House Bill hb0377

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 377

        By Representative Clarke

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Department of State;

  3         amending s. 265.285, F.S.; revising the

  4         membership of and appointing authority for the

  5         Florida Arts Council; providing for terms of

  6         members; providing a limitation on consecutive

  7         terms of membership; providing qualifications

  8         for council appointees; revising a duty of the

  9         council; amending s. 265.286, F.S.; revising

10         the scope of a challenge grant program

11         authorized by the Division of Cultural Affairs

12         of the Department of State; providing match

13         ratio criteria for local, regional, and state

14         or capital projects; providing an effective

15         date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Section 265.285, Florida Statutes, is

20  amended to read:

21         265.285  Florida Arts Council; membership, duties.--

22         (1)(a)  The Florida Arts Council is created in the

23  department as an advisory body, as defined in s. 20.03(7), to

24  consist of 15 members appointed by the Secretary of State.

25  Eleven members shall be appointed by the Governor, two members

26  shall be appointed by the President of the Senate, and two

27  members shall be appointed by the Speaker of the House of

28  Representatives. The appointments, to be made in consultation

29  with the Secretary of State, shall recognize the need for

30  geographical representation. Council members appointed by the

31  Governor shall be appointed for 4-year terms. Council members


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 377


  1  appointed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of

  2  the House of Representatives shall be appointed for 2-year

  3  terms. Council members serving on July 1, 2002, may serve the

  4  remainder of their respective terms. New appointments to the

  5  council shall not be made until the retirement, resignation,

  6  removal, or expiration of the terms of the initial members

  7  results in fewer than 15 members remaining. As vacancies

  8  occur, the first appointment to the council shall be made by

  9  the Governor. The President of the Senate, the Speaker of the

10  House of Representatives, and the Governor, respectively,

11  shall then alternate appointments until the commission is

12  composed as required herein. In making the appointments, the

13  secretary shall give due consideration to geographical

14  representation so that every area of the state will have a

15  voice on the council. The term of office of each member shall

16  be 4 years.  No member of the council who serves two 4-year

17  terms or two 2-year terms will be eligible for reappointment

18  during a 1-year period following the expiration of the

19  member's second term. A member whose term has expired shall

20  continue to serve on the council until such time as a

21  replacement is appointed. Any vacancy on the council shall be

22  filled for the remainder of the unexpired term in the same

23  manner as for the original appointment. Members should have a

24  substantial history of community service in the performing or

25  visual arts, which includes, but is not limited to, theatre,

26  dance, folk arts, music, architecture, photography, and

27  literature. In addition, it is desirable that members have

28  successfully served on boards of cultural institutions such as

29  museums and performing arts centers or are recognized as

30  patrons of the arts.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 377


  1         (b)  The members shall elect a chair from their number

  2  annually.  The council shall meet at the call of its chair, at

  3  the request of the department, or at such times as may be

  4  prescribed by its rules.  A majority of the members of the

  5  council constitutes a quorum, and a meeting may not be held

  6  with less than a quorum present.  The affirmative vote of a

  7  majority of the members of the council present is necessary

  8  for any official action by the council.

  9         (c)  The Secretary of State may appoint review panels

10  representing various artistic disciplines to assist the

11  Florida Arts Council in the grant review process.  Review

12  panel members shall serve for 1-year terms.  Each panel shall

13  include practicing artists or other persons actively involved

14  in the specific discipline for which the panel is to review

15  grants.  The panels shall review grant applications and make

16  recommendations to the council concerning the relative merits

17  of the applicants.  The division shall, by rule, establish

18  criteria for reviewing grant applications to ensure compliance

19  with applicable federal and state laws relating to

20  discrimination and conflicts of interest.

21         (d)  The council and panels shall provide a forum for

22  public comment prior to voting on any art grant application.

23         (e)  Members of the council and panels shall not

24  receive any compensation for their services but shall be

25  reimbursed for travel and expenses incurred in the performance

26  of their duties, as provided in s. 112.061.

27         (f)  If a member of the council is absent from two

28  consecutive meetings or any two regularly scheduled meetings

29  in any calendar year, the council member's appointment shall

30  be terminated unless the original appointing authority

31  secretary determines that extenuating circumstances exist.


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 377


  1         (g)  The original appointing authority secretary may

  2  remove any of his or her appointees member from the council

  3  for misconduct or malfeasance in office, neglect of duty,

  4  incompetence, or permanent inability to perform official

  5  duties or if there has been an adjudication that the member is

  6  guilty of a felony.

  7         (2)  The duties of the council shall be to:

  8         (a)  Advise the Secretary of State in all matters

  9  pertaining to art, specifically with respect to any programs

10  operated by the department as authorized hereunder.

11         (b)  Stimulate and encourage throughout the state the

12  study and presentation of the arts and public interest and

13  participation therein.

14         (c)  Make such surveys as may be advisable of public

15  and private institutions which are engaged within the state in

16  artistic and cultural activities.

17         (d)  Encourage the participation in and appreciation of

18  the arts to meet the needs and aspirations of persons in all

19  parts of the state.

20         (e)  Encourage public interest in the cultural heritage

21  of this state and expand the cultural resources of the state.

22         (f)  Encourage and assist freedom of artistic

23  expression essential for the well-being of the arts.

24         (g)  Advise the Secretary of State in all matters

25  concerning the awarding of grants for the arts under this act.

26         (h)  Promote the enhancement decoration and

27  beautification of the interiors of the Capitol Building and

28  other public buildings and advise appropriate state officers,

29  state agencies, and the Department of Management Services in

30  this regard.



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 377


  1         (i)  Review applications for grants for the

  2  acquisition, renovation, or construction of cultural

  3  facilities and recommend a priority for the receipt of such

  4  grants, as provided in s. 265.701.

  5         Section 2.  Subsection (4) of section 265.286, Florida

  6  Statutes, is amended to read:

  7         265.286  Art grants award by Division of Cultural

  8  Affairs.--

  9         (4)  The division is authorized to develop and conduct

10  a challenge grant program available to cultural institutions

11  or groups of institutions that which have local, regional, or

12  statewide impact. Challenge grants shall be made for not less

13  than $10,000; and matching moneys must be on at least a basis

14  of 1 to 1 for local projects, 2 to 1 for regional projects,

15  and 3 to 1 for state or capital projects, with the institution

16  providing the higher amount in the ratio.  The division shall

17  by rule establish the specific eligibility and matching

18  criteria for such grants. Separate funding for this program

19  shall be provided by the Legislature.

20         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


22            *****************************************

23                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Revises the membership of and appointing authority for
25    the Florida Arts Council. Provides for terms of members.
      Provides a limitation on consecutive terms of membership.
26    Provides qualifications for council appointees. Revises a
      duty of the council.

28    Revises the scope of a challenge grant program authorized
      by the Division of Cultural Affairs of the Department of
29    State. Provides match ratio criteria for local, regional,
      and state or capital projects.



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