House Bill hb0457c2

CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 457

        By the Council for Ready Infrastructure and Committee on
    Transportation and Representatives Spratt, Bean, Stansel and

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to road and bridge

  3         designations; designating the new U.S. Highway

  4         27 bridge in the City of Moore Haven as the

  5         "Mamie Langdale Memorial Bridge"; designating

  6         the old Nassau Sound Bridge in Nassau and Duval

  7         Counties as the "George Crady Bridge";

  8         designating bridge number 550122 in Tallahassee

  9         as the "Veterans Memorial Bridge"; designating

10         a portion of U.S. Highway 17 as the "Doyle

11         Parker Memorial Highway"; designating a portion

12         of State Road 77 as the "Lynn Haven Parkway";

13         designating the New River Bridge in Bradford

14         and Union Counties as the "John S. 'Steve'

15         Dennard Bridge"; designating a portion of State

16         Road 121 as the "Ed Fraser Memorial Highway";

17         designating a portion of State Road 16 as the

18         "Correctional Officers Memorial Highway";

19         designating a portion of U.S. Highway 41 in

20         White Springs as the "Martin Luther King, Jr.,

21         Memorial Highway"; designating a portion of

22         Interstate 75 as the "Purple Heart Memorial

23         Highway"; dedicating the new Rose Bay bridges

24         between the Cities of New Smyrna Beach and Port

25         Orange to honor U.S. military POW's and MIA's;

26         designating a portion of State Road 100 in

27         Flagler County as "Veterans Memorial Highway";

28         designating a portion of U.S. Highway 17 as the

29         "Jerome A. Williams Memorial Highway";

30         designating the "Korean War Veterans Memorial

31         Highway" in Seminole County; directing the


CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.

    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 457


  1         Department of Transportation to erect suitable

  2         markers; providing an effective date.


  4  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


  6         Section 1.  Mamie Langdale Memorial Bridge designation;

  7  markers.--

  8         (1)  The new U.S. Highway 27 bridge in the City of

  9  Moore Haven in Glades County is hereby designated as the

10  "Mamie Langdale Memorial Bridge."

11         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

12  erect suitable markers designating the "Mamie Langdale

13  Memorial Bridge" as described in subsection (1).

14         Section 2.  George Crady Bridge designation; markers.--

15         (1)  The old Nassau Sound Bridge (bridge number 750055)

16  on State Road 105 in Nassau and Duval Counties is hereby

17  redesignated as the "George Crady Bridge."

18         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

19  erect suitable markers designating the "George Crady Bridge"

20  as described in subsection (1).

21         Section 3.  Veterans Memorial Bridge designation;

22  markers.--

23         (1)  Bridge number 550122 on Thomasville Road in the

24  City of Tallahassee in Leon County is hereby designated as the

25  "Veterans Memorial Bridge."

26         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

27  erect suitable markers designating the "Veterans Memorial

28  Bridge" as described in subsection (1).

29         Section 4.  Doyle Parker Memorial Highway designation;

30  markers.--



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 457


  1         (1)  U.S. Highway 17 from Wauchula to Bowling Green is

  2  hereby designated as the "Doyle Parker Memorial Highway."

  3         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

  4  erect suitable markers designating the "Doyle Parker Memorial

  5  Highway" as described in subsection (1).

  6         Section 5.  Lynn Haven Parkway designation; markers.--

  7         (1)  That portion of State Road 77 between Baldwin Road

  8  and Mowat School Road in the City of Lynn Haven in Bay County

  9  is hereby designated as the "Lynn Haven Parkway."

10         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

11  erect suitable markers designating the "Lynn Haven Parkway" as

12  described in subsection (1).

13         Section 6.  John S. "Steve" Dennard Bridge designation;

14  markers.--

15         (1)  The New River Bridge (bridge number 390031) on

16  State Road 16 in Bradford and Union Counties is hereby

17  designated as the "John S. 'Steve' Dennard Bridge."

18         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

19  erect suitable markers designating the "John S. 'Steve'

20  Dennard Bridge" as described in subsection (1).

21         Section 7.  Ed Fraser Memorial Highway designation;

22  markers.--

23         (1)  State Road 121, from the Georgia-Florida line in

24  Baker County to the city limits of Lake Butler in Union

25  County, is hereby designated as the "Ed Fraser Memorial

26  Highway."

27         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

28  erect suitable markers designating the "Ed Fraser Memorial

29  Highway" as described in subsection (1).

30         Section 8.  Correctional Officers Memorial Highway

31  designation; markers.--


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 457


  1         (1)  That portion of State Road 16 from the

  2  northwestern city limits of Starke in Bradford County to State

  3  Road 121 in Union County is hereby designated as the

  4  "Correctional Officers Memorial Highway."

  5         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

  6  erect suitable markers designating the "Correctional Officers

  7  Memorial Highway" as described in subsection (1).

  8         Section 9.  Martin Luther King, Jr., Memorial Highway

  9  designation; markers.--

10         (1)  That portion of U.S. Highway 41 located in White

11  Springs in Hamilton County is hereby designated as the "Martin

12  Luther King, Jr., Memorial Highway."

13         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

14  erect suitable markers designating the "Martin Luther King,

15  Jr., Memorial Highway" as described in subsection (1).

16         Section 10.  Purple Heart Memorial Highway designation;

17  markers.--

18         (1)  Interstate 75 from the Georgia-Florida state line

19  to the city limits of Ocala in Marion County is hereby

20  designated as the "Purple Heart Memorial Highway."

21         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

22  erect suitable markers designating the "Purple Heart Memorial

23  Highway" as described in subsection (1).

24         Section 11.  Dedication of bridges to POW's and MIA's;

25  Department of Transportation to erect suitable markers.--

26         (1)  The new Rose Bay bridges on U.S. Highway 1,

27  between the Cities of New Smyrna Beach and Port Orange, are

28  dedicated in honor of United States military personnel who are

29  prisoners of war (POW's) and those who are missing in action

30  (MIA's).



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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002           CS/CS/HB 457


  1         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

  2  erect suitable markers designating the dedication in honor of

  3  POW's and MIA's.

  4         Section 12.  Veterans Memorial Highway designation;

  5  markers.--

  6         (1)  That portion of State Road 100, beginning at the

  7  western city limits of the Town of Flagler Beach in Flagler

  8  County and continuing east to the eastern city limits of the

  9  Town of Bunnell, is hereby designated as the "Veterans

10  Memorial Highway."

11         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

12  erect suitable markers designating the "Veterans Memorial

13  Highway" as described in subsection (1).

14         Section 13.  Jerome A. Williams Memorial Highway

15  designation; markers.--

16         (1)  That portion of U.S. Highway 17 from Crescent City

17  south to the Putnam/Volusia County boundary is hereby

18  designated as the "Jerome A. Williams Memorial Highway."

19         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

20  erect suitable markers designating the "Jerome A. Williams

21  Memorial Highway" as described in subsection (1).

22         Section 14.  Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway

23  designation; markers.--

24         (1)  Highway 417 in Seminole County is hereby

25  designated as the "Korean War Veterans Memorial Highway."

26         (2)  The Department of Transportation is directed to

27  erect suitable markers designating the "Korean War Veterans

28  Memorial Highway" as described in subsection (1).

29         Section 15.  This act shall take effect upon becoming a

30  law.



CODING: Words stricken are deletions; words underlined are additions.