Senate Bill sb1780

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1780

    By Senator Smith

    5-1189-02                                               See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to regional transportation

  3         authorities; creating the North Central Florida

  4         Regional Transportation Authority; providing

  5         definitions; providing for membership of the

  6         authority; providing for terms and

  7         qualifications of members; limiting consecutive

  8         terms of membership; providing circumstances

  9         under which a member may be suspended or

10         removed; providing for organization and conduct

11         of business of the authority; providing for

12         reimbursement of members; providing powers of

13         the authority; providing power of eminent

14         domain; authorizing the authority to issue

15         bonds payable solely from revenues for the

16         purpose of acquiring, constructing,

17         reconstructing, improving, extending,

18         enlarging, or equipping any transportation

19         facilities; authorizing the authority to fix

20         rates, fees, and other charges for the use of

21         and for services furnished by transportation

22         facilities; authorizing the authority to enter

23         into specified contracts; authorizing the

24         securing of bonds by a trust agreement;

25         providing conditions upon resolutions

26         authorizing the issuance of bonds; providing

27         for specified contributions to the authority by

28         the governing bodies of Alachua, Bradford,

29         Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Putnam Counties

30         and the cities of Gainesville and Ocala;

31         authorizing the authority to issue industrial


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  1         development revenue bonds to assist in the

  2         financing of specified facilities; providing a

  3         limit on outstanding industrial development

  4         revenue bonds; providing powers of the

  5         authority with respect to industrial facilities

  6         and projects; providing restrictions; providing

  7         requirements of financing documents and

  8         security documents; providing that moneys

  9         received under the act are trust funds to be

10         held and applied solely as provided in the act;

11         providing remedies of bondholders; authorizing

12         the authority to issue refunding bonds;

13         providing law enforcement functions of the

14         authority; providing power of the authority to

15         adopt supplemental rules, regulations, and

16         ordinances; providing for the issuance of a

17         beverage license to the authority; providing

18         procedure with respect to the issuance of such

19         license; providing for requirements,

20         restrictions, and transfer of such license;

21         providing that the authority is considered an

22         agency subject to ch. 120, F.S., the

23         Administrative Procedure Act; providing tax

24         exemption for bonds issued under the act;

25         providing severability; providing an effective

26         date.


28  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


30         Section 1.  Short title.--This act may be cited as the

31  "North Central Florida Regional Transportation Authority Act."


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  1         Section 2.  Definitions.--As used in this act, the

  2  following terms have the following meanings, unless the

  3  context indicates another or different meaning or intent:

  4         (1)  "Transportation facility" or "transportation

  5  facilities" means the property or property rights, both real

  6  and personal, of a type used for the establishment of public

  7  transportation systems which have heretofore been, or may

  8  hereafter be, established by public bodies for the

  9  transportation of people and property from place to place,

10  including, but not limited to, shops, restaurants and catering

11  facilities, terminals, buildings, and parking facilities and

12  all other facilities necessary or desirable for the arrival,

13  departure, operating, servicing, repairing, and parking of

14  transportation conveyances, the unloading and handling of

15  mail, express, and freight, and the accommodation,

16  convenience, and comfort of passengers, all necessary

17  appurtenances, machinery, and equipment, and all lands,

18  properties, rights, easements, and franchises relating thereto

19  and considered necessary or convenient by the authority in

20  connection therewith.

21         (2)  "Authority" or "transportation authority" means

22  the authority created by this act, or, if such authority is

23  abolished, the board, body, or commission succeeding to the

24  principal functions thereof or to which the powers given by

25  this act to the authority are given by law.

26         (3)  "Cost" means the cost of acquiring, constructing,

27  reconstructing, improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping

28  transportation facilities and includes financing charges,

29  interest prior to and during construction and for 1 year after

30  completion of construction, cost of engineering, legal, and

31  other professional services, plans, specifications, surveys,


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  1  estimates of cost and of revenues, other expenses necessary or

  2  incident to the determining of the feasibility or

  3  practicability of any such acquisition, construction,

  4  reconstruction, improvement, extension, enlargement, or

  5  equipment of transportation facilities, administrative

  6  expenses, and such other expenses, including reasonable

  7  provision for working capital and reserves, as may be

  8  necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized, to

  9  the acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement,

10  extension, enlargement, and equipment of transportation

11  facilities, and to the placing of the same in operation by the

12  authority.  Any obligation or expense incurred by the

13  authority or by any political subdivision prior to the

14  issuance of bonds under the provisions of this act in

15  connection with the acquisition, construction, reconstruction,

16  improvement, extension, enlargement, and equipment of any

17  transportation facilities may be regarded as a part of such

18  cost.

19         Section 3.  Creation and membership of authority.--

20         (1)  There is created a body politic and corporate to

21  be known as the North Central Florida Regional Transportation

22  Authority for the purpose of acquiring, constructing,

23  improving, financing, operating, and maintaining

24  transportation facilities.  The authority is constituted a

25  public instrumentality, and the exercise by the authority of

26  its powers conferred by this act is deemed and held to be the

27  performance of essential governmental functions.

28         (2)  The governing body of the North Central Florida

29  Regional Transportation Authority shall consist of 13 members

30  as follows:



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  1         (a)  One member appointed by the governing body of

  2  Alachua County who must be a resident of Alachua County.

  3         (b)  One member appointed by the governing body of

  4  Bradford County who must be a resident of Bradford County.

  5         (c)  One member appointed by the governing body of

  6  Citrus County who must be a resident of Citrus County.

  7         (d)  One member appointed by the governing body of Lake

  8  County who must be a resident of Lake County.

  9         (e)  One member appointed by the governing body of Levy

10  County who must be a resident of Levy County.

11         (f)  One member appointed by the governing body of

12  Marion County who must be a resident of Marion County.

13         (g)  One member appointed by the governing body of

14  Putnam County who must be a resident of Putnam County.

15         (h)  One member appointed by the Mayor of the City of

16  Gainesville who must be a resident of the City of Gainesville.

17         (i)  One member appointed by the Mayor of the City of

18  Ocala who must be a resident of the City of Ocala.

19         (j)  The President of the University of Florida, or the

20  president's designee.

21         (k)  Three at-large members appointed by the Governor.

22         (3)  At least 30 days prior to the date of expiration

23  of the term of any member of the authority, or within 30 days

24  after the creation of any vacancy in the membership of the

25  authority resulting from the death, resignation, change of

26  residence, or removal of any such member or from any other

27  cause, the successor of such member shall be appointed by the

28  original appointing authority. Any appointed member is

29  eligible for reappointment. However, a member may not serve

30  more than 8 consecutive years. All appointments shall be for a

31  4-year term.


