House Bill hb1609c1

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002             CS/HB 1609

        By the Council for Smarter Government and Representative

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to local government development

  3         orders; amending s. 163.3215, F.S.; revising

  4         the methods for challenging the consistency of

  5         a development order with a comprehensive plan;

  6         redefining the term "aggrieved or adversely

  7         affected party"; providing an effective date.


  9  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


11         Section 1.  Section 163.3215, Florida Statutes, is

12  amended to read:

13         163.3215  Standing to enforce local comprehensive plans

14  through development orders.--

15         (1)  Subsections (3) and (4) provide the exclusive

16  methods for an aggrieved or adversely affected party to appeal

17  and challenge the consistency of a development order with a

18  comprehensive plan adopted under this part. The local

19  government that issues the development order is to be named as

20  a respondent in all proceedings under this section. Subsection

21  (3) shall not apply to development orders for which a local

22  government has established a process consistent with the

23  requirements of subsection (4). A local government may decide

24  which types of development orders will proceed under

25  subsection (4). Subsection (3) shall apply to all other

26  development orders that are not subject to subsection (4).

27         (2)  As used in this section, the term "aggrieved or

28  adversely affected party" means any person or local government

29  that will suffer an adverse effect to an interest protected or

30  furthered by the local government comprehensive plan,

31  including interests related to health and safety, police and


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  1  fire protection service systems, densities or intensities of

  2  development, transportation facilities, health care

  3  facilities, equipment or services, and environmental or

  4  natural resources.  The alleged adverse interest may be shared

  5  in common with other members of the community at large but

  6  must exceed in degree the general interest in community good

  7  shared by all persons. The term includes the owner, developer,

  8  or applicant for a development order.

  9         (3)(1)  Any aggrieved or adversely affected party may

10  maintain a de novo an action for declaratory, injunctive, or

11  other relief against any local government to challenge any

12  decision of such local government granting or denying an

13  application for, or to prevent such local government from

14  taking any action on, a development order, as defined in s.

15  163.3164, which materially alters the use or density or

16  intensity of use on a particular piece of property which that

17  is not consistent with the comprehensive plan adopted under

18  this part. The de novo action must be filed no later than 30

19  days following rendition of a development order or other

20  written decision, or when all local administrative appeals, if

21  any, are exhausted, whichever occurs later.

22         (2)  "Aggrieved or adversely affected party" means any

23  person or local government which will suffer an adverse effect

24  to an interest protected or furthered by the local government

25  comprehensive plan, including interests related to health and

26  safety, police and fire protection service systems, densities

27  or intensities of development, transportation facilities,

28  health care facilities, equipment or services, or

29  environmental or natural resources.  The alleged adverse

30  interest may be shared in common with other members of the



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  1  community at large, but shall exceed in degree the general

  2  interest in community good shared by all persons.

  3         (3)(a)  No suit may be maintained under this section

  4  challenging the approval or denial of a zoning, rezoning,

  5  planned unit development, variance, special exception,

  6  conditional use, or other development order granted prior to

  7  October 1, 1985, or applied for prior to July 1, 1985.

  8         (b)  Suit under this section shall be the sole action

  9  available to challenge the consistency of a development order

10  with a comprehensive plan adopted under this part.

11         (4)  If a local government elects to adopt or has

12  adopted an ordinance establishing, at a minimum, the

13  requirements listed in this subsection, the sole method by

14  which an aggrieved and adversely affected party may challenge

15  any decision of local government granting or denying an

16  application for a development order, as defined in s.

17  163.3164, which materially alters the use or density or

18  intensity of use on a particular piece of property, on the

19  basis that it is not consistent with the comprehensive plan

20  adopted under this part, is by an appeal filed by a petition

21  for writ of certiorari filed in circuit court no later than 30

22  days following rendition of a development order or other

23  written decision of the local government, or when all local

24  administrative appeals, if any, are exhausted, whichever

25  occurs later. An action for injunctive or other relief may be

26  joined with the petition for certiorari. Principles of

27  judicial or administrative res judicata and collateral

28  estoppel apply to these proceedings. Minimum components of the

29  local process are as follows:

30         (a)  The local process must make provision for notice

31  of an application for a development order that materially


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  1  alters the use or density or intensity of use on a particular

  2  piece of property, including notice by publication or mailed

  3  notice consistent with the provisions of s. 166.041(3)(c)2.b.

  4  and c. and s. 125.66(4)(b)2. and 3., and must require

  5  prominent posting at the job site. The notice must be given

  6  within 10 days after the filing of an application for

  7  development order; however, notice under this subsection is

  8  not required for an application for a building permit or any

  9  other official action of local government which does not

10  materially alter the use or density or intensity of use on a

11  particular piece of property. The notice must clearly

12  delineate that an aggrieved or adversely affected person has

13  the right to request a quasi-judicial hearing before the local

14  government for which the application is made, must explain the

15  conditions precedent to the appeal of any development order

16  ultimately rendered upon the application, and must specify the

17  location where written procedures can be obtained that

18  describe the process, including how to initiate the

19  quasi-judicial process, the timeframes for initiating the

20  process, and the location of the hearing. The process may

21  include an opportunity for an alternative dispute resolution.

