Senate Bill sb2438

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 2438

    By Senator Smith


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to postsecondary education;

  3         authorizing the boards of trustees of the state

  4         universities to approve a plan to increase

  5         matriculation and tuition fees for

  6         first-professional programs; providing for the

  7         amount of the increase for resident and

  8         nonresident students to be based on the average

  9         fees for certain corresponding programs;

10         specifying those programs that constitute

11         first-professional programs; authorizing the

12         university to phase in an increase; requiring

13         that a plan to increase fees include a

14         provision for financial assistance to certain

15         students; requiring that revenue generated from

16         a fee increase be used to benefit the program

17         generating the revenue; providing an effective

18         date.


20  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


22         Section 1.  Tuition and fee differential for certain

23  programs.--

24         (1)  Notwithstanding any other law, the board of

25  trustees of each state university may approve a plan submitted

26  by that university's president to increase:

27         (a)  Resident matriculation and tuition fees for one or

28  more of the first-professional programs within the university

29  to a level that may not exceed 125 percent of the average

30  full-time, in-state tuition and required fees for

31  corresponding first-professional programs offered in public


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    Florida Senate - 2002                                  SB 2438

  1  institutions, as reported by the National Center for Education

  2  Statistics of the United States Department of Education; and

  3         (b)  Nonresident matriculation and tuition fees for one

  4  or more of the first-professional programs within the

  5  university to a level that may not exceed 125 percent of the

  6  average full-time tuition and required fees for corresponding

  7  first-professional programs offered in all institutions, as

  8  reported by the National Center for Education Statistics of

  9  the United States Department of Education.

10         (2)  For purposes of this section, a first-professional

11  program includes programs in dentistry, law, medicine,

12  pharmacy, and veterinary medicine. The plan may provide for an

13  increase to be phased in over 3 to 5 years, with automatic

14  adjustments thereafter. If approved by the board of trustees,

15  the plan shall be implemented without further review or

16  approval. Each plan must include a provision for need-based

17  financial assistance to those students who may be denied

18  access to a first-professional program because of an increase

19  in matriculation and tuition fees. All revenue generated as a

20  result of the fee differential established under this section

21  shall be retained by the university and used to benefit the

22  program that generated the revenue.

23         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


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26                          SENATE SUMMARY

27    Authorizes the board of trustees of each state university
      to approve an increase in fees for programs in dentistry,
28    law, medicine, pharmacy, and veterinary medicine.
      Provides for the amount of the increase to be based on
29    the average fees for certain corresponding programs.
      Requires that the university provide financial assistance
30    to students who may be denied access to a program due to
      the increase in fees. Requires that revenue generated
31    from a fee increase be used to benefit the program that
      generates the revenue. (See bill for details.)

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