705-165AXJ-08          Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng.
    Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only)
                            CHAMBER ACTION
              Senate                               House
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 5                                           ORIGINAL STAMP BELOW
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11  Representative(s) Green offered the following:
13         Amendment to Amendment (030533) (with title amendment) 
14         On page 27, between lines 5 & 6,
16  insert:  
17         Section 19.  Subsection (20) of section 400.141,
18  Florida Statutes, is amended to read:
19         400.141  Administration and management of nursing home
20  facilities.--Every licensed facility shall comply with all
21  applicable standards and rules of the agency and shall:
22         (20)  Maintain liability insurance coverage that is in
23  force at all times. In lieu of general and professional
24  liability insurance coverage, a state-designated teaching
25  nursing home and its affiliated assisted living facilities
26  created under s. 430.80 may demonstrate proof of financial
27  responsibility as provided in s. 430.80(3)(h); the exception
28  provided in this paragraph shall expire July 1, 2005.
29         Section 20.  Paragraph (h) is added to subsection (3)
30  of section 430.80, Florida Statutes, to read:
31         430.80  Implementation of a teaching nursing home pilot
    File original & 9 copies    03/21/02                          
    hbd0001                     11:55 am         00596-0075-850695

HOUSE AMENDMENT 705-165AXJ-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 project.-- 2 (3) To be designated as a teaching nursing home, a 3 nursing home licensee must, at a minimum: 4 (h) Maintain insurance coverage pursuant to s. 5 400.141(20) or proof of financial responsibility in a minimum 6 amount of $750,000. Such proof of financial responsibility may 7 include: 8 1. Maintaining an escrow account consisting of cash or 9 assets eligible for deposit in accordance with s. 625.52; or 10 2. Obtaining and maintaining pursuant to chapter 675 11 an unexpired, irrevocable, nontransferable and nonassignable 12 letter of credit issued by any bank or savings association 13 organized and existing under the laws of this state or any 14 bank or savings association organized under the laws of the 15 United States that has its principal place of business in this 16 state or has a branch office which is authorized to receive 17 deposits in this state. The letter of credit shall be used to 18 satisfy the obligation of the facility to the claimant upon 19 presentment of a final judgment indicating liability and 20 awarding damages to be paid by the facility or upon 21 presentment of a settlement agreement signed by all parties to 22 the agreement when such final judgment or settlement is a 23 result of a liability claim against the facility. 24 25 26 ================ T I T L E A M E N D M E N T =============== 27 And the title is amended as follows: 28 On page 32, line 30, of the amendment after the first 29 semicolon, 30 31 insert: 2 File original & 9 copies 03/21/02 hbd0001 11:55 am 00596-0075-850695
HOUSE AMENDMENT 705-165AXJ-08 Bill No. CS for CS for SB 596, 1st Eng. Amendment No. ___ (for drafter's use only) 1 amending s. 400.141, F.S.; requiring nursing 2 home facilities to maintain general and 3 professional liability insurance coverage; 4 authorizing state-designated teaching nursing 5 homes to demonstrate certain proof of financial 6 responsibility; amending s. 430.80, F.S.; 7 specifying the minimum proof of financial 8 responsibility required for state-designated 9 teaching nursing homes; 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 3 File original & 9 copies 03/21/02 hbd0001 11:55 am 00596-0075-850695