Senate Bill sb2574
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida Senate - 2002 (NP) SR 2574
By Senator Dawson
1 Senate Resolution No. ____
2 A resolution recognizing June 2002 as
3 Scleroderma Awareness Month.
5 WHEREAS, the health of the residents in our communities
6 is the foundation for a caring and productive society, and
7 WHEREAS, our future depends, in great measure, upon our
8 ability to find cures for and adequately treat individuals who
9 are afflicted with a variety of illnesses, and
10 WHEREAS, hundreds of thousands of Americans are
11 afflicted with scleroderma, a disfiguring and debilitating
12 connective-tissue disorder that affects the vascular and
13 immune systems, resulting in a hardening of the skin and
14 organs, and
15 WHEREAS, this painful condition can strike at any age,
16 regardless of gender or ethnicity, although women between the
17 ages of 25 and 55 are more likely to be afflicted than are
18 men, and
19 WHEREAS, the noble work of the Scleroderma Foundation
20 has provided us all with hope that some day this disease will
21 be eradicated and that the foundation's efforts to educate and
22 comfort those touched by scleroderma will be justly rewarded
23 with a cure, NOW, THEREFORE,
25 Be It Resolved by the Senate of the State of Florida:
27 That in order to provide an opportunity to educate the
28 public about this often life-threatening disease and the more
29 than 300,000 Americans who suffer from it, the Florida Senate
30 recognizes the month of June 2002 to be Scleroderma Awareness
31 Month.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.