Senate Bill sb2468
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Florida Senate - 2002 SB 2468
By Senator Posey
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to state employees; amending s.
3 110.116, F.S.; allowing the Department of
4 Management Services to contract with a private
5 vendor for the provision of the personnel
6 information system; amending s. 110.201, F.S.;
7 allowing such a vendor to assist the state in
8 maintaining personnel records and in developing
9 a workforce report; amending ss. 110.406,
10 110.606, F.S.; allowing the vendor to help the
11 department compile data regarding the
12 administration of the Senior Management Service
13 and of the Selected Exempt Service; amending s.
14 215.92, F.S.; redefining the term "functional
15 owner"; amending s. 215.93, F.S.; redesignating
16 the Cooperative Personnel Employment Subsystem
17 as the Personnel Information System; allowing
18 functional owners to contract with
19 private-sector entities in the design,
20 development, and implementation of information
21 systems; amending s. 215.94, F.S.; conforming
22 provisions; amending s. 216.292, F.S.; allowing
23 the Executive Office of the Governor to
24 transfer funds between agencies for specified
25 purposes; providing an effective date.
27 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
29 Section 1. Section 110.116, Florida Statutes, is
30 amended to read:
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Florida Senate - 2002 SB 2468
1 110.116 Personnel information system; payroll
2 procedures.--The Department of Management Services shall
3 establish and maintain, in coordination with the payroll
4 system of the Department of Banking and Finance, a complete
5 personnel information system for all authorized and
6 established positions in the state service, with the exception
7 of employees of the Legislature. The department may contract
8 with a vendor to provide the personnel information system. The
9 specifications shall be developed in conjunction with the
10 payroll system of the Department of Banking and Finance and in
11 coordination with the Auditor General. The Department of
12 Banking and Finance shall determine that the position occupied
13 by each employee has been authorized and established in
14 accordance with the provisions of s. 216.251. The Department
15 of Management Services shall develop and maintain a position
16 numbering system that will identify each established position,
17 and such information shall be a part of the payroll system of
18 the Department of Banking and Finance. With the exception of
19 employees of the Legislature, this system shall include all
20 career service positions and those positions exempted from
21 career service provisions, notwithstanding the funding source
22 of the salary payments, and information regarding persons
23 receiving payments from other sources. Necessary revisions
24 shall be made in the personnel and payroll procedures of the
25 state to avoid duplication insofar as is feasible. A list
26 shall be organized by budget entity to show the employees or
27 vacant positions within each budget entity. This list shall
28 be available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives
29 and the President of the Senate upon request.
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1 Section 2. Subsection (5) and paragraph (e) of
2 subsection (1) of section 110.201, Florida Statutes, are
3 amended to read:
4 110.201 Personnel rules, records, and reports.--
5 (1)
6 (e) It is the responsibility of the state employing
7 agency to maintain these records and all other records and
8 reports prescribed in applicable rules on a current basis. A
9 contracted vendor that is responsible for maintenance of the
10 personnel data may assist the state in maintaining these
11 records.
12 (5) The department shall develop a workforce report
13 that contains data representative of the state's human
14 resources and in doing so may use the assistance of a
15 contracted vendor that is responsible for maintenance of the
16 personnel data. The report should identify trends for planning
17 and improving the management of the state's human resources.
18 The department shall submit this report annually to the
19 Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the
20 House of Representatives.
21 Section 3. Subsection (1) of section 110.406, Florida
22 Statutes, is amended to read:
23 110.406 Senior Management Service; data collection.--
24 (1) The department shall annually compile data
25 regarding the administration of the Senior Management Service.
26 The contracted vendor that is responsible for maintenance of
27 the personnel data may assist the department in compiling the
28 data.
29 Section 4. Subsection (1) of section 110.606, Florida
30 Statutes, is amended to read:
31 110.606 Selected Exempt Service; data collection.--
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Florida Senate - 2002 SB 2468
1 (1) The department shall annually compile data
2 regarding the administration of the Selected Exempt Service.
3 The contracted vendor that is responsible for maintenance of
4 the personnel data may assist the department in compiling the
5 data.
6 Section 5. Subsection (6) of section 215.92, Florida
7 Statutes, is amended to read:
8 215.92 Definitions relating to Florida Financial
9 Management Information System Act.--For the purposes of ss.
10 215.90-215.96:
11 (6) "Functional owner" means the agency, or that part
12 of the judicial branch, which has the legal responsibility to
13 ensure that a subsystem is designed, implemented, and operated
14 in accordance with design, implement, and operate an
15 information subsystem as provided by ss. 215.90-215.96.
