SB2500 GG 71
Senator(s): Clary
moved the following amendment:
Section: 06 EXPLANATION:
On Page: 293 Provides 77 positions and $5,405,026 from the Workers'
Compensation Administration Trust Fund for the Workers'
Spec App: 2681 Compensation Program being transferred from the
Department of Labor and Employment Security.
NET IMPACT ON: Total Funds General Revenue Trust Funds
Recurring - 5,405,026 0 5,405,026
Non-Recurring - 0 0 0
Positions & Amount Positions & Amount
Program: Insurance Regulation And
Consumer Protection
Compliance And Enforcement 46950300
In Section 06 On Page 293
2681 Salaries And Benefits 010000 IOEA
Positions: 570 647
2795 From Workers' Compensation 11,582,340 15,955,263
Administration Trust Fund
CA 4,372,923 FSI1 4,372,923
In proviso language on page 293 immediately following the Program Title,
Compliance and Enforcement, STRIKE:
Of the funds in Specific Appropriations 2681 through 2692, From the
Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund and the Workers'
Compensation Special Disability Trust Fund reflect a transfer positions
and budget authority from the Department of Labor and Employment
Security. If legislation considered during the 2002 Regular Session
which transfers funds and positions from the Department of Labor and
Employment Security to this budget entity, does not become law, the
Executive Office of the Governor shall transfer positions and associated
funding to the Department of Labor and Employment Security or to a new
budget entity prescribed by law for continued operations.
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and, INSERT:
Funds in Specific Appropriations 2681 through 2692 include 318
positions and $28,327,569, from the Workers' Compensation
Administration Trust Fund and the Workers' Compensation Special
Disability Trust Fund for transfer from the Department of Labor and
Employment Security to the Department of Insurance for the Workers'
Compensation Program. If legislation considered during the 2002 Regular
Session which transfers funds and positions from the Department of Labor
and Employment Security to this budget entity does not become law, the
Executive Office of the Governor shall transfer positions and associated
funding to the Department of Labor and Employment Security or to a new
budget entity prescribed by law for continued operations.
Funds in Specific Appropriations 2681 through 2684, include 77 new
positions and $5,405,026 from the Workers' Compensation Administration
Trust Fund for the Workers' Compensation Program. If legislation
considered during the 2002 Regular Session which transfers the Workers'
Compensation Program to another entity from the Department of Labor and
Employment Security does not become law, these positions and funds shall
be held in reserve by the Executive Office of the Governor.
2682 Other Personal Services 030000 IOEA
In Section 06 On Page 294
2795 From Workers' Compensation 2,415,896 2,530,544
Administration Trust Fund
CA 114,648 FSI1 114,648
2683 Expenses 040000 IOEA
2795 From Workers' Compensation 5,307,303 6,070,758
Administration Trust Fund
CA 763,455 FSI1 763,455
2684 Operating Capital Outlay 060000 IOEA
2795 From Workers' Compensation 646,852 800,852
Administration Trust Fund
CA 154,000 FSI1 154,000
In Section 24 On Page 353
On page 353 STRIKE Section 24, and renumber subsequent sections:
There are hereby appropriated 62 positions and $4,352,101 from the
Workers' Compensation Administration Trust Fund for the Workers'
Compensation Program. These positions and funds shall be held in
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reserve until the agency head responsible for the Workers' Compensation
Program determines that the positions and funds appropriated for the
Workers' Compensation Program in section 6 of this act are not adequate
to meet the program's statutory duties and responsibilities. Upon such
a determination, the agency head shall submit a plan to establish up to
62 positions and $4,352,101, from the Workers' Compensation
Administration Trust Fund to the Executive Office of the Governor for
approval subject to consultation pursuant to s. 216.177, Florida
Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement
within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items. |
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