CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Bill No. CS for SB 1844
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 095918
Senate House
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4 ______________________________________________________________
10 ______________________________________________________________
11 Senator Klein moved the following amendment:
13 Senate Amendment (with title amendment)
14 On page 8, between lines 16 and 17,
16 insert:
17 Section 3. Subsection (10) of section 159.705, Florida
18 Statutes, is amended to read:
19 159.705 Powers of the authority.--The authority is
20 authorized and empowered:
21 (10) Other provisions of law to the contrary
22 notwithstanding, to acquire by lease, without consideration,
23 purchase, or option any lands owned, administered, managed,
24 controlled, supervised, or otherwise protected by the state or
25 any of its agencies, departments, boards, or commissions for
26 the purpose of establishing a research and development park,
27 subject to being first designated a research and development
28 authority under the provisions of ss. 159.701-159.7095. The
29 authority may cooperate with state and local political
30 subdivisions and with private profit and nonprofit entities to
31 implement the public purposes set out in s. 159.701. Such
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Bill No. CS for SB 1844
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 095918
1 cooperation may include agreements for the use of the
2 resources of state and local political subdivisions, agencies,
3 or entities on a fee-for-service basis or on a cost-recovery
4 basis. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, a
5 project that is located in a research and development park and
6 is financed under the provisions of the Florida Industrial
7 Development Financing Act may be operated by a research and
8 development authority, a state university, a Florida community
9 college, or a governmental agency if the purpose and operation
10 of the project is consistent with the purposes and policies
11 specified in ss. 159.701-159.7095.
12 Section 4. Section 445.045, Florida Statutes, is
13 amended to read:
14 445.045 Development of an Internet-based system for
15 information technology industry promotion and workforce
16 recruitment.--
17 (1) Workforce Florida, Inc., is responsible for
18 directing The Department of Labor and Employment Security
19 shall facilitate efforts to ensure the development and
20 maintenance of a website that promotes and markets the
21 information technology industry in this state. The website
22 shall be designed to inform the public concerning the scope of
23 the information technology industry in the state and shall
24 also be designed to address the workforce needs of the
25 industry. The website shall include, through links or actual
26 content, information concerning information technology
27 businesses in this state, including links to such businesses;
28 information concerning employment available at these
29 businesses; and the means by which a jobseeker may post a
30 resume on the website.
31 (2) Workforce Florida, Inc., The Department of Labor
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Bill No. CS for SB 1844
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 095918
1 and Employment Security shall coordinate with the State
2 Technology Office and the Agency for Workforce Innovation
3 Workforce Development Board of Enterprise Florida, Inc., to
4 ensure links, where feasible and appropriate, to existing job
5 information websites maintained by the state and state
6 agencies and to ensure that information technology positions
7 offered by the state and state agencies are posted on the
8 information technology website.
9 (3) Workforce Florida, Inc., shall ensure that the
10 website developed and maintained under this section is
11 consistent, compatible, and coordinated with the workforce
12 information systems required under s. 445.011, including, but
13 not limited to, the automated job-matching information system
14 for employers, job seekers, and other users.
15 (4)(a) Workforce Florida, Inc., shall coordinate
16 development and maintenance of the website under this section
17 with the state's Chief Information Officer in the State
18 Technology Office to ensure compatibility with the state's
19 information system strategy and enterprise architecture.
20 (b) Workforce Florida, Inc., may enter into an
21 agreement with the State Technology Office, the Agency for
22 Workforce Innovation, or any other public agency with the
23 requisite information technology expertise for the provision
24 of design, operating, or other technological services
25 necessary to develop and maintain the website.
26 (c) Workforce Florida, Inc., may procure services
27 necessary to implement the provisions of this section, if it
28 employs competitive processes, including requests for
29 proposals, competitive negotiation, and other competitive
30 processes to ensure that the procurement results in the most
31 cost-effective investment of state funds.
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Bill No. CS for SB 1844
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 095918
1 (5) In furtherance of the requirements of this section
2 that the website promote and market the information technology
3 industry by communicating information on the scope of the
4 industry in this state, Workforce Florida, Inc., shall
5 coordinate its efforts with the high-technology industry
6 marketing efforts of Enterprise Florida, Inc., under s.
7 288.911. Through links or actual content, the website
8 developed under this section shall serve as a forum for
9 distributing the marketing campaign developed by Enterprise
10 Florida, Inc., under s. 288.911. In addition, Workforce
11 Florida, Inc., shall solicit input from the not-for-profit
12 corporation created to advocate on behalf of the information
13 technology industry as an outgrowth of the Information Service
14 Technology Development Task Force created under chapter
15 99-354, Laws of Florida.
16 (6) In fulfilling its responsibilities under this
17 section, Workforce Florida, Inc., may enlist the assistance of
18 and act through the Agency for Workforce Innovation. The
19 agency is authorized and directed to provide the services that
20 Workforce Florida, Inc., and the agency consider necessary to
21 implement this section.
23 (Redesignate subsequent sections.)
26 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T ===============
27 And the title is amended as follows:
28 On page 1, line 26, after the semicolon
30 insert:
31 amending s. 159.705, F.S.; specifying that
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Bill No. CS for SB 1844
Amendment No. ___ Barcode 095918
1 certain entities may operate a project located
2 in a research and development park and financed
3 under the Florida Industrial Development
4 Financing Act; amending s. 445.045, F.S.;
5 reassigning responsibility for development and
6 maintenance of an information technology
7 promotion and workforce recruitment website to
8 Workforce Florida, Inc.; requiring consistency
9 and compatibility with other information
10 systems; authorizing Workforce Florida, Inc.,
11 to secure website services from outside
12 entities; requiring coordination of the
13 information technology website with other
14 marketing, promotion, and advocacy efforts;
15 authorizing Workforce Florida, Inc., to act
16 through the Agency for Workforce Innovation in
17 fulfilling its responsibilities related to the
18 website; directing the agency to provide
19 services to Workforce Florida, Inc.;
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