Senate Bill sb2110

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 2110

    By Senator Meek

    36-1579-02                                              See HB

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Retirement

  3         System; amending s. 121.021, F.S.; redefining

  4         the term "special risk member" for the purposes

  5         of the Florida Retirement System to include

  6         certain members employed by certain public

  7         acute care hospitals; amending s. 121.0515,

  8         F.S.; revising criteria for membership in the

  9         special risk class to include certain members

10         employed by certain public acute care

11         hospitals; providing a statement of important

12         state interest; providing an effective date.


14  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


16         Section 1.  Paragraph (f) is added to subsection (15)

17  of section 121.021, Florida Statutes, to read:

18         121.021  Definitions.--The following words and phrases

19  as used in this chapter have the respective meanings set forth

20  unless a different meaning is plainly required by the context:

21         (15)

22         (f)  Effective July 1, 2002, "special risk member"

23  includes any member who is employed by a public acute care

24  hospital which serves as a trauma center, and which provides

25  treatment to members of the public with deadly or crippling

26  infectious diseases, members of the public who are accused of

27  or convicted of serious violent crimes, members of the public

28  who have been subjected to hazardous materials or biological

29  or chemical agents as a result of terrorism or industrial

30  accidents, or members of the public with diseases the



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 2110
    36-1579-02                                              See HB

  1  treatment of which requires interventions with extremely toxic

  2  substances.

  3         Section 2.  Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (2) of

  4  section 121.0515, Florida Statutes, to read:

  5         121.0515  Special risk membership.--

  6         (2)  CRITERIA.--A member, to be designated as a special

  7  risk member, must meet the following criteria:

  8         (h)  A member who is employed by a public acute care

  9  hospital which serves as a trauma center, and which provides

10  treatment to members of the public with deadly or crippling

11  infectious diseases, members of the public who are accused of

12  or convicted of serious violent crimes, members of the public

13  who have been subjected to hazardous materials or biological

14  or chemical agents as a result of terrorism or industrial

15  accidents, or members of the public with diseases the

16  treatment of which requires interventions with extremely toxic

17  substances.

18         Section 3.  The Legislature finds that in providing

19  treatment to members of the public with deadly or crippling

20  infectious diseases, members of the public who are accused of

21  or convicted of serious violent crimes, members of the public

22  who have been subjected to hazardous materials or biological

23  or chemical agents as a result of terrorism or industrial

24  accidents, or members of the public with diseases the

25  treatment of which requires interventions with extremely toxic

26  substances, a member of the Florida Retirement System who is

27  employed by a public acute care hospital which serves as a

28  trauma center, is serving an important state interest and

29  should be a member of the special risk class of the Florida

30  Retirement System.

31         Section 4.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 2110
    36-1579-02                                              See HB

  1            *****************************************

  2                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Includes a member of the Florida Retirement System in the
  4    special risk class of the system if the member is
      employed by a public acute care hospital which serves as
  5    a trauma center and which provides treatment to members
      of the public with deadly or crippling infectious
  6    diseases, members of the public who are accused of or
      convicted of serious violent crimes, members of the
  7    public who have been subjected to hazardous materials
      biological or chemical agents as a result of terrorism or
  8    industrial accidents, or members of the public with
      diseases the treatment of which requires intervention
  9    with extremely toxic substances.
























CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.