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  1         (4)  Each appointed member of the authority must be a

  2  person of integrity, responsibility, and business ability, who

  3  is competent and knowledgeable in one or more fields,

  4  including, but not limited to, public affairs, law, economics,

  5  accounting, engineering, finance, natural resources

  6  conservation, energy, or another field substantially related

  7  to the duties and functions of the authority. The membership

  8  of the authority shall fairly represent the specified fields

  9  and shall be nonpartisan. A person who is serving in another

10  public office is not eligible for appointment, unless that

11  person resigns the other office before being appointed to the

12  authority. A person who, at the time of an anticipated

13  appointment to the authority, is transacting business with the

14  authority, or who is reasonably expected to transact business

15  with the authority, either for himself or herself or as an

16  employee of, agent for, or consultant to any other person or

17  legal entity, may not be appointed as a member of the

18  authority.

19         (5)  Any appointed member of the authority may be

20  suspended or removed from office by the original appointing

21  authority for good cause affecting his or her ability to

22  perform his or her duties as a member; for misfeasance,

23  malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office; or for violating his or

24  her duty to avoid conduct tending to undermine decisions of

25  the authority, exposing the authority to liability for

26  damages, injuring the good name of the authority, or

27  disturbing the well-being of the authority's staff or

28  employees.

29         Section 4.  Organization and conduct of business of

30  authority.--



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  1         (1)  The authority shall select one of its members as

  2  chair, who shall serve as such at the pleasure of the

  3  authority. The authority shall also select one of its members

  4  to act as secretary of the authority.  The authority shall

  5  employ a treasurer and may employ an assistant treasurer. The

  6  treasurer or, in his or her absence, the assistant treasurer

  7  shall sign all checks paid out by the authority, which shall

  8  be countersigned by the chair of the authority or, in the

  9  absence of the chair, by the vice chair as provided in

10  subsection (19) of section 5.  The treasurer shall assist in

11  the preparation of the annual budget, which budget must be

12  approved by the authority prior to becoming effective.  Such

13  persons shall act as secretary of the authority and as

14  treasurer of the authority, respectively, at the pleasure of

15  the authority.

16         (2)  A majority of the members of the authority

17  constitutes a quorum, and the affirmative vote of a majority

18  of a quorum of the members of the authority is necessary for

19  any action taken by the authority.

20         (3)  Each member may be paid an annual salary of $1.

21  Members shall be reimbursed for the amount of actual expenses

22  incurred by them in the performance of their duties.  Members

23  shall be reimbursed for mileage as provided in section

24  112.061, Florida Statutes, from their places of residence to

25  place of meeting and return, and for vicinity mileage incurred

26  in the performance of their duties.  The members shall also be

27  reimbursed for, or the authority may purchase on a member's

28  behalf, insurance covering a member while traveling on

29  official business.  The proceeds of such insurance shall be

30  payable to such beneficiary as the member directs.  The travel

31  expenses, subsistence, and lodging expenses of a member of the


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  1  authority or of an authority employee may not exceed those

  2  prescribed by section 112.061, Florida Statutes, unless actual

  3  reasonable expenses in excess of those prescribed by section

  4  112.061, Florida Statutes, are specifically authorized prior

  5  to the incurring of such expenses, by action of the authority

  6  taken at a regular monthly meeting at which the question of

  7  such expenses appears as a separate item on the agenda.

  8         Section 5.  Powers of the authority.--The authority is

  9  authorized and empowered:

10         (1)  To adopt bylaws for the regulation of its affairs

11  and the conduct of its business.

12         (2)  To adopt an official seal and alter the same at

13  its pleasure.

14         (3)  To maintain an office at such place or places as

15  it may designate, within Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake,

16  Levy, Marion, and Putnam Counties only.

17         (4)  To sue and be sued in its own name and plead and

18  be impleaded.

19         (5)  To acquire, lease as lessee or lessor, construct,

20  reconstruct, improve, extend, enlarge, equip, repair,

21  maintain, and operate any transportation facilities within any

22  or all of the counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake,

23  Levy, Marion, and Putnam.

24         (6)  To lease as lessor for other than transportation

25  purposes, or to sell or otherwise dispose of, any land or

26  other transportation facilities that it has determined are no

27  longer used or useful for purposes of the authority, subject,

28  however, to any limitations imposed on such leasing or

29  disposition by any bonds issued by the authority hereunder or

30  by any proceedings taken in connection with the issuance of

31  such bonds or by any contracts entered into hereunder with any


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  1  or all of the counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake,

  2  Levy, Marion, and Putnam.

  3         (7)  To issue bonds of the authority, as provided in

  4  this act, to pay the cost of such acquisition, construction,

  5  reconstruction, improvement, extension, enlargement, or

  6  equipment.

  7         (8)  To issue refunding bonds of the authority as

  8  provided in this act.

  9         (9)  To combine any transportation facilities for the

10  purpose of operation and financing.

11         (10)  To fix and revise from time to time and collect

12  rates, fees, and other charges for the use of or for the

13  services furnished by any transportation facilities.

14         (11)  To acquire real property in the name of the

15  authority by gift, purchase, or the exercise of the power of

16  eminent domain in accordance with the laws of this state which

17  may be applicable to the exercise of such powers by counties

18  or municipalities, including, without limitation, the

19  leasehold interest of lessees under leases made by the

20  authority as lessor; to acquire such personal property as it

21  considers necessary in connection with the acquisition,

22  construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension,

23  enlargement, equipment, operation, maintenance, or repair of

24  any transportation facilities; and to hold and dispose of all

25  such real and personal property under its control. The power

26  granted in this subsection, and under subsection (5) for

27  acquisition of lands, is limited to lands or interests therein

28  needed for purposes of the authority.

29         (12)  To exercise the power of eminent domain in

30  accordance with the provisions of chapter 74, Florida

31  Statutes, as from time to time amended, or any successor


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  1  statute, in the same manner as therein provided for the

  2  acquiring of rights-of-way for the state highway system and to

  3  take title to lands in fee simple absolute or such lesser

  4  estate as may be specified in the declaration of taking, upon

  5  the deposit of such sum as the court determines will fully

  6  secure and fully compensate the persons lawfully entitled to

  7  compensation.

  8         (13)  To make and enter into all contracts and

  9  agreements necessary or incidental to the performance of its

10  duties and the execution of its powers under this act,

11  including a trust agreement or trust agreements securing any

12  bonds issued under this act, and to employ such consulting and

13  other engineers, superintendents, managers, construction and

14  financial experts, accountants and attorneys, and employees

15  and agents as are, in the judgment of the authority,

16  necessary, and to fix and pay their compensation, and, with

17  regard to such superintendents, managers, accountants, and

18  employees, to provide for deferred compensation, health,

19  accident, and disability payments, and other fringe benefits;

20  to provide for health, accident, and disability payments for

21  members of the authority; and to remove any employee at any

22  time upon such notice as the authority considers fair and

23  reasonable by a majority vote of the members of the authority;

24  however, all such expenses must be payable solely from funds

25  made available under the provisions of this act.

