House Bill hb1553

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1553

        By Representative Wiles

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to student assessment; amending

  3         s. 229.57, F.S.; requiring the Department of

  4         Education and school districts to provide to

  5         parents certain information on school

  6         performance; providing requirements for

  7         individual student reports; amending s.

  8         236.08102, F.S.; correcting a cross reference;

  9         providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Subsections (11) through (16) of section

14  229.57, Florida Statutes, are renumbered as subsections (12)

15  through (17), respectively, and a new subsection (11) is added

16  to said section to read:

17         229.57  Student assessment program.--

18         (11)  NOTICE TO PARENTS.--

19         (a)  The Department of Education and the school

20  district shall promptly provide to a parent or guardian of

21  each student enrolled in an elementary, middle, or secondary

22  school designated as performance grade category "D" or "F" the

23  following:

24         1.  An explanation of what the identification means and

25  how the school compares in terms of academic achievement to

26  other elementary, middle, or secondary schools served by the

27  school district and the department.

28         2.  The reasons for the identification.

29         3.  An explanation of what the school identified for

30  school improvement is doing to address the problem of low

31  achievement.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1553


  1         4.  An explanation of what the school district or the

  2  department is doing to help the school address the achievement

  3  problem.

  4         5.  An explanation of how the parents or guardians can

  5  become involved in addressing the academic issues that caused

  6  the school to be identified for school improvement.


  8  The information shall be provided in an understandable and

  9  uniform format and, to the extent practicable, in language the

10  parents or guardians can understand.

11         (b)  In producing individual student reports, the

12  school district and the department shall produce interpretive,

13  descriptive, and diagnostic reports that allow parents,

14  guardians, teachers, and principals to understand and address

15  the specific academic needs of students and shall include

16  information regarding achievement on academic assessments

17  aligned with the Sunshine State Standards. These reports shall

18  be provided to parents, guardians, teachers, and principals as

19  soon as possible after the assessment is given, in an

20  understandable and uniform format and, to the extent

21  practicable, in language that parents or guardians can

22  understand.

23         Section 2.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

24  236.08102, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         236.08102  School district minimum classroom

26  expenditure requirements.--

27         (2)  For the purpose of implementing the provisions of

28  this section, the Legislature shall prescribe minimum academic

29  performance standards and minimum classroom expenditure

30  requirements for districts not meeting such minimum academic

31  performance standards in the General Appropriations Act.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1553


  1         (a)  Minimum academic performance standards may be

  2  based on, but are not limited to, district performance grades

  3  determined pursuant to s. 229.57(17)(16).

  4         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      With respect to the student assessment program in the
  9    public schools, requires the Department of Education and
      school districts to provide to parents certain
10    information on school performance. Provides requirements
      for individual student reports.






















CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.