House Bill hb0399c2

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 399

        By the Council for Competitive Commerce and Committee on
    Agriculture & Consumer Affairs and Representatives Bennett,
    Bowen, Spratt, Flanagan, Dockery, Wiles, Russell, Kosmas,
    Green, Gibson and Murman

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to the Florida Mobile Home Act;

  3         amending s. 723.037, F.S.; providing for a

  4         meeting between the park owner and a committee

  5         of affected mobile home owners with respect to

  6         certain lot rental amount increases; amending

  7         s. 723.06116, F.S.; correcting cross

  8         references; requiring that certain payments by

  9         a mobile home park be made to the Florida

10         Mobile Home Relocation Corporation rather than

11         the Department of Business and Professional

12         Regulation; amending s. 723.0612, F.S.;

13         increasing the time period for the corporation

14         to provide copies of certain approvals;

15         providing an effective date.


17  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


19         Section 1.  Paragraph (c) of subsection (4) of section

20  723.037, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

21         723.037  Lot rental increases; reduction in services or

22  utilities; change in rules and regulations; mediation.--

23         (4)

24         (c)  If the committee disagrees with a park owner's lot

25  rental amount increase based upon comparable mobile home

26  parks, the committee shall disclose to the park owner the

27  name, address, lot rental amount, and any other relevant

28  factors relied upon by the committee, such as facilities,

29  services, and amenities, concerning the comparable mobile home

30  parks.  The committee shall provide to the park owner the

31  disclosure, in writing, within 15 days after the meeting with


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 399


  1  the park owner, together with a request for a second meeting.

  2  The park owner shall meet with the committee at a mutually

  3  convenient time and place within 30 days after receipt by the

  4  park owner of the request from the committee to discuss the

  5  disclosure provided by the committee.

  6         Section 2.  Section 723.06116, Florida Statutes, is

  7  amended to read:

  8         723.06116  Payments to the Florida Mobile Home

  9  Relocation Corporation Trust Fund.--

10         (1)  If a mobile home owner is required to move due to

11  a change in use of the land comprising a mobile home park as

12  set forth in s. 723.061(1)(d), the mobile home park owner

13  shall, upon such change in use, pay to the Florida Mobile Home

14  Relocation Corporation department for deposit in the Florida

15  Mobile Home Relocation Trust Fund $2,000 for each

16  single-section mobile home and $2,500 for each multisection

17  mobile home for which a mobile home owner has made application

18  for payment of moving expenses. The mobile home park shall

19  make the payments required by this section and by s.

20  723.0612(7) to the corporation within 30 days after receipt

21  from the corporation of the invoice for payment.

22         (2)  A mobile home park owner is not required to make

23  the payment prescribed in subsection (1), nor is the mobile

24  home owner entitled to compensation under s. 723.0612(1),

25  when:

26         (a)  The mobile home park owner moves a mobile home

27  owner to another space in the mobile home park or to another

28  mobile home park at the park owner's expense;

29         (b)  A mobile home owner is vacating the premises and

30  has informed the mobile home park owner or manager before the

31  change in use notice has been given; or


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 399


  1         (c)  A mobile home owner abandons the mobile home as

  2  set forth in s. 723.0612(7)(8).

  3         (3)  This section and s. 723.0612(7) are enforceable by

  4  the corporation by action in a court of appropriate

  5  jurisdiction.

  6         Section 3.  Subsection (4) of section 723.0612, Florida

  7  Statutes, is amended to read:

  8         723.0612  Change in use; relocation expenses; payments

  9  by park owner.--

10         (4)  The Florida Mobile Home Relocation Corporation

11  must approve payment within 45 15 days after receipt of the

12  information set forth in subsection (3), or payment is deemed

13  approved. A copy of the approval must be forwarded to the park

14  owner with an invoice for payment. Upon approval, the

15  corporation shall issue a voucher in the amount of the

16  contract price for relocating the mobile home. The moving

17  contractor may redeem the voucher from the corporation

18  following completion of the relocation and upon approval of

19  the relocation by the mobile home owner.

20         Section 4.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

21  law.












CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.