Senate Bill sb0590c1

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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

    By the Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity


  1                      A bill to be entitled

  2         An act relating to retirement contribution

  3         rates; amending ss. 121.052, 121.055, 121.071,

  4         F.S.; providing for upgrading service; revising

  5         the contribution rates for the Elected

  6         Officers' Class, Senior Management Service

  7         Class, Regular Class, Special Risk Class, and

  8         Special Risk Administrative Support Class;

  9         recognizing excess actuarial assets of the

10         Florida Retirement System Trust Fund to fund

11         costs and rate reductions; amending s. 11 of

12         ch. 2001-235, Laws of Florida; reducing the

13         amount of excess actuarial assets to be

14         recognized to offset costs; amending s.

15         121.571, F.S.; delaying the administrative and

16         educational contribution for the optional

17         retirement program; repealing s. 23 of ch.

18         2000-169, Laws of Florida, relating to

19         increased retirement contribution rates;

20         requiring participating employers to pay

21         additional contribution for implementation of

22         the optional program and educational services

23         for the retirement system; providing a

24         declaration of important state interest;

25         providing an effective date.


27  Be It Enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida:


29         Section 1.  Paragraph (a) of subsection (7) of section

30  121.052, Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

31         121.052  Membership class of elected officers.--


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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1         (7)  CONTRIBUTIONS.--

  2         (a)  The following table states the required retirement

  3  contribution rates for members of the Elected Officers' Class

  4  and their employers in terms of a percentage of the member's

  5  gross compensation. A change in a contribution rate is

  6  effective with the first salary paid on or after the beginning

  7  date of the change. Contributions shall be made or deducted as

  8  may be appropriate for each pay period and are in addition to

  9  the contributions required for social security and the Retiree

10  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.


12  Dates of Contribution

13    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers

14  Effective July 1, 2001, through

15  June 30, 2002

16    Legislators                                 0%       15.14%

17    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

18    Officers                                    0%       15.14%

19    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       15.14%

20    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.61%

21    County Elected Officers                     0%       17.61%

22  Effective July 1, 2002, through June 30,

23  2003

24    Legislators                                 0%        9.26%

25    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

26    Officers                                    0%        9.26%

27    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%        9.26%

28    Justices, Judges                            0%       15.42%

29    County Elected Officers                     0%       12.00%

30  Effective July 1, 2003

31    Legislators                                 0%       15.42%


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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1    Governor, Lt. Governor, Cabinet

  2    Officers                                    0%       15.42%

  3    State Attorneys, Public Defenders           0%       15.42%

  4    Justices, Judges                            0%       20.64%

  5    County Elected Officers                     0%       17.52%


  7         Section 2.  Paragraph (k) is added to subsection (1)

  8  and paragraph (a) of subsection (3) of section 121.055,

  9  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:

10         121.055  Senior Management Service Class.--There is

11  hereby established a separate class of membership within the

12  Florida Retirement System to be known as the "Senior

13  Management Service Class," which shall become effective

14  February 1, 1987.

15         (1)

16         (k)  Any state attorney or public defender in the

17  Elected Officers' Class who has creditable service as an

18  assistant state attorney or assistant public defender may

19  upgrade retirement credit for such service in accordance with

20  the provisions of paragraph (j).

21         (3)(a)  The following table states the required

22  retirement contribution rates for members of the Senior

23  Management Service Class and their employers in terms of a

24  percentage of the member's gross compensation. A change in the

25  contribution rate is effective with the first salary paid on

26  or after the beginning date of the change.  Contributions

27  shall be made for each pay period and are in addition to the

28  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

29  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.




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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1  Dates of Contribution

  2    Rate Changes                          Members   Employers

  3  Effective July 1, 2001, through           0%       11.73%

  4  June 30, 2002

  5  Effective July 1, 2002, through June 30,  0%        6.14%

  6  2003

  7  Effective July 1, 2003                    0%       11.68%


  9         Section 3.  Subsection (1) of section 121.071, Florida

10  Statutes, is amended to read:

11         121.071  Contributions.--Contributions to the system

12  shall be made as follows:

13         (1)  The following tables state the required retirement

14  contribution rates for members of the Regular Class, Special

15  Risk Class, or Special Risk Administrative Support Class and

16  their employers in terms of a percentage of the member's gross

17  compensation.  A change in a contribution rate is effective

18  with the first salary paid on or after the beginning date of

19  the change. Contributions shall be made or deducted as may be

20  appropriate for each pay period and are in addition to the

21  contributions required for social security and the Retiree

22  Health Insurance Subsidy Trust Fund.

23         (a)  Retirement contributions for regular members are

24  as follows:


26  Dates of Contribution

27    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers

28  Effective July 1, 2001,

29  through June 30, 2002                         0%        9.91%

30  Effective July 1, 2002, through June

31  30, 2003                                      0%        4.16%


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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1  Effective July 1, 2003                        0%        9.94%


  3         (b)  Retirement contributions for special risk members

  4  are as follows:


  6  Dates of Contribution

  7    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers

  8  Effective July 1,

  9  2001, through June 30, 2002                   0%       22.07%

10  Effective July 1, 2002, through

11  June 30, 2003                                 0%       15.30%

12  Effective July 1, 2003                        0%       22.15%


14         (c)  Retirement contributions for special risk

15  administrative support members are as follows:


17  Dates of Contribution

18    Rate Changes                             Members   Employers

19  Effective July 1, 2001, through               0%       12.55%

20  June 30, 2002

21  Effective July 1, 2002, through June 30,      0%        6.69%

22  2003

23  Effective July 1, 2003                        0%       12.60%


25         Section 4.  It is the intent of the Legislature that

26  the normal cost increases attributable to the actuarial

27  experience study and 6-year vesting as determined by Milliman

28  USA, consulting actuaries for the system, as well as other

29  benefit increases and the costs attributable to a reduction of

30  5.05 percentage points for each class and subclass of the

31  defined benefit plan below the normal costs of the system


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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1  shall be funded by a recognition of a lump sum from the excess

  2  actuarial assets of the Florida Retirement System Trust Fund

  3  for fiscal year 2002-2003.

  4         Section 5.  Section 11 of chapter 2001-235, Laws of

  5  Florida, is amended to read:

  6         Section 11.  It is the intent of the Legislature that

  7  the costs attributable to the additional cost-of-living

  8  increase for special risk retirees and Deferred Retirement

  9  Option Program participants as provided under section 2 shall

10  be funded by recognition of excess actuarial assets, amortized

11  over 30 years with the payments assumed to remain relatively

12  stable when expressed as a percentage of payroll. For fiscal

13  year 2001-2002, the payment shall be $9.3 million. For fiscal

14  year 2002-2003, the payment shall be $15.1 $19 million, and,

15  thereafter, payments shall increase by 5 percent per year. If

16  insufficient funds are available to fund this additional cost

17  through recognition of excess actuarial assets in fiscal year

18  2002-2003 and any year thereafter, and there remains an

19  unfunded actuarial liability attributable to the one-time

20  cost-of-living increase provided under section 2, the payroll

21  contribution rate for the Special Risk Class of the Florida

22  Retirement System shall be increased by .93 percent effective

23  July 1 of that year, unless the Legislature provides an

24  alternative funding mechanism before that date.

25         Section 6.  Subsection (5) of section 121.571, Florida

26  Statutes, is amended to read:

27         121.571  Contributions.--Contributions to the Public

28  Employee Optional Retirement Program shall be made as follows:


30  CONTRIBUTIONS.--Effective June 1, 2003 2002, the contribution

31  rate for each employer shall be 0.15 0.1 percent on behalf of


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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1  each participant to fund the administrative and educational

  2  expenses of the optional program. All contributions made on

  3  behalf of a participant pursuant to this subsection shall be

  4  transferred to the third-party administrator for deposit in

  5  the board's administrative fund.

  6         Section 7.  Section 23 of chapter 2000-169, Laws of

  7  Florida, is repealed.

  8         Section 8.  (1)  Effective July 1, 2002, for fiscal

  9  year 2002-2003 only, each employer participating in the

10  Florida Retirement System administered pursuant to chapter

11  121, Florida Statutes, shall pay to the Division of Retirement

12  an additional contribution equal to 0.15 percent of each

13  member's gross compensation for deposit in the Division of

14  Retirement's Operating Trust Fund.  The contributions shall be

15  made for each pay period and are in addition to all

16  contributions required for the Florida Retirement System,

17  social security, and the Retiree Health Insurance Subsidy

18  Trust Fund.  Such contributions are not subject to the service

19  charges imposed pursuant to section 215.20, Florida Statutes.

20         (2)  Such contributions shall be transferred

21  immediately from the Division of Retirement's Operating Trust

22  Fund to the State Board of Administration's Administrative

23  Expense Trust Fund to offset the costs of implementing the

24  Public Employee Optional Retirement Program and providing

25  educational services to participants of the defined benefit

26  plan and defined contribution plan.

27         (3)  Approval of the trustees of the State Board of

28  Administration is required prior to the expenditure of any

29  funds generated by the additional contributions collected

30  pursuant to subsection (1).



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    Florida Senate - 2002                            CS for SB 590

  1         Section 9.  The Legislature finds that a proper and

  2  legitimate state purpose is served when employees, officers,

  3  and retirees of the state and of its political subdivisions,

  4  and the dependents, survivors, and beneficiaries of such

  5  employees, officers, and retirees, are extended the basic

  6  protections afforded by governmental retirement systems that

  7  provide fair and adequate benefits and that are managed,

  8  administered, and funded in an actuarially sound manner, as

  9  required by Section 14, Article X of the State Constitution

10  and part VII of chapter 112, Florida Statutes.  Therefore, the

11  Legislature hereby determines and declares that the provisions

12  of this act fulfill an important state interest.

13         Section 10.  This act shall take effect June 1, 2002.


                       COMMITTEE SUBSTITUTE FOR
16                         Senate Bill 590


18  The Committee Substitute replaces the original bill in its
    entirety and substitutes an amendment of ch. 121, F.S., to
19  prescribe new employer payroll contribution rates for the
    Florida Retirement System for Fiscal Year 2003. The bill also
20  permits a retirement service upgrade for assistant state
    attorneys and public defenders if they are currently members
21  of the Elected Officers' Class. Finally the bill recognizes a
    5.05 percent reduction in the cost of the Florida Retirement
22  System and provides a statement of important state interest.











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