CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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  4  ______________________________________________________________






10  ______________________________________________________________

11  Senator Villalobos moved the following amendment:


13         Senate Amendment (with title amendment) 

14         On page 233, line 15, through

15            page 240, line 5, delete those lines


17  and insert:

18         240.2995  University health services support

19  organizations.--

20         (1)  Each state university may is authorized to

21  establish university health services support organizations

22  that which shall have the ability to enter into, for the

23  benefit of the university academic health sciences center,

24  arrangements with other entities as providers in other

25  integrated health care systems or similar entities. To the

26  extent required by law or rule, university health services

27  support organizations shall become licensed as insurance

28  companies, pursuant to chapter 624, or be certified as health

29  maintenance organizations, pursuant to chapter 641. University

30  health services support organizations shall have sole

31  responsibility for the acts, debts, liabilities, and

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1  obligations of the organization. In no case shall the state or

  2  university have any responsibility for such acts, debts,

  3  liabilities, and obligations incurred or assumed by university

  4  health services support organizations.

  5         (2)  Each university health services support

  6  organization shall be a Florida corporation not for profit,

  7  incorporated under the provisions of chapter 617 and approved

  8  by the Department of State.

  9         (3)  The State Board of Education Board of Regents may

10  prescribe, by rule, conditions with which a university health

11  services support organization must comply in order to be

12  certified. Each university board of trustees may adopt rules

13  providing the conditions with which a university health

14  support organization must comply in order and to use property,

15  facilities, or personal services at the any state university.

16  The rules must provide for budget, audit review, and oversight

17  by the State Board of Education Board of Regents. Such rules

18  shall provide that the university health services support

19  organization may provide salary supplements and other

20  compensation or benefits for university faculty and staff

21  employees only as set forth in the organization's budget,

22  which is shall be subject to approval by the university

23  president.

24         (4)  Each university board of trustees The chair of the

25  Board of Regents may appoint a representative to the board of

26  directors and the executive committee of any university health

27  services support organization established under this section.

28  The president of the university for which the university

29  health services support organization is established, or the

30  president's designee, shall also serve on the board of

31  directors and the executive committee of any university health

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1  services support organization established to benefit that

  2  university.

  3         (5)  Each university health services support

  4  organization shall provide for an annual financial audit in

  5  accordance with s. 240.299(5) s. 240.299(4). The auditor's

  6  report, management letter, and any supplemental data requested

  7  by the State Board of Education Board of Regents and the

  8  Auditor General are shall be considered public records,

  9  pursuant to s. 119.07.

10         Section 1.  Notwithstanding subsection (7) of section 3

11  of chapter 2000-321, Laws of Florida, section 240.2996,

12  Florida Statutes, shall not stand repealed January 7, 2003, as

13  scheduled by that law, but that section is reenacted and

14  amended to read:

15         240.2996  University health services support

16  organization; confidentiality of information.--

17         (1)  All meetings of a governing board of a university

18  health services support organization and all university health

19  services support organization records shall be open and

20  available to the public in accordance with s. 286.011 and s.

21  24(b), Art. I of the State Constitution and chapter 119 and s.

22  24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution, respectively, unless

23  made confidential or exempt by law. Records required by the

24  Department of Insurance to discharge its duties shall be made

25  available to the department upon request.

26         (2)  The following university health services support

27  organization's records and information of a university health

28  services support organization are confidential and exempt from

29  the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the

30  State Constitution:

31         (a)  Contracts for managed care arrangements under

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    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1  which the university health services support organization

  2  provides health care services, preferred provider organization

  3  contracts, health maintenance organization contracts, alliance

  4  network arrangements, and exclusive provider organization

  5  contracts, and any documents directly relating to the

  6  negotiation, performance, and implementation of any such

  7  contracts for managed care arrangements or alliance network

  8  arrangements. As used in this paragraph, the term "managed

  9  care" means systems or techniques generally used by

10  third-party payors or their agents to affect access to and

11  control payment for health care services. Managed-care

12  techniques most often include one or more of the following:

13  prior, concurrent, and retrospective review of the medical

14  necessity and appropriateness of services or site of services;

15  contracts with selected health care providers; financial

16  incentives or disincentives related to the use of specific

17  providers, services, or service sites; controlled access to

18  and coordination of services by a case manager; and payor

19  efforts to identify treatment alternatives and modify benefit

20  restrictions for high-cost patient care.

21         (b)  Each university health services support

22  organization's marketing plan the disclosure of which may

23  reasonably be expected by the organization's governing board

24  to be used by a competitor or an affiliated provider of the

25  organization to frustrate, circumvent, or exploit the purposes

26  of the plan before it is implemented and which is not

27  otherwise known or cannot be legally obtained by a competitor

28  or an affiliated provider.  However, documents that are

29  submitted to the organization's governing board as part of the

30  board's approval of the organization's budget, and the budget

31  itself, are not confidential and exempt.

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    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1         (c)  Trade secrets, as defined in s. 688.002, including

  2  reimbursement methodologies and rates.

