CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
  1                                .
  2                                .
  3                                .
  4  ______________________________________________________________

  5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW





10  ______________________________________________________________

11  The Committee on State Administration offered the following:


13         Amendment (with title amendment) 

14  Remove everything after the enacting clause


16  and insert:

17         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) and

18  paragraph (c) of subsection (3) of section 509.032, Florida

19  Statutes, are amended to read:

20         509.032  Duties.--

21         (2)  INSPECTION OF PREMISES.--

22         (a)  The division has responsibility and jurisdiction

23  for all inspections required by this chapter.  The division

24  has responsibility for quality assurance.  Each licensed

25  establishment shall be inspected at least biannually, except

26  for transient and nontransient apartments, which shall be

27  inspected at least annually, and shall be inspected at such

28  other times as the division determines is necessary to ensure

29  the public's health, safety, and welfare.  The division shall

30  establish a system to determine inspection frequency.  Public

31  lodging units classified as resort condominiums or resort


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  dwellings are not subject to this requirement, but shall be

  2  made available to the division upon request.  If, during the

  3  inspection of a public lodging establishment classified for

  4  renting to transient or nontransient tenants, an inspector

  5  identifies vulnerable adults who appear to be victims of

  6  neglect, as defined in s. 415.102, or, in the case of a

  7  building that is not equipped with automatic sprinkler

  8  systems, tenants or clients who may be unable to self-preserve

  9  in an emergency, the division shall convene meetings with the

10  following agencies as appropriate to the individual situation:

11  the Department of Health, the Department of Elderly Affairs,

12  the area agency on aging, the local fire marshal, the landlord

13  and affected tenants and clients, and other relevant

14  organizations, to develop a plan which improves the prospects

15  for safety of affected residents and, if necessary, identifies

16  alternative living arrangements such as facilities licensed

17  under part II or part III of chapter 400.


19  SERVICE EVENTS.--The division shall:

20         (c)  Administer a public notification process for

21  temporary food service events and distribute educational

22  materials that address safe food storage, preparation, and

23  service procedures.

24         1.  Sponsors of temporary food service events shall

25  notify the division not less than 3 days prior to the

26  scheduled event of the type of food service proposed, the time

27  and location of the event, a complete list of food service

28  vendors vendor owners and operators participating in the each

29  event, the number of individual food service facilities each

30  vendor will operate at the event, and the identification

31  number of each food service vendor's current license as a


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  numbers of all public food service establishment or temporary

  2  food service event licensee establishments participating in

  3  each event. Notification may be completed orally, by

  4  telephone, in person, or in writing.  A public food service

  5  establishment or food service vendor may not use this

  6  notification process to circumvent the license requirements of

  7  this chapter.

  8         2.  The division shall keep a record of all

  9  notifications received for proposed temporary food service

10  events and shall provide appropriate educational materials to

11  the event sponsors, including the food-recovery brochure

12  developed under s. 570.0725.

13         3.a.  A public food service establishment or other food

14  service vendor must obtain one of the following classes of a

15  license from the division: an individual license, for a fee of

16  no more than $105, for each temporary food service event in

17  which it participates; or an annual license, for a fee of no

18  more than $1,000, that entitles the licensee to participate in

19  an unlimited number of food service events during the license

20  period. The division shall establish license fees, by rule,

21  and may limit the number of food service facilities a licensee

22  may operate at a particular temporary food service event under

23  a single license.

24         b.  Public food service establishments holding current

25  licenses from the division may operate under the regulations

26  of such a license at temporary food service events of 3 days

27  or less in duration.

28         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 509.072, Florida

29  Statutes, is amended to read:

30         509.072  Hotel and Restaurant Trust Fund; collection

31  and disposition of moneys received.--


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         (2)  Fees collected under s. 509.302(4)(3) and

  2  deposited into the trust fund must be used solely for the

  3  purpose of funding the Hospitality Education Program, except

  4  for any trust fund service charge imposed by s. 215.20, and

  5  may not be used to pay for any expense of the division not

  6  directly attributable to the Hospitality Education Program.

  7  These funds may not be deposited or transferred into any other

  8  trust fund administered by the Department of Business and

  9  Professional Regulation or any of its divisions. For audit

10  purposes, fees collected under s. 509.302(4)(3) and all

11  charges against those fees must be maintained by the

12  department as a separate ledger.

