Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng.
    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 490610
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 4  ______________________________________________________________
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11  Senator Brown-Waite moved the following amendment:
13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 
14         On page 20, between lines 26 and 27,
16  insert:  
17         Section 13.  Section 403.064, Florida Statutes, is
18  amended to read:
19         403.064  Reuse of reclaimed water.--
20         (1)  The encouragement and promotion of water
21  conservation, and reuse of reclaimed water, as defined by the
22  department, are state objectives and are considered to be in
23  the public interest. The Legislature finds that the reuse of
24  reclaimed water is a critical component of meeting the state's
25  existing and future water supply needs while sustaining
26  natural systems. The Legislature further finds that for those
27  wastewater treatment plants permitted and operated under an
28  approved reuse program by the department, the reclaimed water
29  shall be considered environmentally acceptable and not a
30  threat to public health and safety.
31         (2)  All applicants for permits to construct or operate
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SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 a domestic wastewater treatment facility located within, 2 serving a population located within, or discharging within a 3 water resource caution area shall prepare a reuse feasibility 4 study as part of their application for the permit. Reuse 5 feasibility studies shall be prepared in accordance with 6 department guidelines adopted by rule and shall include, but 7 are not limited to: 8 (a) Evaluation of monetary costs and benefits for 9 several levels and types of reuse. 10 (b) Evaluation of water savings if reuse is 11 implemented. 12 (c) Evaluation of rates and fees necessary to 13 implement reuse. 14 (d) Evaluation of environmental and water resource 15 benefits associated with reuse. 16 (e) Evaluation of economic, environmental, and 17 technical constraints. 18 (f) A schedule for implementation of reuse. The 19 schedule shall consider phased implementation. 20 (3) The permit applicant shall prepare a plan of study 21 for the reuse feasibility study consistent with the reuse 22 feasibility study guidelines adopted by department rule. The 23 plan of study shall include detailed descriptions of 24 applicable treatment and water supply alternatives to be 25 evaluated and the methods of analysis to be used. The plan of 26 study shall be submitted to the department for review and 27 approval. 28 (4)(3) The study required under subsection (2) shall 29 be performed by the applicant, and, if the study shows that 30 the reuse is feasible, the applicant must give significant 31 consideration to its implementation the applicant's 2 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 determination of feasibility is final if the study complies 2 with the requirements of subsections subsection (2) and (3). 3 (5)(4) A reuse feasibility study is not required if: 4 (a) The domestic wastewater treatment facility has an 5 existing or proposed permitted or design capacity less than 6 0.1 million gallons per day; or 7 (b) The permitted reuse capacity equals or exceeds the 8 total permitted capacity of the domestic wastewater treatment 9 facility. 10 (6)(5) A reuse feasibility study prepared under 11 subsection (2) satisfies a water management district 12 requirement to conduct a reuse feasibility study imposed on a 13 local government or utility that has responsibility for 14 wastewater management. 15 (7)(6) Local governments may allow the use of 16 reclaimed water for inside activities, including, but not 17 limited to, toilet flushing, fire protection, and decorative 18 water features, as well as for outdoor uses, provided the 19 reclaimed water is from domestic wastewater treatment 20 facilities which are permitted, constructed, and operated in 21 accordance with department rules. 22 (8)(7) Permits issued by the department for domestic 23 wastewater treatment facilities shall be consistent with 24 requirements for reuse included in applicable consumptive use 25 permits issued by the water management district, if such 26 requirements are consistent with department rules governing 27 reuse of reclaimed water. This subsection applies only to 28 domestic wastewater treatment facilities which are located 29 within, or serve a population located within, or discharge 30 within water resource caution areas and are owned, operated, 31 or controlled by a local government or utility which has 3 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 responsibility for water supply and wastewater management. 2 (9)(8) Local governments may and are encouraged to 3 implement programs for the reuse of reclaimed water. Nothing 4 in this chapter shall be construed to prohibit or preempt such 5 local reuse programs. 