House Bill hb0321c1

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002              CS/HB 321

        By the Committee on Insurance and Representatives Brown,
    Berfield and Negron

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to prescription drug claim

  3         identification cards; creating s. 627.6465,

  4         F.S.; providing intent; requiring certain

  5         entities to provide a benefits identification

  6         card by a date certain for certain purposes

  7         under certain circumstances; providing an

  8         exception; specifying required information;

  9         providing for temporary stickers for annual

10         renewal cards; providing an effective date.


12  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


14         Section 1.  Section 627.6465, Florida Statutes, is

15  created to read:

16         627.6465  Identification cards for processing

17  prescription drug claims.--

18         (1)  The intent of this section is to improve patient

19  care by minimizing confusion, eliminating unnecessary work,

20  decreasing patient wait time, and improving business

21  efficiencies.

22         (2)  Upon the renewal of any policy or contract, but no

23  later than October 1, 2003, any health insurer or health

24  maintenance organization, all state and local government

25  entities, and any carrier as defined in s. 440.02 delivering

26  workers' compensation benefits, entering into an agreement to

27  provide coverage for prescription drugs on an outpatient

28  basis, shall provide a benefits identification card containing

29  the following information:

30         (a)  The name of the claim processor.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002              CS/HB 321


  1         (b)  The issuer identification number, also referred to

  2  as the Banking Identification Number or "BIN," assigned by the

  3  American National Standards Institute, unless instruction is

  4  provided on the card for ready access to such number by

  5  electronic means.

  6         (c)  The insured's prescription group number.

  7         (d)  The insured's identification number.

  8         (e)  The insured's name.

  9         (f)  The claims submission name and address.

10         (g)  The help desk telephone number.

11         (h)  Any other information that the entity finds will

12  assist in the processing of the claim.

13         (3)  The benefits identification card shall present the

14  information in a manner readily identifiable or,

15  alternatively, the information may be embedded in the card and

16  available through magnetic stripe, smart card, or other

17  electronic technology.

18         (4)  Any entity providing a health benefits

19  identification card containing all of the information required

20  by this section shall not be required to provide a separate

21  identification card for prescription drug benefits.

22         (5)  A benefits identification card required under

23  subsection (2) shall be issued no later than 60 days after any

24  change in the information contained on the card becomes

25  effective. If an entity subject to this section issues annual

26  renewal cards, it may issue a temporary sticker containing the

27  new information in lieu of issuing a new card prior to the

28  annual renewal date.  Such sticker shall be designed so that

29  it can be attached to the existing card.

30         Section 2.  This act shall take effect October 1, 2002.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.