Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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11  Representative(s) Bean offered the following:
13         Amendment to Amendment (030533) (with title amendment) 
14         On page 29, between lines 18, and 19, of the amendment
16  insert:  Section 24.  Subsection (3) of section 394.4574,
17  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
18         394.4574  Department responsibilities for a mental
19  health resident who resides in an assisted living facility
20  that holds a limited mental health license.--
21         (3)  The Secretary of Children and Family Services, in
22  consultation with the Agency for Health Care Administration,
23  shall annually require each district administrator to develop
24  and implement, with community input, detailed plans that
25  demonstrate how the district will ensure the provision of
26  state-funded mental health and substance abuse treatment
27  services to residents of assisted living facilities that hold
28  a limited mental health license. Each district shall hold a
29  publicly announced meeting for input from assisted living
30  facilities that hold a limited mental health license.  The
31  district shall record minutes of the meeting. These plans must
    File original & 9 copies    03/21/02                          
    hcp0006                     09:16 am         00596-0012-463239

HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 be consistent with the substance abuse and mental health 2 district plan developed pursuant to s. 394.75 and must address 3 case management services; access to consumer-operated drop-in 4 centers; access to services during evenings, weekends, and 5 holidays; supervision of the clinical needs of the residents; 6 and access to emergency psychiatric care. The state 7 headquarters office shall hold an annual meeting to review the 8 district plans and shall invite the Florida Assisted Living 9 Association, the Florida Council for Behavioral Health Care, 10 the Florida Mental Health Counselors Association, the Florida 11 Psychiatric Society, and the Alliance for the Mentally Ill. 12 Section 25. Subsection (2) of section 394.74, Florida 13 Statutes, is amended, subsections (4) and (5) are renumbered 14 as subsections (5) and (6), respectively, and a new subsection 15 (4) is added to said section, to read: 16 394.74 Contracts for provision of local substance 17 abuse and mental health programs.-- 18 (2)(a) Contracts for service shall be consistent with 19 the approved district plan. 20 (b) Notwithstanding s. 394.76(3)(a) and (c), the 21 department may use unit cost methods of payment in contracts 22 for purchasing mental health and substance abuse services. The 23 unit cost contracting system must account for those patient 24 fees that are paid on behalf of a specific client and those 25 that are earned and used by the provider for those services 26 funded in whole or in part by the department. 27 (c) The department may reimburse actual expenditures 28 for startup contracts and fixed capital outlay contracts in 29 accordance with contract specifications. The department is 30 authorized to use case rates or per capita contracts. The 31 contract provider must report persons served and services 2 File original & 9 copies 03/21/02 hcp0006 09:16 am 00596-0012-463239
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 provided. 2 (4) Within existing statewide or district resources, 3 the department shall: 4 (a) Require that contract funds support individual 5 client treatment or service plans and clinical status. 6 (b) Develop proposed eligibility criteria and 7 associated benefits packages as a part of the 2004 state 8 master plan submitted pursuant to s. 394.75. 9 (c) Promote the use of electronic formats for contract 10 materials, including electronic signatures. 11 (d) Promote the use of web-enabled application 12 software products to simplify and expedite contract data 13 collection and billing. 14 (e) Ensure consumer choice among providers as provider 15 networks are created pursuant to s. 394.9082. 16 17 18 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 19 And the title is amended as follows: 20 On page 33, line 19, of the amendment 21 22 after the semicolon insert: 23 amending s. 394.4574, F.S.; requiring district 24 administrators of the Department of Children 25 and Family Services to accept community input 26 in the implementation of plans to ensure the 27 provision of certain treatment to certain 28 patients; requiring publicly announced meetings 29 for input from assisted living facilities that 30 hold limited mental health licenses; providing 31 for annual review of district plans; amending 3 File original & 9 copies 03/21/02 hcp0006 09:16 am 00596-0012-463239
HOUSE AMENDMENT Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 s. 394.74, F.S.; authorizing the Department of 2 Children and Family Services to use case rates 3 or per capita contracts in contracting for the 4 provision of services for local substance abuse 5 and mental health programs; specifying 6 additional requirements relating to such 7 contracts; 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 4 File original & 9 copies 03/21/02 hcp0006 09:16 am 00596-0012-463239