House Bill hb1555

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002               HJR 1555

        By Representative Wishner

  1                      House Joint Resolution

  2         A joint resolution proposing an amendment to

  3         Section 7 of Article X and the creation of

  4         Section 26 of Article XII of the State

  5         Constitution relating to casino gambling.


  7  Be It Resolved by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  9         That the amendment to Section 7 of Article X of the

10  State Constitution and the creation of Section 26 of Article

11  XII set forth below is agreed to and shall be submitted to the

12  electors of Florida for approval or rejection at the general

13  election to be held in November 2002:

14                            ARTICLE X

15                          MISCELLANEOUS

16         SECTION 7.  Lotteries.--

17         (a)  Lotteries, other than casino gambling as provided

18  in subsection (b) and the types of pari-mutuel pools

19  authorized by law as of the effective date of this

20  constitution, are hereby prohibited in this state.

21         (b)  Casino gambling may be conducted within any

22  charter county in the state with a population in excess of

23  1,000,000 persons in any municipality in such a county which

24  has a hotel or commercial lodging facility in excess of 500

25  rooms and existing pari-mutuel facilities.

26         (c)  Tax revenues collected with respect to casino

27  gambling as authorized in this section shall be used only to

28  augment funding for education, human services, and services

29  for the elderly.

30                           ARTICLE XII

31                             SCHEDULE


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002               HJR 1555


  1         SECTION 26.  Gambling.--The conduct of casino gambling

  2  within a county as described in Section 7(b) of Article X

  3  shall be subject to the approval of the qualified electors

  4  within the county voting in a referendum election held for

  5  such purpose, and any municipality in such a county may, by

  6  local option referendum, reject casino gambling within the

  7  corporate limits of the qualified municipality.

  8         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the question of whether to

  9  authorize casino gambling as provided herein shall be

10  submitted to the electors of any county qualified pursuant to

11  Section 7(b) of Article X at the same election that the

12  amendment to Section 7 of Article X and the creation of

13  Section 26 of Article XII of the State Constitution set forth

14  above is submitted to the electors of Florida for approval or

15  rejection.

16         BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with the

17  requirements of section 101.161, Florida Statutes, the title

18  and substance of the amendment proposed herein shall appear on

19  the ballot as follows:

20                         CASINO GAMBLING

21         Proposes an amendment to Section 7 of Article X and the

22  creation of Section 26 of Article XII of the State

23  Constitution to permit casino gambling in charter counties in

24  the state with a population of 1,000,000 or more in

25  municipalities in such counties with a hotel or commercial

26  lodging facility in excess of 500 rooms which do not reject

27  such gambling by local option. Provides that the revenues

28  shall be used to augment funding for education, human

29  services, and services for the elderly.




CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.