Senate Bill sb1936

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1936

    By Senator Meek

    36-1144-02                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to voter registration; creating

  3         s. 97.0584, F.S.; requiring certain school

  4         districts to establish a voter registration

  5         program that offers eligible high school

  6         students in the district the opportunity to

  7         register to vote or to update a voter

  8         registration record at least once a year in the

  9         spring; providing that participation is

10         mandatory for public high schools in the

11         district and voluntary for nonpublic high

12         schools in the district; providing requirements

13         of the participating high schools, school

14         districts, and supervisors of elections with

15         respect to the program; specifying eligibility

16         requirements; providing for use of county

17         voting equipment in certain school elections;

18         providing an effective date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Section 97.0584, Florida Statutes, is

23  created to read:

24         97.0584  High school voter registration program.--

25         (1)(a)  Each school district in a county in which the

26  office of supervisor of elections is filled by appointment

27  rather than by election shall establish a voter registration

28  program that provides every eligible student enrolled in a

29  high school in the district the opportunity to register to

30  vote or to update a voter registration record at least once

31  each year in the spring as provided in this section.


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1936
    36-1144-02                                              See HB

  1  Registration under this section includes preregistration as

  2  authorized under s. 97.041(1)(b).

  3         (b)  Participation in the program is mandatory for all

  4  public high schools in the district and voluntary for each

  5  nonpublic high school in the district.

  6         (2)  The social sciences division of each school

  7  district subject to this section shall administer the program

  8  for the district and shall coordinate the annual voter

  9  registration drive conducted in the participating high schools

10  in the district to ensure compliance with this section.

11         (3)(a)  Each participating high school in a school

12  district subject to this section shall conduct a voter

13  registration drive each spring pursuant to this section with

14  the goal of registering a number of students equal to its base

15  group.  The base group for each school shall consist of those

16  students who are enrolled in American Government or Economics

17  classes, who are at least 17 years of age as of April 10 of

18  the year of the registration drive, and who meet the

19  requirements to become a registered voter specified in s.

20  97.041.

21         (b)  Each participating high school in a school

22  district subject to this section shall conduct a review of the

23  voter registration applications filled out by students at the

24  school to ensure compliance with the requirements for

25  completeness specified in s. 97.053(5) and shall submit the

26  completed voter registration applications to the school

27  district for submission to the supervisor of elections.

28         (4)  The supervisor of elections of the county shall

29  provide the voter registration forms and other materials and

30  support necessary to assist the school district in carrying

31  out its responsibilities under this section.


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1936
    36-1144-02                                              See HB

  1         (5)  This section neither requires an eligible student

  2  to register nor prevents a school district subject to this

  3  section from providing eligible students the opportunity to

  4  register at other times of the school year.

  5         (6)  As an adjunct to the program and to familiarize

  6  students with the voting system used in their county, each

  7  school district subject to this section shall make

  8  arrangements with the supervisor of elections for use of the

  9  county's voting equipment in any election held in a high

10  school in the district in which only students are candidates,

11  provided there is no conflict with another scheduled election.

12         Section 2.  Section 97.041, Florida Statutes, reads:

13         97.041  Qualifications to register or vote.--

14         (1)(a)  A person may become a registered voter only if

15  that person:

16         1.  Is at least 18 years of age;

17         2.  Is a citizen of the United States;

18         3.  Is a legal resident of the State of Florida;

19         4.  Is a legal resident of the county in which that

20  person seeks to be registered; and

21         5.  Registers pursuant to the Florida Election Code.

22         (b)  A person who is otherwise qualified may

23  preregister on or after that person's 17th birthday and may

24  vote in any election occurring on or after that person's 18th

25  birthday.

26         (2)  The following persons, who might be otherwise

27  qualified, are not entitled to register or vote:

28         (a)  A person who has been adjudicated mentally

29  incapacitated with respect to voting in this or any other

30  state and who has not had his or her right to vote restored

31  pursuant to law.


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1936
    36-1144-02                                              See HB

  1         (b)  A person who has been convicted of any felony by

  2  any court of record and who has not had his or her right to

  3  vote restored pursuant to law.

  4         (3)  A person who is not registered may not vote.

  5         Section 3.  Subsection (5) of section 97.053, Florida

  6  Statutes, reads:

  7         97.053  Acceptance of voter registration

  8  applications.--

  9         (5)(a)  A voter registration application is complete if

10  it contains:

11         1.  The applicant's name.

12         2.  The applicant's legal residence address.

13         3.  The applicant's date of birth.

14         4.  An indication that the applicant is a citizen of

15  the United States.

16         5.  The last four digits of the applicant's social

17  security number.

18         6.  An indication that the applicant has not been

19  convicted of a felony or that, if convicted, has had his or

20  her civil rights restored.

21         7.  An indication that the applicant has not been

22  adjudicated mentally incapacitated with respect to voting or

23  that, if so adjudicated, has had his or her right to vote

24  restored.

25         8.  Signature of the applicant swearing or affirming

26  under the penalty for false swearing pursuant to s. 104.011

27  that the information contained in the registration application

28  is true and subscribing to the oath required by s. 3, Art. VI

29  of the State Constitution and s. 97.051.

30         (b)  An applicant who fails to designate party

31  affiliation must be registered without party affiliation. The


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 1936
    36-1144-02                                              See HB

  1  supervisor must notify the voter by mail that the voter has

  2  been registered without party affiliation and that the voter

  3  may change party affiliation as provided in s. 97.1031.

  4         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


  6            *****************************************

  7                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires each school district in a county in which the
  9    office of supervisor of elections is filled by
      appointment rather than by election to establish a voter
10    registration program that offers eligible high school
      students in the district the opportunity to register to
11    vote or to update a voter registration record at least
      once a year in the spring.  Provides that participation
12    is mandatory for public high schools in the district and
      voluntary for nonpublic high schools in the district.
13    Provides requirements of the participating high schools,
      school districts, and supervisors of elections with
14    respect to the program.  Specifies eligibility
      requirements.  Provides for use of county voting
15    equipment in certain school elections. See bill for

















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