Senate Bill sb0284

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    Florida Senate - 2002                                   SB 284

    By Senator Campbell


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to children; creating as a

  3         pilot program an Office of Counsel for Children

  4         in the tenth regional district of the

  5         Department of Children and Family Services to

  6         represent the legal interests of children in

  7         out-of-home care pursuant to court order;

  8         providing an administrative counsel for the

  9         office; specifying qualifications; placing the

10         office in the Department of Legal Affairs for

11         budget purposes; requiring the court to appoint

12         the office to represent the legal interests of

13         the child continued in out-of-home care;

14         providing for appointment by the Governor;

15         providing duties of the Office of Counsel for

16         Children; providing that a child may not waive

17         the right to counsel supplied by the office;

18         providing that the office is substituted for

19         the department in dependency cases when

20         appointed by the court; requiring a report to

21         the Legislature and the Governor; requiring the

22         office to conduct an evaluation of the pilot

23         program with a report to the Legislature and

24         Governor; providing for the expiration of the

25         pilot program; providing an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  (1)  It is the intent of the Legislature

30  that children who are placed and maintained in out-of-home

31  care by court order under section 39.402, Florida Statutes,


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  1  receive cost-effective, competent representation of their

  2  legal interests. It is further the intent of the Legislature

  3  that providing for such representation be done in a manner

  4  that promotes efficient and appropriate use of scarce judicial

  5  resources; advances and appropriately balances the interests

  6  of children in timely resolution of dependency litigation and

  7  in family integrity and rehabilitation where appropriate; and

  8  ensures prompt systematic response to any circumstance

  9  adversely affecting the health, safety, and welfare of

10  children who are maintained in out-of-home care. The

11  Legislature recognizes that the legal interests of children

12  maintained in out-of-home care include at law, without

13  limitation, compliance with the objective criteria and

14  procedures established by law, the expeditious resolution of

15  dependency proceedings so that the child can remain or return

16  home or be placed in a safe, nurturing, and permanent

17  environment, and the use of the least restrictive or

18  detrimental alternatives available.

19         (2)(a)  There is created as a pilot program an Office

20  of Counsel for Children in the tenth regional district of the

21  Department of Children and Family Services. The office shall

22  be administered by an administrative counsel, who shall

23  oversee all administrative needs of the office, hire and

24  supervise staff attorneys and support staff, and serve as an

25  attorney for clients of the office as time permits. The

26  administrative counsel must be, and must have been for the

27  preceding 5 years, a member in good standing of The Florida

28  Bar or similar organization in another state, and must have 5

29  or more years of experience in the area of child advocacy,

30  child welfare, or juvenile law.



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  1         (b)  The Governor shall appoint the administrative

  2  counsel based upon an application process to be determined by

  3  the Office of the Governor. The administrative counsel shall

  4  be appointed for a term of 3 years and shall devote his or her

  5  full business time and effort to the office. Vacancies shall

  6  be filled in the same manner as appointments.

  7         (c)  The administrative counsel shall ensure that all

  8  staff attorneys either have at the time of hiring, or acquire

  9  through supplementary training conducted within a reasonable

10  period of time after hiring, sufficient knowledge regarding

11  the dynamics and needs of children, families, and foster

12  families in cases of child abuse, abandonment, and neglect to

13  perform the duties relating to legal representation of

14  dependent children. Relevant training may include programs or

15  materials developed under the requirements of chapter 39,

16  Florida Statutes, by the Department of Children and Family

17  Services, the Department of Education, the Department of

18  Health, and the Office of the State Courts Administrator.

19         (d)  The Office of Counsel for Children is assigned to

20  the Department of Legal Affairs for budget purposes only. The

21  administrative counsel for the Office of Counsel for Children

22  shall annually prepare a budget request that is not to be

23  changed by the Department of Legal Affairs but shall be

24  transmitted to the Governor for transmittal to the

25  Legislature. The Office of Counsel for Children is not subject

26  to control, supervision, or direction by the Department of

27  Legal Affairs in the performance of its duties.

28         (3)(a)  When a court determines at a shelter hearing

29  held pursuant to section 39.402, Florida Statutes, that a

30  child shall be continued in out-of-home care, the court shall

31  appoint the Office of Counsel for Children to represent the


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  1  legal interests of the child and order that office substituted