26         (14)  To accept grants of money or materials or

27  property of any kind for any transportation facilities from

28  any federal or state agency, political subdivision, or other

29  public body or from any private agency or individual, upon

30  such terms and conditions as may be imposed and to enter into

31  contracts and grants agreements with the Federal Government


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  1  and with the state or any of its agencies, in the capacity of

  2  sponsor or cosponsor of any transportation development project

  3  involving the acquisition, construction, reconstruction,

  4  improvement, extension, enlargement, or equipment of any

  5  transportation facilities owned or operated by the authority,

  6  pursuant to any federal or state law providing for

  7  transportation-related aid.

  8         (15)  To make purchase money mortgages on any

  9  additional property purchased by the authority, or to purchase

10  property subject to mortgages; however, the security

11  instrument evidencing any such mortgage must expressly limit

12  and confine the lien of the mortgage to the property so

13  purchased.

14         (16)  To borrow money from time to time, and to procure

15  one or more lines of credit from time to time in furtherance

16  thereof, for any corporate purpose of the authority and to

17  secure any such loan by executing a promissory note or notes

18  in the name of the authority pledging any revenues of the

19  authority; however, any such promissory note is, and must

20  state on its face that it is, subordinate and subject in right

21  to payment from the revenues of any transportation facilities,

22  but not subordinate and subject in right to payment from

23  federal or state grants unless so provided in any resolution

24  or trust agreement as mentioned hereinafter, to all bonds and

25  bond anticipation notes theretofore or thereafter issued by

26  the authority pursuant to this act or any other statute for

27  the purpose of paying the cost of acquiring, constructing,

28  reconstructing, improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping

29  any transportation facilities, except to the extent otherwise

30  provided in any resolution or trust agreement authorizing or

31  securing, respectively, such bonds or bond anticipation notes.


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  1         (17)  To construct, maintain, operate, lease, and

  2  regulate motor vehicle parking facilities for the agents,

  3  employees, guests, and business invitees of the authority or

  4  its tenants and the visiting public.

  5         (a)  The authority may enter into lease and franchise

  6  agreements with private persons or corporations as tenants or

  7  operators of such facilities upon such terms and for such

  8  periods of time as the authority considers appropriate.  The

  9  authority shall hold a public hearing, after the publication

10  of a notice of such hearing in a newspaper of general

11  circulation in Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion,

12  and Putnam Counties, respectively, at least one time no less

13  than 10 days nor more than 25 days prior to such hearing to:

14         1.  Consider the establishment of rates or fees, if

15  any, that will be charged to persons who use any such parking

16  facility; or

17         2.  Consider any subsequent revisions therein that

18  increase such rates or fees.  The authority may pledge the

19  income and revenues derived from such leases and franchise

20  agreements as security for the repayment of loans extended to

21  the authority or as security for the payment of any bonds of

22  the authority issued pursuant to section 6 of this act as it

23  considers necessary or desirable from time to time.

24         (b)  The authority may cause any motor vehicle parked

25  on authority property without its permission to be removed by

26  a person regularly engaged in the business of towing motor

27  vehicles, without liability for the cost of removal,

28  transportation, or storage or damages caused by such removal,

29  transportation, or storage, if notice is prominently posted on

30  the property or has been personally given to the owner or

31  driver of the motor vehicle that the area in which such


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  1  vehicle is parked is reserved or is otherwise unavailable for

  2  unauthorized vehicles. Whenever any motor vehicle is so

  3  removed, the authority shall, upon request, immediately and

  4  without demanding compensation, inform the owner or lessor of

  5  such motor vehicle of the name and location of the person or

  6  company that removed it.  The person causing the removal of

  7  the motor vehicle shall notify the nearest police department

  8  of the removal and the name and location of the person that

  9  removed it.

10         (18)  To adopt a budget prior to September 30 of each

11  year for the ensuing fiscal year commencing October 1.  The

12  budget, after adoption, may be amended or altered only by

13  action of the authority taken at a regular or special meeting.

14  In any fiscal year, the authority may not authorize the

15  expenditure of authority funds in excess of those budgeted,

16  except to the extent that the actual or anticipated receipts

17  exceed the budgeted income.  All checks for disbursement of

18  funds of the authority must be signed by the treasurer or, in

19  the absence of the treasurer, by the assistant treasurer and

20  must be countersigned by the chair or, in the absence of the

21  chair, by the vice chair.  The authority, through its bylaws,

22  shall establish the procedure for determining the absence of

23  the chair or treasurer for purposes of the countersigning of

24  checks by the vice chair or the assistant treasurer,

25  respectively.

26         (19)  To do all acts and things necessary or convenient

27  to carry out the powers granted by this act.

28         Section 6.  Bonds.--

29         (1)  The authority may issue, at one time or from time

30  to time, bonds of the authority for the purpose of paying all

31  or any part of the cost of acquiring, constructing,


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  1  reconstructing, improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping

  2  any transportation facilities.  The bonds of each issue shall

  3  be dated, shall mature at such time or times, not exceeding 40

  4  years after their date or dates, and shall bear interest at

  5  such rate or rates as are determined by the authority, not

  6  exceeding the maximum rate then specified in s. 215.84,

  7  Florida Statutes, unless a higher rate is approved by the

  8  State Board of Administration pursuant to that section, and

  9  may be made redeemable before maturity, at the option of the

10  authority, at such price or prices and under such terms and

11  conditions as may be fixed by the authority prior to the

12  issuance of the bonds.  The authority shall determine the form

13  and the manner of execution of the bonds, including any

14  interest coupons to be attached thereto, and shall fix the

15  denomination or denominations of the bonds and the place or

16  places of payment of principal and interest, which may be at

17  any bank or trust company within or without the state.  In

18  case any officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose

19  signature must appear on any bonds or coupons ceases to be

20  such officer before the delivery of such bonds, such signature

21  or such facsimile is nevertheless valid and sufficient for all

22  purposes, the same as if the officer had remained in office

23  until such delivery.  Notwithstanding any of the other

24  provisions of this act or any recitals in any bond issued

25  under the provisions of this act, all such bonds are deemed to

26  be investment securities under chapter 678, Florida Statutes.

27  The bonds may be issued in coupon or registered form without

28  coupons or both, as the authority determines; and provision

29  may be made for the registration of any coupon bonds as to

30  principal alone and also as to both principal and interest and

31  for the reconversion into coupon bonds of any bonds registered


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  1  as to both principal and interest. The authority may sell such

  2  bonds in such manner, either at public or private sale, and

  3  for such price, as it determines to be for the best interest

  4  of the authority.

  5         (2)  The proceeds of the bonds of each issue shall be

  6  used solely for the purpose for which such bonds were

  7  authorized and shall be disbursed in such manner and under

  8  such restrictions, if any, as the authority may provide in the

  9  resolution authorizing the issuance of such bonds or in the

10  trust agreement securing the same.  Unless otherwise provided

11  in the authorizing resolution or in the trust agreement

12  securing such bonds, if the proceeds of such bonds, by error

13  of estimates or otherwise, is less than the amount required

14  for such purpose, additional bonds may in like manner be

15  issued to provide the amount of such deficit and are entitled

16  to payment from the same fund without preference or priority

17  of the bonds first issued for the same purpose.

