House Bill hb1761

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761

        By the Committee on Health & Human Services Appropriations
    and Representative Farkas

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to access to health and human

  3         services; creating s. 408.911, F.S.; providing

  4         a short title; creating s. 408.913, F.S.;

  5         requiring the Agency for Health Care

  6         Administration to establish a comprehensive

  7         health and human services eligibility access

  8         system; establishing requirements for each

  9         component of the system; creating s. 408.914,

10         F.S.; requiring the Agency for Health Care

11         Administration to phase in implementation of

12         the comprehensive health and human services

13         eligibility access system; providing for a

14         pilot project as the initial phase; specifying

15         timeframes for each implementation phase;

16         requiring that the agency submit a plan for

17         statewide implementation to the Governor and

18         Legislature; creating s. 408.915, F.S.;

19         requiring the Agency for Health Care

20         Administration to develop and implement a pilot

21         project to integrate eligibility determination

22         and information and referral services;

23         establishing requirements for the pilot

24         project; establishing requirements for

25         information and referral; specifying the scope

26         of the project; requiring reports to the

27         Governor and Legislature; authorizing the

28         agency to request federal waivers; creating s.

29         408.916, F.S.; establishing the health care

30         access steering committee; providing for

31         membership of the steering committee; providing


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         duties; establishing an expiration date for the

  2         steering committee; creating s. 408.917, F.S.;

  3         requiring an evaluation of the pilot project;

  4         requiring a report to the Governor and

  5         Legislature; specifying issues to be addressed

  6         in the report; creating s. 408.918, F.S.;

  7         authorizing the planning, development, and

  8         implementation of the Florida 211 Network;

  9         providing objectives for the Florida 211

10         Network; requiring the Agency for Health Care

11         Administration to establish criteria for

12         certification of information and referral

13         entities to participate in the Florida 211

14         Network; providing for revocation of 211

15         numbers from uncertified information and

16         referral entities; providing for assistance in

17         resolving disputes from the Public Service

18         Commission and the Federal Communications

19         Commission; providing an effective date.


21  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


23         Section 1.  Section 408.911, Florida Statutes, is

24  created to read:

25         408.911  Short title.--Sections 408.911-408.918 may be

26  cited as the "Florida Health and Human Services Access Act."

27         Section 2.  Section 408.913, Florida Statutes, is

28  created to read:

29         408.913  Comprehensive health and human services

30  eligibility access system.--



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         (1)  The Agency for Health Care Administration shall

  2  develop a comprehensive, automated system for access to health

  3  care services. This system shall, to the greatest extent

  4  possible, use the capacity of existing automated systems so as

  5  to maximize the benefit of investments already made in

  6  information technology and minimize additional costs.

  7         (2)  The benefit eligibility component of the system

  8  shall include simplified access through coordination with

  9  information and referral telephone systems. This access does

10  not preclude use of other methods of application, including

11  mail-in applications, office visits, or on-line applications

12  via the Internet. The eligibility component of the system

13  shall include:

14         (a) Improved access to eligibility status information.

15         (b) Development and sharing of information with

16  eligible individuals and families regarding choices available

17  to them for using health care services.

18         (3)  The state agencies providing the medical,

19  clinical, and related health care support services for special

20  populations, including frail elders, adults with disabilities,

21  and children with special needs, shall develop systems for

22  these populations which integrate and coordinate care and

23  improved communication. These systems must include development

24  of standard protocols for care planning and assessment, a

25  focus on family involvement, and methods to communicate across

26  systems, including automated methods, in order to improve

27  integration and coordination of services.

28         Section 3.  Section 408.914, Florida Statutes, is

29  created to read:

30         408.914  Phased implementation plan.--The agency, in

31  consultation with the health care access steering committee


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  1  created in s. 408.916, shall phase in the implementation of

  2  the comprehensive health and human services eligibility access

  3  system.

  4         (1)  The first phase of implementation shall be a pilot

  5  project in one or more contiguous counties to demonstrate the

  6  feasibility of integrating eligibility determination for

  7  health care services with information and referral services.

  8         (2)  Upon demonstration of the feasibility of the first

  9  phase of implementation, and subject to appropriation of any

10  necessary resources, the steering committee shall develop a

11  detailed implementation plan for the care management component

12  of the system. The implementation plan must include the

13  steering committee's recommendation of one or more state

14  agencies that should be designated to implement the care

15  management component of the system.

16         (3)  Options for further implementation of the system

17  may include a phased implementation of the eligibility

18  component in additional sites before implementing the

19  remaining components of the system or may include

20  implementation of the care management and service system

21  components along with the eligibility components.