  2  as the petitioner. The Counsel for Children's representation

  3  shall be limited to proceedings initiated under this chapter

  4  only and any appeals associated with the proceedings. Upon

  5  appointment of the office by the court, the Department of

  6  Children and Family Services shall provide to the Office of

  7  Counsel for Children, at a minimum, the name of the child, the

  8  location and placement of the child, the name of the

  9  department's authorized agent and contact information, copies

10  of all notices sent to the parent or legal custodian of the

11  child, and other information and records concerning the child.

12  Upon receipt of appointment, the administrative counsel shall

13  assign a staff attorney employed by the office to represent

14  the child's legal interests as set forth in chapter 39,

15  Florida Statutes. The office and the assigned attorney must in

16  all circumstances fulfill the same duties of advocacy,

17  loyalty, confidentiality, and competent representation as are

18  due an adult client under the Rules of Professional

19  Responsibility.

20         (b)  The office shall represent the child until

21  discharged by order of the court because permanency has been

22  achieved or whenever the court believes that the child no

23  longer needs ongoing representation of his or her legal

24  interests. Notwithstanding such discharge, the office may be

25  reassigned by the court at a later time if necessary.

26         (c)  The Office of Counsel for Children shall:

27         1.  Represent the legal interests of the minor in all

28  proceedings under chapter 39, Florida Statutes, and any

29  appeals arising therefrom.

30         2.  Conduct an independent investigation to obtain

31  first-hand understanding of the situation of the child and the


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  1  family to the extent necessary to discharge the duties under

  2  this section.

  3         3.  Monitor the actions of the Department of Children

  4  and Family Services which impact on the child's legal

  5  interests, including, without limitation, efforts by the

  6  department to explore and investigate placement options,

  7  pursuit of alternatives to continued removal of the child,

  8  development of the case plan, and provision of services to all

  9  parties under the case plan.

10         4.  Ensure that all relevant evidence bearing on

11  decisions as to the child's best interests are timely provided

12  to the court at appropriate stages of the proceedings, through

13  efforts that include:

14         a.  Reviewing all relevant written records relative to

15  the child, including department, medical, educational, and

16  psychological records.

17         b.  Conducting interviews, as appropriate and permitted

18  by law and the Rules of Professional Responsibility, with the

19  child's parents, foster parents, caseworkers, therapists,

20  counselors, school personnel, and mental health professionals,

21  and, if any injuries or abuse have occurred or are alleged,

22  reviewing photographs and available video or audio tape of

23  interviews with the minor.

24         c.  Personally meeting with and interviewing the minor

25  as is appropriate given the psychosocial development of the

26  child to determine the minor's goals and concerns regarding

27  placement and permanency options and to monitor regularly the

28  appropriateness and safety of the child's placement.

29         5.  Attend all court and administrative hearings and

30  file written petitions, motions, responses, reports,

31  objections, and any other litigation action necessary to


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  1  protect the legal interests of the child, including all

  2  necessary efforts to enforce statutory time standards and

  3  minimize the delay of proceedings, and as otherwise necessary

  4  to safeguard the physical health, mental health, and welfare

  5  of the child.

  6         6.  As appropriate, keep the minor advised of the

  7  status of court proceedings, court actions, and proposals made

  8  by other parties, as well as psychiatric, medical, or other

  9  treatment or diagnostic services that are to be provided to

10  the minor.

11         7.  Monitor all matters and actions by other parties

12  affecting the child's health, safety, and welfare in order to

13  inform the court promptly and seek court intervention as

14  needed. This shall include:

15         a.  Monitoring matters influencing the implementation

16  of the child's treatment plan and compliance with any

17  disposition orders to determine whether services ordered by

18  the court are actually provided, provided in a timely manner,

19  and accomplishing their intended goal.