18         (3)  The resolution providing for the issuance of

19  bonds, and any trust agreement securing such bonds, may also

20  contain such limitations upon the issuance of additional bonds

21  as the authority considers proper, and such additional bonds

22  shall be issued under such restrictions and limitations as may

23  be prescribed by such resolution or trust agreement.

24         (4)  Prior to the preparation of definitive bonds, the

25  authority may, under like restrictions, issue interim receipts

26  or temporary bonds, with or without coupons, exchangeable for

27  definitive bonds when such bonds have been executed and are

28  available for delivery.  The authority may also provide for

29  the replacement of any bonds that become mutilated or that

30  have been destroyed or lost.



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  1         (5)  Bonds may be issued under this act without

  2  obtaining the consent of any commission, board, bureau, or

  3  agency of the state or of any political subdivision, and

  4  without any other proceeding or the happening of other

  5  conditions or things than those proceedings, conditions, or

  6  things that are specifically required by this act.

  7         Section 7.  Rates, fees, and other charges.--The

  8  authority may fix and revise from time to time, either by

  9  agreement with a user or by resolution of the authority,

10  rates; fees, including, without limitation, landing fees; and

11  other charges for the use of and for the services furnished or

12  to be furnished by any transportation facilities owned or

13  operated by the authority.  Such rates, fees, and charges are

14  not subject to supervision or regulation by any bureau, board,

15  commission, or other agency of the state or of any political

16  subdivision.  Such rates, fees, and charges shall be fixed and

17  revised so that the revenues of the authority, together with

18  any other available funds, will be sufficient at all times:

19         (1)  To pay the cost of maintaining, repairing, and

20  operating the transportation facilities owned or operated by

21  the authority, including reserves for such purposes.

22         (2)  To pay the principal of and premium, if any, and

23  interest on all bonds issued by the authority under this act

24  to pay for the cost of acquiring, constructing,

25  reconstructing, improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping

26  any transportation facilities as the same become due and

27  payable and to provide reserves therefor.


29  Notwithstanding any of the provisions of this section, the

30  authority may enter into contracts relating to the use of, or

31  for the services furnished or to be furnished by, any


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  1  transportation facilities, which contracts are not subject to

  2  revision except in accordance with their terms.

  3         Section 8.  Trust agreement or resolution.--

  4         (1)  In the discretion of the authority, each or any

  5  issue of bonds may be secured by a trust agreement by and

  6  between the authority and a corporate trustee, which may be

  7  any trust company or bank having the powers of a trust company

  8  within or without the state.  It is lawful for any bank or

  9  trust company incorporated under the laws of this state which

10  may act as depository of the proceeds of bonds or of revenues

11  to furnish such indemnifying bonds or to pledge such

12  securities as may be required by the authority. The resolution

13  authorizing the issuance of bonds or any trust agreement

14  securing such bonds may set forth the rights and remedies of

15  the bondholders and of the trustee, if any, and may restrict

16  the individual right of action by bondholders. Such resolution

17  or trust agreement may contain such other provisions in

18  addition to the foregoing as the authority considers

19  reasonable and proper for the security of the bondholders.

20  The authority may provide for the payment of the proceeds of

21  the sale of the bonds and the revenues of any transportation

22  facilities to such officer, board, or depository as it

23  designates for the custody thereof, and for the method of

24  disbursement thereof, with such safeguards and restrictions as

25  it determines.  All expenses incurred in carrying out the

26  provisions of such resolution or trust agreement may be

27  treated as a part of the cost of operation.

28         (2)  The resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds

29  to pay the cost of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing,

30  improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping any

31  transportation facilities or any trust agreement securing


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  1  bonds issued for such purpose may pledge the revenues to be

  2  received from any transportation facilities of the authority,

  3  but may not convey or mortgage any of such facilities, and may

  4  contain such provisions for protecting and enforcing the

  5  rights and remedies of the bondholders as are reasonable and

  6  proper and not in violation of law, including, without

  7  limitation, covenants setting forth the duties of the

  8  authority in relation to the acquisition, construction,

  9  reconstruction, improvement, maintenance, repair, operation,

10  and insurance of any such facilities, the fixing and revising

11  of rates, fees, and charges, and the custody, safeguarding,

12  and application of all moneys, and for the employment of

13  consulting engineers in connection with such acquisition,

14  construction, reconstruction, improvement, maintenance,

15  repair, operation, or insurance.

16         (3)  Any pledge of revenues of any transportation

17  facilities under this act is valid and binding from the time

18  such pledge is made. Any such revenues so pledged and

19  thereafter received by the authority are immediately subject

20  to the lien of such pledge without any physical delivery

21  thereof or further action, and the lien of such pledge is

22  valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any

23  kind in tort, contract, or otherwise against the authority,

24  irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.

25         Section 9.  Contributions of certain political

26  subdivisions.--

27         (1)  The governing body of each of the cities of

28  Gainesville and Ocala and each of the counties of Alachua,

29  Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Putnam may make

30  grants of money to the authority and may lease, lend, grant,

31  or convey to the authority, with or without consideration,


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  1  real or personal property, for use by the authority for the

  2  acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement,

  3  extension, enlargement, equipment, maintenance, or operation

  4  of any transportation facilities; however, if the approval at

  5  an election by the qualified electors of any such city or

  6  county is required by the constitution of the state, such

  7  election must be called, noticed, and conducted, and the

  8  result thereof determined and declared, in the manner required

  9  by the Florida Election Code, chapters 97-106, Florida

10  Statutes, as from time to time amended, or any successor

11  statute.

12         (2)  The board of county commissioners of each of the

13  counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and

14  Putnam may:

15         (a)  Enter into contracts, with or without

16  consideration, for such periods of time as such board of

17  county commissioners determines, providing for the making of

18  annual or other contributions from any non-ad valorem tax

19  revenues available for such contributions to the authority for

20  use by the authority for the acquisition, construction,

21  reconstruction, improvement, extension, enlargement,

22  equipment, maintenance, repair, or operation of any

23  transportation facilities and for the payment of the principal

24  of and premium, if any, and interest on any bonds issued by

25  the authority under this act other than bonds issued pursuant

26  to section 10 of this act or for making up any deficiencies in

27  the revenues of the authority necessary for any such purposes;

28  and pledge the taxing power of such county to the payment of

29  such contributions.

30         (b)  Issue bonds of the county, payable solely from

31  revenues, for the purpose of providing funds to be granted to


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  1  the authority for application to the payment of the cost of

  2  acquisition, construction, reconstruction, improvement,

  3  extension, enlargement, or equipment of any transportation

  4  facilities, such bonds to be issued under the provisions of

  5  any law applicable to the issuance of bonds or other

  6  obligations by the county; however, in any case in which the

  7  approval at an election by the qualified electors residing in

  8  the county is required by the State Constitution for the

  9  exercise of any of the powers conferred by this section, such

10  approval must be obtained before such powers are exercised.

11  Any election to be held for the purpose of obtaining the

12  approval of such qualified electors shall be held and the

13  result thereof determined and declared in the manner provided

14  by the Florida Election Code.

