House Bill hb1775

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1775

        By Representative Arza

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to medical negligence; amending

  3         s. 766.102, F.S.; revising language with

  4         respect to standards of recovery for medical

  5         negligence; creating s. 766.1025, F.S.;

  6         providing for an offer of judgment in any civil

  7         action for medical negligence or wrongful death

  8         resulting from medical negligence; amending s.

  9         766.202, F.S.; redefining the term "medical

10         expert"; amending s. 456.057, F.S.; providing

11         for interviews by a defendant health care

12         provider in certain actions; providing

13         procedures for such interviews; amending s.

14         768.78, F.S.; deleting reference to future

15         economic losses with respect to certain actions

16         for damages based on personal injury or

17         wrongful death arising out of medical

18         malpractice; providing an effective date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Subsection (2) of section 766.102, Florida

23  Statutes, is amended to read:

24         766.102  Medical negligence; standards of recovery.--

25         (2)(a)  If the health care provider whose negligence is

26  claimed to have created the cause of action is not certified

27  by the appropriate American board as being a specialist, is

28  not trained and experienced in a medical specialty, or does

29  not hold himself or herself out as a specialist, a "similar

30  health care provider" is one who:



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1775


  1         1.  Is licensed by the appropriate regulatory agency of

  2  this state;

  3         2.  Is trained and experienced in the same discipline

  4  or school of practice; and

  5         3.  Practices in the same or similar medical community;

  6  and

  7         4.  Has, during the 5 years immediately preceding the

  8  date of the occurrence that is the basis for the action,

  9  engaged in any combination of the following:

10         a.  Active clinical practice;

11         b.  Instruction of students in an accredited health

12  professional school or accredited residency program in the

13  same health profession as the health care provider against

14  whom or on whose behalf the testimony is offered; or

15         c.  Participation in a clinical research program that

16  is affiliated with an accredited medical school or teaching

17  hospital in the same health profession as the health care

18  provider against whom or on whose behalf the testimony is

19  offered.

20         (b)  If the health care provider whose negligence is

21  claimed to have created the cause of action is certified by

22  the appropriate American board as a specialist, is trained and

23  experienced in a medical specialty, or holds himself or

24  herself out as a specialist, a "similar health care provider"

25  is one who:

26         1.  Is trained and experienced in the same specialty;

27  and

28         2.  Is certified by the appropriate American board in

29  the same specialty; and




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  1         3.  Has, during the 5 years immediately preceding the

  2  date of the occurrence that is the bais for the action,

  3  engaged in any combination of the following:

  4         a.  Active clinical practice in the same specialty or a

  5  similar specialty that includes the evaluation, diagnosis, or

  6  treatment of the medical condition or procedure that is the

  7  subject of the action;

  8         b.  Instruction of students in an accredited health

  9  professional school or accredited residency program in the

10  same health profession and the same or similar specialty as

11  the health care provider against whom or on whose behalf the

12  testimony is offered; or

13         c.  Participation in a clinical research program that

14  is is affiliated with an accredited medical school or teaching

15  hospital and that is in the same health profession and the

16  same or similar specialty as the health care provider against

17  whom or on whose behalf the testimony is offered and that is

18  in the general practice of medicine.


20  However, if any health care provider described in this

21  paragraph is providing treatment or diagnosis for a condition

22  which is not within his or her specialty, a specialist trained

23  in the treatment or diagnosis for that condition shall be

24  considered a "similar health care provider."

25         (c)  The purpose of this subsection is to establish a

26  relative standard of care for various categories and

27  classifications of health care providers.  Any health care

28  provider may testify as an expert in any action if he or she:

29         1.  Is a similar health care provider pursuant to

30  paragraph (a) or paragraph (b); or



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  1         2.  Is not a similar health care provider pursuant to

  2  paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) but, to the satisfaction of the

  3  court, possesses sufficient training, experience, and

  4  knowledge as a result of practice or teaching in the specialty

  5  of the defendant or practice or teaching in a related field of

  6  medicine, so as to be able to provide such expert testimony as

  7  to the prevailing professional standard of care in a given

  8  field of medicine.  Such training, experience, or knowledge

  9  must be as a result of the active involvement in the practice

10  or teaching of medicine within the 5-year period before the

11  incident giving rise to the claim.

12         Section 2.  Section 766.1025, Florida Statutes, is

13  created to read:

14         766.1025  Offer of judgment.--In any civil action for

15  medical negligence or wrongful death resulting from medical

16  negligence, a plaintiff may employ the provisions of s.