  3         (d)  The records of the peer review panels, committees,

  4  governing board, and agents of the university health services

  5  support organization which relate solely to the evaluation of

  6  health care services and professional credentials of health

  7  care providers and physicians employed by or providing

  8  services under contract to the university health services

  9  support organization. The exemptions created by this paragraph

10  shall not be construed to impair any otherwise established

11  rights of an individual health care provider to inspect

12  documents concerning the determination of such provider's

13  professional credentials.

14         (3)  Any portion of a governing board or peer review

15  panel or committee meeting during which a confidential and

16  exempt contract, document, record, marketing plan, or trade

17  secret, as provided for in subsection (2), is discussed is

18  exempt from the provisions of s. 286.011 and s. 24(b), Art. I

19  of the State Constitution.

20         (4)  Those portions of any public record, such as a

21  tape recording, minutes, and notes, generated during that

22  portion of a governing board or peer review panel or committee

23  meeting which is closed to the public pursuant to this

24  section, which contain information relating to contracts,

25  documents, records, marketing plans, or trade secrets which

26  are made confidential and exempt by this section, are

27  confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1)

28  and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution.

29         (5)  The exemptions from s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a),

30  Art. I of the State Constitution and s. 286.011 and s. 24(b),

31  Art. I of the State Constitution provided in this section do

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1  not apply if the governing board of a university health

  2  services support organization votes to lease, sell, or

  3  transfer all or any substantial part of the facilities or

  4  property of the university health services support

  5  organization to a nonpublic entity.

  6         (6)  Any person may petition a court of competent

  7  jurisdiction for an order for the public release of those

  8  portions of any public record, such as a tape recording,

  9  minutes, or notes, generated during that portion of a

10  governing board meeting which is closed to the public pursuant

11  to subsection (3), which record is made confidential and

12  exempt by subsection (4). Any action pursuant to this

13  subsection must be brought in the county where the principal

14  office of the university health services support organization

15  is located, as reflected in the records of the custodian of

16  state records Secretary of State. In any order for the public

17  release of a record pursuant to this subsection, the court

18  shall make a finding that a compelling public interest is

19  served by the release of the record or portions thereof which

20  exceeds the public necessity for maintaining the

21  confidentiality of such record as described in s. 2, chapter

22  96-171, Laws of Florida, and that the release of the record

23  will not cause damage to or adversely affect the interests of

24  private persons, business entities, the university health

25  services support organization, or the affiliated university.

26         (7)  Those portions of any public record, such as a

27  tape recording, minutes, or notes, generated during that

28  portion of a governing board meeting at which negotiations for

29  contracts for managed-care arrangements occur, are reported

30  on, or are acted on by the governing board, which record is

31  made confidential and exempt by subsection (4), shall become

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1  public records 2 years after the termination or completion of

  2  the term of the contract to which such negotiations relate or,

  3  if no contract was executed, 2 years after the termination of

  4  the negotiations. Notwithstanding paragraph (2)(a) and

  5  subsection (4), a university health services support

  6  organization must make available, upon request, the title and

  7  general description of a contract for managed-care

  8  arrangements, the names of the contracting parties, and the

  9  duration of the contract term. All contracts for managed-care

10  arrangements which are made confidential and exempt by

11  paragraph (2)(a), except those portions of any contract

12  containing trade secrets which are made confidential and

13  exempt by paragraph (2)(c), shall become public 2 years after

14  the termination or completion of the term of the contract.

15         (8)  A university health services support organization

16  may petition a court of competent jurisdiction to continue the

17  confidentiality of any public record made nonconfidential by

18  this section, upon a showing of good cause. In determining

19  good cause, the court shall balance the property, privacy, and

20  economic interests of any affected person or business entity

21  with those of the university health services support

22  organization and with the public interest and must make a

23  finding that a substantial public interest is served by the

24  continued confidentiality of the public record for an

25  additional time period. The length of time for this continued

26  exemption may be no longer than is necessary to protect that

27  substantial public interest.

28         (9)  This act does not preclude discovery of records

29  and information that are otherwise discoverable under the

30  Florida Rules of Civil Procedure or any statutory provision

31  allowing discovery or presuit disclosure of such records and

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                                                  SENATE AMENDMENT

    Bill No. CS for CS for SB 1564

    Amendment No. ___   Barcode 410896

  1  information for the purpose of civil actions.



  4  ================ T I T L E   A M E N D M E N T ===============

  5  And the title is amended as follows:

  6         On page 20, line 27, through

  7            page 21, line 8, delete those lines


  9  and insert:

10         university health services support

11         organizations; authorizing boards of trustees

12         to establish health services support

13         organizations; authorizing the State Board of

14         Education to adopt rules prescribing compliance

15         with certain conditions for the health services

16         support organizations; eliminating obsolete

17         provisions; authorizing a university board of

18         trustees to appoint representatives to the

19         board of directors of the health services

20         support organization; reenacting and amending

21         s. 240.2996, F.S., relating to confidentiality

22         of information for health services










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