House Bill hb0557

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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 557

        By Representative Peterman

  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to requirements for high school

  3         graduation; amending s. 232.246, F.S.;

  4         requiring credit in a course of study that

  5         prepares students for employment after

  6         graduation; reducing the number of elective

  7         credits required for graduation; amending s.

  8         233.061, F.S.; providing for required

  9         instruction; providing an effective date.


11  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


13         Section 1.  Paragraph (k) of subsection (1) of section

14  232.246, Florida Statutes, is redesignated as paragraph (l)

15  and amended, and a new paragraph (k) is added to said

16  subsection, to read:

17         232.246  General requirements for high school

18  graduation.--

19         (1)  Graduation requires successful completion of

20  either a minimum of 24 academic credits in grades 9 through 12

21  or an International Baccalaureate curriculum. The 24 credits

22  shall be distributed as follows:

23         (k)  One-half credit in a course of study that includes

24  the elements essential to completing high school with skills

25  that give a student a competitive advantage in seeking and

26  maintaining employment. Such credit shall be given for a

27  one-semester 12th grade course that includes instruction in

28  speaking skills for business interviews, proper grooming for

29  the workplace, and appropriate dress for lower-to-middle-level

30  management positions. The course shall include a process by

31  which interviews between students and local businesses are


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 557


  1  conducted and students are able to shadow

  2  lower-to-middle-level managers. The course shall stress the

  3  importance of the American and Floridian work ethic which is

  4  based on the qualities of punctuality, 100-percent effort, and

  5  commitment to a full day's work for a full day's pay.

  6         (l)(k)  Eight and one-half elective credits.


  8  School boards may award a maximum of one-half credit in social

  9  studies and one-half elective credit for student completion of

10  nonpaid voluntary community or school service work.  Students

11  choosing this option must complete a minimum of 75 hours of

12  service in order to earn the one-half credit in either

13  category of instruction.  Credit may not be earned for service

14  provided as a result of court action.  School boards that

15  approve the award of credit for student volunteer service

16  shall develop guidelines regarding the award of the credit,

17  and school principals are responsible for approving specific

18  volunteer activities. A course designated in the Course Code

19  Directory as grade 9 through grade 12 which is taken below the

20  9th grade may be used to satisfy high school graduation

21  requirements or Florida Academic Scholars award requirements

22  as specified in a district's pupil progression plan. A student

23  shall be granted credit toward meeting the requirements of

24  this subsection for equivalent courses, as identified pursuant

25  to s. 229.551(1)(f)6., taken through dual enrollment.

26         Section 2.  Paragraph (s) is added to subsection (2) of

27  section 233.061, Florida Statutes, to read:

28         233.061  Required instruction.--

29         (2)  Members of the instructional staff of the public

30  schools, subject to the rules and regulations of the

31  commissioner, the state board, and the school board, shall


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    Florida House of Representatives - 2002                 HB 557


  1  teach efficiently and faithfully, using the books and

  2  materials required, following the prescribed courses of study,

  3  and employing approved methods of instruction, the following:

  4         (s)  The elements essential to completing high school

  5  with skills that give a student a competitive advantage in

  6  seeking and maintaining employment.

  7         Section 3.  This act shall take effect July 1, 2002.


  9            *****************************************

10                          HOUSE SUMMARY

      Requires a one-half credit course of study for high
12    school graduation to include the elements essential to
      completing high school with skills that give students a
13    competitive advantage in seeking and maintaining



















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