6 (10)(9) A local government that implements a reuse 7 program under this section shall be allowed to allocate the 8 costs in a reasonable manner. 9 (11)(10) Pursuant to chapter 367, the Florida Public 10 Service Commission shall allow entities under its jurisdiction 11 which conduct studies or implement reuse projects, including, 12 but not limited to, any study required by subsection (2) or 13 facilities used for reliability purposes for a reclaimed water 14 reuse system, to recover the full, prudently incurred cost of 15 such studies and facilities through their rate structure. 16 (12)(11) In issuing consumptive use permits, the 17 permitting agency shall consider the local reuse program. 18 (13)(12) A local government shall require a developer, 19 as a condition for obtaining a development order, to comply 20 with the local reuse program. 21 (14)(13) If, After conducting a feasibility study 22 under subsection (2), an applicant determines that reuse of 23 reclaimed water is feasible, domestic wastewater treatment 24 facilities that dispose of effluent by Class I deep well 25 injection, as defined in 40 C.F.R. part 144.6(a), must 26 implement reuse according to the schedule for implementation 27 contained in the study conducted under subsection (2), to the 28 degree that reuse is determined feasible, based upon the 29 applicant's reuse feasibility study. Applicable permits issued 30 by the department shall be consistent with the requirements of 31 this subsection. 4 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 (a) This subsection does not limit the use of a Class 2 I deep well injection facility as backup for a reclaimed water 3 reuse system. 4 (b) This subsection applies only to domestic 5 wastewater treatment facilities located within, serving a 6 population located within, or discharging within a water 7 resource caution area. 8 (15)(14) If, After conducting a feasibility study 9 under subsection (2), an applicant determines that reuse of 10 reclaimed water is feasible, domestic wastewater treatment 11 facilities that dispose of effluent by surface water 12 discharges or by land application methods must implement reuse 13 according to the schedule for implementation contained in the 14 study conducted under subsection (2), to the degree that reuse 15 is determined feasible, based upon the applicant's reuse 16 feasibility study. This subsection does not apply to surface 17 water discharges or land application systems which are 18 currently categorized as reuse under department rules. 19 Applicable permits issued by the department shall be 20 consistent with the requirements of this subsection. 21 (a) This subsection does not limit the use of a 22 surface water discharge or land application facility as backup 23 for a reclaimed water reuse system. 24 (b) This subsection applies only to domestic 25 wastewater treatment facilities located within, serving a 26 population located within, or discharging within a water 27 resource caution area. 28 Section 14. In order to aid in the development of a 29 better understanding of the unique surface and groundwater 30 resources of this state, the water management districts shall 31 develop an information program designed to provide information 5 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 concerning existing hydrologic conditions of major surface and 2 groundwater sources in this state and suggestions for good 3 conservation practices within those areas. The program shall 4 be developed by December 31, 2002. Beginning January 1, 2003, 5 and on a regular basis no less than every 6 months thereafter, 6 the information developed pursuant to this section shall be 7 distributed to every member of the Florida Senate and the 8 Florida House of Representatives and to local print and 9 broadcast news organizations. Each water management district 10 shall be responsible for the distribution of this information 11 within its established geographic area. 12 Section 15. Paragraph (b) of subsection (3) of section 13 403.1835, Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 14 403.1835 Water pollution control financial 15 assistance.-- 16 (3) The department may provide financial assistance 17 through any program authorized under s. 603 of the Federal 18 Water Pollution Control Act (Clean Water Act), Pub. L. No. 19 92-500, as amended, including, but not limited to, making 20 grants and loans, providing loan guarantees, purchasing loan 21 insurance or other credit enhancements, and buying or 22 refinancing local debt. This financial assistance must be 23 administered in accordance with this section and applicable 24 federal authorities. The department shall administer all 25 programs operated from funds secured through the activities of 26 the Florida Water Pollution Control Financing Corporation 27 under s. 403.1837, to fulfill the purposes of this section. 