Senate Bill sb0466
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Florida Senate - 2002 SB 466
By the Committee on Judiciary
1 A bill to be entitled
2 An act providing for the submission of current
3 information for the preparation of jury lists;
4 amending s. 40.011, F.S.; requiring the
5 Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
6 to periodically deliver jury lists to the
7 clerks of circuit courts; amending s. 322.051,
8 F.S.; requiring applications for identification
9 cards issued by the Department of Highway
10 Safety and Motor Vehicles to specify the county
11 of residence; amending s. 322.08, F.S.;
12 requiring applications for driver's licenses to
13 specify the county of residence; amending s.
14 322.17, F.S.; revising fees for replacement
15 driver's licenses; amending s. 322.19, F.S.;
16 changing the time for obtaining a replacement
17 driver's license; amending s. 322.121, F.S.;
18 prescribing qualifications for designation as a
19 safe driver; providing an effective date.
21 Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:
23 Section 1. Subsection (1) of section 40.011, Florida
24 Statutes, is amended to read:
25 40.011 Jury lists.--
26 (1) The Department of Highway Safety and Motor
27 Vehicles shall deliver monthly to the clerk of the circuit
28 court in each county a list of names of persons who reside in
29 that county, who are citizens of the United States, who are
30 legal residents of Florida, and who are 18 years of age or
31 older. On or before January 1, 1993, and each year thereafter
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Florida Senate - 2002 SB 466
1 by January 1, the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
2 Vehicles shall deliver to the clerk of the circuit court in
3 each county a list of names, along with mailing addresses and
4 dates of birth, of each person 18 years of age or older whose
5 name appears in the department database and whose address is
6 in that county. By January 1, 1992, the department shall begin
7 the process of identifying persons whose names appear in the
8 department database who are not citizens of the United States
9 and legal residents of this state for the purpose of jury
10 selection. By January 1, 1998, the department database list
11 delivered to the clerk of the circuit court in each county may
12 include only the names of persons who are citizens of the
13 United States and legal residents of Florida and whose address
14 is in that county and who are 18 years of age or older. The
15 clerk of the circuit court shall add to the list the name of
16 any person who is 18 years of age or older and who is a
17 citizen of the United States and a legal resident of Florida
18 and who indicates a desire to serve as a juror, but whose name
19 does not appear on the department database list, by requiring
20 such person to execute an affidavit at the office of the
21 clerk.
22 Section 2. Subsection (1) of section 322.051, Florida
23 Statutes, is amended to read:
24 322.051 Identification cards.--
25 (1) Any person who is 12 years of age or older, or any
26 person who has a disability, regardless of age, who applies
27 for a disabled parking permit under s. 320.0848, may be issued
28 an identification card by the department upon completion of an
29 application and payment of an application fee.
30 (a) Each such application shall include the following
31 information regarding the applicant:
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Florida Senate - 2002 SB 466
1 1. Full name (first, middle or maiden, and last),
2 gender, social security card number, county of residence and
3 mailing address, and a brief description.
4 2. Proof of birth date satisfactory to the department.
5 3. Proof of identity satisfactory to the department.
6 Such proof must include one of the following unless a driver's
7 license record or identification card record has already been
8 established: a certified copy of a United States birth
9 certificate, a valid United States passport, an alien
10 registration receipt card (green card), an employment
11 authorization card issued by the United States Department of
12 Justice, or proof of nonimmigrant classification provided by
13 the United States Department of Justice, for an original
14 identification card.
15 (b) An application for an identification card must be
16 signed and verified by the applicant in a format designated by
17 the department before a person authorized to administer oaths.
18 The fee for an identification card is $3, including payment
19 for the color photograph or digital image of the applicant.
20 Section 3. Subsection (2) of section 322.08, Florida
21 Statutes, is amended to read:
22 322.08 Application for license.--
23 (2) Each such application shall include the following
24 information regarding the applicant:
25 (a) Full name (first, middle or maiden, and last),
26 gender, social security card number, county of residence and
27 mailing address, and a brief description.
28 (b) Proof of birth date satisfactory to the
29 department.
30 (c) Proof of identity satisfactory to the department.