15         (c)  Enter into contracts and grant agreements with the

16  Federal Government, the state or any of its agencies, and the

17  authority in the capacity of sponsor or cosponsor of any

18  transportation development project involving the acquisition,

19  construction, reconstruction, improvement, extension,

20  enlargement, or equipment of any transportation facilities

21  owned or operated by the authority, pursuant to any federal or

22  state law providing for aid for such projects.

23         (3)  The governing body of each of the cities of

24  Gainesville and Ocala and each of the counties of Alachua,

25  Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Putnam may purchase,

26  from time to time from any moneys of such city or county which

27  are made available therefor, bonds issued by the authority

28  pursuant to the provisions of this act other than bonds issued

29  pursuant to section 10 of this act; however, no one of such

30  cities or counties may at any one time hold such bonds in a

31  principal amount exceeding $100,000.


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  1         Section 10.  Industrial development revenue bonds.--

  2         (1)  It is the purpose of this section to authorize the

  3  authority to foster and encourage the development of

  4  industrial facilities, including pollution control facilities,

  5  to create or preserve employment opportunities, to protect the

  6  physical environment, to preserve and increase the prosperity

  7  of the counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy,

  8  Marion, and Putnam, and to promote the general welfare of all

  9  their citizens without the use of public funds by issuing

10  industrial development revenue bonds to assist the financing

11  of such facilities.  It is declared that there are a number of

12  industrial facilities on lands presently owned by the

13  authority which are greatly in need of reconstruction,

14  improvement, remodeling, replacement, or enlargement in order

15  that these lands and facilities may be best utilized pending

16  any future use of such lands and facilities for purposes of

17  the authority and that the financing of such reconstruction,

18  improvement, remodeling, replacement, or enlargement, as

19  provided in this section, will enable the authority to

20  maintain or increase its income from such lands and

21  facilities. It is further declared that the actions authorized

22  by this section serve a public purpose and that in carrying

23  out the provisions of this section the authority is regarded

24  as performing an essential governmental function.  The

25  outstanding industrial development revenue bonds authorized by

26  this section may not at any time exceed $3 million in the

27  aggregate.

28         (2)  As used in this section, the following terms have

29  the following meanings, unless the context indicates another

30  or different meaning or intent:



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  1         (a)  "Bond" means an evidence of indebtedness issued by

  2  the authority under this act to finance an industrial project

  3  in whole or in part or to refund indebtedness incurred for

  4  that purpose.

  5         (b)  "Debt service" means the amounts required to pay

  6  bonds according to their terms and includes amounts

  7  representing principal, premium, and interest.

  8         (c)  "Financing document" means a written instrument

  9  establishing the rights and responsibilities of the authority

10  and the user with respect to an industrial facility financed

11  by the issue of bonds under this act.

12         (d)  "Industrial facility" means any property financed

13  or to be financed under the provisions of this section, which

14  may include structures and appurtenances incidental to any of

15  the hereinafter detailed purposes such as utility lines,

16  storage accommodations, or transportation facilities on any

17  property owned by the authority on the effective date of this

18  act, whether real or personal or a combination of both types

19  of property, which is suitable for:

20         1.  Manufacturing, processing, assembling, or

21  warehousing goods or materials for sale or distribution, but

22  does not include raw materials, work in process, or stock in

23  trade;

24         2.  The conduct of research and development activities;

25         3.  Collecting or processing any kind of waste material

26  for reuse or disposal;

27         4.  Reducing, mitigating, or eliminating pollution of

28  land, air, or water by substances, heat, or sound; or

29         5.  Any combination of the foregoing activities, uses,

30  or purposes.



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  1         (e)  "Industrial project" means the creation,

  2  establishment, acquisition, construction, expansion,

  3  remodeling, or replacement of an industrial facility financed

  4  by the issue of bonds under this act.

  5         (f)  "Project costs" means any costs or expenses

  6  reasonably incidental to an industrial project and may,

  7  without limitation, include the costs of:

  8         1.  Issuing bonds to finance an industrial project.

  9         2.  Acquiring land, buildings, structures, and

10  facilities, whether by lease, purchase, construction, or

11  otherwise.

12         3.  Acquiring rights in or over land, air, or water.

13         4.  Improving land and improving buildings, structures,

14  and facilities by remodeling, reconstruction, replacement, or

15  enlargement.

16         5.  Acquiring and installing machinery and equipment.

17         6.  Obtaining professional or advisory services.

18         7.  Paying interest prior to and during construction

19  and until 1 year after completion of a project.

20         8.  Creating reserves.

21         (g)  "Security document" means a written instrument

22  establishing the rights and responsibilities of the authority

23  and the holders of bonds issued to finance an industrial

24  facility.

25         (h)  "User" means the person entitled to the use or

26  occupancy of an industrial facility and primarily responsible

27  for making payments sufficient to meet the debt service on the

28  bonds issued to finance the facility.

29         (3)  The authority may:

30         (a)  Engage in industrial projects and acquire and

31  dispose of ownership or possessory interests in industrial


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  1  facilities located on land owned by the authority on the

  2  effective date of this act; however, in the exercise of its

  3  powers granted under this section, the authority has no power

  4  to sell or convey such land or to encumber the fee simple

  5  title to such land by way of mortgage, deed of trust,

  6  subordination agreement, or other similar instrument.

  7         (b)  Issue bonds to:

  8         1.  Pay project costs;

  9         2.  Reimburse a user or a related person for payments

10  for project costs made before or after bonds are issued; or

11         3.  Refund bonds previously issued.

12         (c)  Execute financing documents and security documents

13  and perform obligations and exercise powers created thereby.

14         (d)  Dispose of all or part of any industrial facility

15  by sale or otherwise for the benefit of the bondholders in the

16  event of default by a user under a financing document, but

17  only to the extent authorized by the financing document or

18  security document.

19         (e)  Make contracts or take any other action that is

20  necessary or desirable in connection with the exercise of the

21  powers granted under this section.

22         (4)  This section does not authorize the authority to

23  operate an industrial facility itself or to conduct any

24  business enterprise therewith except to the extent the

25  authority is authorized to do so by any other provision of

26  this act or by any other law.

27         (5)  The authority's ownership or possessory interest

28  in the industrial facility under a financing document may,

29  subject to the provisions of paragraph (3)(c), be that of

30  owner, lessor, lessee, conditional or installment vendor,

31  mortgagor, mortgagee, or otherwise.


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  1         (6)  Every financing document must:

  2         (a)  Provide for payments by the user at such times and

  3  in such amounts as are necessary in order to pay the debt

  4  service on all bonds issued to finance the industrial project

  5  as they become due.

  6         (b)  Obligate the user to pay all the costs and

  7  expenses of operation, maintenance, and upkeep of the

  8  industrial facility and to pay reasonable rentals to the

  9  authority for the use of any lands and other property of the

10  authority not constituting an industrial facility or part

11  thereof.

12         (7)  Any financing document may:

13         (a)  Bear any appropriate title.