13         Section 3.  Subsection (2) of section 509.251, Florida

14  Statutes, is amended to read:

15         509.251  License fees.--

16         (2)  The division shall adopt, by rule, a schedule of

17  fees to be paid by each public food service establishment as a

18  prerequisite to issuance or renewal of a license.  The fee

19  schedule shall prescribe a basic fee and additional fees based

20  on seating capacity and services offered. The aggregate fee

21  per establishment charged any public food service

22  establishment may not exceed $500 $400.  The fee schedule

23  shall require an establishment which applies for an initial

24  license to pay the full license fee if application is made

25  during the annual renewal period or more than 6 months prior

26  to the next such renewal period and one-half of the fee if

27  application is made 6 months or less prior to such period.

28  The fee schedule shall include fees collected for the purpose

29  of funding the Hospitality Education Program, pursuant to s.

30  509.302, which are payable in full for each application

31  regardless of when the application is submitted.


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1         (a)  Upon making initial application or an application

  2  for change of ownership, the applicant shall pay to the

  3  division a fee as prescribed by rule, not to exceed $50, in

  4  addition to any other fees required by law, which shall cover

  5  all costs associated with initiating regulation of the

  6  establishment.

  7         (b)  A license renewal filed with the division within

  8  30 days after the expiration date shall be accompanied by a

  9  delinquent fee as prescribed by rule, not to exceed $50, in

10  addition to the renewal fee and any other fees required by

11  law.  A license renewal filed with the division more than 30

12  but not more than 60 days after the expiration date shall be

13  accompanied by a delinquent fee as prescribed by rule, not to

14  exceed $100, in addition to the renewal fee and any other fees

15  required by law.

16         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 509.291, Florida

17  Statutes, is amended, and subsections (5) and (6) are added to

18  said section, to read:

19         509.291  Advisory council.--

20         (2)  The purpose of the advisory council is to promote

21  better relations, understanding, and cooperation between such

22  industries and the division; to suggest means of better

23  protecting the health, welfare, and safety of persons using

24  the services offered by such industries; to give the division

25  the benefit of its knowledge and experience concerning the

26  industries and individual businesses affected by the laws and

27  rules administered by the division; and to promote and

28  coordinate the development of programs to educate and train

29  personnel for such industries; and to perform such other

30  duties as prescribed by law.

31         (5)  The secretary and the division shall periodically


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  review with the advisory council the division's budget and

  2  financial status for the purpose of maintaining the financial

  3  stability of the division. The council shall make

  4  recommendations, when it deems appropriate, to the secretary

  5  and the division to ensure that adequate funding levels from

  6  fees, penalties, and other costs assessed by the division and

  7  paid by the industries it regulates are maintained.

  8         (6)  The division shall provide to the advisory council

  9  each year an annual internal audit of the financial records of

10  the Hospitality Education Program for the purpose of

11  permitting the advisory council to determine compliance with

12  the provisions of s. 509.072(2).

13         Section 5.  Section 509.302, Florida Statutes, is

14  amended to read:

15         (Substantial rewording of section. See

16         s. 509.302, F.S., for present text.)

17         509.302  Hospitality Education Program.--

18         (1)  There is hereby created an educational program,

19  designated the "Hospitality Education Program," offered for

20  the benefit of the lodging and food service industries. The

21  primary goal of this program is to instruct and train all

22  individuals and businesses licensed under this chapter, in

23  cooperation with recognized associations that represent the

24  licensees, in the application of state and federal laws and

25  rules. Such instruction and training shall also include:

26         (a)  Vocational training.

27         (b)  Management training.

28         (c)  Inservice continuing education.

29         (d)  Awareness of food recovery programs, as promoted

30  in s. 570.0725.

31         (e)  Such other instruction and training as may be


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  deemed appropriate by the director and the advisory council

  2  created in s. 509.291.

  3         (2)  All instruction and training offered through the

  4  program shall be provided by private, Florida nonprofit,

  5  statewide organizations in the hospitality field under

  6  contract with the division. The division shall issue requests

  7  for competitive sealed proposals and shall select three

  8  providers: one to provide instruction and training to

  9  transient and nontransient apartment licensees and their

10  personnel; one to provide instruction and training to all

11  other public lodging establishment licensees and their

12  personnel; and one to provide instruction and training to

13  public food service establishment licensees and temporary food

14  service event licensees, and their personnel. For each of

15  these three groups of licensees, the division's requests for

16  proposals shall state the aggregate fees expected to be

17  collected from each group of licensees pursuant to subsection

18  (4) and shall solicit proposals to provide instruction and

19  training based upon the provider's receipt of the aggregate

20  fees collected for the applicable group, less the sums

21  provided for in subsection (5) and s. 509.072(2). The requests

22  for proposals shall state all terms and conditions applicable

23  to the contracts. The division shall award the contracts to

24  the providers whose respective proposals are determined by the

25  division in writing to be the most advantageous to the state.