28 (b) The department may make or request the corporation 29 to make loans, grants, and deposits to other entities eligible 30 to participate in the financial assistance programs authorized 31 under the Federal Water Pollution Control Act, or as a result 6 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 of other federal action, which entities may pledge any revenue 2 available to them to repay any funds borrowed. Notwithstanding 3 s. 18.10, the department may make deposits to financial 4 institutions which earn less than the prevailing rate for 5 United States Treasury securities with corresponding 6 maturities for the purpose of enabling those financial 7 institutions to make below-market interest rate loans to 8 entities qualified to receive loans under this section and the 9 rules of the department. 10 Section 16. Subsection (11) of section 367.022, 11 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 12 367.022 Exemptions.--The following are not subject to 13 regulation by the commission as a utility nor are they subject 14 to the provisions of this chapter, except as expressly 15 provided: 16 (11) Any person providing only nonpotable water for 17 irrigation or fireflow purposes in a geographic area where 18 potable water service is available from a governmentally or 19 privately owned utility or a private well. 20 Section 17. Subsection (2) of section 373.1961, 21 Florida Statutes, is amended to read: 22 373.1961 Water production.-- 23 (2) The Legislature finds that, due to a combination 24 of factors, vastly increased demands have been placed on 25 natural supplies of fresh water, and that, absent increased 26 development of alternative water supplies, such demands may 27 increase in the future. The Legislature also finds that 28 potential exists in the state for the production of 29 significant quantities of alternative water supplies, 30 including reclaimed water, and that water production includes 31 the development of alternative water supplies, including 7 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 reclaimed water, for appropriate uses. It is the intent of 2 the Legislature that utilities develop reclaimed water 3 systems, where reclaimed water is the most appropriate 4 alternative water supply option, to deliver reclaimed water to 5 as many users as possible through the most cost-effective 6 means, and to construct reclaimed water system infrastructure 7 to their owned or operated properties and facilities where 8 they have reclamation capability. It is also the intent of the 9 Legislature that the water management districts which levy ad 10 valorem taxes for water management purposes should share a 11 percentage of those tax revenues with water providers and 12 users, including local governments, water, wastewater, and 13 reuse utilities, municipal, industrial, and agricultural water 14 users, and other public and private water users, to be used to 15 supplement other funding sources in the development of 16 alternative water supplies. The Legislature finds that public 17 moneys or services provided to private entities for such uses 18 constitute public purposes which are in the public interest. 19 In order to further the development and use of alternative 20 water supply systems, including reclaimed water systems, the 21 Legislature provides the following: 22 (a) The governing boards of the water management 23 districts where water resource caution areas have been 24 designated shall include in their annual budgets an amount for 25 the development of alternative water supply systems, including 26 reclaimed water systems, pursuant to the requirements of this 27 subsection. Beginning in 1996, such amounts shall be made 28 available to water providers and users no later than December 29 31 of each year, through grants, matching grants, revolving 30 loans, or the use of district lands or facilities pursuant to 31 the requirements of this subsection and guidelines established 8 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 by the districts. 2 (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that for each 3 reclaimed water utility, or any other utility, which receives 4 funds pursuant to this subsection, the appropriate 5 rate-setting authorities should develop rate structures for 6 all water, wastewater, and reclaimed water and other 7 alternative water supply utilities in the service area of the 8 funded utility, which accomplish the following: 9 1. Provide meaningful progress toward the development 10 and implementation of alternative water supply systems, 11 including reclaimed water systems; 12 2. Promote the conservation of fresh water withdrawn 13 from natural systems; 14 3. Provide for an appropriate distribution of costs 15 for all water, wastewater, and alternative water supply 16 utilities, including reclaimed water utilities, among all of 17 the users of those utilities; and 18 4. Prohibit rate discrimination within classes of 19 utility users. 20 (c) In order to be eligible for funding pursuant to 21 this subsection, a project must be consistent with a local 22 government comprehensive plan and the governing body of the 23 local government must require all appropriate new facilities 24 within the project's service area to connect to and use the 25 project's alternative water supplies. The appropriate local 26 government must provide written notification to the 27 appropriate district that the proposed project is consistent 28 with the local government comprehensive plan. 29 (d) Any and all revenues disbursed pursuant to this 30 subsection shall be applied only for the payment of capital or 31 infrastructure costs for the construction of alternative water 9 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 supply systems that provide alternative water supplies for 2 uses within one or more water resource caution areas. 