14         (b)  Involve property in addition to the property

15  financed by the bonds.

16         (c)  Be in the nature of a lease, a sale-leaseback, a

17  lease-purchase, a conditional sale, or an installment sale

18  secured by a purchase money mortgage or any other similar

19  transaction.

20         (d)  Provide for payments by the user which include

21  amounts in addition to the amounts required to pay debt

22  service.

23         (e)  Obligate a user to make payments before the

24  industrial facility exists or becomes functional and to make

25  payments after the industrial facility has ceased to exist or

26  be functional to any extent and from any cause.

27         (f)  Obligate a user to make payments regardless of

28  whether the user is in possession or is entitled to be in

29  possession of the industrial facility.




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  1         (g)  Allocate responsibility between the authority and

  2  the user for making purchases and contracts required for the

  3  project.

  4         (h)  Provide that some or all of the user's obligations

  5  are unconditional, binding, and enforceable in all

  6  circumstances notwithstanding any other provision of law.

  7         (i)  Contain such other provisions and covenants

  8  relating to the use, maintenance, and replacement of the

  9  industrial facility as the authority and the user consider

10  necessary for the protection of themselves or others.

11         (8)  A security document may:

12         (a)  Contain an assignment, pledge, mortgage, or other

13  encumbrance of all or part of the authority's interest in, or

14  right to receive payments with respect to, an industrial

15  facility under a financing document.

16         (b)  Bear any appropriate title.

17         (c)  Provide for a trustee for the benefit of holders

18  of bonds issued to finance an industrial facility.

19         (d)  Be combined with a financing document as one

20  instrument.

21         (e)  Contain covenants of the authority as to:

22         1.  The creation and maintenance of reserves.

23         2.  The issuance of other bonds with respect to the

24  industrial facility.

25         3.  The custody, investment, and application of moneys.

26         4.  The disposition of insurance or condemnation

27  proceeds.

28         5.  The use of surplus bond proceeds.

29         6.  Action by the authority in the event of a default

30  by the user under the financing document.



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  1         7.  The subjecting of additional property to the lien

  2  of the security document.

  3         8.  Any other matter that affects the security for the

  4  bonds in any way.

  5         (f)  Limit the rights of bondholders to enforce

  6  obligations of the authority thereunder or under the financing

  7  document.

  8         (9)  Any assignment, pledge, mortgage, or other

  9  encumbrance of all or part of the authority's right to receive

10  payments with respect to an industrial facility contained in a

11  security document is valid and binding from the time such

12  security document is executed or adopted; and the payments so

13  assigned, pledged, mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered and

14  thereafter received by the authority are immediately subject

15  to the lien of such assignment, pledge, mortgage, or other

16  encumbrance, with or without any physical delivery thereof or

17  further action; and the lien of such pledge is valid and

18  binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in

19  tort, contract, or otherwise against the authority,

20  irrespective of whether such parties have notice thereof.

21         (10)  Bonds of the authority may be issued pursuant to

22  this section in the same manner as provided in sections 6, 11,

23  12, and 13 of this act.  The term "trust agreement," as used

24  in such sections, means and includes, in the case of bonds

25  issued pursuant to this section, any security document.

26         (11)  Bonds issued under this section do not constitute

27  debts of the state or of any political subdivision thereof or

28  a pledge of the faith and credit of the state or of any

29  political subdivision; but such bonds are obligations of the

30  authority payable solely from the funds provided therefor, and



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  1  a statement to that effect must be recited on the face of the

  2  bonds.

  3         (12)  The financing document and the security document

  4  must provide that under no circumstances is the authority

  5  obligated, directly or indirectly, to pay the cost of any

  6  industrial project, the expenses of operation or maintenance

  7  of any industrial facility, or the debt service on any bonds

  8  issued to finance an industrial project except from the

  9  proceeds of such bonds or from funds received under the

10  financing document, exclusive of any funds received thereunder

11  by the authority for its own use.

12         Section 11.  Trust funds.--All moneys received pursuant

13  to the authority of this act are deemed to be trust funds and

14  must be held and applied solely as provided in this act.  The

15  resolution authorizing the issuance of bonds or the trust

16  agreement securing such bonds must provide that any officer to

17  whom, or bank, trust company, or fiscal agent to which, such

18  moneys are paid shall act as trustee of such moneys and shall

19  hold and apply the same for the purposes hereof, subject to

20  such regulations as the act and such resolution or trust

21  agreement may provide.

22         Section 12.  Remedies.--Any holder of bonds issued

23  under the provisions of this act or of any of the coupons

24  appertaining thereto, and the trustee under any trust

25  agreement, except to the extent the rights herein given may be

26  restricted by the resolution authorizing the issuance of such

27  bonds or such trust agreement, may by suit, action, mandamus,

28  or other proceeding, protect and enforce any and all rights

29  under the laws of the state or granted hereunder or under such

30  resolution or trust agreement, and may enforce and compel the

31  performance of all duties required by this act or by such


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  1  resolution or trust agreement to be performed by the authority

  2  or by any officer thereof, including the fixing, charging, and

  3  collecting of rates, fees, and charges for the use of or for

  4  the services furnished by any transportation facilities.

  5         Section 13.  Refunding bonds.--The authority may issue

  6  from time to time refunding bonds for the purpose of refunding

  7  any bonds of the authority then outstanding, including the

  8  payment of any redemption premium thereon and any interest

  9  accrued or to accrue to the date of redemption of such bonds.

10  The authority may issue from time to time bonds of the

11  authority for the combined purpose of refunding any bonds of

12  the authority then outstanding, including the payment of any

13  redemption premium thereon and any interest accrued or to

14  accrue to the date of redemption of such bonds, and paying all

15  or any part of the cost of acquiring, constructing,

16  reconstructing, improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping

17  any transportation facilities or engaging in any additional

18  industrial project, as the case may be, provided no refunding

19  bonds issued with respect to any industrial project are

20  payable from the revenues of any transportation facilities.

21  The issuance of such bonds, the maturities and other details

22  thereof, the rights and remedies of the holders thereof, and

23  the rights, powers, privileges, duties, and obligations of the

24  authority with respect to the same, are governed by the

25  foregoing provisions of this act insofar as the same are

26  applicable.

27         Section 14.  Law enforcement functions of the

28  authority.--

29         (1)  Definitions.--As used in this section, the term:

30         (a)  "Transportation facility operations area" means

31  that portion of a transportation facility designed and used


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  1  for the arrival, departure, or maneuvering of a transportation

  2  conveyance.

  3         (b)  "Transportation facility" means any real property

  4  the fee simple title to which is vested in the transportation

  5  authority.

  6         (c)  "Transportation facility grounds" includes all of

  7  the transportation facility.

  8         (d)  "Traffic," when used as a noun, means the use or

  9  occupancy of, and the movement in, on, or over, streets, ways,

10  walks, roads, alleys, parking areas, and transportation

11  facility operations areas by vehicles, pedestrians, or ridden

12  or herded animals.

