars award and who are admitted

17  to and enroll in a community college or state university may

18  choose, prior to registering for courses that may be earned

19  through CLEP examination, to complete up to five CLEP

20  examinations, one in each of the following areas: English;

21  humanities; mathematics; natural sciences; and social

22  sciences.

23         (5)  Each community college and state university shall

24  pay for the CLEP examinations required pursuant to this

25  section from the funds appropriated from the Educational

26  Enhancement Trust Fund. Institutions shall pay no more than

27  $46 per examination for the program, which shall include

28  access to a student guide to prepare for the test. The

29  Department of Education shall negotiate with the College Board

30  for a reduced rate for the examinations. The institution shall

31  not charge the student for preparation and administration of


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  1  the test, access to a student guide to prepare for the test,

  2  or recordkeeping and reporting of each student's test results

  3  to the department.

  4         (4)(6)  The credit awarded pursuant to this section to

  5  students who are enrolled in associate or baccalaureate degree

  6  level programs shall apply toward the 120 hours of college

  7  credit required pursuant to s. 240.115(6).

  8         (5)  The Department of Education shall pay for the

  9  approved examinations required pursuant to this section from

10  the funds appropriated for public schools from the Educational

11  Enhancement Trust Fund. The department shall negotiate with

12  examination providers to provide for examinations and test

13  administration services on a cost effective, lowest cost per

14  test available basis.

15         (6)  The Department of Education shall provide a $50

16  incentive to each student for each approved examination passed

17  that is required in this section. Funds for this incentive

18  shall be provided from the Educational Enhancement Trust Fund.

19         (7)  The maximum number of credit hours for which a

20  student is eligible to receive a Florida Bright Futures

21  Scholarship Program award shall be reduced by the number of

22  hours for which credit is awarded pursuant to this section.

23         (7)(8)  Beginning with the 2002-2003 award recipients,

24  The Department of Education shall administer this testing

25  program for all students in the state in order to track and

26  annually report on the effectiveness of the program, and in

27  order to determine eligibility for scholarship programs. These

28  reports shall include information on the number of students

29  participating in the program; the number of approved CLEP

30  examinations taken and the passage rate of Florida Academic

31  Scholars, and Florida Merit Scholars, and Florida Gold Seal


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  1  Vocational Scholars award recipients; the use of Advanced

  2  Placement and International Baccalaureate examinations and

  3  dual enrollment courses to satisfy the requirements of the

  4  program; and the course credit provided.

  5         (8)  From the funds appropriated from the Educational

  6  Enhancement Trust Fund, the Department of Education shall

  7  contract for centralized administrative services for this

  8  program, to include: a website with appropriate links for

  9  student registration; delivery of on-line test preparation,

10  study guides, and practice tests; recordkeeping; and technical

11  support.

12         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 240.40203,

13  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

14         240.40203  Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program;

15  student eligibility requirements for renewal awards.--

16         (2)  A student who is enrolled in an associate or

17  baccalaureate degree level a program that terminates in an

18  associate degree or a baccalaureate degree may receive an

19  award for not more than 120 credit hours. If the a maximum of

20  110 percent of the number of credit hours required to complete

21  the program exceeds 120 credit hours, the student may receive

22  an award up to the maximum number of credit hours required to

23  complete the program. A student who is enrolled in a program

24  that terminates in a technical certificate may receive an

25  award for a maximum of 110 percent of the credit hours or

26  clock hours required to complete the program up to 90 credit

27  hours. A student who transfers from one of these program

28  levels to another becomes eligible for the higher of the two

29  credit hour limits.

30         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 240.40205,

31  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:


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  1         240.40205  Florida Academic Scholars award.--

  2         (1)  A student is eligible for a Florida Academic

  3  Scholars award if the student meets the general eligibility

  4  requirements for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

  5  Program and the student:

  6         (a)  Has achieved a 3.5 weighted grade point average as

  7  calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202, or its equivalent, in

  8  high school courses that are adopted by the Board of Regents

  9  and recommended by the State Board of Community Colleges as

10  college-preparatory academic courses; and

11         (b)  Has attained at least the score identified by

12  rules of the Department of Education on the combined verbal

13  and quantitative parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the

14  Scholastic Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic

15  Assessment Test of the College Entrance Examination, or an

16  equivalent score on the American College Testing Program; and

17  or

18         (c)  Beginning with initial award recipients for the

19  2002-2003 academic year and continuing thereafter, has taken

20  five approved examinations or the equivalent as required in s.

21  240.4015; or

22         (d)(c)  Has attended a home education program according

23  to s. 232.0201 during grades 11 and 12 or has completed the

24  International Baccalaureate curriculum but failed to earn the

25  International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has attained at least

26  the score identified by rules of the Department of Education

27  on the combined verbal and quantitative parts of the

28  Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Scholastic Assessment Test, or

29  the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test of the College

30  Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on the American

31  College Testing Program; or


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  1         (e)(d)  Has been awarded an International Baccalaureate

  2  Diploma from the International Baccalaureate Office; or

  3         (f)(e)  Has been recognized by the merit or achievement

  4  programs of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as a

  5  scholar or finalist; or

  6         (g)(f)  Has been recognized by the National Hispanic

  7  Recognition Program as a scholar recipient.


  9  Effective with the 1998-1999 school year, a student must

10  complete a program of community service work, as approved by

11  the district school board or the administrators of a nonpublic

12  school, which shall include a minimum of 75 hours of service

13  work and require the student to identify a social problem that

14  interests him or her, develop a plan for his or her personal

15  involvement in addressing the problem, and, through papers or

16  other presentations, evaluate and reflect upon his or her

17  experience.

