Senate Bill sb2062c2

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    Florida Senate - 2002                    CS for CS for SB 2062

    By the Committees on Banking and Insurance; Health, Aging and
    Long-Term Care; and Senator Klein


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to infant eye care; amending s.

  3         383.04, F.S.; requiring certain eye

  4         examinations for all infants born in hospitals

  5         in the state; requiring the Medicaid program to

  6         include certain eye examinations as a covered

  7         benefit; reenacting s. 383.07, F.S., relating

  8         to a penalty; amending ss. 627.6416, 627.6579,

  9         and 641.31, F.S.; providing that coverage for

10         children under health insurance policies and

11         health maintenance organization contracts

12         include certain eye examinations for infants

13         and children; providing an effective date.


15  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


17         Section 1.  Section 383.04, Florida Statutes, is

18  amended to read:

19         383.04  Prophylactic required for eyes of

20  infants.--Every physician, midwife, or other person in

21  attendance at the birth of a child in the state is required to

22  instill or have instilled into the eyes of the baby within 1

23  hour after birth an effective prophylactic recommended by the

24  Committee on Infectious Diseases of the American Academy of

25  Pediatrics for the prevention of neonatal ophthalmia. In

26  addition, every baby born in a hospital in the state shall

27  receive, prior to being discharged from the hospital, a

28  dilated pupillary red-reflex examination performed using a

29  direct ophthalmoscope as the light source for detection of

30  pediatric congenital and ocular abnormalities. This section

31  does not apply to cases where the parents file with the


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    Florida Senate - 2002                    CS for CS for SB 2062

  1  physician, midwife, or other person in attendance at the birth

  2  of a child written objections on account of religious beliefs

  3  contrary to the use of drugs.  In such case the physician,

  4  midwife, or other person in attendance shall maintain a record

  5  that such measures were or were not employed and attach

  6  thereto any written objection.

  7         Section 2.  The initial examination for detecting

  8  pediatric congenital and ocular abnormalities in the newborn

  9  or infant, which is a dilated pupillary red-reflex examination

10  using a direct ophthalmoscope as the light source for

11  detection of pediatric congenital and ocular abnormalities, or

12  such examination by 8 weeks of age when birth occurs outside

13  the hospital setting, and follow-up examinations at 6 to 9

14  months of age, and at 15 to 18 months of age, shall be

15  reimbursable under Medicaid as an expense compensated

16  supplemental to the per diem rate for Medicaid patients

17  enrolled in MediPass or Medicaid patients covered by a

18  fee-for-service program. For Medicaid patients enrolled in

19  health maintenance organizations, providers shall be

20  reimbursed directly by the Medicaid Program Office at the

21  Medicaid rate. This service may not be considered a covered

22  service for the purposes of establishing the payment rate for

23  Medicaid health maintenance organizations. All health

24  insurance policies and health maintenance organizations as

25  provided under sections 627.6416, 627.6579, and 641.31(30),

26  Florida Statutes, except for supplemental policies that

27  provide coverage only for specific diseases, hospital

28  indemnity, or Medicare supplement, or for the supplemental

29  policies, shall compensate providers for such examinations.

30  Nonhospital-based providers are eligible to bill Medicaid for



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    Florida Senate - 2002                    CS for CS for SB 2062

  1  the professional and technical component of each procedure

  2  code.

  3         Section 3.  Section 383.07, Florida Statutes, is

  4  reenacted to read:

  5         383.07  Penalty for violation.--Any person who fails to

  6  comply with the provisions of ss. 383.04-383.06 shall be

  7  guilty of a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as

  8  provided in s. 775.083.

  9         Section 4.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

10  627.6416, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

11         627.6416  Coverage for child health supervision

12  services.--

13         (2)  As used in this section, the term "child health

14  supervision services" means physician-delivered or

15  physician-supervised services that include, at a minimum,

16  services delivered at the intervals and scope stated in this

17  section.

18         (a)  Child health supervision services must include

19  periodic visits that which shall include a history, a physical

20  examination, a developmental assessment and anticipatory

21  guidance, and appropriate immunizations and laboratory tests,

22  and a dilated pupillary red-reflex examination performed using

23  a direct ophthalmoscope at birth or by 8 weeks of age when

24  birth occurs outside the hospital setting, at 6 to 9 months of

25  age, and at 15 to 18 months of age for detection of pediatric

26  congenital and ocular abnormalities and developmental

27  abnormalities.  Such services and periodic visits shall be

28  provided in accordance with prevailing medical standards

29  consistent with the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric

30  Health Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics.



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    Florida Senate - 2002                    CS for CS for SB 2062

  1         Section 5.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (2) of section

  2  627.6579, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

  3         627.6579  Coverage for child health supervision

  4  services.--

  5         (2)  As used in this section, the term "child health

  6  supervision services" means physician-delivered or

  7  physician-supervised services that include, at a minimum,

  8  benefit coverage for services delivered at the intervals and

  9  scope stated in this section.

10         (a)  Child health supervision services must include

11  periodic visits that which shall include a history, a physical

12  examination, a developmental assessment and anticipatory

13  guidance, and appropriate immunizations and laboratory tests,

14  and a dilated pupillary red-reflex examination performed using

15  a direct ophthalmoscope at birth or by 8 weeks of age when

16  birth occurs outside the hospital setting, at 6 to 9 months of

17  age, and at 15 to 18 months of age for detection of pediatric

18  congenital and ocular abnormalities and developmental

19  abnormalities.  Such services and periodic visits shall be

20  provided in accordance with prevailing medical standards

21  consistent with the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric

22  Health Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

23         Section 6.  Paragraph (b) of subsection (30) of section

24  641.31, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

25         641.31  Health maintenance contracts.--

26         (30)

27         (b)  As used in this subsection, the term "child health

28  supervision services" means physician-delivered or

29  physician-supervised services that include, at a minimum,

30  services delivered at the intervals and scope stated in this

31  subsection.


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    Florida Senate - 2002                    CS for CS for SB 2062

  1         1.  Child health supervision services must include

  2  periodic visits that which shall include a history, a physical

  3  examination, a developmental assessment and anticipatory

  4  guidance, and appropriate immunizations and laboratory tests,

  5  and a dilated pupillary red-reflex examination performed using

  6  a direct ophthalmoscope at birth or by 8 weeks of age when

  7  birth occurs outside the hospital setting, at 6 to 9 months of

  8  age, and at 15 to 18 months of age for detection of pediatric

  9  congenital and ocular abnormalities and developmental

10  abnormalities.  Such services and periodic visits shall be

11  provided in accordance with prevailing medical standards

12  consistent with the Recommendations for Preventive Pediatric

13  Health Care of the American Academy of Pediatrics.

14         2.  Minimum benefits may be limited to one visit

15  payable to one provider for all of the services provided at

16  each visit cited in this subsection.

17         Section 7.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
20                          CS for SB 2062


22  Clarifies the type of initial eye examination and follow-up
    examinations that must be reimbursed by Medicaid.
    Makes conforming changes to s. 627.6579, F.S., which requires
24  group health insurance policies to provide coverage for child
    health supervision services.








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