13         (2)  Traffic, parking, and security laws and

14  ordinances; applicability to transportation facility

15  grounds.--All provisions of chapters 316 and 318, Florida

16  Statutes, apply to the transportation facility grounds.  The

17  ordinances of the counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake,

18  Levy, Marion, Putnam, the City of Gainesville, and the City of

19  Ocala that relate to traffic control, the parking of vehicles,

20  including the towing away of unlawfully parked or abandoned

21  vehicles, or the security of transportation facility

22  operations areas apply within that part of the transportation

23  facility grounds that lies within the territorial boundaries

24  of the respective county or municipality; provided that no

25  such ordinance is applicable within the transportation

26  facility grounds unless the transportation authority by its

27  resolution first requested the respective county or city to

28  adopt such an ordinance, pointing out the general matters or

29  circumstances to be covered by the ordinance, and that any

30  such ordinance adopted at the request of the transportation

31  authority must be reasonable and in furtherance of the public


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  1  health, safety, welfare, and interest.  Copies of such

  2  applicable ordinances must be posted at each transportation

  3  facility on public bulletin boards where notices are

  4  customarily posted and must be made available to any person

  5  requesting a copy of such ordinances.

  6         (3)  Transportation authority police.--

  7         (a)  The transportation authority may provide for

  8  police officers for the transportation authority, who shall be

  9  designated "transportation authority police."

10         (b)  The transportation authority police are declared

11  to be law enforcement officers of the state and conservators

12  of the peace with the authority to arrest, in accordance with

13  the laws of this state, any person for a violation of state or

14  federal law or an applicable county or municipal ordinance if

15  the violation occurs on transportation facility grounds.

16  Transportation authority police may also make arrests in fresh

17  pursuit off transportation facility grounds for such

18  violations if pursuit originated on transportation facility

19  grounds.  Transportation authority police have full authority

20  to bear arms in the performance of their duties and to execute

21  search warrants within the transportation facility grounds.

22  Transportation authority police, when requested by the Sheriff

23  of Alachua County, the Sheriff of Bradford County, the Sheriff

24  of Citrus County, the Sheriff of Lake County, the Sheriff of

25  Levy County, the Sheriff of Marion County, the Sheriff of

26  Putnam County, the chief administrative police officer of the

27  City of Gainesville, or the chief administrative police

28  officer of the City of Ocala, may serve subpoenas or other

29  legal process and may make arrests of persons against whom

30  arrest warrants have been issued or charges have been made for



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  1  violations of federal or state laws or county or municipal

  2  ordinances.

  3         (c)  A transportation authority police officer may

  4  enforce all applicable laws and ordinances pertaining to

  5  traffic, parking, or security on the transportation facility

  6  grounds and may issue citations for violations of such laws

  7  and ordinances.

  8         (d)  A transportation authority police officer shall

  9  promptly deliver each person arrested and charged with a

10  felony to the sheriff of the county within which the offense

11  occurred and each person arrested and charged with a

12  misdemeanor to the applicable authority as may be provided by

13  law, but otherwise to the sheriff of the county in which the

14  offense occurred.

15         (e)  Each transportation authority police officer must

16  meet the minimum standards established by the Criminal Justice

17  Standards and Training Commission of the Department of Law

18  Enforcement and chapter 943, Florida Statutes, for law

19  enforcement officers.  Each transportation authority police

20  officer must, before entering into the performance of his or

21  her duties, take the oath of office established by the

22  transportation authority.  The transportation authority shall

23  enter into a good and sufficient bond on each transportation

24  authority police officer, payable to the Governor and his or

25  her successors in office, in the penal sum of $5,000 with a

26  surety company authorized to do business in this state as

27  surety thereon, and conditioned on the faithful performance of

28  the duties of the officer.  The transportation authority shall

29  provide a uniform set of identifying credentials to each

30  transportation authority police officer it employs.



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  1         (f)  In the performance of any of the powers, duties,

  2  and functions authorized by law, transportation authority

  3  police have the same rights, protections, and immunities

  4  afforded other law enforcement officers by general law.

  5         (g)  The transportation authority may exercise and

  6  perform all the powers and prerogatives conferred upon law

  7  enforcement agencies by sections 932.701-932.707, Florida

  8  Statutes, with respect to forfeiture of contraband.

  9         (h)  The transportation authority, with the approval of

10  the Department of Law Enforcement, shall adopt rules,

11  including, but not limited to, the appointment, employment,

12  and removal of transportation authority police, and shall

13  establish in writing a police manual, including examples of

14  how to handle a routine law enforcement situation and an

15  emergency law enforcement situation.  The transportation

16  authority shall furnish a copy of the police manual to each of

17  the transportation authority police officers it employs.

18         (4)  Transportation authority parking enforcement

19  specialists.--

20         (a)  The transportation authority may provide for

21  parking enforcement specialists for the transportation

22  authority, who shall be designated "transportation authority

23  parking enforcement specialists."

24         (b)1.  A transportation authority parking enforcement

25  specialist may enforce, on the grounds of any transportation

26  facility under the control or operation of the authority, all

27  applicable laws and ordinances relating to parking and may

28  issue citations for parking in violation of such laws and

29  ordinances.




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  1         2.  A transportation authority parking enforcement

  2  specialist may not carry a firearm or other weapon and does

  3  not have the authority to make arrests.

  4         (c)  Each transportation authority parking enforcement

  5  specialist must meet the minimum standards established by the

  6  Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission of the

  7  Department of Law Enforcement for parking enforcement

  8  specialists.

  9         Section 15.  Supplemental rules, regulations, and

10  ordinances.--

11         (1)  The cities of Gainesville and Ocala, the counties

12  of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Putnam,

13  and their respective governing authorities, are each empowered

14  and authorized to adopt all needful rules, regulations, and

15  ordinances regarding the operation, guidance, docking,

16  storing, parking, fueling, repairing, handling, loading,

17  unloading, and conduct of all transportation conveyances and

18  motor vehicles of any kind with respect to their use or

19  operation over, upon, and within the transportation facilities

20  or using transportation facilities owned or operated by the

21  authority; provided that such rules, regulations, or

22  ordinances may not be enacted or adopted until the authority

23  by its resolution has first requested the City of Gainesville,

24  the City of Ocala, the County of Alachua, the County of

25  Bradford, the County of Citrus, the County of Lake, the County

26  of Levy, the County of Marion, or the County of Putnam, as the

27  case may be, to enact and adopt such rules, regulations, and

28  ordinances, pointing out the general matters or circumstances

29  to be covered, and all rules, regulations, and ordinances that

30  are adopted and enacted pursuant to this act must be



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  1  reasonable and in furtherance of the public health, safety,

  2  welfare, and interest.

  3         (2)  The authority may adopt resolutions requesting the

  4  cities of Gainesville and Ocala and the counties of Alachua,

  5  Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Putnam to enact

  6  rules, regulations, and ordinances pursuant to the authority

  7  of this act.

