Senate Bill sb1896
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Florida Senate - 2002 (NP) SR 1896
By Senator Dawson
30-1220-02 See HR
1 Senate Resolution No. ____
2 A resolution in honor of the late Charles
3 Spencer Pompey.
5 WHEREAS, on July 24, 2001, the Delray Beach area lost a
6 valued citizen and friend in the person of longtime educator,
7 historian, and activist Charles Spencer Pompey, only seven
8 days short of his eighty-sixth birthday, and
9 WHEREAS, encouraged by his mother's determination that
10 her five children be properly educated, Charles Pompey became
11 valedictorian of his high school class at the age of 15 and
12 graduated summa cum laude in 1939 from Johnson C. Smith
13 University in Charlotte, North Carolina, at that time a
14 remarkable achievement for an African American, and
15 WHEREAS, during a career that spanned 41 years, Mr.
16 Pompey successfully taught social studies, coached athletics,
17 and served as principal in the public schools of Florida, but
18 it was through his soft-spoken example that generations of
19 black children learned the principles of achievement,
20 equality, and respect and, an issue very dear to his heart,
21 the importance of voting, and
22 WHEREAS, although totally dedicated to his profession,
23 Mr. Pompey was vitally interested in every facet of life in
24 the community, and it was he who fought to desegregate the
25 area beaches, pressed the city fathers to install street
26 lights, sidewalks, and paved streets in black neighborhoods,
27 and pushed for the first organized recreation programs for the
28 city's African-American children, an effort which resulted in
29 his having Pompey Park named in his honor, and
30 WHEREAS, never a man to hesitate to define and act on
31 his convictions, Mr. Pompey was one of three African-American
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Florida Senate - 2002 (NP) SR 1896
30-1220-02 See HR
1 teachers who initiated the first class-action lawsuit in
2 federal court to eliminate teacher salary disparity between
3 the races; co-organized and served as the first president of
4 the Palm Beach County Teachers Association; initiated the
5 athletic program at Carver High School, which hosted the first
6 interscholastic track meet for black schools in the state, and
7 set up and chaired the first Political Clinic for Teachers in
8 the state, and
9 WHEREAS, Mr. Pompey was the first African American
10 elected to the Florida Education Association Board of
11 Directors; served as Palm Beach County's delegate to the first
12 Governor's Conference on Education; and was the recipient of
13 the first Annual Human Relations Award in Education in
14 Florida; hence, with so many "firsts" to his credit, it is
15 fitting that he be remembered as one who lived up to the motto
16 of his fraternity, "First of all, to be a servant of all, to
17 transcend all," NOW, THEREFORE,
19 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
21 That the Senate pauses in its deliberations to honor
22 the late Charles Spencer Pompey, a man of great stature and
23 superlative accomplishments.
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