22         (4)  The agency, in consultation with the steering

23  committee, shall complete analysis of the initial pilot

24  project by November 1, 2003, and by January 1, 2004, shall

25  submit a plan to the Governor, the President of the Senate,

26  and the Speaker of the House of Representatives for statewide

27  implementation of all components of the system, if warranted.

28  This plan must also include recommendations for incorporating

29  additional public assistance and human services programs into

30  the comprehensive health and human services eligibility access

31  system.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         Section 4.  Section 408.915, Florida Statutes, is

  2  created to read:

  3         408.915  Eligibility pilot project.--The agency, in

  4  consultation with the steering committee, shall develop and

  5  implement the pilot project to integrate the determination of

  6  eligibility for health care services with information and

  7  referral services, as provided for in s. 408.914.

  8         (1)  The pilot project shall operate in one or more

  9  contiguous counties, as selected by the agency in consultation

10  with the steering committee.

11         (2)  The pilot project shall focus on developing, to

12  the maximum extent possible, a process for eligibility

13  application which:

14         (a)  Uses a single uniform electronic application

15  process, but permits applying for health services through

16  various entry points, including information and referral

17  providers, state agency program personnel or contracted

18  providers, the mail, or the Internet.

19         (b)  Is linked to a shared database that will have the

20  capability to sort or store information by families as well as

21  individuals.

22         (c)  Permits electronic input and storage of data and

23  electronic verification and exchange of information.

24         (d)  Is compliant with the federal Health Insurance

25  Portability and Accountability Act, as well as all other

26  applicable state and federal confidentiality requirements.

27         (e)  Includes an initial screening component for

28  referring applicants to other health and human services

29  programs provided through state agencies, including programs

30  addressing developmental delays, developmental disabilities,



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1  chronic physical illness, mental health needs, substance abuse

  2  needs, elder and aging needs, and other health care needs.

  3         (3)  The information and referral provider in the site

  4  selected as the pilot project shall, at a minimum:

  5         (a)  Execute a memorandum of understanding with the

  6  local community volunteer placement centers.

  7         (b)  Implement, or be in the process of implementing, a

  8  shared, web-based, information and eligibility database with

  9  community health providers and funders.

10         (c)  Provide comprehensive information and referral

11  services 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

12         (d)  Agree, in writing, to become accredited within 3

13  years by a nationally recognized information and referral

14  accrediting agency.

15         (e)  Execute a memorandum of understanding with 911 and

16  other emergency response agencies in the pilot area.

17         (f)  Implement policies and structured training to

18  effectively respond to crisis calls or obtain accreditation by

19  a nationally recognized mental health or crisis accrediting

20  agency.

21         (g)  Obtain teletypewriter and multilanguage

22  accessibility, either onsite or through a translation service.

23         (h)  Develop resources to support and publicize

24  information and referral services and provide ongoing

25  education to the public on the availability of such services.

26         (i)  Provide periodic reports to the Governor, the

27  President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of

28  Representatives on the use of the information and referral

29  system and on measures that demonstrate the effectiveness and

30  efficiency of the information and referral services provided.



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  1         (4)  The pilot project shall include eligibility

  2  determinations for the following programs:

  3         (a)  Medicaid under Title XIX of the Social Security

  4  Act.

  5         (b)  Medikids as created in s. 409.8132.

  6         (c)  Florida Healthy Kids as described in s. 624.91 and

  7  within eligibility guidelines provided in s. 409.814.

  8         (d)  Eligibility for Florida Kidcare services outside

  9  of the scope of Title XIX or Title XXI of the Social Security

10  Act as provided in s. 409.814.

11         (e)  State and local publicly funded health and social

12  services programs as determined appropriate by the steering

13  committee.

14         (5)  If the Secretary of Health Care Administration, in

15  consultation with the steering committee, determines that it

16  would facilitate operation of the pilot project to obtain

17  federal waiver authority, the agency shall request such waiver

18  authority from the appropriate federal agency.

19         Section 5.  Section 408.916, Florida Statutes, is

20  created to read:

21         408.916  Health care access steering committee.--In

22  order to guide the implementation of the pilot project, there

23  is created the health care access steering committee.

24         (1)  The steering committee shall be composed of the

25  following members:

26         (a)  The Secretary of Health Care Administration.

27         (b)  The Secretary of Children and Family Services.

28         (c)  The Secretary of Elderly Affairs.

29         (d)  The Secretary of Health.