18         Section 4.  Subsection (1) of section 240.40206,

19  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

20         240.40206  Florida Merit Scholars award.--

21         (1)  A student is eligible for a Florida Merit Scholars

22  award if the student meets the general eligibility

23  requirements for the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship

24  Program and the student:

25         (a)  Has achieved a weighted grade point average of 3.0

26  as calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202, or the equivalent, in

27  high school courses that are adopted by the Board of Regents

28  and recommended by the State Board of Community Colleges as

29  college-preparatory academic courses; and

30         (b)  Has attained at least the score identified by

31  rules of the Department of Education on the combined verbal


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  1  and quantitative parts of the Scholastic Aptitude Test, the

  2  Scholastic Assessment Test, or the recentered Scholastic

  3  Assessment Test of the College Entrance Examination, or an

  4  equivalent score on the American College Testing Program; and

  5  or

  6         (c)  Beginning with initial award recipients for the

  7  2002-2003 academic year and continuing thereafter, has taken

  8  five approved examinations or the equivalent as required in s.

  9  240.4015; or

10         (d)(c)  Has attended a home education program according

11  to s. 232.0201 during grades 11 and 12 or has completed the

12  International Baccalaureate curriculum but failed to earn the

13  International Baccalaureate Diploma, and has attained at least

14  the score identified by rules of the Department of Education

15  on the combined verbal and quantitative parts of the

16  Scholastic Aptitude Test, the Scholastic Assessment Test, or

17  the recentered Scholastic Assessment Test of the College

18  Entrance Examination, or an equivalent score on the American

19  College Testing Program.

20         Section 5.  Subsections (1) and (4) of section

21  240.40207, Florida Statutes, are amended to read:

22         240.40207  Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars

23  award.--The Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars award is

24  created within the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program

25  to recognize and reward academic achievement and vocational

26  preparation by high school students who wish to continue their

27  education.

28         (1)  A student is eligible for a Florida Gold Seal

29  Vocational Scholars award if the student meets the general

30  eligibility requirements for the Florida Bright Futures

31  Scholarship Program and the student:


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  1         (a)  Completes the secondary school portion of a

  2  sequential program of studies that requires at least three

  3  secondary school vocational credits taken over at least 2

  4  academic years, and is continued in a planned, related

  5  postsecondary education program. If the student's school does

  6  not offer such a two-plus-two or tech-prep program, the

  7  student must complete a job-preparatory career education

  8  program selected by the Workforce Estimating Conference or

  9  Workforce Florida, Inc., for its ability to provide high-wage

10  employment in an occupation with high potential for employment

11  opportunities. On-the-job training may not be substituted for

12  any of the three required vocational credits.

13         (b)  Demonstrates readiness for postsecondary education

14  by earning a passing score on the Florida College Entry Level

15  Placement Test or its equivalent as identified by the

16  Department of Education.

17         (c)  Earns a minimum cumulative weighted grade point

18  average of 3.0, as calculated pursuant to s. 240.40202, on all

19  subjects required for a standard high school diploma,

20  excluding elective courses.

21         (d)  Earns a minimum unweighted grade point average of

22  3.5 on a 4.0 scale for secondary vocational courses comprising

23  the vocational program.

24         (e)  Completes the requirements of a vocational-ready

25  diploma program, as defined by rules of the State Board of

26  Education.

27         (f)  Beginning with initial award recipients for the

28  2002-2003 academic year and continuing thereafter, has taken

29  five approved examinations or the equivalent as required in s.

30  240.4015.



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  1         (4)  A student may earn a Florida Gold Seal Vocational

  2  Scholarship for 110 percent of the number of credit hours

  3  required to complete the program, up to 90 credit hours or the

  4  equivalent. A Florida Gold Seal Scholar who has a cumulative

  5  grade point average of 2.75 in all postsecondary education

  6  work attempted may apply for a Florida Merit Scholars award at

  7  any renewal period. All other provisions of that program

  8  apply, and the credit-hour limitation must be calculated by

  9  subtracting from the student's total eligibility the number of

10  credit hours the student attempted while earning the Gold Seal

11  Vocational Scholarship.

12         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


14            *****************************************

15                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions relating to the Florida Bright Futures
17    Scholarship Program. With respect to the Florida Bright
      Futures Scholarship Testing Program, revises provisions
18    relating to the use of specified examinations for receipt
      of college credit, expands the testing program to include
19    Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars, revises provisions
      relating to payment for examinations, provides for a
20    financial incentive to students for passing examinations,
      and provides for centralized administrative services.
21    Revises provisions relating to the maximum number of
      credit hours for which a student may receive a Florida
22    Bright Futures Scholarship.











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