House Bill hb1963er
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2002 Legislature HB 1963
2 An act relating to the Florida Coastal
3 Management Program; amending ss. 380.205,
4 380.24, and 380.285, F.S.; transferring all
5 powers, duties, and functions of the Florida
6 Coastal Management Program from the Department
7 of Community Affairs to the Department of
8 Environmental Protection; providing an
9 effective date.
11 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
13 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 380.205, Florida
14 Statutes, is amended to read:
15 380.205 Definitions.--As used in ss. 380.21-380.24:
16 (1) "Department" means the Department of Environmental
17 Protection Community Affairs.
18 Section 2. Section 380.24, Florida Statutes, is
19 amended to read:
20 380.24 Local government participation.--Units of local
21 government abutting the Gulf of Mexico or the Atlantic Ocean,
22 or which include or are contiguous to waters of the state
23 where marine species of vegetation listed by rule as ratified
24 in s. 373.4211 constitute the dominant plant community, shall
25 develop a coastal zone protection element pursuant to s.
26 163.3177. Such units of local government shall be eligible to
27 receive technical assistance from the state in preparing
28 coastal zone protection elements and shall be the only units
29 of local government eligible to apply to the department for
30 available financial assistance. Local government participation
31 in the coastal management program authorized by this act shall
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2002 Legislature HB 1963
1 be voluntary. All permitting and enforcement of
2 dredged-material management and other related activities
3 subject to permit under the provisions of chapters 161 and 253
4 and part IV of chapter 373 for deepwater ports identified in
5 s. 403.021(9)(b) shall be done through the department of
6 Environmental Protection consistent with the provisions of s.
7 403.021(9).
8 Section 3. Section 380.285, Florida Statutes, is
9 amended to read:
10 380.285 Lighthouses; study; preservation; funding.--
11 (1) The Coastal Management Program of the Department
12 of Environmental Protection Community Affairs and the Division
13 of Historical Resources of the Department of State shall
14 undertake a study of the lighthouses in the state. The study
15 must determine the location, ownership, condition, and
16 historical significance of all lighthouses in the state and
17 ensure that all historically significant lighthouses are
18 nominated for inclusion on the National Register of Historic
19 Places. The study must assess the condition and restoration
20 needs of historic lighthouses and develop plans for
21 appropriate future public access and use. The Coastal
22 Management Program and the Division of Historical Resources
23 shall take a leadership role in implementing plans to
24 stabilize lighthouses and associated structures and to
25 preserve and protect them from future deterioration. When
26 possible, the lighthouses and associated buildings should be
27 made available to the public for educational and recreational
28 purposes. The Department of Environmental Protection Community
29 Affairs should consider these responsibilities to be a
30 priority of the Florida Coastal Management Program, and
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2002 Legislature HB 1963
1 implementation of this act should be a priority in the use of
2 coastal management funds.
3 (2) The Department of Environmental Protection
4 Community Affairs and the Department of State shall request in
5 their annual legislative budget requests funding necessary to
6 carry out the duties and responsibilities specified in this
7 act. Funds for the rehabilitation of lighthouses should be
8 allocated through matching grants-in-aid to state and local
9 government agencies and to nonprofit organizations. The
10 Department of Environmental Protection Community Affairs may
11 assist the Division of Historical Resources in projects to
12 accomplish lighthouse identification, assessment, restoration,
13 and interpretation.
14 Section 4. All powers, duties and functions, rules,
15 records, personnel, property, and unexpended balances of
16 appropriations, allocations, or other funds of the Florida
17 Coastal Management Program as provided for in ss. 380.20
18 through 380.285, Florida Statutes, currently assigned to and
19 administered by the Department of Community Affairs are
20 transferred by a type two transfer, as defined in s. 20.06(2),
21 Florida Statutes, to the Department of Environmental
22 Protection.
23 Section 5. This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.
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