26  The division shall contract with the providers on a 4-year

27  basis. In making its selection, the division shall consider

28  the quality of programs and level of service proposed to be

29  provided, the provider's demonstrated ability to deliver the

30  programs and services stated in its proposal, the experience

31  and history of the provider in representing the public lodging


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  industry or food service industry in Florida, the provider's

  2  demonstrated experience in providing instruction and training

  3  to public lodging and food service licensees and their

  4  personnel throughout Florida, and the provider's demonstrated

  5  ability to provide instruction and training at locations

  6  throughout the state and to generate statewide industry

  7  support and participation. The providers may affiliate with

  8  national nonprofit organizations representing the public

  9  lodging industry or food service industry, or with any member

10  of the State University System or Florida Community College

11  System, or with any privately funded Florida college or

12  university, which offers a program of hospitality

13  administration and management.

14         (3)  The content of all instruction and training

15  offered through the program must be approved by the advisory

16  council as provided for in s. 509.291 and by the division. The

17  division shall conduct an annual internal audit of all

18  provider contracts to ensure that they are being effectively

19  administered and to ensure that the instruction and training

20  provided are reasonable in relation to the funds received.

21         (4)  All public lodging establishments, all public food

22  service establishments, and all temporary food service event

23  licensees governed by this chapter shall pay an annual fee of

24  $10, effective July 1, 2002. This annual fee shall be paid as

25  an addition to the annual license fee and shall be used for

26  the sole purpose of funding the Hospitality Education Program.

27  Effective January 1, 2005, the division may increase the

28  annual fee, by rule, with the approval of the advisory

29  council, as necessary to fund the Hospitality Education

30  Program, but in no event may this fee exceed $20.

31         (5)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the


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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  contrary, as part of the Hospitality Education Program, the

  2  director, with the consent of the advisory council, may

  3  designate funds, not to exceed $150,000 annually, to support

  4  school-to-career transition programs available throughout

  5  private, Florida nonprofit, statewide organizations in the

  6  hospitality field. These programs shall be designed to prepare

  7  students for progressive careers in the hospitality industry.

  8         (a)  The director shall supervise the administration of

  9  the programs set forth in this subsection and shall report the

10  status of the programs at all meetings of the advisory council

11  and at such other times as are prescribed by the advisory

12  council.

13         (b)  The division shall adopt rules providing the

14  criteria for program approval and the procedures for

15  processing program applications. The criteria and procedures

16  shall be approved by the advisory council.

17         Section 6.  To ensure that license fees are sufficient

18  to fund the costs incurred by the Division of Hotels and

19  Restaurants in regulating public lodging and public food

20  service establishments, the division shall increase by $45,

21  effective July 1, 2002, the basic license fees for all such

22  establishments presently adopted by division rule pursuant to

23  s. 509.251, Florida Statutes; however, the basic license fees

24  for transient and nontransient apartments shall increase by

25  only $40, effective July 1, 2002. The increase provided for in

26  this section shall not apply to the basic license fee for

27  vending machines or to licenses for temporary food service

28  events.

29         Section 7.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

30  law.



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                                                   HOUSE AMENDMENT

                                                   Bill No. HB 155

    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)

  1  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

  2  And the title is amended as follows:

  3  remove:  the entire title


  5  and insert:

  6                  A bill to be entitled

  7         An act relating to public lodging and public

  8         food service establishments; amending s.

  9         509.032, F.S.; providing for annual rather than

10         biannual inspections of transient and

11         nontransient apartments; revising notice and

12         license requirements for temporary food service

13         events; amending s. 509.072, F.S.; conforming a

14         cross reference; amending s. 509.251, F.S.;

15         increasing the maximum aggregate license fee

16         for public food service establishments;

17         amending s. 509.291, F.S.; providing for

18         increased coordination and consultation among

19         the Secretary of Business and Professional

20         Regulation, the Division of Hotels and

21         Restaurants, and the advisory council; amending

22         s. 509.302, F.S.; eliminating a requirement for

23         the division to employ a director of education;

24         revising provisions regarding the

25         administration, fees, and funding of the

26         Hospitality Education Program; providing an

27         increase in the basic license fees for public

28         lodging and public food service establishments;

29         providing exemptions from such increase;

30         providing an effective date.



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