House Bill hb1599
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 1599
By Representative McGriff
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to Sea Turtle specialty license
3 plates; amending s. 320.08056, F.S.; revising
4 use fee for Sea Turtle license plate; amending
5 s. 320.08058, F.S.; revising distribution and
6 use of revenue from the tag; repealing s.
7 370.12(1)(h), F.S., relating to grants provided
8 by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation
9 Commission for marine turtle research,
10 conservation, and education activities;
11 providing an effective date.
13 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
15 Section 1. Paragraph (s) of subsection (4) of section
16 320.08056, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
17 320.08056 Specialty license plates.--
18 (4) The following license plate annual use fees shall
19 be collected for the appropriate specialty license plates:
20 (s) Sea Turtle license plate, $22.50 $17.50.
21 Section 2. Paragraph (b) of subsection (19) of section
22 320.08058, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
23 320.08058 Specialty license plates.--
25 (b) The first $500,000 in annual use fees shall be
26 deposited in the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund in
27 the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and. The first
28 $500,000 in annual revenue shall be used by the Florida Marine
29 Turtle Protection Program to conduct sea turtle protection,
30 research, and recovery programs. The next $215,000 in annual
31 use fees shall be distributed to Caribbean Conservation
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 1599
1 Corporation, located in Gainesville, to fund sea turtle
2 research and education programs that benefit Florida sea
3 turtles. Caribbean Conservation Corporation shall annually
4 distribute assigned funds through the Sea Turtle Grants
5 Program that supports sea turtle research and education
6 activities of Florida-based nonprofit groups, educational
7 institutions, and Florida coastal counties. Caribbean
8 Conservation Corporation shall write and publish procedures
9 for submitting grant applications and criteria for allocating
10 available funds. Caribbean Conservation Corporation shall
11 appoint a technical advisory committee of at least five
12 members, including two representatives from the Fish and
13 Wildlife Conservation Commission, to consider and choose grant
14 recipients from proposals submitted by eligible entities. Any
15 additional annual revenue shall be distributed as follows:
16 1. Seventy percent shall be deposited in the Marine
17 Resources Conservation Trust Fund and used by the Florida
18 Marine Turtle Protection Program for sea turtle conservation
19 activities.
20 2. Thirty percent shall be assigned to Caribbean
21 Conservation Corporation for distribution through the Sea
22 Turtle Grants Program.
23 3. Up to 15 percent of the funds distributed to
24 Caribbean Conservation Corporation may be expended for
25 administrative costs directly associated with the grants
26 program.
27 4. Up to 10 percent of the funds distributed to
28 Caribbean Conservation Corporation may be used for the
29 promotion and marketing of the Sea Turtle license plate.
30 Additional license plate revenue, up to an amount not
31 exceeding 30 percent of the total annual revenue, shall be
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 1599
1 dispersed annually through the marine turtle grants program as
2 provided in s. 370.12(1)(h). The remaining annual use proceeds
3 shall be used by the Florida Marine Turtle Protection Program
4 for sea turtle conservation activities.
5 Section 3. Paragraph (h) of subsection (1) of section
6 370.12, Florida Statutes, is repealed.
7 Section 4. This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.
9 *****************************************
Increases the use fee for Sea Turtle specialty license
12 plates and revises distribution and use of revenue from
the fee to provide for distribution to the Caribbean
13 Conservation Corporation to be used for certain purposes.
Deletes provisions relating to grants provided by the
14 Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission for marine
turtle research, conservation, and education activities.
15 See bill for details.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.