House Bill hb0361
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 361
By Representative Diaz de la Portilla
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act relating to Miami-Dade County; providing
3 for the relief of Millie Jackson; providing for
4 an appropriation to compensate her for injuries
5 and damages sustained as a result of negligent
6 acts by an employee of Miami-Dade County;
7 providing an effective date.
9 WHEREAS, on December 7, 1999, Millie Jackson was a
10 passenger on a bus operated by Miami-Dade County, and
11 WHEREAS, the bus on which she was a passenger collided
12 with a police vehicle that also was owned by Miami-Dade
13 County, and
14 WHEREAS, an extensive investigation of the collision
15 concluded that the bus operator failed to exercise caution,
16 for which the operator was cited for running a red light, and
17 WHEREAS, as a result of that collision, the officer
18 operating the police vehicle was killed and Millie Jackson
19 sustained injuries for which she received emergency treatment
20 following the collision, and
21 WHEREAS, Millie Jackson has continued to undergo
22 treatment for her injuries, including neck, shoulder, and low
23 back pain radiating into her right arm and leg, lumbar pain,
24 sacroiliac joint pain, and a herniated disc, by both a
25 chiropractic physician and a neurologist, and
26 WHEREAS, the treating neurologist has attributed Millie
27 Jackson's ongoing medical condition to the injuries sustained
28 in the collision, and
29 WHEREAS, as a result of the collision, Millie Jackson
30 has sustained both medical expenses and loss of earnings, and
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Florida House of Representatives - 2002 HB 361
1 WHEREAS, Millie Jackson did not have available
2 insurance coverage to pay these medical expenses, for which
3 the bills remain outstanding, and
4 WHEREAS, prior to trial, Millie Jackson and Miami-Dade
5 County reached a settlement, and
6 WHEREAS, Miami-Dade County affirmatively supports a
7 claim bill in favor of Millie Jackson in the amount of
8 $35,000, NOW, THEREFORE,
10 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
12 Section 1. The facts stated in the preamble to this
13 act are found and declared to be true.
14 Section 2. Miami-Dade County is authorized and
15 directed to appropriate from funds of the county not otherwise
16 appropriated and to draw a warrant in the sum of $35,000,
17 which amount includes statutory attorney's fees and costs,
18 payable to Millie Jackson as compensation for injuries and
19 damages she sustained as the result of the negligence of an
20 employee of Miami-Dade County.
21 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a
22 law.
CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.