31 Such proof must include one of the following unless a driver's
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1 license record or identification card record has already been
2 established: a certified copy of a United States birth
3 certificate, a valid United States passport, an alien
4 registration receipt card (green card), an employment
5 authorization card issued by the United States Department of
6 Justice, or proof of nonimmigrant classification provided by
7 the United States Department of Justice, for an original
8 license.
9 (d) Whether the applicant has previously been licensed
10 to drive, and, if so, when and by what state, and whether any
11 such license or driving privilege has ever been disqualified,
12 revoked, or suspended, or whether an application has ever been
13 refused, and, if so, the date of and reason for such
14 disqualification, suspension, revocation, or refusal.
15 Section 4. Subsection (2) of section 322.17, Florida
16 Statutes, is amended to read:
17 322.17 Duplicate and replacement certificates.--
18 (2) Upon the surrender of the original license and the
19 payment of any applicable a $10 replacement fee, the
20 department shall issue a replacement license to make a change
21 in name, address, or restrictions. Upon written request by the
22 licensee and notification of a change in address, and the
23 payment of any applicable replacement a $10 fee, the
24 department shall issue an address sticker which shall be
25 affixed to the back of the license by the licensee. A $10
26 replacement fee shall be assessed for a replacement license
27 that is issued to make a change in restrictions. No fee is to
28 be assessed for a replacement license that is issued to make a
29 change in name or address if the licensee makes the change
30 within 20 calendar days after the change in name or address as
31 required by s. 322.19. A $10 replacement fee shall be assessed
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1 for a replacement license that is issued to make a change in
2 name or address when the licensee makes the change within 21
3 to 30 calendar days after the change in name or address, and a
4 $20 replacement fee shall be assessed for a replacement
5 license that is issued to make a change in name or address
6 when the licensee makes the change later than 30 calendar days
7 after the change in name or address. Nine dollars of the fee
8 levied in this subsection shall go to the Highway Safety
9 Operating Trust Fund of the department.
10 Section 5. Section 322.19, Florida Statutes, is
11 amended to read:
12 322.19 Change of address or name.--
13 (1) Whenever any person, after applying for or
14 receiving a driver's license, changes his or her legal name,
15 that person must within 20 calendar 10 days thereafter obtain
16 a replacement license that reflects the change.
17 (2) Whenever any person, after applying for or
18 receiving a driver's license, changes his or her the residence
19 or mailing address in the application or license, that the
20 person must, within 20 10 calendar days, either obtain a
21 replacement license that reflects the change or request in
22 writing a change-of-address sticker. The written request to
23 the department must include the old and new addresses and the
24 driver's license number.
25 (3) A violation of this section is a nonmoving
26 violation with a penalty as provided in s. 318.18(2).
27 Section 6. Subsection (3) of section 322.121, Florida
28 Statutes, is amended to read:
29 322.121 Periodic reexamination of all drivers.--
30 (3) For each licensee whose driving record does not
31 show any revocations, disqualifications, or suspensions for
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1 the preceding 7 years or any convictions for the preceding 3
2 years except for convictions of the following nonmoving
3 violations:
4 (a) Failure to exhibit a vehicle registration
5 certificate, rental agreement, or cab card pursuant to s.
6 320.0605;
7 (b) Failure to renew a motor vehicle or mobile home
8 registration that has been expired for 4 months or less
9 pursuant to s. 320.07(3)(a);
10 (c) Operating a motor vehicle with an expired license
11 that has been expired for 4 months or less pursuant to s.
12 322.065;
13 (d) Failure to carry or exhibit a license pursuant to
14 s. 322.15(1); or
15 (e) Failure to notify the department of a change of
16 address or name within 20 calendar 10 days pursuant to s.
17 322.19,
19 the department shall cause such licensee's license to be
20 prominently marked with the notation "Safe Driver."
21 Section 7. This act shall take effect October 1, 2002.
23 *****************************************
25 Requires the Department of Highway Safety and Motor
Vehicles to deliver monthly jury lists to the clerks of
26 circuit courts. Requires applications for identification
cards and driver's licenses to specify the county of
27 residence. Revises fees for replacement driver's licenses
and the time for obtaining a replacement driver's
28 license. Revises the qualifications for designation as a
safe driver.
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