3 (e) By January 1 of each year, the governing boards 4 shall make available written guidelines for the disbursal of 5 revenues pursuant to this subsection. Such guidelines shall 6 include at minimum: 7 1. An application process and a deadline for filing 8 applications annually. 9 2. A process for determining project eligibility 10 pursuant to the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d). 11 3. A process and criteria for funding projects 12 pursuant to this subsection that cross district boundaries or 13 that serve more than one district. 14 (f) The governing board of each water management 15 district shall establish an alternative water supplies grants 16 advisory committee to recommend to the governing board 17 projects for funding pursuant to this subsection. The 18 advisory committee members shall include, but not be limited 19 to, one or more representatives of county, municipal, and 20 investor-owned private utilities, and may include, but not be 21 limited to, representatives of agricultural interests and 22 environmental interests. Each committee member shall 23 represent his or her interest group as a whole and shall not 24 represent any specific entity. The committee shall apply the 25 guidelines and project eligibility criteria established by the 26 governing board in reviewing proposed projects. After one or 27 more hearings to solicit public input on eligible projects, 28 the committee shall rank the eligible projects and shall 29 submit them to the governing board for final funding approval. 30 The advisory committee may submit to the governing board more 31 projects than the available grant money would fund. 10 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 (g) All revenues made available annually pursuant to 2 this subsection must be encumbered disbursed annually by the 3 governing board if it approves projects sufficient to expend 4 the available revenues. Funds must be disbursed within 36 5 months after encumbrance. 6 (h) For purposes of this subsection, alternative water 7 supplies are supplies of water that have been reclaimed after 8 one or more public supply, municipal, industrial, commercial, 9 or agricultural uses, or are supplies of stormwater, or 10 brackish or salt water, that have been treated in accordance 11 with applicable rules and standards sufficient to supply the 12 intended use. 13 (i) This subsection shall not be subject to the 14 rulemaking requirements of chapter 120. 15 (j) By January 30 of each year, each water management 16 district shall submit an annual report to the Governor, the 17 President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of 18 Representatives which accounts for the disbursal of all 19 budgeted amounts pursuant to this subsection. Such report 20 shall describe all projects funded and shall account 21 separately for moneys provided through grants, matching 22 grants, revolving loans, and the use of district lands or 23 facilities. 24 (k) The Florida Public Service Commission shall allow 25 entities under its jurisdiction constructing alternative water 26 supply facilities, including but not limited to aquifer 27 storage and recovery wells, to recover the full, prudently 28 incurred cost of such facilities through their rate structure. 29 Every component of an alternative water supply facility 30 constructed by an investor-owned utility shall be recovered in 31 current rates. 11 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa
SENATE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS/HB 1341, 2nd Eng. Amendment No. ___ Barcode 490610 1 Section 18. Section 373.498 and subsection (3) of 2 section 403.804, Florida Statutes, are repealed. 3 4 (Redesignate subsequent sections.) 5 6 7 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 8 And the title is amended as follows: 9 On page 2, line 11, after the semicolon" 10 11 insert: 12 amending s. 403.064, F.S.; requiring the reuse 13 of reclaimed water when feasible; requiring the 14 dissemination of public information regarding 15 the status of major water sources; amending s. 16 403.1835, F.S.; providing for below-market 17 interest rate loans to qualified entities; 18 repealing s. 373.498, F.S., relating to 19 disbursements from the water resources 20 development account; amending s. 367.022, F.S.; 21 providing an exemption from regulation by the 22 Florida Public Service Commission for certain 23 water suppliers who provide nonpotable water 24 for fireflow; amending s. 373.1961, F.S.; 25 providing requirements for disbursements for 26 alternative water supply projects; repealing s. 27 403.804(3), F.S., relating to obsolete 28 provisions concerning grants for water and 29 wastewater facilities; 30 31 12 1:29 PM 03/21/02 h1341.nr10.Fa