17  768.79, provided that the demand for judgment may not be

18  served upon the defendant until 180 days after the actual

19  service of the complaint on the defendant. The defendant has

20  90 days to consider the demand and to either accept or reject

21  the demand. In the event that the demand is not accepted or

22  rejected and the plaintiff recovers a judgment with an amount

23  at least 25 percent greater than the demand, said plaintiff

24  shall be entitled to recoverable costs and attorney fees

25  incurred from the date of the filing of the demand. All other

26  provisions of s. 768.79 shall be applied so long as they are

27  not inconsistent with the provisions set forth in this

28  section.

29         Section 3.  Subsection (5) of section 766.202, Florida

30  Statutes, is amended to read:



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  1         766.202  Definitions; ss. 766.201-766.212.--As used in

  2  ss. 766.201-766.212, the term:

  3         (5)  "Medical expert" means a person duly and regularly

  4  engaged in the practice of his or her profession who holds a

  5  health care professional degree from a university or college

  6  and who meets the requirements of an expert witness as set

  7  forth in s. 766.102 has had special professional training and

  8  experience or one possessed of special health care knowledge

  9  or skill about the subject upon which he or she is called to

10  testify or provide an opinion.

11         Section 4.  Subsection (20) is added to section

12  456.057, Florida Statutes, to read:

13         456.057  Ownership and control of patient records;

14  report or copies of records to be furnished.--

15         (20)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, when

16  an action is brought after July 1, 2002, for damages resulting

17  from personal injury or death caused by the negligence of a

18  health care provider as defined in s. 766.101, the defendant

19  health care provider alleged to be responsible for the injury

20  or death, or the defendant health care provider's insurer or

21  legal representative, may interview ex parte, as set forth in

22  this subsection, any other health care provider involved in

23  the patient's care. Such an interview may occur only after

24  notice is provided to the claimant's attorney and must be

25  limited to issues of causation, the patient's current physical

26  condition, and the mental impressions of the care and

27  treatment rendered by the defendant health care provider or

28  any other health care provider alleged to be responsible for

29  the patient's injury or death. Such interviews with a

30  patient's treating physician may occur only after the claimant

31  has given notice of intent to initiate a claim for medical


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1775


  1  malpractice and before the dismissal, settlement, or other

  2  final resolution of the claim.

  3         Section 5.  Subsection (2) of section 768.78, Florida

  4  Statutes, is amended to read:

  5         768.78  Alternative methods of payment of damage

  6  awards.--

  7         (2)(a)  In any action for damages based on personal

  8  injury or wrongful death arising out of medical malpractice,

  9  whether in tort or contract, in which the trier of fact makes

10  an award to compensate the claimant for future economic

11  losses, payment of amounts intended to compensate the claimant

12  for these losses shall be made by one of the following means:

13         1.  The defendant may make a lump-sum payment for all

14  damages so assessed, with future economic losses and expenses

15  reduced to present value; or

16         2.  The court shall, at the request of either party,

17  enter a judgment ordering all future economic damages, as

18  itemized pursuant to s. 768.77, to be paid by periodic

19  payments rather than lump sum.

20         (b)  For purposes of this subsection, "periodic

21  payment" means provision for the spreading of future economic

22  damage payments, in whole or in part, over a period of time,

23  as follows:

24         1.  A specific finding of the dollar amount of periodic

25  payments which will compensate the claimant for all these

26  future damages after offset for collateral sources shall be

27  made.  The total dollar amount of the periodic payments shall

28  equal the dollar amount of all such future damages before any

29  reduction to present value.

30         2.  The defendant shall be required to post a bond or

31  security or otherwise to assure full payment of these damages


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                HB 1775


  1  awarded.  A bond is not adequate unless it is written by a

  2  company authorized to do business in this state and is rated

  3  A+ by Best's. If the defendant is unable to adequately assure

  4  full payment of the damages, all damages, reduced to present

  5  value, shall be paid to the claimant in a lump sum.  No bond

  6  may be canceled or be subject to cancellation unless at least

  7  60 days' advance written notice is filed with the court and

  8  the claimant.  Upon termination of periodic payments, the

  9  security, or so much as remains, shall be returned to the

10  defendant.

11         3.  The provision for payment of future damages by

12  periodic payments shall specify the recipient or recipients of

13  the payments, the dollar amounts of the payments, the interval

14  between payments, and the number of payments or the period of

15  time over which payments shall be made.

16         Section 6.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


18            *****************************************

19                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises provisions of law with respect to medical
21    negligence to revise language with respect to standards
      of recovery, to provide for an offer of judgment in any
22    civil action for medical negligence or wrongful death
      resulting from medical negligence, to redefine the term
23    "medical expert," to permit defendant health care
      providers to conduct described interviews with other
24    health care providers involved in the patient's care, and
      to delete reference to future economic losses in
25    described actions for damages based on personal injury or
      wrongful death arising out of medical malpractice. See
26    bill for details.







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