16 Section 6. Subsections (1) and (2) of section 215.93,
17 Florida Statutes, are amended to read:
18 215.93 Florida Financial Management Information
19 System.--
20 (1) To provide the information necessary to carry out
21 the intent of the Legislature, there shall be a Florida
22 Financial Management Information System. The Florida Financial
23 Management Information System shall be fully implemented and
24 shall be upgraded as necessary to ensure the efficient
25 operation of an integrated financial management information
26 system and to provide necessary information for the effective
27 operation of state government. Upon the recommendation of the
28 coordinating council and approval of the board, the Florida
29 Financial Management Information System may require data from
30 any state agency information system or information subsystem
31 or may request data from any judicial branch information
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1 system or information subsystem that the coordinating council
2 and board have determined to have statewide financial
3 management significance. Each functional owner information
4 subsystem within the Florida Financial Management Information
5 System shall be developed in such a fashion as to allow for
6 timely, positive, preplanned, and prescribed data transfers
7 between the Florida Financial Management Information System
8 functional owner information subsystems and from other
9 information systems. The principal unit of the system shall be
10 the functional owner information subsystem, and the system
11 shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:
12 (a) Planning and Budgeting Subsystem.
13 (b) Florida Accounting Information Resource Subsystem.
14 (c) Cash Management Subsystem.
15 (d) Purchasing Subsystem.
16 (e) Personnel Information System Cooperative Personnel
17 Employment Subsystem.
18 (2) Each information subsystem shall have a functional
19 owner, who may establish additional functions for the
20 subsystem unless specifically prohibited by ss. 215.90-215.96.
21 However, without the express approval of the board upon
22 recommendation of the coordinating council, no functional
23 owner nor any other agency shall have the authority to
24 establish or maintain additional subsystems which duplicate
25 any of the information subsystems of the Florida Financial
26 Management Information System. Each functional owner shall
27 solicit input and responses from agencies utilizing the
28 information subsystem. Each functional owner may contract with
29 the other functional owners or private-sector entities for
30 assistance in the design, development, and implementation of
31 their information systems and subsystems. Each functional
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1 owner shall include in its information subsystem functional
2 specifications the data requirements and standards of the
3 Florida Financial Management Information System as approved by
4 the board. Each functional owner shall establish design teams
5 that shall plan and coordinate the design and implementation
6 of its subsystem within the framework established by the
7 board. The design teams shall assist the design and
8 coordination staff in carrying out the duties assigned by the
9 board or the coordinating council. The coordinating council
10 shall review and approve the work plans for these projects.
11 Section 7. Subsection (5) and paragraph (c) of
12 subsection (6) of section 215.94, Florida Statutes, are
13 amended to read:
14 215.94 Designation, duties, and responsibilities of
15 functional owners.--
16 (5) The Department of Management Services shall be the
17 functional owner of the Personnel Information System
18 Cooperative Personnel Employment Subsystem. The department
19 shall ensure that the system is designed, implemented, and
20 operated design, implement, and operate the subsystem in
21 accordance with the provisions of ss. 110.116 and
22 215.90-215.96. The department may contract with one or more
23 private-sector companies to provide the system and services
24 required of the personnel information system. The system
25 subsystem shall include, but shall not be limited to,
26 functions for:
27 (a) Maintenance of employee and position data,
28 including funding sources and percentages and salary lapse.
29 The employee data shall include, but not be limited to,
30 information to meet the payroll system requirements of the
31 Department of Banking and Finance and to meet the employee
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1 benefit system requirements of the Department of Management
2 Services.
3 (b) Recruitment and selection examination.
4 (c) Time and leave reporting.
5 (d) Collective bargaining.
6 (6)
7 (c) The Auditor General shall specify those additional
8 features, characteristics, controls, and internal control
9 measures deemed necessary to carry out the provisions of this
10 subsection. Further, it shall be the responsibility of each
11 functional owner to ensure the installation and incorporation
12 of install and incorporate such specified features,
13 characteristics, controls, and internal control measures
14 within each information subsystem.
15 Section 8. Paragraph (c) of subsection (1) of section
16 216.292, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
17 216.292 Appropriations nontransferable; exceptions.--
18 (1)
19 (c) Notwithstanding the provisions of ss. 216.292 and
20 216.351, the Executive Office of the Governor may transfer
21 funds between agencies to implement and fund the Department of
22 Management Services' contract with a vendor to provide
23 human-resource and personnel services to all state entities
24 and government branches that formerly used the Cooperative
25 Personnel Employment Subsystem (COPES). Notwithstanding any
26 other provision of this section or the provisions of s.
27 216.351, for fiscal year 2001-2002, state agencies may
28 transfer positions and appropriations as necessary to comply
29 with any provision of the General Appropriations Act, or any
30 other provision of law, that requires or specifically
31 authorizes the transfer of positions and appropriations in the
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1 consolidation of information technology resources to the State
2 Technology Office.
3 Section 9. This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.
5 *****************************************
7 Allows the Department of Management Services to contract
with a private vendor for the provision of the personnel
8 information system. Specifies the duties that such a
private vendor may be assigned. Redesignates the
9 Cooperative Personnel Employment Subsystem as the
Personnel Information System. Redefines the term
10 "functional owner," to conform to the changes made by the
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