20         b.  Monitoring timely and complete development and

21  implementation of all aspects of the case plan.

22         c.  Monitoring compliance with court orders, including

23  orders that particular services be made available to the

24  child, to his or her family of origin, and to foster parents.

25         d.  Monitoring whether the child's family takes

26  advantage of court-ordered services and whether those services

27  are achieving their intended purpose.

28         e.  Monitoring for any violation of orders by the

29  parties, new developments, or other changes that justify

30  review of the case.



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  1         8.  Participate in mediation and negotiating

  2  settlements.

  3         (4)(a)  All privileges provided by Florida Statutes

  4  applicable to legal representation shall apply to the Office

  5  of Counsel for Children. All personnel, including attorneys,

  6  employees, and volunteers, of the Office of Counsel for

  7  Children who come into regular contact with children shall be

  8  subject to the same requirements to which department

  9  contractors are subjected under section 39.001(2), Florida

10  Statutes. Administration of the requirements must be performed

11  by the Office of Counsel for Children. The right to duly

12  appointed counsel of the Office of Counsel for Children may

13  not be waived by any child except pursuant to the Rules of

14  Professional Responsibility.

15         (b)  Once counsel or the Office of Counsel for Children

16  has entered an appearance or been appointed by the court to

17  represent the child, the attorney or office shall continue to

18  represent the child throughout the proceedings. If the

19  attorney-client relationship is discontinued, the court shall

20  appoint appropriate new counsel for the remainder of the

21  proceedings.

22         (c)  Upon being appointed by the court in a dependency

23  case, the Office of Counsel for Children is substituted for

24  the Department of Children and Family Services as the moving

25  party in the case. The department shall thereafter continue to

26  perform such other duties and functions assigned to it by law

27  as if it were still the petitioner, except for those duties

28  and functions that are expressly assigned to the Office of

29  Counsel for Children under this section.

30         (d)  Appointment of the Office of Counsel for Children

31  does not eliminate the need for appointment of a guardian ad


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  1  litem pursuant to other provisions of law, including section

  2  39.822, Florida Statutes.

  3         (5)  The Office of Counsel for Children shall identify

  4  defined and measurable performance outcomes, including the

  5  impact of counsel on child safety, improvements in the

  6  provision of appropriate services, compliance with statutory

  7  time standards, and any associated reduction in the length of

  8  stay of children in state care. The office shall report

  9  annually to the Legislature and the Governor regarding these

10  and other appropriate performance measures. For the purposes

11  of the pilot program, the Office of State Courts Administrator

12  shall conduct an evaluation of the establishment, operation,

13  and impact of the pilot program in meeting the legal needs of

14  dependent children. The Office of State Courts Administrator

15  shall submit a preliminary report to the Legislature and

16  Governor by October 1, 2003, and a final report by October 1,

17  2004, which must include an evaluation of the pilot program,

18  findings on the feasibility of a statewide program, and

19  recommendations, if any, for locating, establishing, and

20  operating a statewide program.

21         (6)  The Office of Counsel for Children pilot program

22  expires June 30, 2005, unless continued by action of the

23  Legislature.

24         Section 2.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.









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  1            *****************************************

  2                          SENATE SUMMARY

  3    Creates as a pilot program an Office of Counsel for
      Children in the tenth regional district of the Department
  4    of Children and Family Services to represent the legal
      interests of children in out-of-home care pursuant to
  5    court order. Provides an administrative counsel for the
      office. Places the office in the Department of Legal
  6    Affairs for budget purposes. Provides duties of the
      office and for appointment by the court. Prohibits a
  7    child from waiving right to counsel supplied by the
      office. Requires an evaluation of the program and a
  8    report to the Governor and Legislature. Provides for
      expiration of the pilot program.
























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