  8         (3)  All rules, regulations, and ordinances adopted and

  9  enacted pursuant to the authority of this act, whether enacted

10  by the City of Gainesville, by the City of Ocala, by the

11  County of Alachua, by the County of Bradford, by the County of

12  Citrus, by the County of Lake, by the County of Levy, by the

13  County of Marion, or by the County of Putnam, operate and are

14  of effect throughout the territory comprising the lands of the

15  authority, including the portions of that territory situate

16  within the City of Gainesville, the City of Ocala, and the

17  portions of that territory outside those cities in the

18  counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and

19  Putnam.

20         (4)  The cities of Gainesville and Ocala and the

21  counties of Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and

22  Putnam each have full police powers throughout the territory

23  comprising the lands of the authority, and each may appoint

24  guards or police to assist in the enforcement of such rules,

25  regulations, and ordinances as it adopts pursuant to the

26  authority of this act.

27         (5)  Rules and regulations enacted and adopted by the

28  County of Alachua, the County of Bradford, the County of

29  Citrus, the County of Lake, the County of Levy, the County of

30  Marion, or the County of Putnam pursuant to the authority of



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  1  this act shall be enforced as are the criminal laws. A

  2  violation of such rules and regulations is a misdemeanor.

  3         (6)  The cities of Gainesville and Ocala may fix by

  4  ordinance penalties for the violation of the rules,

  5  regulations, and ordinances that each adopts, respectively,

  6  pursuant to the authority of this act.

  7         Section 16.  Beverage license.--

  8         (1)  A beverage license, as provided in sections 561.17

  9  and 561.19, Florida Statutes, shall be issued to the

10  authority.

11         (2)  Such beverage license shall be issued upon proper

12  application for license to conduct business, as provided by

13  law. The application must be in the name of the North Central

14  Florida Regional Transportation Authority, and when issued it

15  must be issued in the name of such applicant.  The applicant

16  shall pay to the tax collector the license fees for the kind

17  of license that the applicant desires, as provided by The

18  Beverage Law.

19         (3)  The beverage license shall be for the term

20  provided by, and subject to all provisions of, The Beverage

21  Law and, in any proceeding for suspension or revocation of the

22  license involved, notice and hearing shall be provided the

23  authority to the same extent as provided licensees under The

24  Beverage Law.  Any business operated under such beverage

25  license may be operated only by the authority or its lessee of

26  the restaurant and cocktail lounge in the terminal building or

27  administration building at the transportation facility

28  operated by the authority, and the license may be transferred

29  to the lessee of that restaurant and cocktail lounge. The

30  authority may make application for the transfer of the

31  license, and the application must be approved by the Division


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  1  of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco in accordance with the same

  2  procedure provided for in sections 561.18 and 561.19, Florida

  3  Statutes; however, any transfer of the beverage license to the

  4  lessee must be on the condition that, if the lease is

  5  terminated at any time and for any cause, the lessee shall

  6  immediately retransfer the beverage license to the authority,

  7  and, in the event of failure and refusal of the lessee to so

  8  retransfer the beverage license, it shall be retransferred to

  9  the authority upon proper request made in writing by the

10  authority.  Thereafter, the beverage license may be again

11  transferred to any new lessee of the restaurant and cocktail

12  lounge upon the same terms and conditions.  The beverage

13  license is at all times the property of the authority, subject

14  to its transfer from time to time to enable the lessee of the

15  restaurant and cocktail lounge to operate the business under

16  the beverage license authorized by this act.

17         Section 17.  Administrative procedure.--In accordance

18  with section 120.52(1)(c), Florida Statutes, the authority is

19  considered an agency subject to the Administrative Procedure

20  Act under chapter 120, Florida Statutes, to the extent that

21  the authority is made subject to that act by general law,

22  existing judicial decision, or by other special law.

23         Section 18.  Tax exemption.--

24         (1)  The authority as a public body corporate is deemed

25  a political subdivision within the meaning of the exemptions

26  granted under section 196.199, Florida Statutes.

27         (2)  Any bonds issued under this act, their transfer,

28  and the income therefrom, including any profit made on the

29  sale thereof, are at all times free from taxation within the

30  state, except that income derived from such bonds is subject

31  to any tax imposed on such bonds by chapter 220, Florida


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  1  Statutes, as from time to time amended, or any successor

  2  statute.

  3         Section 19.  Additional method.--This act provides an

  4  additional and alternative method for the doing of the things

  5  authorized by this act and is supplemental and additional to

  6  powers conferred by other laws and is not in derogation of or

  7  repealing of any powers now existing under any other law,

  8  whether general, special, or local; however, the issuance of

  9  bonds or refunding bonds under the provisions of this act

10  shall comply with the requirements of any other general law

11  applicable to the issuance of bonds.

12         Section 20.  Severability.--The provisions of this act

13  are severable, and, if any of its provisions shall be held

14  unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the

15  decision of such court shall not affect or impair any of the

16  remaining provisions.

17         Section 21.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

18  law.















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  1            *****************************************

  2                       LEGISLATIVE SUMMARY

      Creates the North Central Florida Regional Transportation
  4    Authority to serve Alachua County, Bradford County,
      Citrus County, Lake County, Levy County, Marion County,
  5    and Putnam County. Provides for membership of the
      authority. Provides for terms and qualifications of
  6    members. Limits consecutive terms of membership. Provides
      circumstances under which a member may be removed or
  7    suspended. Provides for organization and conduct of
      business of the authority. Provides for reimbursement of
  8    members. Provides powers of the authority. Provides
      eminent domain power of the authority. Authorizes the
  9    authority to issue bonds payable solely from revenues for
      the purpose of acquiring, constructing, reconstructing,
10    improving, extending, enlarging, or equipping any
      transportation facilities. Authorizes the authority to
11    fix rates, fees, and other charges for the use of and for
      services furnished by transportation facilities.
12    Authorizes the authority to enter into specified
      contracts. Authorizes the securing of bonds by a trust
13    agreement. Provides conditions upon resolutions
      authorizing the issuance of bonds. Provides for specified
14    contributions to the authority by the governing bodies of
      Alachua, Bradford, Citrus, Lake, Levy, Marion, and Putnam
15    Counties. Authorizes the authority to issue industrial
      development revenue bonds to assist in the financing of
16    specified facilities. Provides a limit on outstanding
      industrial development revenue bonds. Provides powers of
17    the authority with respect to industrial facilities and
      projects. Provides restrictions. Provides requirements of
18    financing documents and security documents. Provides that
      moneys received under the act are trust funds to be held
19    and applied solely as provided in the act. Provides
      remedies of bondholders. Authorizes the authority to
20    issue refunding bonds. Provides law enforcement functions
      of the authority. Provides power of the authority to
21    adopt supplemental rules, regulations, and ordinances.
      Provides for the issuance of a beverage license to the
22    authority. Provides procedure with respect to the
      issuance of such license. Provides for requirements,
23    restrictions, and transfer of such license. Provides that
      the authority is considered an agency subject to ch. 120,
24    F.S., the Administrative Procedure Act. Provides tax
      exemption for bonds issued under the act.








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