22         (b)  The local process must provide a clear point of

23  entry consisting of a written preliminary decision, at a time

24  and in a manner to be established in the local ordinance, with

25  the time to request a quasi-judicial hearing running from the

26  issuance of the written preliminary decision; the local

27  government, however, is not bound by the preliminary decision.

28  A party may request a hearing to challenge or support a

29  preliminary decision.

30         (c)  The local process must provide an opportunity for

31  participation in the process by an aggrieved or adversely


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  1  affected party, allowing a reasonable time for the party to

  2  prepare and present a case for the quasi-judicial hearing.

  3         (d)  The local process must provide, at a minimum, an

  4  opportunity for the disclosure of witnesses and exhibits prior

  5  to hearing and an opportunity for the depositions of witnesses

  6  to be taken.

  7         (e)  The local process may not require that a party be

  8  represented by an attorney in order to participate in a

  9  hearing.

10         (f)  The local process must provide for a

11  quasi-judicial hearing before an impartial special master who

12  is an attorney who has at least 5 years' experience and who

13  shall, at the conclusion of the hearing, recommend written

14  findings of fact and conclusions of law.  The special master

15  shall have the power to swear witnesses and take their

16  testimony under oath, to issue subpoenas and other orders

17  regarding the conduct of the proceedings, and to compel entry

18  upon the land.  The standard of review applied by the special

19  master in determining whether a proposed development order is

20  consistent with the comprehensive plan shall be strict

21  scrutiny in accordance with Florida law.

22         (g)  At the quasi-judicial hearing, all parties must

23  have the opportunity to respond, to present evidence and

24  argument on all issues involved which are related to the

25  development order, and to conduct cross-examination and submit

26  rebuttal evidence. Public testimony must be allowed.

27         (h)  The local process must provide for a duly noticed

28  public hearing before the local government at which public

29  testimony is allowed. At the quasi-judicial hearing, the local

30  government is bound by the special master's findings of fact

31  unless the findings of fact are not supported by competent


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  1  substantial evidence. The governing body may modify the

  2  conclusions of law if it finds that the special master's

  3  application or interpretation of law is erroneous. The

  4  governing body may make reasonable legal interpretations of

  5  its comprehensive plan and land development regulations

  6  without regard to whether the special master's interpretation

  7  is labeled as a finding of fact or a conclusion of law. The

  8  local government's final decision must be reduced to writing,

  9  including the findings of fact and conclusions of law, and is

10  not considered rendered or final until officially date-stamped

11  by the city or county clerk.

12         (i)  An ex parte communication relating to the merits

13  of the matter under review may not be made to the special

14  master. An ex parte communication relating to the merits of

15  the matter under review may not be made to the governing body

16  after a time to be established by the local ordinance, which

17  time must be no later than receipt of the special master's

18  recommended order by the governing body.

19         (j)  At the option of the local government, the process

20  may require actions to challenge the consistency of a

21  development order with land development regulations to be

22  brought in the same proceeding.

23         (4)  As a condition precedent to the institution of an

24  action pursuant to this section, the complaining party shall

25  first file a verified complaint with the local government

26  whose actions are complained of setting forth the facts upon

27  which the complaint is based and the relief sought by the

28  complaining party.  The verified complaint shall be filed no

29  later than 30 days after the alleged inconsistent action has

30  been taken.  The local government receiving the complaint

31  shall respond within 30 days after receipt of the complaint.


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  1  Thereafter, the complaining party may institute the action

  2  authorized in this section.  However, the action shall be

  3  instituted no later than 30 days after the expiration of the

  4  30-day period which the local government has to take

  5  appropriate action.  Failure to comply with this subsection

  6  shall not bar an action for a temporary restraining order to

  7  prevent immediate and irreparable harm from the actions

  8  complained of.

  9         (5)  Venue in any cases brought under this section

10  shall lie in the county or counties where the actions or

11  inactions giving rise to the cause of action are alleged to

12  have occurred.

13         (6)  The signature of an attorney or party constitutes

14  a certificate that he or she has read the pleading, motion, or

15  other paper and that, to the best of his or her knowledge,

16  information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, it is

17  not interposed for any improper purpose, such as to harass or

18  to cause unnecessary delay or for economic advantage,

19  competitive reasons or frivolous purposes or needless increase

20  in the cost of litigation.  If a pleading, motion, or other

21  paper is signed in violation of these requirements, the court,

22  upon motion or its own initiative, shall impose upon the

23  person who signed it, a represented party, or both, an

24  appropriate sanction, which may include an order to pay to the

25  other party or parties the amount of reasonable expenses

26  incurred because of the filing of the pleading, motion, or

27  other paper, including a reasonable attorney's fee.

28         (7)  In any proceeding action under subsection (3) or

29  subsection (4) this section, no settlement shall be entered

30  into by the local government unless the terms of the



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  1  settlement have been the subject of a public hearing after

  2  notice as required by this part.

  3         (8)  In any proceeding suit under subsection (3) or

  4  subsection (4) this section, the Department of Legal Affairs

  5  may intervene to represent the interests of the state.

  6         (9)  Neither subsection (3) nor subsection (4) relieves

  7  the local government of its obligations to hold public

  8  hearings as required by law.

  9         Section 2.  This act shall take effect June 1, 2002.
























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