30         (e)  A representative of the Florida Alliance of

31  Information and Referral Services.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         (2)  The steering committee may designate additional ad

  2  hoc members or technical advisors as the committee finds is

  3  appropriate.

  4         (3)  The Secretary of Health Care Administration shall

  5  be the chair of the steering committee.

  6         (4)  The steering committee shall provide oversight to

  7  the ongoing implementation of the pilot project, provide

  8  consultation and guidance on matters of policy, and provide

  9  oversight to the evaluation of the pilot project.

10         (5)  The steering committee shall complete its

11  activities by June 30, 2004, and the authorization for the

12  steering committee ends on that date.

13         Section 6.  Section 408.917, Florida Statutes, is

14  created to read:

15         408.917  Evaluation of the pilot project.--The agency,

16  in consultation with the steering committee, shall conduct or

17  contract for an evaluation of the pilot project established in

18  s. 408.915, under the guidance and oversight of the steering

19  committee. The agency shall ensure that the evaluation is

20  submitted to the Governor and Legislature by January 1, 2004.

21  The evaluation report must address at least the following

22  questions:

23         (1)  What has been the impact of the pilot project on

24  improving access to the process of determining eligibility?

25         (2)  Based on the experience of the pilot project, what

26  is the projected cost of statewide implementation?

27         (3)  What has been the impact of the pilot project on

28  the caseload trends in publicly funded programs and what is

29  the projected impact of statewide implementation?




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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         (4)  How has the implementation of the pilot project

  2  affected customer satisfaction with access to eligibility

  3  determination for state-funded health services?

  4         (5)  Does the experience of the pilot project support

  5  continued expansion of the concept?

  6         (6)  What changes or modifications to the concepts of

  7  the pilot project are recommended for future sites?

  8         Section 7.  Section 408.918, Florida Statutes, is

  9  created to read:

10         408.918  Florida 211 Network; uniform certification

11  requirements.--

12         (1)  The Legislature authorizes the planning,

13  development, and, subject to appropriations, the

14  implementation of a statewide Florida 211 Network, which shall

15  serve as the single point of coordination for information and

16  referral for health and human services. The objectives for

17  establishing the Florida 211 Network shall be to:

18         (a)  Provide comprehensive and cost-effective access to

19  health and human services information.

20         (b)  Improve access to accurate information by

21  simplifying and enhancing state and local health and human

22  services information and referral systems and by fostering

23  collaboration among information and referral systems.

24         (c)  Electronically connect local information and

25  referral systems to each other, to service providers, and to

26  consumers of information and referral services.

27         (d)  Establish and promote standards for data

28  collection and for distributing information among state and

29  local organizations.




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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         (e)  Promote the use of a common dialing access code

  2  and the visibility and public awareness of the availability of

  3  information and referral services.

  4         (f)  Provide a management and administrative structure

  5  to support the Florida 211 Network and establish technical

  6  assistance, training, and support programs for information and

  7  referral services programs.

  8         (g)  Test methods for integrating information and

  9  referral services with local and state health and human

10  services programs and for consolidating and streamlining

11  eligibility and care management processes.

12         (h)  Provide access to standardized, comprehensive data

13  to assist in identifying gaps and needs in health and human

14  services programs.

15         (i)  Provide a unified systems plan with a developed

16  platform, taxonomy, and standards for data management and

17  access.

18         (2)  In order to participate in the Florida 211

19  Network, a provider of information and referral services must

20  be certified by the agency. The agency shall develop criteria

21  for certification, as recommended by the Florida Alliance of

22  Information and Referral Services, and shall adopt the

23  criteria as administrative rules.

24         (a)  If any provider of information and referral

25  services or other entity leases a 211 number from a local

26  exchange company and is not certified by the agency, the

27  agency shall, after consultation with the local exchange

28  company and the Public Service Commission, request that the

29  Federal Communications Commission direct the local exchange

30  company to revoke the use of the 211 number.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1761


  1         (b)  The agency shall seek the assistance and guidance

  2  of the Public Service Commission and the Federal

  3  Communications Commission in resolving any disputes arising

  4  over jurisdiction related to 211 numbers.

  5         Section 8.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

  6  law.


  8            *****************************************

  9                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Creates the Florida Health and Human Services Access Act.
11    Requires the Agency for Health Care Administration to
      establish a comprehensive health and human services
12    eligibility access system. Requires that the agency begin
      with a pilot project and phase in implementation of the
13    system. Establishes the health care access steering
      committee to guide implementation of the pilot project.
14    Provides for the creation of the Florida 211 Network to
      serve as a single point of coordination for information
15    and referral for health and human services. See bill for

















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