House Bill hb1631

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1631

        By Representative McGriff

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to clinical laboratory

  3         personnel; amending s. 483.805, F.S.; deleting

  4         obsolete language relating to appointment of

  5         the initial members of the Board of Clinical

  6         Laboratory Personnel; amending s. 483.809,

  7         F.S.; eliminating the examination given by the

  8         Department of Business and Professional

  9         Regulation to determine in part the

10         qualifications for licensure; requiring the

11         board to designate national certification

12         examinations to be used for such purpose;

13         amending ss. 483.811 and 483.812, F.S.,

14         relating to approval of laboratory personnel

15         training programs and licensure of public

16         health laboratory scientists, to conform;

17         amending s. 483.823, F.S.; revising

18         qualifications of clinical laboratory

19         personnel; providing requirements for clinical

20         laboratory supervisors, clinical laboratory

21         technologists, and clinical laboratory

22         technicians licensed after specified dates;

23         providing an effective date.


25  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


27         Section 1.  Subsection (3) of section 483.805, Florida

28  Statutes, is amended to read:

29         483.805  Board of Clinical Laboratory Personnel.--

30         (3)  Within 90 days after July 1, 1992, the Governor

31  shall appoint two members for a term of 2 years, two members


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1631


  1  for a term of 3 years, and three members for a term of 4

  2  years.  As the terms of the initial members expire, the

  3  Governor shall appoint successors for terms of 4 years and

  4  such terms shall expire on October 31.  A member whose term

  5  has expired shall continue to serve on the board until such

  6  time as a replacement is appointed.  No member shall serve for

  7  more than the remaining portion of a previous member's

  8  unexpired term, plus two consecutive 4-year terms of the

  9  member's own appointment thereafter.

10         Section 2.  Subsection (2) of section 483.809, Florida

11  Statutes, is amended to read:

12         483.809  Licensure; examinations; registration of

13  trainees; approval of curricula.--

14         (2)  EXAMINATIONS.--The department shall conduct

15  examinations required by board rules to determine in part the

16  qualification of clinical laboratory personnel for licensure.

17  The board by rule shall may designate a national certification

18  examinations examination that may be accepted in part to

19  determine the qualifications lieu of state examination for

20  clinical laboratory personnel or public health scientists.

21         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 483.811, Florida

22  Statutes, is amended to read:

23         483.811  Approval of laboratory personnel training

24  programs.--

25         (4)  The board shall approve training programs for

26  laboratory technicians in a hospital or clinical laboratory

27  which programs are under the supervision of a clinical

28  laboratory director.  The training must be accepted in lieu of

29  educational requirements for licensure, but a trainee must

30  have a high school diploma or its equivalent.  Any person who

31  completes a training program must pass, before licensure, a


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1631


  1  national an examination designated by the board pursuant to s.

  2  483.809 given by the department.

  3         Section 4.  Subsection (2) of section 483.812, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         483.812  Public health laboratory scientists;

  6  licensure.--

  7         (2)  Applicants at the supervisor level in the category

  8  of public health who are certified by the National Registry in

  9  Clinical Chemistry or the American Society for Microbiology,

10  licensed as a technologist, and have 5 years of pertinent

11  clinical laboratory experience may qualify by passing a

12  national the state-administered supervision and administration

13  examination designated by the board pursuant to s. 483.809.

14         Section 5.  Section 483.823, Florida Statutes, is

15  amended to read:

16         483.823  Qualifications of clinical laboratory

17  personnel.--

18         (1)  The board shall prescribe by rule minimal

19  qualifications of education, training, and experience for

20  clinical laboratory personnel and shall issue a license to any

21  person who meets the minimum qualifications, and who

22  demonstrates that she or he possesses the character, training,

23  and ability to qualify in those areas for which the license is

24  sought, and satisfies all other requirements of this part.

25         (2)  Personnel qualifications may require appropriate

26  education, training, or experience or the passing of an

27  examination in appropriate subjects or any combination of

28  these, but No practitioner of the healing arts licensed to

29  practice in this state is required to obtain any license under

30  this part or to pay any fee hereunder except the fee required

31  for clinical laboratory licensure.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1631


  1         (3)  A clinical laboratory supervisor licensed after

  2  July 1, 2002, must:

  3         (a)  Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree in the

  4  area of chemical, biological, or clinical laboratory science

  5  or medical technology from a regionally accredited

  6  institution, or an equivalent degree as determined by board

  7  rule, and must have passed a national examination designated

  8  by the board pursuant to s. 483.809; or

  9         (b)  For the specialty of cytology or histology, if

10  having practiced such specialty prior to 1985, have an

11  associate degree and meet any other qualifications as

12  determined by board rule.

13         (4)  A clinical laboratory technologist licensed after

14  December 31, 2005, must:

15         (a)  Have a baccalaureate degree in the area of

16  chemical, biological, or clinical laboratory science or

17  medical technology from a regionally accredited institution,

18  or an equivalent degree as determined by board rule, and must

19  have passed a national examination designated by the board

20  pursuant to s. 483.809; or

21         (b)  For the specialty of cytology or histology:

22         1.  Have a minimum of a baccalaureate degree, or an

23  equivalent degree as determined by board rule, which shall

24  include 16 semester hours of academic science, as defined by

25  board rule; or

26         2.  If having practiced such specialty prior to 1985,

27  have an associate degree or an equivalent degree as determined

28  by board rule.

29         (5)  A clinical laboratory technician licensed after

30  December 31, 2005, must:



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1631


  1         (a)  Have a general associate degree that includes 8

  2  hours in academic chemistry and 8 hours in academic biology,

  3  or an equivalent degree as determined by board rule, or an

  4  associate degree in medical laboratory technology, and must

  5  have passed a national examination designated by the board

  6  pursuant to s. 483.809; or

  7         (b)  For the specialty of histology, if having

  8  practiced such specialty prior to 1985, have a high school

  9  diploma or its equivalent.

10         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


12            *****************************************

13                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Deletes obsolete language relating to appointment of the
15    initial members of the Board of Clinical Laboratory
      Personnel.  Eliminates the examination given by the
16    Department of Business and Professional Regulation to
      determine in part the qualifications for licensure and
17    requires the board to designate national certification
      examinations to be used for such purpose.  Revises
18    qualifications of clinical laboratory personnel and
      provides requirements for clinical laboratory
19    supervisors, clinical laboratory technologists, and
      clinical laboratory technicians licensed after specified
20    dates.  See bill for details.













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