House Bill hb0337
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 337
By Representative Pickens
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to state reserves; creating s.
3 258.166, F.S.; establishing the North Florida
4 State Reserve; directing the Division of
5 Recreation and Parks of the Department of
6 Environmental Protection to develop
7 multipurpose recreational opportunities and
8 provide supervision of the area; allowing
9 public hunting; authorizing the Division of
10 State Lands to acquire adjacent or contiguous
11 property; requiring the Division of State Lands
12 to notify persons with easements in the area;
13 requiring a report; authorizing and directing
14 the construction of certain facilities, subject
15 to appropriations; providing limitations on
16 certain expenditures; clarifying that certain
17 existing law relating to state lands is not
18 abrogated; providing an effective date.
20 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
22 Section 1. Section 258.166, Florida Statutes, is
23 created to read:
24 258.166 North Florida State Reserve designated.--There
25 is designated and established a state reserve to be known as
26 North Florida State Reserve, in Marion and Putnam Counties,
27 which shall include all state-owned lands within the
28 floodplain of the Oklawaha River and those hereafter acquired
29 by the state from Eureka Dam in Marion County to Buckman Lock
30 in Putnam County. Those lands are deemed and held to be a
31 state reserve, under the supervision of the Division of
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.
Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 337
1 Recreation and Parks of the Department of Environmental
2 Protection. The division is charged with the duty of providing
3 for the development of multipurpose recreational opportunities
4 at this reserve and the care, upkeep, maintenance, and
5 beautification of the North Florida State Reserve, including
6 all those dams, locks, and other structures transferred by the
7 Federal Government to the state.
8 (1) Public hunting is allowed in the state reserve as
9 authorized by the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.
10 (2) The Division of State Lands of the Department of
11 Environmental Protection may acquire in the name of the Board
12 of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund any
13 additional property adjacent or contiguous to the North
14 Florida State Reserve, from private owners or from the United
15 States Government for improved management and recreational
16 opportunities.
17 (3) The Division of State Lands shall identify,
18 contact, and inform all property owners who entered into
19 easements located within the taking line of the Rodman
20 Reservoir of the designation of this area as a state reserve.
21 (4) By January 1, 2003, the Division of State Lands
22 shall submit a report to the Executive Office of the Governor,
23 the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of
24 Representatives which:
25 (a) Identifies the entities that have an easement
26 within the taking line of the reservoir.
27 (b) Indicates whether the holder of the easement is
28 willing to sell the easement.
29 (c) Estimates the cost of acquiring the easements.
30 (d) Identifies any additional issues resulting from
31 this designation.
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 337
1 Section 2. Subject to appropriations, the Department
2 of Environmental Protection is authorized and directed to
3 construct restroom facilities, a paved parking lot, small
4 spectator bleachers, boat ramps, and a covered pavilion by
5 that part of Rodman Reservoir which is located on the eastern
6 shore of Lake Oklawaha, between the barge canal channel and
7 the George Kirkpatrick Dam, on the southwest quarter of
8 Section 37, Township 11 South, Range 25. Funds provided in the
9 General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2002-2003 shall be
10 used for construction as directed in this section regardless
11 of whether the George Kirkpatrick Dam remains in place, and
12 moneys so appropriated may be used only for the purposes
13 expressed in this section. Furthermore, funds made available
14 in the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2002-2003
15 for sediment management and studies at the Rodman Reservoir
16 may be expended only for such purposes if funds made available
17 in the General Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2002-2003
18 for the construction activities authorized in this section are
19 also expended. Provided that all permits for the capital
20 improvement authorized by this part are sought with deliberate
21 speed and without design to delay obtaining same, no more than
22 25 percent of the funds for the sediment management or studies
23 authorized in this part shall be expended until all permits
24 related to the capital improvement projects in this act are
25 obtained by the department.
26 Section 3. The sediment management or studies
27 authorized in section 2, and any appropriations related
28 thereto, do not authorize the department to expend other
29 moneys or take any action that would result in the breeching
30 of the George Kirkpatrick Dam in any manner. Furthermore, any
31 drawdowns necessary to effectuate the sediment management or
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 337
1 studies must be minimized to the greatest extent possible and
2 follow prescribed procedures for weed and water quality
3 control, and the level of the reservoir as it existed prior to
4 any drawdowns must be restored as expeditiously as possible.
5 Section 4. Nothing in this act abrogates the
6 provisions in s. 253.7829(6), Florida Statutes.
7 Section 5. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
8 law.
10 *****************************************
Designates an area in the floodplain of the Oklawaha
13 River in Marion and Putnam Counties as the North Florida
State Reserve, under the supervision of the Department of
14 Environmental Protection. Provides for the development of
multipurpose recreational opportunities. Allows public
15 hunting in the reserve. Authorizes the acquisition of
additional land and requires the notification of persons
16 with easements in the reserve. Requires a report to the
Governor and the Legislature. Directs the department to
17 construct certain facilities, subject to appropriations
and specified restrictions.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.